I got summoned to another world, then married a yandere!

Chapter 46 - A Yandere Wife Goes Bleh.

After some time passed, Kyoya stood up. He was currently in one of the many rooms in the death castle allotted to him. When Vera told him about the breaks happening so rarely, Kyoya felt like what he is going to do might be not that bad.

It's no good to keep up working nonstop.

The knowledge from the earth had flashed through Kyoya's mind and he remembered the workaholic he saw once on the TV news. He couldn't comprehend why someone would succumb to the work so much.

In Vera's case, she probably doesn't have anything else to do. And the fact that she came to the dining hall pointed out that the lady might be looking for something else. All of these were Kyoya's assumptions.

He had never worked for real, so he felt like not sharing those loud out.

But with such thoughts, the husband of Xaya strode forward. He found out Vera's room, then knocked on the doors. There was no reply, so the husband thought that she is sleeping. As someone 'alive' in the death castle, it was perfectly fine.

That's why Kyoya turned around to wait. He laid himself on the cold wall, then looked around. He was currently high in the castle and more lands of the death god's realm got unveiled. The eyes of the husband looked far away, at the gigantic mountains looming over horizon wrapped in the deathly green aura.

They were close to being black though and Kyoya's eyes could only linger on those with curiosity... He felt like there is something unique hidden, but more than that, Kyoya felt like his situation turned around way too much.

Not too long ago, a normal forest and 'normal' monsters were his only sight. Except for a beautiful wife that could rival all the disciples gathered here! Everything was normal, but now, just looking at the mountains could somehow tighten the heart of the husband!

"Haa... A few days ago, those 'normal' monsters weren't really that normal..."

The husband sighed, then smile unknowingly got plastered on his face. A few moments passed with his eyes looking at the mountain and small souls running around, then the doors opened. He instantly turned around to look at the lady who had left the bath!


"I heard you knocking?"

"Ah, yes. Would you like to spend some time with me? I got nice and interesting news!"


Vera just came out from the bathroom. Her hair was freely cascading behind and even on her chest which was wrapped by a white towel. She was covering her body with just a mere towel and so Kyoya could only go agape for a while before composing himself.

The husband felt like Vera's platinum hair look better if she lets those hairs loose. The husband then got his attention piqued by the flowing water droplet that sneaked its way into her voluptuous chest.

In the end, he smacked his cheeks before entering the room.



"Ah, Mom~~"


Death God's wife likes when Xaya calls her mother. She hugged that spoiled daughter tightly, then felt the violet-eyed wolf pushing her head deeper into the soft chest. Glued to each other, the ladies began their small talk.

"Are you angry at your father for not allowing you to take a break?"

"No! I will end this as soon as possible and get my husband back!"

"Oh, you~~"

The older lady got a little troubled by Xaya's words, but then a wide smile once again got welcomed on her beautiful face. She couldn't possibly let Xaya be outside all the time as a disciple of the death god.

It's a different matter if it was the heavenly palace, but the weak pillar... won't give any benefits for her husband. Even now, the death god was working while inwardly cursing at the races who had died in their 'human forms'.

So although Miss Wife likes her little daughter and spoils her, the word 'work' hadn't left her mind at all. She stared at the lady while contemplating what to do, but then Xaya tilted her head and spoke.

"Husband once said... that I won't be with him forever..."

"Xaya... Look from a different perspective. If you stay close to him, then one day, you might get fed up-"

"No way!"

Miss Wife shook her head gently, then both of them took the comfortable seats on the couch. Their arms intertwined inadvertently while beautiful jewels faced each other. Deeply looking at Xaya, the wife of death god spoke about her own lifestyle.

Not like she is always in the death castle.

Her case is special, so there is a privilege given for the madam death! Even with such privilege, Miss Wife doesn't visit her husband as much as she wants just from consideration.

"There is a new deep bond now though, so I am going to pester him nonstop~"

"T-this is!"

When Xaya's mother took her hand and put it on her belly, Xaya went wide and looked at her with astonishment. It is hard for the strong gods to continue the lineage and they even lower themselves to pass the divinities to the disciples non-blood-related at all.

Yet the sixth death god had gotten the lineage for himself.

"It is his reward for all the hard work as the sixth. Now, I can only dream for Rhest to advance to the first death god..."

The first death god takes care of the deaths of popular figures - such as gods. The gods don't die as much as humans and other races, so this is position is rather enjoyable with high prestige and full of free time.

Of course, Ice Divine is already someone about to die, so there is going to be some work for the first death god. Nevertheless, it's still a rather free job and a godly position.

"Congratulations, Mom!"

"Haha~~ Thank you, Xaya~~ Would you like me to call you once the little baby arrives in our heavenly lands?"

"Yes! It will be a rare occasion where I leave my husband!"

"Of course~~ You can not let him die for the second time."

"I know~~"

Miss Wife and Xaya spent a lot of fluffy and lively time with each other. Even the arrival of the sixth death god got mentioned by Xaya to which Miss Wife chuckled. Back then, he had his cover to not destroy the world pillar!

So what he saw was just a mere outline of Xaya's body.


"Haha~~ I will smack his face though. Let's see how your husband enjoys the break. I heard there was some commotion, you know?"

"What commotion?"

"Apparently, Wron is trying to woo Juli and even swore mistakenly to swear off all his connections with other women. He really did it by mistake and now... Haa..."

So fast! The lady laughed as brightly as usual as the 'harem' is not something she is unfamiliar with. It is a common and accepted practice that brings a lot of divine households closer as well. The handsome beast, Sixth Death God, also would be the man with many women if not his busy seat!

For sure.



By then, the screen that could be summoned by the lady of death god appeared. With this treasure, Miss Wife could peek at her husband, and other disciples as well. Everything within the death castle and its lands were open for her.

Even the mysterious mountains and forth!

"Let's see... Ah..."


Unlike bright mom, Xaya stood up instantly the moment the screen showed off the image of Kyoya! She got so emotional that her wolf features stood up as if containing life on their own! Her wolf ears stood still along with her tail!

The lady's eyes were dilated to the point where one might think some blood might slip outside!

"Stupid husband going for another woman!"

"Ah, this is Vera though. I am sure it is a misunderstanding."

What screen showed off was the husband laying on the bed. Below him, there was a beautiful disciple with her platinum hair scattered on the white sheet! Her white towel also got loose and it was close to sliding away!

Xaya was just enraged!

"I will kill them!"

"Your husband is already dead though... And why? Ah, I know. You want to share your first time-"

"I hate harem! Why is he together with a woman anyway?!"

"Hmm... Maybe because Vera is the one who focuses on the work all her time..."

Xaya was close to destroying the screen in front of her, but since it was something summoned by her mother, she couldn't do anything, but watch! Her eyes were piercing through it and if not the restrictions of her master, then who knows what would've happened!

"Just once... get it?"

"Yes, I get it, Miss Vera."


"Just once... I will allow you... to touch my heart..."


"Oh my!"

Xaya got so angry that the simple restrictions of the death god couldn't stop her! She disappeared from her room, and began running through the corridors like the mad wolf! Her march couldn't be stopped at all.


"Rhest! Rhest!"

"For fuck's sake, what is going on?"

"Xaya run away!"


The Death God appeared in front of his disciple in a flash. His palm struck Xaya's forehead so hard that she turned into a docile small wolf that could only kick the ground around in circles... Her eyes were still letting out a dangerous glint.

Then, Rhest turned around.

"See? I told you... That's how life is."


It was kinda scary how naive wolf could turn into a ferocious jealous beast. The Death God glanced at the violet menacing eyes and unconsciously added some extra words which calmed down Xaya.

"He can't get hard in his soul form."

'I think... Or can he?'


The wolf stopped moving by then.

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