I got an SSS-Grade unique skill

Chapter 23: Logging Off! Going Back to Earth (6)

Chapter 23: Logging Off! Going Back to Earth (6)

The same message appeared before the Chosen who is currently on Earthlikewise, Adam was among them

As Adam was on his knee and sweating so immensely, a message also appeared before him.

[ The Chosen are being subject to Force Log in ]

[ You will enter World of Luck in 1 minute ]

[ 50 seconds.. ]

[ 30 seconds.. ]

Like William, Adam also felt immense pressure coming from the gaze, hence he wish to log in immediately...

[ 20 seconds ]

[ 10 seconds ]

' faster! ', Adam stuttered as seconds feel like eternity

[ 3 seconds ]

[ 1 second ]

[ You will now enter World of Luck ]

As soon as the announcement rang, Adam heaved a sigh of relief and his body starts to turn into a white rays of light!..

He was now free from the pressure hence, he tried to look around him, searching the source of the unknown gaze

But alas! He can't find nor even notice anyone near him until his body turns into white rays of light completely, and was then transferred to World of Luck


The same scene occur on Chosen on Earth, with some low leveled chosen being forced to log in instantly, and some powerful chosen who'se level 500 and above managed only to remain standing for a minute before bending on their knee and soon log in forcibly!

And like Adam, they also search for the possible source of unknown gaze but ended up finding nothing...

At the same time,

While Chosen are being subjected to the immense pressure, common people on Earth doesn't feel anything eerie in particular

Some are walking in the streets leisurely as if no pressure exist at all!

Likewise, those people that are beside a certain chosen, like their family members, was shocked at the sudden occurrence...

With some having it recorded which triggers the citizen's fear as soon as it was uploaded!

Hence, news about chosen's simultaneous disappearance worldwide, become the hot topic of the common people, while asking the same question 'Why?'


While Earthlings are pondering for the cause,

On the World of Luck, chosen starts to appear consecutively, and only one expression can be seen on all of their faces, its 'Fear!'

Earlier, they experience what it feels to be inferior as only gaze was what it takes to have them drop on their knee!

So what would happen if the unknown entity attack them physically? Just what would their fate be like?

Or what if it appears before them? Or on Earth while they are away? won't Earthlings be annihilated in just one swoop?

' Gulp '

They just gulped at their anticipated outcome! and nearly peed on the spot

Hence, they all have one thought,

" Power! I need power! ", they utter simultaneously..anticipating the future possible invasion of unknown entity on Earth..

' They had to fight back! for humanity, they had to! '


At the same time, Adam was also transported back to World of Luck...

Sweat drops from his body continuously...

But unlike others, he was not sweating from fear, but from excitement!

' Powerful! ', Adam thought while revealing an eerie smile

He was excited to know that such existence exist! Hence, he realized just how much powerful a being could be, to the point that only gaze itself was already domineering!

So, if monsters can be that powerful, then humans can be as well right?

' hmmpp ', Adam chuckled as he pictured a scene of him dropping a Gigantic Spear on the newly formed sun, just how majesty can that be?

Soon, Adam stood up then recollected his thought...

Fix himself...then utters excitedly

' I guess its hunting time then?! '


Before, Adam only planned to return on Earth mainly because of his mother's remembrance day which is highly important to him

Also, he planned to learn some contemporary news regarding Earth's situation, cause basically, it was still the planet he grew up on, hence, even without attachment, he wished to at least have Earth safe

Moreover, he was only able to do the former, and not the latter due to unforeseen occurrence...

So he just planned on learning more about Earth's situation from the Chosen

Adam then looked towards the announcement being displayed before him

[ Due to the unknown entity's gaze, Chosen will be forbidden to log off for 1 month ]

[ Remaining time: 31 days ]

The same message appeared to other Chosen.

A while later, since Adam had nothing to do for a while, he then planned his next course of actionand that is, to go on hunting!

And as for his short- term goal? It's to reach level 100 within 4 days! And register for Rogue's Guild!

As name implies, Rogue's Guild is a Guild that only accept rogue chosen, or chosen who hunts on their own without being associated with other guilds...

The Rouge's Guild was not demanding on their members, and do not hinder their freedom hence, Adam chose to register on it...

Likewise, unlike other guilds, Rogue's Guild do not give their member any resources nor provides them with help,

Deducing from this, Rogue's Guild was only a guild on name and created for formality for rogue's chosen

As for the reason? It's because there are various events and structures that can be only be access through using Guild membership I.D.

Rogue's Chosen only had two requirements for its member, first is to have them on level 100 and above and second, to participate in Guild Wars when there's any...

In return, they will accept any rogue chosen and give them a Rogue's Guild membership I. D!

This was the sole reason why Adam was enthusiast about joining a guild! As he also planned to join on the three formal events per year, and also, fight on the arena! Where strong chosen gathers!

' 2 months! 2 months before the first event! ', Adam thought excitedly

And as for what the first event's topic was like? Its monster hunting category!

Hence, Adam was excited at the thought of seeing his 'soon to be' next Soul Summon, namely: the boss monster of the event!!!!

Note: Soul Summon refers to soul contained on Robe of Supremacy, Greed for example.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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