I have Nine Lives

Chapter 31: Gods and jobs

Chapter 31: Gods and jobs

Landers was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realize that Felix was currently sitting near him, but this could also be attributed to Felix's rather small form and his high ability in stealth, but considering Lander's abilities it was more likely that he was lost in thought.

After he finished his food he was ready to get up and leave but Felix coughed and attracted his attention, seeing him stay on the spot near him made him quite awkward as he chuckled and scratched the back of his head while saying:

"Oh since when were you staying there?"

Felix responded:

"Since you have first started that bowl of meat."

Landers felt quite bad that he ignored Felix for such a relatively long while so he decided to ask:

"Do you have anything to ask me?"

Felix nodded and directly asked without beating around the bush:

"I have a question about the gods, what are they?"

Landers' eyes hardened at the question, talking about Gods wasn't a taboo per se, but they couldn't be insulted as there was a chance a lightning bolt might fall from the sky and fry you like a fish.

Landers sat back on the bench and decided to tell Felix about what he knew with a pious expression on his face, making sure there would be no random lightning bolts frying him:

"Well the gods are the great beings that created the whole continent before it was separated into four, there are multiple ones but the few gods that we have records of are, Kartoto, Smazoro, and Biboloro, we aren't sure what their godly domains are ruling over but they are all strong gods that are supposed to rank in the top 5 of the Godly chart."

Hearing these words made Felix more baffled than anything, he didn't get why he would be chosen by a god, after all, while his memories of his life as a cat remained, he didn't remember anything about getting any power from a god, or what happened during his dimensional travel, after all, he was unconscious back then.

Seeing how puzzled Felix was made Landers chuckle good-naturedly, he couldn't help it, Felix was just too cute when he had that puzzled look on his face!

Landers patted him on the head and decided to explain to him in more depth, after all, he knew he came with this question for him because he was seemingly chosen by God and given a special ability that he didn't have the right to hear about.

Felix started to understand a little bit better after the man explained to him with simpler terms, Gods were a thing that he couldn't really get his head around, they were seemingly ancient and all-powerful beings that could do whatever they wanted, why would they even want to interact with him? Were they just so bored that they would give him this special ability of his?

Felix sighed and Landers asked him:

"Anything else that you would want to know, Felix?"

Felix shook his head, he realized plenty from the discussion he had with Landers right now, he didn't need any more information, Landers got up from the bench and realized something before he left as he told Felix:

"Oh yeah, you should get your payment, after all, you did a great job on the battlefield and the lion tribe rewards its surviving soldiers!"

He put his hand inside his clothes and took out a special blue bag that he threw at Felix, Felix caught it and looked inside only to see a boundless space that he couldn't recognize.

Landers explained to him the usage of the bag:

"It's a special bag made with Hex enchantments to make us carry a lot more without any extra weight, it was created by a tribe that I haven't been informed of, they are the best creators and our tribe usually trades with them most of the time, we give them pure ores and other stuff in exchange for their technology, however, they remained anonymous to everyone besides our great shaman."

He waved to Felix after he finished his explanation, he also told him that all he had to do to remove the things he wanted from the bag was think about the particular item he wanted or needed and it would appear in his hand or rather for Felix, paw.

Felix decided to experiment with the bag putting his money in it and then his armor, he didn't have any use for the armor anymore as it would be used only in dangerous situations, he wore his normal leather jacket as it felt better compared to the armor, he was also a little bit more used to it.

Since he didn't have anything else to do besides waiting at the camp he decided to train a bit, he still didn't grasp killing intent detection and masking so he needed to learn it eventually if he wanted to grow stronger as an assassin.

As for becoming stronger and mastering the breathing techniques, eating would help with that, but considering there weren't any enemies around currently all he could do was postpone that thought.

For starters, he decided to find Catro and train with him some more, and luckily for him Catro couldn't leave yet as he now was the logistics captain, thus he had to finish the reports and give out orders for the camp to be dismantled and that would take a few days.

Seeing that Felix visited him Catro was a little bit more respectful to him, after all, the shaman said he was blessed by a god and those people blessed by gods were unknown factors but in potential and personality, but knowing Felix's personality already made Catro only a little bit more respectful and he didn't have any major change in his actions.

Hearing how he wanted to train more with him so he could grasp killing intent made Catro rather happy, but he had quite a lot of paperwork to fill and orders to give so he told Felix that he would train with him a little bit later, telling him that he should go and warm up while waiting for him to finish his work.

Felix accepted and decided to go to an empty patch of the camp and train there, he first started with his breathing techniques that involved stealth, while he couldn't use them properly he could still use them somewhat as his body was strengthened quite a bit compared to the time he learned them. While he did think that he should postpone this training at first, he would do it only for the techniques that he couldn't touch at all.

To train on his killing intent detection and masking he needed a sparring partner and considering he didn't have any, all he could do was train like this.

Felix breathing continued to be steady as he disappeared from the spot where he was, his lungs were burning but he could keep the breathing technique up to almost 20 seconds and he could feel that his surroundings were melding into his body meaning he could technically reach the peak of stealth techniques as long as he mastered this breathing technique to its fullest capability.

Suddenly he could hear some clapping sounds from behind him, he quickly turned to see a friend he hadn't heard from in quite a long while, Lindo!

Lindo walked forward and patted Felix's head as he said with a chuckle:

"It seems you have improved your stealth techniques by quite a lot, ah I guess war is also good for something huh?"

Felix jumped up on Lindo's shoulder and asked:

"Where have you been up till now? You even missed the war?"

Lindo scratched his head and said:

"I have been given a special mission by my father so I missed the war, It doesn't matter, at least I got a mission with my good friend now!"

He had a toothy grin on his face as he patted Felix again and asked:

"You training alone?"

Felix nodded and then Lindo said:

"Well not anymore, let's train together, I can see that your form still needs a little bit of improvement."

Felix jumped down from his shoulder as he stood up on all fours, he was ready to attack, Lindo shook his head seeing Felix being so serious, and entered his own military stance.

A quick punch was made towards Felix's head that he dodged by a hair's margin, he could feel that Lindo's speed has increased by quite a lot since they last fought, but he wasn't the only one who got stronger!

Lindo felt a scratch on his cheek as he felt it bleed a little bit, the cheeky grin remained on his face as he said:

"I see you have improved by quite a lot, I guess its time to get serious."

His grin disappeared from his face as he closed his eyes for a brief moment then they turned from their normal blue color to a deep red one.

Felix tried to attack again but his attack was easily parried and then he got punched into the gut and thrown a few meters back.

Felix's eyes narrowed as he realized what Lindo used, it was the ability to detect killing intent!

Could he always use it or did he learn it some time ago? He didn't exhibit the technique in their last spar, did he hold back that much back then?

This made him feel quite impressed by his friend's power, thus he decided to use 100% of his strength and wits in this spar.

His eyes narrowed as he shot a nail attack making him block it giving him an opening that he exploited, even though killing intent detection was useful for telegraphing an opponent's to attack, that didn't mean they could dodge or counterattack someone faster than them. Felix decided to use his full speed in this situation!

Felix's speed was still a bit higher compared to Lindo's so he easily gave him another injury along his forearm that Lindo closed using his superior muscle control.

Lindo kept a serious face as he launched a fist attack at an angle that Felix couldn't dodge, Felix jumped backward a bit cushioning the impact of the attack only making it take the wind out of him and not giving him any serious injury.

Lindo nodded to himself, it seemed that Felix got some battle experience under his belt now, if he had the same reactions as their first battle this fist attack would have injured him quite a bit.

Another clapping sound could be heard as Catro finally finished his work and came to see that his student was now fighting Lindo.

He shook his head seeing both of them fighting and said:

"You both are quite strong, but you won't improve that well fighting each other, you should both come at me!"

Felix and Lindo looked at each other for a short time before they nodded in tandem and decided to rush Catro at the same time.

Catro gave out a small feral smile as he blocked both of their attacks with rather ease and jumped backward while saying:

"It's time to give you both some lessons in fighting, especially you Felix, this young lad here already grasped killing intent detection, even though he didn't grasp masking as you could still dodge his attacks and block them."

Lindo's eyes widened as he was easily seen through by Catro and he became a little bit humbler.

Felix listened and nodded, he was indeed behind Lindo in that aspect, but he was ready to learn and Catro was also ready to teach some more!

Felix kept his normal stance as Lindo got near him and kept his stance as well, they were ready to spar with Catro to improve themselves!

Catro liked what he saw then he moved his hands from side to side a bit as he cracked his neck and knuckles while muttering inaudibly:

"I guess it's time to temper the newer generation for that, I hope they won't disappoint when they will come back from the tiger tribe assignment."

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