I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 15 What to do nex

Chapter 15 What to do nex

Hearing Yu Chen’s questions, everyone was so shocked that they didn’t know how to react. Gu Jinyang was Yu Chen’s most trusted advisor. He was always the serious, prim and proper person who didn’t know how to joke around no matter how silly the subject was. This was exactly the reason why Yu Chen always asked him when he needed a serious and truthful answer.

"I personally think your way of rejecting her was indeed a bit heartless. Anyone would feel depressed being turned down like that, especially when she looked a bit desperate. So it wasn’t really a surprise if she was more than disappointed." Gu Jinyang said without sugar coating anything. As usual, he was speaking like an oh so knowledgeable old man without any care about the impact of his words so long as he spoke the truth.

The result, as expected, made everyone’s eyes circle in great awe. The men felt like they were currently watching a thrilling movie and they were dying in anticipation for what was coming next. This was the first time this boring, poker-faced boss of theirs was dealing with something different, aside from the never ending business related things and his enemies. This was the first time they were seeing their boss acting so differently and it was making every one of them all worked up.

Their eyes were all focused on him as they waited for his reaction. However, as soon as Yu Chen heard Gu Jinyang, his complexion immediately worsened. He looked like he wasn’t just a cracked stone anymore. The cracked stone was now crumbling into pieces, surprising everyone as they looked at each other with wonder and disbelief.

My goodness! What’s going on? Why is our boss acting like this? Was this really our boss who wouldn’t even flinch or bat an eye in any situation no matter how extreme it was?!

Yu Chen’s unexpected reaction rendered his men speechless. They didn’t want to speak a single word. Guan Ye even quickly covered Gu Wei’s mouth with his hand for fear that he might spout out something again at this dire situation. Well, they couldn’t afford to provoke Yu Chen when he was at this state. They couldn’t possibly make him rage because it would only be a great pain for them to contain him.

Time passed and the crumbling piece of stone finally moved. His palm closed into a fist as he swallowed air before he spoke.

"All of you..." he started with a cold chilling voice, jolting his own men to quickly prepare for something unthinkable that was surely coming. They knew that when Yu Chen’s tone was like this, trouble was sure to be waiting for them grinning at them like a mischievous devil that it was.

"Do you all want to die? Why did no one give me a clue when I was with her?!" he continued and a cold quiet breeze seemed to have passed them by. His men were speechless. Those were not the words they were expecting. H-huh?! What did our boss just say?

At that moment, the struggling Gu Wei finally escaped from the hands of Guan Ye. The man was stunned with Yu Chen’s words so he forgot about the big mouthed man he was supposed to be suppressing.

"Boss! I did give you a clue. I gestured with all my might but your eyes were glued to her the entire time. I kept trying to interrupt but you were like a completely enticed little hopeless bee that couldn’t see anything else but the flower before you." As Gu Wei burst, everyone face palmed themselves because the atmosphere turned even heavier.

Ahh... Gu Wei, one day, you will surely be the end of us all here!

The atmosphere was so heavy that it almost felt like there was a brewing category five hurricane inside the car. The men could only think to prepare themselves when luckily, Gu Jinyang suddenly spoke.

"Easy Yu Chen. It’s true that rejecting her like that wasn’t the best move you could’ve done but I believe this is better. I think her impression of you at least changed and she might think of you as a not so scary tyrant now. Besides, with this, you can start courting her properly so you can be the one to propose to her, no? It’s not like disappointing her means that everything is over. You can still always redeem yourself and woo her."

With just those words, the brewing storm dispersed and disappeared as if it never existed in the first place. The change was so drastically fast that his men felt like they were suddenly teleported from Mars back to Earth.

They all looked at Yu Chen and the crumbling stone in the brink of turning into ashes a moment ago, now turned back into the usual calm and almighty stone. He even looked like nothing happened at all just a moment ago.

"That’s right." he nodded. "The most important thing I should do now is to think about what to do next." Yu Chen casually said and everyone’s shoulders dropped. H-huh?! Just like that?

"Gu Jinyang, Guan Ye, stay in my study tonight. I want you to go over my plan carefully and find any holes in it. I can’t afford to make another mistake." He continued and everyone’s mouths hung open in silent and confused shock. Is he talking about his plan on wooing her? Boss, why are you treating this like it is some confidential billion dollar worth of business deal?

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