I Hate You, Devil!

Chapter 299 Final Arc Part XVII

299  Final Arc Part XVII

"Boss! The chopper is ready. We can head over to where Madam is immediately. Just awaiting your orders." Ryou saluted smartly to Sei and reported.

Sei gave him a sharp nod before turning to look at a young lady who had a calm yet heroic aura about her. She definitely had the bearing of an elite military personnel, and no one would doubt that she might even be from the special forces. However, she was dressed in a nanny's outfit that helped tone down her sharp edges. And coupled with a gentle smile, she somehow managed to pull off the look.

"You know what to do, Colonel Anderson?" He lifted an arched brow at the smiling lady.

"Go ahead and get your wife with ease, Mr. Chen. You can leave assured with me watching over your kids here." Colonel Gail Anderson gave a professional salute to Sei. "If that's all, I'll be heading back to join the kids in their playroom. You know how to contact me."

Sei only responded with a 'thank you' which earned him a small wave from Colonel Anderson without her turning back. He knew that she was the best in this and was fully relieved in placing the safety of his children in her very capable hands.

"Let's go. Time to see what troubles came knocking at our doorstep." Sei gave out the order as a vicious glint flashed in his eyes while his men replied in unison with a 'yes, sir!'. After getting into the lead chopper, the rest of his men followed in the other three choppers that were on standby at the helipad.


Back at the mansion...

Again, Zaki sped forward and brought his blade down heavily. The weight of this strike pushed One back, back, back… and One's eyes flickered in disbelief. He did a single flip, dove forward and swung his ebony knife. Zaki leapt back quickly enough as that move sliced through the expensive fabric of his shirt. It barely missed cutting his flesh by perhaps only a centimetre. However, One had anticipated this move and had placed himself at the spot Zaki escaped to. Zaki had no chance to avoid this second attack and got a full-on attack as One swung his leg high and smashed it into the side of his head, sending him flying into the wall.

Smiling in satisfaction at his wounded enemy, One cracked his neck. He did not come out of this scuffle without receiving some blows and had suffered some significant wounds from Zaki as well. He too, had been thrown back into the wall and was bleeding from the head with blood flowing down his forehead and into his eyes, making him look even more devilish. "You have certainly improved, Zero. I didn't expect a fun time going one on one against you." Like a mindless creature, he lunged and attacked Zaki relentlessly. "Waiting this long was the right choice. I was half afraid you would be reduced to a normal human now, but I'm glad I was wrong." His laugh was maniacal, the kind that would raise hairs.

After blocking a couple more heavy blows, Zaki slipped and One's sword plunged right through his abdomen. Zaki's eyes widened and looked down as One quickly twisted and cruelly pulled his knife out, not giving Zaki the chance to gain the upper hand.

That sharp movement had caused Zaki to cough a little, sending a trickle of blood down the corners of his mouth, making him aware that One's strike must have sliced right through his stomach. Coupled with the earlier hit to the head that might have caused a concussion, Zaki was seeing little dots of light in his peripheral vision. He was getting more worried about Davi and those who were in the sanatorium. He could already feel a building pressure in the left half of his head and hear a shrill buzzing in his ears.

"You know what…I can help you. If you stop this… Seven and Three included…" Zaki want to try the negotiation route. He knew that One was heartless and could not even be considered a person anymore. But Zaki still wanted to try to reason things out. Perhaps a hint of humanity and conscience could bloom in One? But it seems that it was too much to ask as he could see nothing but pure evil overflowing from his eyes.

"I see you have turned into an idiotic human now too huh, Zero? Well, you're a rejected product after all." He shrieked in laughter. "Why would I need your input when Three and Seven should already have that doctor in their hands now?" One taunted Zaki.


At the sanatorium...

Two men were creeping forward in a spacious area with dim lighting, one only a step behind the other. Both were moving silently, working in tandem with the one in front scouting the right and the one at the back in charge of the left.

"Hey! Three… do you see what I see?" Seven hissed under his breath as he nudged the man in front, lifting his hand over Three's shoulder, pointing diagonally to his left. As Three followed the direction of that finger, they both saw two cylindrical metal-like tanks that had a bluish glow coming out from a small section on the top.

Stealthily moving towards the unusual sight, they arrived and peered over the top of the tanks, curiosity almost eating them alive. Only to find that it had a glass-like material with a radius of 8 inches at one end which seemed to allow one to look into it.

There were three of such cylindrical tanks in the area, but only two seemed to be functioning. A few metal tubes ran from the tanks and into the wall, connecting to what – both men had no idea of. But based on the color codes on the tubes, they did not doubt it must be important things running through it. They have worked with their previous master and the military and seen all sorts of advanced machineries and technology, but it was clear that the things in this space were beyond what they had seen before. Both men peered into both metal tubes simultaneously and their eyes widened.

"It's Juu!"

"It's Kyuu!"

Both men exclaimed at the same time.


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