I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.16 Rebuild the Dark Elven Empire

Vol.1 Ch.16 Rebuild the Dark Elven Empire

"I'm The Goddess of Time and Space, Nebulus." Said the red goddess with a smile.

"So that's your name, huh?"

"Yes. And to answer why we chose you and Hiro was just plain luck." Nebulus said.

"So I was just chosen off the street randomly?" Ryan asked.

"Well, Ryan, I know you're not pleased with us, and we'll tell you everything, but it's a bit of a long story, so bear with us," Nils said, trying to be straight with Ryan.

"Okay... I'm listening."

"Good the first thing you need to know about our planet, Tertius, is the never-ending battle with the other Gods." Said Nils.

"And the only way for a God to be expelled from a planet is if their people or creations are eliminated. Our creations are what tether us to this plane and if a God fails to create a new creation they will cease to be."

"And as you can tell my dark elves can't reproduce as fast as the other races. And over the millennia the other races have whittled away my people faster than they can reproduce."

"Why did you create your Dark Elves that way then? If you're having this problem." Ryan asked with a confused look.

"Well, our race gets a benefit naturally of living longer and has a better chance of absorbing mana better than the other races with the lower reproduction rates. Quality over quantity, you might say." Nebulus said while wagging her pointer finger in the air.

"And at the beginning of Tertius, all the Gods were neutral towards each other so my Dark Elven grew with little issues. It was only a few millennia after we had a few new gods forced their way onto our planet and created their creations. The two worst being the humans and the demons." Nils said.

"Well, not all the human Gods are bad. It's just these newer ones want all the other Gods killed." Nebulus added.

"Back to the point, you know that you can get stronger by killing anything on Tertius?" Nils asked.

"Yeah. What I don't understand is how this can help us." Ryan said, shaking his head.

"Well, not every being on Tertius can absorb mana at the same rate as you can." Nils said as she dropped that bomb on Ryan.

"So you're saying that I can absorb mana more efficiently than the natives of Tertius?" Ryan asked in a state of shock.

"Correct. About 90 percent of the world can only absorb 1 percent of the mana that they get from slaying their foes. The other 5 percenters can get 2 percent absorbing mana. Then the luckier ones are the 3 percent that can absorb 5 percent mana." Nils said.

"Then there's the cream of the crop. The Masters are 1 percent of the world's population and can absorb 10 percent mana of everything they slay, next are the Grand Masters which are .5 percent of the world's population and they can absorb 13 percent, then there is the Elite that are .03 percent of a population that can absorb 15 percent mana and lastly, the Demi-gods, which are 0.001 percent of the population. They can absorb 20 percent of anything they can slay." Nebulus added.

Ryan gulped again, "So you're saying I can absorb mana like a Demi-god?"

"No Ryan, you absorb it at a higher rate than anyone else on Tertius," Nils said.

"How come?" Ryan asked.

"That is because you're a summoned. A God or Goddess can only summon one being at a time from another planet when there's a planetary equinox. So if our champion is lost, we have to wait until the next equinox before we are able to summon a new champion." Nebulus said with a smile.

"And when we saw your planet we couldn't believe our eyes. You lived on a godless planet! We've heard of them but never seen one before. So we believed if we summoned someone on a planet that had no entity. They would be able to absorb mana at a much higher rate than anyone that has ever been summoned before from planets with entities." Nebulus was excited as she explained.

"I don't know what makes that so special... Back on Earth, I was just a normal guy." Ryan said.

"The reason why you can absorb mana at a much faster rate is because your race has been evolving over thousands of years without mana due to the lack of Gods on your planet, or should we say Godless planet?... And we lost our last Chosen Ones 50 years back and we couldn't let this opportunity slip by. So we had two choices to summon someone to Tertius." Nebulus said.

"First, the most common way we Gods like to bring summons over is with Spirit Transfer into a newborn while they are still in the womb," Nils said.

'The fucking classic truck-kun Isekai! I'm glad I didn't have to die just to get summoned here,' Ryan thought to himself with relief.

"The positive of the method is that we get your spirit here in an instant. But the negative is you have to be born and mature into adulthood which would take around 50 years for a dark elf and your mana absorption wouldn't be as efficient. As most Chosen can absorb 30 to 50 percent when born into our world using the Spirit Transfer method... Also, the other Gods can sense when someone is summoned to Tertius. They would have killed you before you could get out of the womb," Nils said with a grim face.

"We've lost many possible Chosen because of this... We also sensed a few of the other Gods summoned their new heroes with the Spirit Transfer method during the last equinox," Nebulus said.

"The second method is a full-body teleport... This is what we used. It's a method that most Gods rarely use. Since it's more dangerous than the first method, only Gods with mastery in Time and Space can achieve it with higher success... And it takes more time to bring your Chosen One over. During this process of finding a summon it takes about 10 years to get to your planet then another 10 years to get back to ours and we have to do this before the equinox has ended otherwise we would have been stranded in the void if we had failed." Nils said.

"Wait! 20 years have passed by when you brought me here!?" Ryan asks, dumbfounded by that fact.

"Yes, we never used this method before and we hoped that this would be untrackable since no other Gods dare to use this method, but the Divine Three found out and nearly killed most of the Sorellians. I'm glad Yoona and her people got away for she is one of our few Demi-gods." Nebulus said.

Ryan was speechless by the news. "So is it possible to send me back?" Ryan asked, looking for any hope at the possibility of returning home.

"Unfortunately not, the equinox that might open the wormhole won't happen again until many millennia into the future. So it's possible, but it's highly unlikely. Plus how the galaxy orbits it will be a miracle if we come by your planet again. So Tertius is your new home now," Nebulus said.

"But you're a Goddess! You're not bound by laws of science!?" Ryan pleaded to them.

"I don't know what science is, but we are bound by the laws of the cosmos. We can do a lot of things that mortals can only dream of, but our powers are limited. We can only interfere a little with other planets when an equinox happens and we can change the fate of our world if no other God challenges us. The universe itself is controlled by the laws of the primordials and they don't talk to us," Nebulus said, looking down with regret.

"So I'm stuck here alone?" Ryan asked dejectedly.

"Well if you survive and become our champion we can bring Hiro back since he died in his old body. I can use the first method and have him be reborn," Nils said with her hand out holding a white orb.

Ryan was a bit conflicted because Hiro was annoying as all hell when they first met but at the end of the day he changed and saved Ryan's life. He felt he had to at least owe him that much.

"F-Fine, I'll be your champion!" Ryan said with a bit of hesitation.

"Great! So you just need to be strong enough to beat back the other Gods' champions before we try to bring back Hiro. You have a year before his soul starts to degrade." Nils said with a smile.

"How good is my body at absorbing mana anyway?" Ryan asked.

"Well, like we said, most summons can absorb 30 to 50 percent. You on the other hand can absorb 80 to 90 percent of what you slay. That's why you get so horny. Your body gets overloaded with mana causing Mana lust and you need to relieve the pent-up pleasure before you lose your sanity." Nils said.

"T-That much! That's insane!" Ryan said, shocked "But why are you turning me into a woman?"

"It's so you can use our magic. When we created the Dark Elves, men were given superior strength and agility while women were given mastery in magic. So for you to meet your full potential we needed to turn you into a female... Plus there's a bonus since you were born a man, It seems you've kept your superior agility as if you were a Dark Elf male... Too bad you only kept a quarter of your strength... Well at least that's way above normal compared to normal females," Nils said, with a smile.

"So, all you need to do is just explore Tertius while slaying monsters or humaniods so you can increase your strength, and once you're strong enough. We like you to rebuild the Dark Elven Empire. And also you should prepare yourself mentally because you'll be going through a lot of hardships..." Nebulus said then paused.

"Great, that's all I need. More Hardships!" Ryan said sarcastically. *sigh* "Well can't you give me more of your magic?"

"We will, once you become a full-fledged Dark Elf. Your body isn't quite ready yet. We don't want you to experience mana exhaustion." Nebulus said with a smirk.

Ryan cringed thinking about how Hiro turned to dust.

"Oh! I like this one. We finally have a Chosen One that might survive. He's a good find, Nils." Nebulus said with a chuckle along with her sister.

And with that, both of the Goddesses vanished.

"Hey! Where do I go!?!" Ryan yelled out to no one.

"Tch, whatever... I guess I should start wandering around this place to see what's in this forest. I mean I'm pretty sure there will be monsters in this area. I just hope there's a city or something... I'm getting tired of watching my back," Ryan muttered to himself as he started walking through the dense forest.

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