I have Nine Lives

Chapter 8: Revenge

Chapter 8: Revenge

While Felix was training his new techniques, Bugi was observing him from afar, his eyes were glowing a full white as his pupils disappeared, his face had a scary expression on it as he looked at Felix's training and he muttered:

"Yes, exhaust yourself first before I will cut off your head!"

The more he gave in his emotions the crazier he became, his dormant instincts kicked in, fusing with his emotion of intense hatred and crazed him even further.

Felix felt something was wrong as his instincts were constantly warning him of something, he looked around with his eyes but he couldn't see anything, he tried smelling the air but Bugi was a bit too far for his scent to be smelled since both of these things didn't work Felix closed his eyes and controlled his breathing, he didn't use one of the breathing techniques, his ears started twitching as he suddenly heard the uneven and coarse breathing of someone.

Felix knew he was monitored, there was no one else besides him and the kids here and he didn't feel any killing intent from the kids, which meant the rough breathing should come from afar.

Felix looked into the horizon but all he saw were plains and a few trees, Bugi was currently hiding in a tree and looking at Felix's training while he waited for the kids to run away so he could enact his revenge.

He knew he couldn't kill all of the kids in one attempt so he didn't want them to run back and get reinforcements as there was a high chance he would die even though he would be able to take a few cat tribesmen down with him, he was crazed but his rationality remained somewhat, at least enough for him to not give his life away, he knew that Sheila only died because she had her guard down against the orange furred cat.

The kids started to get bored looking at Felix's training, they had a short attention span and they already saw such type of training before, it wasn't anything spectacular or shiny that would interest those at their age, so they started to leave one by one after the last kid left Felix looked around and felt the killing intent from before converging and approaching him at extreme speed!

Bugi appeared in the training area with red eyes, he didn't say anything as he rushed towards Felix and tried to kick him into the stomach, the body strength difference was enormous so one kick from him would surely kill Felix transforming him into a piece of gore onto the ground.

Felix dodged hastily, even though the bear was fast it wasn't as fast as a cat tribesman, his heavy body weighed him down and made him have slower reactions in fights, he could run fast on plains but when it came to combat he was slower.

Felix dodged the kick by jumping backward then he ran between his legs and at the same time used his claws to scratch his shin leaving a deep bleeding mark on them.

Bugi howled as his muscles tightened and the bleeding stopped easily, his calf's muscles enlarged as he increased his speed trying to kick Felix again and again.

Felix dodged expertly as from time to time he would disappear and give out another slash on the behemoth's body, however, all of the wounds inflicted by Felix would seal up fast and there was no lasting damage done, all it did was made him exhaust a little bit of energy.

Felix was already winded because of his training, combined with this fighting for his life made his body feel heavy and his breathing became rough and uneven, he didn't know how much time he could dodge so he tried to shout for help.

However the training fields were quite far from one another, Sahee was training in the other field and she couldn't hear him, especially now that he was out of breath and his voice couldn't travel very far.

Bugi started laughing as he finally caught him by the tail and he started spinning him around like a helicopter, Felix's body started to hurt immensely as his skin bones and muscles started to be ripped apart by the centrifugal force, after a short while only Felix's tail remained in Bugi's hand, all other parts of him were scattered around the training field painting a grisly sight.

Bugi laughed loudly as hard as he could as he looked around, he fell to his knees as he looked at the sky and said:

"Sheila, do you see this? I avenged you! At least a little bit."

Before he could get back up he looked down at his neck only to see a thin red line drawing over it, a fountain of blood exploded from his neck as he clenched his hand over it trying to stop the bleeding, he looked around then his eyes widened in horror as he saw Felix appearing in front of him, didn't he throw him around like a broken ragdoll with all of it's stuffing coming out?

Felix looked with cold eyes at Bugi, this was the first time his brain felt the true pain and feeling of death and he didn't like it one bit, being ripped apart by the centrifugal force by being swung about by his tail wasn't a pleasant experience at all, he looked in the corner of his eye and saw 4 heads remaining, he realized what those heads meant right now.

Bugi's throat made a gurgling sound as blood freely dropped down from it in a high amount, his eye rolled in the back of his head as he used his last amount of strength to try and grab Felix that sat in front of him, his muscular arm was slowly getting towards Felix but his complexion was turning paler and paler.

His arm fell to the side of Felix as he dropped to the ground dead, he had some thoughts about the orange furred body that he saw before but he wouldn't think that anyone could die and come back just like Felix did, he thought at most that it might be Felix's sibling or relative who died.

Felix looked down at the fresh corpse and his mouth started to automatically water, his instincts were kicking in overdrive for him to eat the body, so he could get stronger, so he could live a life that he could control.

Felix got closer to the body as his small mouth opened and he bit in, the body was quite hard as it was full of muscles but Felix chewed through it slowly, eating it from the skin to muscles and even the bones weren't spared, the Hex energy that was still flowing through the dead body found a release as it all poured from the devoured flesh and blood into Felix's body!

Felix shouted in pain as he rolled on the ground, the extreme amount of Hex energy made his fur fall off as he remained naked and another batch of fur appeared on his body, this process repeated three to four times before he stopped and remained gasping on the ground.

His stomach was hurting extremely hard, it was almost like a new one was creating and gnawing at his old one!

The same could be said about his organs, muscles, and bones, they were seemingly gnawed at by tiny people and new organs muscles, and bones were created accordingly by the Hex energy.

Two more heads popped near the other four in the corner of his vision before he blacked out.

While his consciousness wavered and started sleeping his body didn't stop working, 2 times, the process of organ bones and muscle renewal took two whole times, fortunately, he wasn't awake anymore or the pain might have turned him a little bit unhinged.

This was one of the disadvantages of having a whole consciousness, extreme pain could damage it back to what he had before or even make him into a monster that would mix both his killer instincts along with crazy thoughts. Fortunately, his mind shut down before this could continue.

Felix's body twitched from time to time as he started to grow, he became as tall as an average dog meaning he would now tower before his previous form, if you would number his previous bodily strength it would be around a 2, Bugi's would be around 19.

His bodily strength now stood at a 7 and it was the average of an elite adult from the cat tribe.

Felix groaned in his sleep, he was quite lucky considering the bear let his guard down after he thought that Felix died, his emotions overwhelmed him at that moment and Felix could deal him the finishing blow, even though his body was extremely strong the throat was still a weak spot where his tightening his muscles wouldn't stop the bleeding, the bear tribesmen couldn't do that but other tribes didn't have any bodily weakness.

Felix woke up with his head hurting a lot, his body was heavy and unfamiliar to him feeling like it wasn't his own anymore, he tried to get up from the ground only to leave a deep imprint in the earth, he looked down at it and then at his paw that was quite bigger than before and didn't understand what happened.

He tried moving around to feel what happened to his body, he could feel that he was stronger and faster than before, he also was taller.

Felix looked at the ground where the bear's body stood before and remembered how his instincts kicked in and he ate the whole body.

He didn't feel anything about his actions, he only felt it was natural the eat the body of the loser, he was attacked and the attacker failed to kill him so he could claim his body as food, after he ate the bear his body finally acclimatized to the new world, he wasn't that hungry anymore and he could do by with the same amount of food as the cat tribe netizens from now on, any excess energy would be turned into Hex energy that would refine his body further.

Sahee ran quickly to the training field, her body was full of sweat and sweat even dripped from her forehead, she came as soon as she smelled the intense smell of blood from the training field, her eyes looked around and saw bits and pieces of orange fur along with small organs and bones, she knew that Felix must have died, but then her eyes wandered to the now taller Felix contemplating something in the middle of the training ground.

She looked down and saw a poodle of dark blood on the ground in front of him, something must have surely happened while she was training.

Felix took in a deep breath as he disappeared from where he was, Sahee eyes widened as she couldn't feel him at all!

Felix appeared in front of her and she almost fell on her butt, Felix chuckled as he saw her haggard appearance, Sahee was a bit mad because he scared her but she was still concerned over what happened so she got up from the ground and asked what happened.

Felix told her what happened quickly and concisely, his brain was also fully evolved right now and even though he didn't have much information in it he could be considered to be averagely intelligent in the ways of the world now.

Sahee eyes widened as she heard about Felix's fight, maybe Felix's special ability was coming back from the dead? This was an unheard-of ability that not even their oldest ancestors had, she already realized that this happened after he saw Felix's organs and other pieces around the training field.

Felix ignored her shocked look as he started to cleanse himself with his tongue, even though he gained intelligence his old instincts were still ingrained in his consciousness and he also felt nice while doing it.

Sahee found this part of Felix to be quite awkward and primitive so she kept her mouth shut as she wanted to go and report what happened to Lucian.

Felix decided to follow her, he wasn't sure if what he did was right but he didn't care much about it either, if the bear tribe attacked because of him he would fight it out with them, that just meant more food for him to eat.

Lucian sighed as he heard what happened and told both of them:

"It's very unlikely for the shaman of the bear tribe to attack us, I know him well as we were friends in our childhood, he is a peace idealistic person and if he heard that you only defended yourself he would just let bygones be bygones even if you ate his tribesman body."

Then he frowned as he thought about something else and continued:

"However there is also a radical faction in his tribe that wants overturn him and take the shaman position from him, however, his strength is very high and they wouldn't be able to defeat him even if they poisoned him and ganged upon him, as long as he remains in power peace is certain for us."

Lucian examined Felix's new body and was quite awed, this was a different evolution path compared to the one's that the ancestors took, also his evolution was quite fast as the ancestors had to go through quite a few generations before they learned how to morph into human form, however, it was unknown if Felix could get a human form or not since he took a different path.

Lucian admired him for a little bit before he said:

"Since there won't be any trouble as long as Rafaka exists I think it's time for the two of you to leave the tribe to gain experience and get a better life, our cousin tribes already sent their promising youths to the lion tribe, the tiger tribe the puma tribe and the other smaller tribes."

"The closest savanna to our settlement is the hyena tribe, they are quite the bastards and not much stronger than us but they respect the strong, and they are quite close to the lion tribe as they were their first subordinates if you want to get to the lion tribe you need to go through their tribe first and get some recommendations from their leader."

Felix listened to his words for some time but he didn't feel like leaving the tribe, however, he was also interested in seeing the world, his whole former life he lived in a very small area, he didn't mind it back then as long as he got food and shelter but now a sense of adventure and thirst of knowledge appeared in his mind, he wanted to get stronger and see what the world had in place for him, he had no particular goal, he just wanted to enjoy himself!

Sahee nodded her head as she looked at Felix and said:

"So when do you want to leave?"

Felix responded:

"I don't have anything tying me to the tribe, as long as you are ready we leave."

Sahee looked at Lucian in the eyes and said:

"Then let's go now."

Lucian escorted them to the exit of the village and waved at them, but before they fully left his sight he threw them two big bones that were inscribed with unintelligible characters to Felix. Lucian explained to them while they walked away:

"These are tokens for the hyena tribe, give them to the guards so they will let you in the tribe grounds, the characters on it are in the hyena language so don't bother to read them."

Sahee waved at him using her good arm and put her bone inside her clothes, Felix didn't have anything to hide his bone so Sahee asked him to lend it to her until they reached the village and Felix agreed, he didn't want to carry a useless bone on his head until they reached the tribe.

Both of their silhouettes disappeared over the horizon as Sahee transformed into her cat form as well and they started to use their full speed.

Lucian sighed as he watched them leave and muttered:

"The hopes of our tribe..."

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