I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 103: 5.5 First Violet Star - Evening Banquet

Chapter 103: 5.5 First Violet Star - Evening Banquet

Dinner Banquet.

The tribe usually eats their evening meals together at night. Of course Xuebao and Tuzi joined the fun as they were famished. Xuebao as the tribe leader's only female son, he was asked to join in at the center with his father, Zhubao. Tuzi was pulled in Xuebao's table as well. All eyes were at the center table precisely on the female beastman, Xuebao. The commotion that just happened this morning had longed spread to the whole tribe. This is the reason why all eyes were watching Xuebao who sits beside his father. Some were watching Tuzi as well because he was sitting together with the tribe leader and his son at the center.

Tuzi whispered to Xuebao. "Xuebao they are all staring at you."

"Let them stare. What could they even do to me?" declared Xuebao with a cold but alluring smirk on his lips.

Looking at his surroundings, Xuebao's eyes turned squinted as a sly smile appeared on his face. It highlighted his exquisite features. The coldness and temptation of his captivating appearance was laid out for everyone to see. Those phoenix shaped eyes were giving them the feeling of isolation as if they weren't worthy to enter his line of sight. The presence he is excluding is full of confidence and undeniable strength adding up his beauty which is almost unparalleled and unique no one could deny that their eyes were focusing on him. There's an inaudible gasp from the whole tribe and silence ascended in the area for a short moment after hearing Xuebao's words.

The other tribe members started to murmur to each other, only the buzzing sounds of their whispering could be heard.

"Right? Who can do something for him? Not only he is a female son of the tribe leader. He even has enough strength to defeat Laohu."

"Who is Laohu? Isn't he the second strongest warrior in the tribe!? He defeated him for real?!"

"But isn't he a female? How could he have that much strength?"

"Have you forgotten? The deceased wife of the Tribe Leader is a legendary female warrior of the Lune Tribe!"

"That's right! He had that very same bloodline!"

"Does that mean an ordinary warrior wouldn't be worthy of him?"

"Laohu is already the second strongest. Isn't there still Meizhou to control him?"

"I heard Meizhou openly rejected Xuebao before the fight began."

"For real!? Would the strongest female of our tribe have to find a mate outside the tribe then?"

"That is also possible. But Isn't that... you know... a bit unfair. If Xuebao marries outside doesn't that mean we are giving away our strongest female outside!"

When the other male beastmen like the male warriors and Tribe Elders heard about this. They couldn't help but frown at this possibility. Xuebao undoubtedly had a female who could fight. Laohu, their tribe's second strongest warrior being beat up, is enough proof that Xuebao could contend against strong Male warriors of their tribe. If they let someone from outside the tribe marry Xuebao it would be a great loss to the tribe.

They looked at Xuebao who was talking to the other female beside him without caring about his situation. Clearly this brat had no close affection to the tribe because of how they've treated him before. If not for the fact that his father is the tribe leader Xuebao would have left the Lune Tribe long time ago!

The Tribe Leader, Zhubao, on the other hand had a huge grin on his old face. This old man is clearly jeering on them. The situation really doesn't affect this old man, if he wanted he could just let go of his position and be a free warrior and dote on his female son alone. As soon as his female son is happy this old man doesn't care at all. This is the tribe leader who used his own position as a bargain chip to ask someone to get engaged with his female son. Though that ended in failure and Laohu got beaten up badly, they instead learned that this female snow leopard is a harder bone to chew. Despite being a female his strength is already among the top contenders in their tribe.

"Baobao~ is my darling son hungry?" asked Zhubao to his son with a sickening sweet tone.

Xuebao's calm expression remained unmoved with his father's childishness as if used to this kind of person.

"Yes. So announce the start of the banquet, father." replied Xuebao.

Zhubao's smiles widen as he chuckles even. "Hahaha~ Of course darling. But before that let this leader announce a few things to the tribe."

"First. The engagement of my female son, Xuebao and the second strongest warrior, Laohu is now cancelled!! My darling son is now a free female beastman and his marriage will be controlled by him only! You can ask Xuebao if you wanted to court him."

Everyone in the tribe roared in agreement when they heard that.


"Second. I announced that the strongest warrior of the Lune Tribe, Meizhou, had become the Guardian of my son, Xuebao!"

The second announcement shocked most male in the tribe. Just when they thought they would have the opportunity to court such a strong female like Xuebao, they were suddenly brought back to reality that the strongest guardian would be hovering around him. This time if they wanted to court Xuebao they would first need to win against Meizhou before being able to do so. But Meizhou is the strongest Male Beastman in their Lune Tribe. He is an uncontended undefeated warrior of their tribe. If someone like this becomes Xuebao's Guardian, then approaching Xuebao could only be a dream.

"Come over and complete your rites, Meizhou!" said the tribe leader, Zhubao.

Meizhou stood up from the crowd and walked towards the center. As he approached the center where the Tribe Leader, Xuebao and Tuzi resides, his golden irises had only focused on one person. As if seeing that one person in the world, Meizhou stares intently only at Xuebao whose smile had now faded. He could see that with those calm sky blue orbs was looming anger and dissatisfaction. Meizhou knew that Xuebao would never agree to have him as his protector if he asked him for it.

This is why despite his high position as the strongest warrior he chose to lower his head on the sole person who could put him at the position where he could stay by Xuebao's side despite the latter's disagreement. He asked for the Tribe Leader's permission. Not only as a leader but as Xuebao's father as well. As long as the Tribe leader and elder of Xuebao, he wouldn't be able to disagree with his preposition to become his protector. Declining him in this situation is the same as not giving the tribe leader a face to save.

He kneeled on one knee, putting his fist over his heart before Xuebao and said his rites.

"My strength, this flesh and blood, as well as my soul and heart. I offer it all to you. No one should be able to harm your body. Not even a single scratch on your skin. I vowed to the Beast God that I shall protect Xuebao until the very last breath of this life." declared Meizhou.

Everyone was rendered speechless when they heard Meizhou's rites as a Protector. After all the contents he had spoken is completely different for a Protector's rite.

The original rite only has the following contents: "My strength shall become a weapon to kill your enemies. My body shall become the shield that protects you from everything. Until the end you've decided to choose me as your only mate. I promise to protect you."

Meizhou's vow is the mix content of the Protector and Mateship rites. Clearly is declaring that as long no one kills him, only he is worthy to become Xuebao's eternal mate.

Xuebao snorted at him. "Even though you've rejected my confession before?"

"That is just me losing my mind for a moment." replied Meizhou.

"But I don't like you anymore." responded Xuebao with a taunting smile.

Meizhou's eyes soften as he stares at Xuebao. "But I love you. If you are not going to become mine then... no else could do so as long as I am alive!" he declared.

This declaration is a clear stance of monopoly towards Xuebao's attention. Meizhou told everyone in the Tribe that he is not willing to let someone else court or attract Xuebao aside from him. Silence ascended in the area. They've never expected the usual casual and cold male like Meizhou to declare his love in such a possessive way. They've thought this cold hearted beastman would be forever alone as he treated no one special within their tribe. Only now they've learned that he hasn't met that one being yet to melt that frozen heart.

Once he met the person who could do so. Everyone would be able to see the hidden emotions and feelings within that frozen heart. He is just like all other male beastman. As long as he finds his love, he is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve it.

The only problem is that the female he had chosen is not an ordinary beastman. That person is currently the strongest female in the tribe. Some who were able to defeat Laohu, whose strength is only second to him. As they had expected the smile on the female beastman's face faded. Now within those sky colored eyes was only frostiness. A withdrawn gaze as he looked down on Meizhou, who was kneeling before him. He could even feel the overbearing pressure of his hidden rage within that silent demeanor.

Tension filled the whole banquet and only the sound of their repressed breathing could be heard in stillness. They were worried that these two strong beastmen would suddenly fight each other. The females in the area were especially frightened that they'd started trembling uncontrollably.

In Xuebao's mind System Yue could already feel the extent of his host's anger. No one dared to speak like his host. Only one being could do so which is his Lord God but now they were still unsure as to whether this Meizhou is that person. He is terrified that his host might not be able to hold back his anger after being furious before this.

[H-Host please c-calm down. That's right! H-He might be... y-your husband in this world.] But Xuebao replied with nothing but silence.

Xuebao suddenly stood from where he was seated and walked gracefully with his hips swaying as he walked towards Meizhou. He stood in front of Meizhou who remained calm in the face of his beloved's rage. The tenderness within those golden orbs remains even if he looks up at him.

"Stand up. I need to check on something." said Xuebao.

Meizhou instantly followed his beloved's command and stood up. But because his height is above Xuebao's petite size, it looks like he is towering over him when he stands before him. In the face of such a colossal figure over him, Xuebao's emotionless face remains.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Meizhou.

Xuebao nonchalantly replied, "I told you I want to check something. If it's not what I thought it is then... your ending would be even worse that that stupid fool from this morning!" he threatened.

But Meizhou remained calm as he dotingly replied, "I'm sure that I would pass whatever it is."


"Ha~ insolent bastard." Xuebao snorted at him. "Lower your head!"

Meizhou followed what he was asked as he immediately lowered his head. Then everyone saw Xuebao reach out his hands and placed it lightly on Meizhou's shoulder as he tiptoed to lean closely. Seeing this Meizhou hovered his arms around Xuebao's waist but not daring to directly touch him without permission.

Xuebao suddenly lowered his nose on Meizhou's neck intaking the scent in his body. Everyone gasped in surprise at such a scene.


"The scent of rust and iron mixed with a deep, woody scent and floral, rich, balsamic, soft, and sweet accents. Heh~" Xuebao's thoughts as he sniggers.

The warm breath that landed on Meizhou's neck made him a bit ticklish followed up by the undertone laughter of his beloved, he almost lost control of his beastly self. Thankfully Xuebao pushed him away before seeing red.


"Did I pass your test?" asked Meizhou.

Xuebao ignored his teasing tone and replied coldly, "You cannot touch me with permission unless you need to. You shall follow every of my commands even if I told you to kill anyone. You cannot tell me what to do. You follow these conditions and you can keep your Protector title."

"I keep those conditions in mind." replied Meizhou.

Xuebao then smiled at him angelically, "If you happen to fail any among those conditions I will rip off that thing attached on your neck. Beware~~" he said with an enchanting voice even though his words were deadly as always.

Xuebao returns to his seat while Meizhou follows him and sits not far from him. It is his right as Xuebao's protector to stay by his side. Since Xuebao agreed the position beside him is his. Having securely got himself a temporary title, Meizhou proudly raised his head as he looked at the envious gazes of the other Male beastmen in the tribe. There is even provocation within his golden eyes as he skimmed over his tribe members.

Seeing his host allow someone else to enter the space near him, System Yue realized that this male lead called Meizhou happens to be his host's husband. This is the first time his Lord God presented himself before his host before the latter could even look for him. This man even without his memories from the former worlds could still complete his promise as long his host is involved.

[Is this him?]

"That extreme possessiveness, cruelty against his rivals and that familiar scent. It can only be that fool." replied Xuebao in his mind.

Noticing the awkwardness in the area the Tribe Leader could only sighed at Meizhou's shamelessness. He could only grab his cup and raise it high before him.

"Let the evening banquet begin!!" he announced as the Tribe Leader.

The banquet began after the Tribe Leader's announcement. As soon as his voice fell, the food was served by their tribe's females for everyone to enjoy. Of course! The food served on the center table was much more extravagant than the rest. The quantity served towards the tribe leader and his family's table are also larger than the rest. Their meals for that night are hunted this morning by the Meizhou and the rest of the hunting team of their tribe. Since no one really knew how to cook properly the meat of the wild boar was left half cooked and done with a sloppy result. There are no condiments like salt or pepper added to the food and there are even traces of blood on the meat.

Seeing this kind of food, Xuebao froze with a dark expression on his face. Tuzi who was sneaking a peek at him could already guess what Xuebao's thoughts were just by seeing his gloomy expression.

Tuzi's thoughts: 'Ah~~ I forgot to tell the male god that people in this era don't have skills in cooking in the right way. The salt rock wasn't even used properly and the meat was almost close to being raw.'

He then looked inside the bag he always brings with him during meal time. As a modern person transmigrated in a primitive world, Tuzi is also unable to eat raw food especially meat. He always brings a bag with him full of snacks like fruits and homemade beef jerky every time the tribe scheduled an evening banquet. When he was first served this kind of uncooked food his reaction is even worse than Xuebao's gloomy expression. He almost puke on the spot on the first day he was presented with this kind of meal.

Meanwhile Xuebao is complaining to his system about this kind of meal before him. While looking at the bloody meat place before him, he even noticed Meizhou looking at him for not eating. When he saw his father's beast-like way of eating the uncooked meat with traces of blood on the edges of his mouth made him realize that he had indeed entered a primitive world of a beast race. He could even see everyone in front of him gnawing at the meat like cannibals from his world.

"Yue~ is the fucking thing in front of me called food? I don't even eat medium rare steak. Now I got to experience being served with an unprepared, disgusting, raw meat!!!"

[Host calm down. We are in an undeveloped primitive world. Be thankful that they got to live in tents inside of just uncleaned stone caves and already know how to use fire as lighting.]

"They already know how to use fire as light! Why don't they know how to use it to fucking cook! Dammit! This world is hell for a foodie like me!" complained Xuebao in his mind as he went crazy.

"I want to change the skill I've unlocked. Change Ice attribute to cooking. There is no way I could continue to stay in this world if I have to eat this kind of thing for a lifetime!"

[Understood Host. Ice Attribute skill turned to Locked State. Cooking skill unlocked. But the host has no ingredients to start cooking and... Cooking is under the few missions the protagonist needs to do.]

"Is that so? Then let him do the cooking then."

Xuebao's gloomy expression receded and moved his eyes on Tuzi on his left. He even ignores Meizhou who is observing while sitting on his right.

"Tuzi can you cook?" he asked.

Tuzi reluctantly replied. "Ah! I-If it's only simple ones I could do so."

Xuebao nodded in response. "Good!" He then looked at his right, observing the silent and calm Meizhou sitting beside him.

"What is it?" asked Meizhou calmly.

"I want some oil and salt. Also some herbs like rosemary or oregano." answered Xuebao.

Meizhou didn't ask for any reason and decided to fulfill what his chosen female requested.

"I will get it for you." said Meizhou as he prepared to leave the place to get all those things Xuebao had demanded him to collect.

He could get some oil and salt from his place while asking for those herbs to the doctor's place. Meizhou gestured towards the tribe doctor Sheya, his intention is to ask him to prepare the herbs his chosen female had requested. Sheya only nodded his head once and asked some of his apprentice to get some rosemary and oregano from his house.

Once he saw Meizhou take his leave, Xuebao looked back to Tuzi. "I saw a stone pan in your place and those apples."

Tuzi, who understood what Xuebao plans to do, suddenly had his eyes sparkled in response. "Xuebao you could cook!?"

"I can, but tonight you will do the cooking and I will guide you. You wouldn't mind won't you?" said Xuebao.

Tuzi replied, "Of course not! I would do my best to cook your food Male God!"

After a few minutes everything that he requested had been assembled. Xuebao prepares the simple set up grill using stones as foundation over a small bonfire and places the stone pan from Tuzi's place. Then he started guiding Tuzi how to properly souse the meat using salt, apples and herbs as condiments. The whole tribe watches Tuzi demonstrate the easy way how to fry marinated meat.

In the beginning everyone thought that these two females had gone crazy once again and started giving them judging eyes. Until they smell the delicious aroma of fried meat spreading in the area. They couldn't even stop themselves from drooling from the mouthwatering scent of properly cooked food. If they could, they wanted to steal the position of Tuzi who was seriously stirring the meat in the pan. But they couldn't do so as Meizhou is giving them a warning gaze while standing beside Xuebao.

Some courageous ones asked loudly, "C-Can you give me a taste!?"

"Me too."

"A little bit would do."

But the commotion in the crowd turned silent when they saw Xuebao's scary eyes with a huge grin on his alluring face.

"Didn't you watch the process of how it was done? The food in the pan is for me, my father, Meizhou, who gathered the ingredients and Tuzi, who did the cooking. Don't tell me you dare to steal my food, right?~~" said Xuebao as he was cracking his fingers with his fist intending to beat up anyone who wants to steal his food.


Seeing this scary smiling Xuebao made everyone else retreat. While those who are smart enough had started copying their actions and making their own food. For the first time in their life, they got to taste a properly cooked food. Because of this event Xuebao and Tuzi's reputation in the tribe had changed from being notorious females to being famous.

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