I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.25 Can’t Scratch that Itch!

Vol.1 Ch.25 Can’t Scratch that Itch!

'Shit. I'm a virgin. Again! Great!!' Rya thought to herself in frustration.

"So, is there a problem with me being a virgin?" Rya asks, feeling embarrassed.

"A problem?... No, my Lady. It's just the rumors about Dark Elves are... well?..." Percy was having trouble finishing his sentence and had a slightly embarrassed look written on his face when he realized what he was about to say to a woman.

"Promiscuous as a Succubi... At least your kind can't suck the life from us! So, you keep yourself at a distance!" Sir George said sternly as he glared at Rya.

'What the hell is Sir George's problem? Like I would ever touch his nasty ass cock!... Wait, I'm not touching ANYONE'S COCK! AH!' Rya thought to herself as her body was still fidgeting from the afterglow of mana lust.

Quinus glared madly at George for his rudeness.

"B-But, my Lord!?" Sir George tried to argue his point that Dark Elves can't be trusted but the Prince wasn't having any of it. The old knight continued, "The Dark Elves have magic that can seduce us with ease!... We can't afford to keep her around us!... All she will do is bring us trouble!"

Rya had enough of his crap.

"Seduce YOU!? A disgusting old man like you!?... HA! You couldn't pay me! NO! I wouldn't touch you if you were the last male on Tertius!!!" Rya snapped back at the disrespectful 46-year-old man.

Sir George looked taken aback by Rya's outburst and had to take a step back. "P-Please do excuse my rudeness, Lady Rya!" Sir George said with a quick bow and hurried back down the tunnel from where they first entered the cavern.

"So you're saying that I'm a Succubus!" Rya angrily spat at George while he was walking away. He was making sure to avoid eye contact with the Dark Elf as he made a B-line for the exit. The old knight didn't respond and continued walking. But that only made Rya angrier. She never felt so judged in her entire life, and it triggered something deep inside her that she never felt before as a man.

"You say I'm promiscuous? But I've never had sex with anyone! T-That's why I'm a virgin!... You JERK!" Rya yelled in defense of herself even though it was a half-truth.

'I know I'm lying about being a virgin! But I'm not going to be looked down on just because I'm a woman!... Goddess! Why do I feel so agitated!? Usually, I don't get this pissed this easily?'

Sir George acted like he didn't hear her and was out of sight when he went around the corner. Quinus and Percy had never seen Sir George get cowed like that, especially in front of the prince.

“...” Everyone was silent for a moment. Quinus cleared his throat first.

"I-I'm sorry for my comrade's poor behavior, I'll try to reel him in, Lady Rya. I hope you understand," Quinus said apologetically.

"Wow! She has some serious spunk!" Percy muttered under his breath.

"He needs to be taught a lesson, he needs a..." *Grown!* Rya halted her tirade when her stomach interrupted her as she blushed from embarrassment.

Quinus and Percy were surprised by how loud her stomach was. They glanced at each other.

"Percy, go help Sir George collect the rest of our gear and bring it here so we can make a quick camp, okay?" Quinus said, looking at Percy.

"Yes, my Lord," Percy said and rushed off to do as he was ordered.

'Oh great! Now they think I'm a weirdo who can't control my emotions! But I like to see how well they can control theirs if they were stuck in the body of a woman for a day. A-And that old man needs to stop judging women!' Rya thought to herself as she fidgeted while standing there, struggling to keep a rational mind as her hunger and hormones were pushing her to her limits.

Quinus just smirked at Rya as he reached into his pouch and pulled out some dry bread and jerky. He proceeded to hand them over to Rya who was pouting and wasn't paying attention to Quinus.

"Here, eat this, nothing’s worse than being hangry," Quinus said as he held out his hand with the food, Rya glanced over and her eyes opened wide when she saw what he was holding. Out of pure instinct, snatched it out of his hand quickly as if he was going to take it back without warning. She then tried to act like she didn't care and started eating the jerky with a little bite at first but when the dried meat hit her taste buds, she couldn't help but devour half the jerky in one bite.

'Oh, Goddess, this is too good! It feels like I haven't eaten in days!' Rya thought to herself as the jerky melted in her mouth. 'This is the best thing ever! Huh!? W-Why is he smiling at me?'

Rya felt a little awkward as Quinus watched her eat but she was too hungry to care. He then grabbed his water skin and handed it to her for the dried bread.

"Huh? Oh... T-Thank you," Rya said as she took the water and drank some of it with the bread, which helped wash it down.

'Oh! I-I think I've died and gone to heaven!' Rya thought as tears of joy could be seen in her eyes. It didn't take her that long to finish the jerky then moved on to what was left of the bread until she finished it all. She then followed it up by gulping down water skin until it was empty. With her stomach satisfied, she let out a sigh.

"I'll take that if you want?" Quinus asked while pointing to the empty water skin.

"OH! T-Thanks," Rya stuttered as she handed the empty water skin back to him.

"Right, is there anything else you need, Lady Rya?" Quinus asked as he put the skin away.

"Yeah, I'm fine... W-Why do you ask?" Rya said, confused by his question.

"Well, you were crying while you were eating, and it looks like you haven't eaten in a while?" Quinus explained himself while looking concerned.

Rya's heart fluttered out of nowhere. She tried to pay it off as nothing.

"Oh... I-I just have been through a few really hard days! Haha... And I wasn't expecting to eat real food again. A-And I appreciate you offering me your food," Rya said as she blushed in embarrassment at how she acted in front of him.

"Well, don't worry about it. You look like you could use a little private time to deal with your mana rush issue," Quinus said as he pointed at a room with a crude wooden door. It was the same room that Rya slept in before she heard them fighting the goblins. "I'll make sure Percy or George doesn't bother you while you take care of your..... urges."

Rya's cheeks blushed a little deeper red and a shiver ran up her spine.

'Uh! He's right! Now that my hunger has been taken care of. I can feel my body acting weird! Mmmmmm!' Rya thought to herself as her nipples started to tingle.

"T-That would be nice... Thank you," Rya said as she walked to the crude door and opened it.

Once Quinus left she closed the door and began to pull down her pants exposing her vagina. She had no idea what she was going to do to satisfy herself. Of course, she's seen and touched a vagina before, but not one that was attacted to herself. And the longer she stood there the worse the itching felt. She just needed to end these urges so she could think straight again.

'Goddess! Uh! It's like I'm a horny teenager again! B-But I don't have a boner! W-Whatever I'll just rub one out or whatever chicks call it when they masturbate... A-And I'll be good.' Rya thought to herself as she tried to get a good look at her vagina but her breasts weren't making it easy.

She felt embarrassed as she slowly continued to pull down her pants until they hit the ground. She tried to examine herself again but her perky breasts, which were around the size of a C-cup, were in the way of viewing her brand-new pussy. With a sigh, Rya reached down and slid her fingers gently between her lips to feel how wet her tiny hole was. 'It feels so weird!' Her finger rubbed against her clit and she gasped as she felt something like electricity shoot up her spine.

"Aunh! W-What? I-I never felt like that when I was a man!?" Rya exclaimed as she looked down at her new pussy in between her breasts.

The platinum silver-haired woman sat down on the ground and leaned forward to get a better view of her new vagina. Her hand slipped between her thighs again, and this time she used two fingers to rub against her clit. Rya let out a soft moan as she continued rubbing her clit, writhing in pleasure. With a gasp, Rya arched her back as a jolt of lightning shot through her.

"Aungh!? What-what's happening? Oh! Ah!" Rya exclaimed as she almost fell backward catching herself before she did.

'H-How do women keep their sanity with pleasure this intense!? How am I supposed to get through this!? I-I gotta focus!' Rya thought to herself as she put her hand on her forehead and wiped away some sweat.

'Come on Ryan!... Man up! O-Or woman up?... Whatever j-just get it over with!' Rya tried to regain her composure while readying herself. she took a deep breath as she continued touching her pussy to relieve the build-up urges coursing through her body.

'Oh goddess, please let me cum! Please! B-But not too fast or else I won't be able to take it!' Rya thought to herself as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.

She started pushing her fingers harder into her pussy as she started to sway her hips to her fingers. She could feel her juices dripping down her legs and down to the floor.

'This feels so different! So much more satisfying than I thought!'

At some point, her breasts started feeling sore from under her nipples.

'Maybe my breasts are getting more sensitive?' Rya thought as she brought her other hand up and pinched her hard nipple.

"Mmmmmmmm!" She moaned out from the stimulation.

Her moans became louder and more urgent as her pussy twitched uncontrollably.

'It's so hot! So wet! My fingers are burning inside me!'

The more she played with herself, the faster her heart started beating as she continued to rub her clit with two fingers. At some point, she started to wonder why she hadn't climaxed yet. She didn't know if it was normal for a woman's body to have trouble achieving an orgasm or not, compared to her male body. But her mind was clouded with lust and she couldn't focus on anything except the intense pleasure she was experiencing.

"Ngh! Come on!... It normally takes me 30 seconds to get off! Aunh! Why... Why is it taking so much longer!? Aungh! My whole body feels numb! Ugh! And why does it make me feel so good?" Rya moaned as she continued to rub her clit, gyrating her hips while her fingers moved faster.

Rya kept at it for another thirty seconds slowly feeling her climax coming in at a snail's pace and her nipples felt sorer now, as well as the core of her breasts.

"Ugh! I gotta cum soon! I-I don't know how I'm lasting this long! Damn it, this is annoying! I hate this feeling! It’s so good right now but I can't fucking cum! Argh!" Rya moaned out loud while she bit her lip. Soon an itchiness was coming from deeper within her pelvis.

Rya then stopped rubbing her clit and took a deep breath. 'Man up, Dammit! Get it together! It's your own pussy and it's not like I'm turning gay if I do it!' Rya thought to herself as she pushed her fingers harder into her pussy hitting her G-spot and making her body jump a little.

"Guh! No! No! Don't stop! Just keep going! I've gotta cum! I just need to cum! I can't help myself!" Rya moaned as her fingers started to move again. At some point, her free hand moved up to her aching breasts and started cupping them.

'My boobs feel so sore! And my nipples hurt! What's wrong with them?' Rya thought to herself as she continued to push her fingers deeper into her pussy while her other hand continued squeezing her left breast.

'Why am I so wet! Oh, Goddess! This feels sooo good!' Rya pushed her fingers faster and harder into her pussy. "Hnnnngggghhhhh! OHHHHHH!"

Rya felt a warm rush of blood flowing through her body.

"Come on and CUM already!" Rya pleaded to her body but it refused to listen.

'Goddess! This feels so good! I-I wish I had something bigger to rub my clit with, something more! OH GOD!' Rya's thoughts were interrupted when she squeezed her breast through her shirt. The soreness was now starting to get worse, it felt like they were going to explode!

'AH! What is wrong with my breasts!? They're getting heavier and bigger!? OH FUCK! My pussy feels soooo hot and swollen!'

"Ngh!" Rya groaned as she snuck another finger inside her. Reaching deeper into her pussy with one hand while the other was twisting her hard nipple.

Rya felt a tingle between her legs was getting stronger, but an itch deep within her pussy was getting worse and her fingers couldn't reach it. No matter how hard she tried.

"Oh! That's so unfair!.... I can't reach the itch in my pussy!? Aungh!!" Rya moaned as she began to hump her fingers desperately in hopes to hit that annoying itch. She gritted her teeth and continued to work her pussy. She added her thumb to the mix by hitting her clit with it.

"Aaah! It hurts! It burns! Ngh!" Rya screamed out as her body began to change more into a Dark Elf.

Her ears grew longer and pointed towards the tip. Her hair turned pure white and her skin became darker tan. Her face became more feminine and her lips became more puffier. Her chest grew bigger and her waist became smaller. Her thighs thickened and her hips widened to give her more curves. Her butt grew more firm and plump. She looked like a true Dark Elf now but she didn't realize it as she desperately tried to climax.

'FUCK MY BODY'S TIGGLING!? WHY CAN'T I HIT THAT FUCKING ITCH!!' Rya cried out in frustration as she began to pump her hands faster and faster into her pussy.

"Ah... Ah..." Rya groaned as she continued to press down on her clit with her thumb. "Ugghhh! Yes! I need to cum! Please! I need to cum!" Rya's fingers went deeper and faster until finally, her body started shaking and a wave of heat spread across her entire body. She felt a gush of warmth between her legs as she continued to thrust her hand into her pussy. Her fingers were moving faster and faster until.


Rya's eyes rolled back as she grunted loudly. Her body jerked and trembled as she came for the first time as a woman.

"Aah! Oh! Auuugggghhhhh!" Rya slowly rolled onto her back as she lay panting as the world around her spun.

"Haa.... Haa... Haa... Haa.... Haaaa...." Rya sighed heavily. She was trying to register what the fuck just happened to her as she still felt the after-effects of a female orgasm. It was one of the most satisfying experiences she ever had, and yet a part of her was still unfulfilled as the itch inside of her pelvis was still there. Teasing and torturing her. On top of that, it confused her that she felt like she could keep going after everything she went through.

'This is what it feels like to climax as a woman!? It just washes over you! And it doesn't fade!' Rya thought to herself as she rubbed her pussy gently. 'It fucking felt so good. But that damn itch is still there. FUCK! What is wrong with me!?'

Rya tried one last effort to see if she could nail that damn itch. It was so deep in her womanhood that her fingers couldn't reach it. After a while of failing to achieve her goal, Rya finally gives up in frustration.

'Aunh! Fuck off! I know I'm a goddamned female now! But why does this itch bother me so much? Why won’t it go away?' Rya huffed in dissatisfaction as she continued to rub her pussy softly one last time.

"Rah! I just can't get it! Fuck it! I can't just fucking masturbate all day. I'll have to live with it for now." Rya said as she stood up and pulled her pants up. Only to be surprised by when the waistband felt tighter around her hips and ass compared to before.

"Huh? Hey, that's odd. My waist felt wider when I pulled them up, and the hem was further up my hip like the pants shrunk or something," Rya commented as she adjusted the pants before looking down and seeing what was going on.


She tried to look down to see what the issue was but her view now was obstructed by her bigger tits. Each one now was bigger than her head. They looked soft and squishy like a pair of water balloons filled with jello.

"Oh shit! Is that what I think it is? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me," Rya whispered to herself as she reached up to grab her larger breasts. With each squeeze, Rya felt her nipples harden and grow to about as big as her pencil eraser. "This is fucking crazy!" Rya yelped out as she started to play with her boobs.

"What the fuck am I doing?" Rya muttered to herself as she continued to squeeze her tits. She became so lost in playing with her breasts that she didn't notice Quinus walking up to the door. He could hear Rya moaning and struggling to control herself. So he knocked on the crude door to get her attention.

"Lady Rya. Are you okay?" asked Quinus with concern in his voice.

"Oh, crap! Y-Yes I'm fine! I'll be out in a sec!" She answered back as she sat up and tried to compose herself.

Quinus walked away as Rya stood up and finished straightening herself up as best as she could before leaving the goblin storage room.

'Goddess! He must think I'm a freak, doesn't he!? What the fuck is wrong with you Ryan?' Rya thought and took a deep breath before she opened the door and walked out.

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