I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 112: 5.14 First Violet Star - Snake Beastman Sheya

Chapter 112: 5.14 First Violet Star - Snake Beastman Sheya

In the area where females gather for meal preparations, Tuzi took the lead among females and gave directions on how to cook hotpot for dinner. He was guiding the other female beastmen on how to cook correctly.

Tuzi yelled, "Ah~ lower the fire. The soup will boil!!"

"Yes. Yes."

"Don't forget to stir the soup base. Once the spices submerge you can put the ingredients one at the time. Starting from the meat then after a few minutes put the vegetables. Then cover the pot and await for it to simmer."

"T-Tuzi how long should we let it simmer?" a female asked.

"Ah~ 3 minutes will do. Don't overcook the vegetables, they won't taste good if it got stewed!" said Tuzi.

"Heard that. Prepare to serve the food after 3 minutes!"

"Yes, Sir!"

On the other hand, Warrior Lang and Apprentice Priest Xiong were standing at the side looking after the huge pots of rice and soup near them. The fire under those pots was just put off a few minutes ago. The two were just waiting for Tuzi to finish issuing his orders for the dinner preparations of the Tribe's dinner.

"They look busy. Is it alright for us to not join everyone for dinner? Is that hotpot delicious?" asked Xiong while slightly drooling because of the smell.

Lang didn't drool the same way but one could see him constantly swallowing his saliva.

"It was delicious! The soup is flavorful. The meat was so tender and those green things were crunchy. Gulps~" said Lang who was just reminiscing about the delicious meal he had for lunch.

Xiong who was drooling so badly as he listened to his captain's words was full of envy. He wanted to give taste on that hotpot as well. But he wanted to eat those wild pheasants the young leader would be personally cooking for dinner.

Xiong this adorable bear beastman wanted to eat both.

Meanwhile in front of Meizhou's place.

Meizhou was told to dig a shallow hole which will fit 5 chickens. Beside him he saw his beloved preparing the 10 chickens they've caught this morning. Holding a stone knife in his hand, he could only see ingredients flying then falling on the banana leaves, already cut into thin and small pieces.

At Xuebao's every slice the chicken's head was separated from its body and placed in some corner. Thankfully the chicken innards were cleaned off by the other females before they brought it home. Or else his beloved wouldn't even touch those pheasants.

Meizhou continued to watch Xuebao's preparations as he finished his task of digging and making fire. He saw his chosen female put some vegetables inside the five chickens. Rubbed the other five chickens with honey thoroughly. The way he prepared the chickens were fast and precise. He works like a master unlike those other females who were said to be talented in cooking. Even Tuzi's cooking looks ordinary before his beloved's cooking preparations. Xuebao's every movement is carefully made and exquisite as if watching a show instead.

After watching Xuebao wrap five chickens with banana leaves and tied it properly with strings, he saw his female threw the chicken towards him one at a time.

"Cover it with mud and put it in that hole you've made." said Xuebao as he watched his husband cover ,the wrapped in banana leaves chicken, in mud before burying it under the shallow hole Meizhou made.

Meizhou followed his orders meticulously.

"Once the hole is covered, place the bonfire you made above it. Make sure that the burning wood is placed directly above the soil where you buried the chickens. Don't let the fire burn out." said Xuebao.

Once Xuebao saw Meizhou doing what he asked, he once again continued working on the other five chicken he wanted to roast. Using a wooden skewer he had Meizhou made this afternoon. After the chickens were soaked half an hour with honey and the other ingredients he skewered it, separately. He also skewered a few potatoes and tomatoes for those who like to eat vegetables. Then I went to where Meizhou is fanning the fire and started grilling the chicken over it.

After placing the honeyed chicken on the fire, he watched as Meizhou continued to fan the fire to keep it burning. The smoke was starting to converge in the area and he doesn't want to be covered in it. After washing his hands, he walked towards Meizhou and sat on his lap. Since the wind is coming from Meizhou's side the smoke never approached his direction.

Meizhou stiffens only for a moment before placing his free hand around Xuebao's waist and letting his beloved lean on him. The two waited as the chicken got cooked but sometimes Meizhou had to flip the chicken when Xuebao asked him to. These lovers passed their time cooking this way. The atmosphere between them was too serene making those who were watching in the shadows envious.

"Enough fanning the fire. The wind had lessened. Fan me instead." ordered Xuebao who now had closed his eyes intending to nap for a few minutes.

Meizhou pampered him and fanned him as he wished. There's a doting smile in the corner of his lips as he watches Xuebao act spoiled only towards him. He couldn't help but land a peck on his beloved forehead.

"Sleep for awhile. I'll watch over the food." whispered Meizhou to Xuebao afraid of startling him if he used his voice's original volume.


Xuebao only replies with a hum.

Without them knowing from the trees not far from Meizhou's place, four figures were watching the couple cook. The four figures were split into two pairs and came over for different reasons. The first pair is the tribe leader and the tribe priest. They noticed that two children were missing in the banquet and decided to look for them. They found Tuzi, Lang and Xiong in the kitchen while the other two were still missing. Only when they heard that the pair had no intention to join the tribe dinner and wanted to have a private one, that these two old men had to leave the banquet to the other elders to look for Xuebao and Meizhou.

These two were the most important pair in the whole tribe. The future of their tribe depends on these two. They were the successor for the high seat within the Lune Tribe and all older generations had accepted them unconditionally.

"That bastard whose forehead is he kissing!!!" said Zhubao the tribe leader.

"Brother calm down. It seems that Baobao decided to forgive Meizhou which is good~" said Anbao the tribe priest with a smile.

Retorted the cranky old man Zhubao, "Forgive your ass! Who told that brat I forgive him. No this can't be... I need to think of something to punish the brat!!" he said.

Anbao asked, "Do you not like Meizhou for our Baobao, brother?"

The tribe leader Zhubao didn't answer right away. His feeling for the brat is contradictory. He was glad to have him as Xuebao's future partner but his past actions were so disappointing that he felt it was really unfair for his beloved son. That is the man who rejected his son in front of their tribesmen. Just thinking of that event makes him want to beat up the brat but unfortunately Meizhou is stronger than him already.

"He is perfect for Baobao. Everyone in the tribe agrees, that even that group of stubborn old men accepts it!" said Zhubao said.

Anbao asked, "Then... how about you, brother?"

"Meizhou was my first choice for Baobao's marriage, you know that. I've asked for advice before! You were also there when I asked him if he is interested in becoming my son-in-law. You also heard what he said back then!" said Zhubao as his face turned darker as if remembering a shit he wanted to forget.

The tribe priest Anbao who was with him at that time remembered every word Meizhou said at that time. His kind smile had faded as he thought about the past. The words Meizhou told them that day was so humiliating for Xuebao. Not only does he look down on their little prince, he also doesn't look at him as a tribesman.

"..." For the first time Zhubao was able to render his intelligent younger brother wordless.

"Hmph! I don't believe that brat at all. But... there is no way I wouldn't believe in my son. That night when he didn't rebuke my decision to make Meizhou his protector, decides everything. When he agreed at that moment, Meizhou's position to stand by his side cannot be removed by anyone else but Baobao. Even if I, the tribe leader or you, the tribe elder chose not to agree about their union, Baobao would not change his mind. We have no other choice but to accept." said Zhubao.

Anbao agreed, "Indeed." as he knew how hard for someone to change his nephew's mind once he decided on something. It's even harder than praying to the Gods for rain.

Then they saw Tuzi and the other two arriving in the area, carrying two huge pot of rice and soup for their group to eat as dinner. Seeing this the two old men looked at each other and decided to join these children with their meals.

On the other hand from the other side of the forest the other pair was watching the intimate couple not far from them. One remained silent as he continued looking while the other was trying his best to calm his anger down. These two characters were familiar as well. They are the tribe doctor, Sheya and the former successor of the Lune Tribe, Laohu.

"Why. WHY!? I and Meizhou spoke almost the same time! Why is he willing to forgive Meizhou and beat me up instead!?" complained Laohu in rage.

Sheya looked at him as cool as a cucumber and even fearlessly gave him an answer.

"You and Meizhou had certainly said the same thing but there is a difference in position between you two. First, you are a fiancé that didn't want to dismiss his marriage arrangement with the young leader which in the end incur the killing intentions of Xuebao. On the other hand, he is a man who rejected the young leader's love but in the end worked harder in repentance. Meizhou offered his everything to receive Xuebao's forgiveness. So what about you? Did you do something, Laohu?" said Sheya.

"Shut up! Obviously because Meizhou is the strongest in the tribe that Xuebao is willing to forgive him. As long... as long I become the strongest he would look at me!?" retorted Laohu before leaving the place in anger.

Sheya apathetically watched the stubborn Laohu leave the place then looked at the sleeping figure within Meizhou's embrace. All of the sudden his eyes met with those pairs of sky colored orbs. Sheya flinched in surprised. When looking at Xuebao once again only to see him ordering Meizhou and the newly arrived group of three to take those roasted chickens and dig out those beggar chickens for dinner. The tribe leader and tribe priest who was watching the couple like them a while ago had also decided to join the group.

Sheya murmured, "Is that a coincidence?"

For a moment Sheya thought that him meeting Xuebao's gaze was only an accident. Only for his presence to be called, Xuebao was asking him to show himself. That he was sure that their eyes had indeed met.

"Since you are already here. Why don't you join us for dinner as well. Having two or more extra doesn't matter. I've cooked ten chickens for dinner. Come over if you wanted to eat." said Xuebao.

Everyone was looking at Xuebao weirdly except Meizhou who tried to look for another person's presence in the vicinity. He already noticed the arrival of the two elders but not this person whom his beloved had asked to come over.

"Xuebao. Is there someone else around?" asked Tuzi.

"Just continue breaking the mud and serve the beggar's chickens." replied Xuebao. Clearly his attitude suggests that he didn't care whether Sheya shows himself or now.

Tuzi pouted while doing his task to remove the mud covering the former buried chicken. "Buh~ less guests is better. It means I would have a few more bites." he murmured.

"Hahaha~ Tutu is such a glutton~" said Zhubao.

Xuebao retorted, "Said by the number one uninvited guest."

"Baobao~ you decided to bully this father for this brat!" complained Zhubao as he pointed at Meizhou who is busy preparing his beloved's meal.


Xiong on the other hand sat beside his master, "Master, is it alright for you and the tribe leader not to be at the banquet?" he asked worriedly.

"Hoho~ A'Xiong has nothing to worry about. The other elders were informed." said Anbao.

Witnessing this joyous scene Sheya decided to join them for dinner.

"Would it be alright for this doctor to join you guys for dinner?" said Sheya with a friendly smile on his handsome face.

"Oh~ Doc. Just sit anywhere." said Lang.

"Thank you! Please pardon my intrusion!" said Sheya as he saluted to Xuebao first before the two elders. His gestures clearly means he apologized and didn't mean to observe Xuebao and Meizhou in secret.

"Just eat your meal." replied Meizhou but the arms around Xuebao become even more possessive.

He obviously didn't believe Sheya that he came over to his house to meet him. Meizhou believes that Sheya is after his beloved. It seems he needs to show the other warrior his competence once again. Lest the other male beastmen think they could try taking his beloved's attention from.

Sheya just raises an eyebrow seeing such a possessive gesture from the supposed cold hearted man like Meizhou. This man had changed into something completely different from his former indifference.

"I will not court your female. Attached ones have never been in my radar." said Sheya while ignoring Meizhou's glare.

'Especially not a female whose attitude only softens towards one male. Those cerulean orbs that met mine in that split second gave me shivers instead of excitement. It was a gaze of authority. He is staring but never really looking at me.' Sheya's thoughts.

The dinner was enjoyed by this unplanned gathering. Instead of the usual team of four, the meal was shared among 8 people instead. Half of them are uninvited.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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