I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 117: 5.19 First Violet Star - I Miss You

Chapter 117: 5.19 First Violet Star - I Miss You

The dominant soul in the body had become Ye Xiajie which is why despite him being called Meizhou his reactions would be totally different from the original Meizhou before Ye Xiajie woke up. This is because his memories are complete in this world, Meizhou would now be able to see System Yue his subordinate.


The Tyrannosaurus Rex seeing that this original easy prey had become a harder bone to chew tried to run away. This is instinctive and intuitive reaction when meeting a Demon God being like Meizhou.

On the other hand, seeing this overgrown lizard suddenly wants to run away made Meizhou remember the reason why his wife is just watching from above the trees. It seems his soul fragment wanted to rebuild his confidence after seeing Xuebao show his unparalleled strength that one time.

"Why is my soul fragment in this world seems to be stupid? Is it because it was reborn in a primitive world that even it's intelligence had decreased. Tsk! My baby wouldn't even mind if I became an ordinary human and Jing'er is a born God. It is normal his physique and soul to be in different levels as those ascended deities." mumbled Meizhou.

Meizhou just sighed seeing the runway beast. He had taken one step which utilized his full agility. His strength and speed wouldn't even lose against his wife in this state. He instantly moved and appeared near the Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail. Grabbed the tail with one hand and lifted this almost 10 floored building with a single land then bashed it on the ground as if throwing a pesky bug.


A huge creature appeared under the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The current state of the savage beast could only be explained with one word: Broken. All it's bones were fractured the moment Meizhou had smashed it on the ground. It now lost his majestic presence as the King of beast as its grievous howls resounds in the whole forest.

Groaning Howls~~

Meizhou's haughty expression remains as he let go of the tail of Tyrannosaurus Rex nonchalantly. He walks on its twitching body as if striding on a flat road. He only stopped when he reached the savage beast neck. With eyes full of indifference, Meizhou looks down on the howling creature. Ignoring the slight pleading expression on the fatally wounded beast, Meizhou stomped his foot on the beast neck taking its life as easily as stepping on ants.


This man was never kind to others except for his lover.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex had died.

This is the scene Laohu and his the reinforcement team had witnessed when they've arrived. At the beginning they about to reach this place only to be hindered him the escaping herd of wild beasts. They had to kill everything to be able to reach this place. Then when they've come to the designated location, the scene of Meizhou grabbing the gigantic savage beast by it's tail and slamming it on the ground with one hand. Then taking the life of the huge beast with a single stomped what was their group had scene. They were rendered speechless and were dumbfounded by such a situation. This is especially true for Laohu who thought that his strength is not that much different from Meizhou.

But what the hell did he just saw. He saw Meizhou grab that enormous beast tail and throw it effortlessly on the ground. The savage beast was already half dead with one attack from Meizhou. He even saw Meizhou stared at the dying beast emotionlessly as if it couldn't even enter his line of sight. The beast died instantly under Meizhou's foot.

"M-Meizhou???!" hesitatingly calls Laohu in astonishment.

But Meizhou didn't even give him a glance as he issued his orders.

"You've brought too little for cleaning up. Dismantle this beast and bring the half back to the tribe. The other half would be left in the cave after it was cleaned up." ordered Meizhou.

Once he didn't receive an answer Meizhou gave the reinforcement team an apathetic glance which made the rest of them shivered from his unconcerned glance.


"Do you not hear my commands?" said Meizhou as his voice turned icy.

The reinforcement team all saluted in response as they responded in a unified manner.

"Yes, sir!!!"

Only Laohu didn't salute nor spoke. He just stared at Meizhou with aghast expression on his face. There's a clear disbelief in his bronze eyes.

Seeing his expression, Meizhou just snorted at him before walking away from the savage beast corpse. As soon as he left the corpse the team behind Laohu scrambled towards the beast and started dismantling it. Afraid that Meizhou might punish them if they were any seconds late. This is the first time they've met a scary Meizhou in their whole life.

His atmosphere which used to be only cold before turned overbearing this time, that they could hardly breathe in his presence. It's like facing an angry Xuebao who intends to make his move to take a life. Only at this moment that they believe only Meizhou is suitable to become their tribe's young leader's mate. They watched from the distance as Meizhou stood before a nearby tree and looked up above. He reached out his hands towards the sky and heard him speak.

"Go down. I've cleaned up the cave for you. Where's my reward baby~" said Meizhou.

Then everyone watched a white figure fall from above the tree. Meizhou caught the falling person on his arms preciously. This figure is small but familiar. His white hair is slightly messy from the fall and there are even few leaves stuck on his hair which their Warrior Leader had tenderly removed. They've watched Meizhou smile as he stares at Xuebao within his arms while arranging his messy hair back to normal.

Xuebao stared at Meizhou like he is the only person in his world. His aquamarine eyes were full of yearning and passionate love as he looked at Meizhou. He even used his white jade hands to lovingly caress Meizhou's face, especially the water droplet shaped mole under his left eyes.

Meizhou only smiled as he looked at the person giving him pampering eyes. Those celestial light blue eyes only reflect his clear figure. With obsidian eyes filled with glowing stars and galaxy, he stared at Xuebao with intense fondness and obsession.

"I miss you a lot. In this world I would be able to accompany you everyday until the end of our lifespan." said Meizhou with an affectionate smile on the corner of those thin lips.

Hearing this kind of promise from someone who only comes out rarely in the past world made Xuebao's heart overwhelmed with emotions. For the first time in his life, tears fell from his eyes as if he was relieved of something burdening him heavily within his heart and soul. This is why even Meizhou was stunned.

"B-Baby?" calls Meizhou intimately while panicking.

This intimate familiar way of calling made Xuebao sentimental. Ye Xiajie had only called him baby or Jing'er when talking to him and referred to him as wife when talking to others. While the other soul fragments call him random affectionate nicknames like beloved, honey, sweetheart and etc. Only Ye Xiajie keeps calling him with a ridiculous pet name, 'Baby', every time he wakes up. His heart felt full as he reached out his hands to hug Meizhou's neck. Kissing him on his lip abruptly.

Meizhou who couldn't understand the reason for his lover's tears could only comfort his wife with a devoted kiss. He first gently wipes the tears of the beautiful person who was kissing him before concentrating on kissing his wife back.

The kiss was at first gentle and comforting. There is no force between the clashing of two lips. The feelings they are sharing with this gesture is a solace can only be felt between the two of them. The state of completion. As if what was lost before was finally found at this moment.

Xuebao has always missed his husband all the time despite sharing lifetimes with him, for him it seems to be not enough. He wanted to be with his lover all the time, to be with each other at any moment and be able to sleep side by side at night. It is not that he doesn't get comforted with being with his lover's soul fragments, it's just that Xuebao felt discontented.

What he wanted was to spend a lifetime with Ye Xiajie as a whole. Without problems at either of them, to be able to spend eternity together as partners. But right now his lover's state is dangerous not only his soul is fragmented, his vessel is in complete slumber. On the other hand, he doesn't have his memories and he couldn't understand the hidden agenda of his current state.

After noticing that his wife had calmed down right now, Meizhou breaks their kiss and gently wipes his wife's slightly reddening lips.

"Baby, are you okay?" asked Meizhou.

"I missed you a lot too." said Xuebao.

Meizhou smiled when he heard that but seeing that his wife still wanted to say a few more things he didn't stop from talking.

"I should have informed you in that last world about my weakened state but... at the same time I don't regret. Because we wouldn't be able to enjoy the 20 plus years freely if you know. Because I know you would try to cure me no matter what. But A'Xia you should also know. I as someone connected to the very person on top isn't even given a leeway for breaking any Divine Laws. I... I don't want to burden you when your soul isn't complete yet. Let's focus on collecting your soul fragments first. This time I promise you I wouldn't do that anymore." explained Xuebao as if he is afraid that Meizhou would hate him because of his selfish actions from their last life.

"Don't be angry anymore, okay?"

Meizhou rubbed his face on Xuebao's cheeks even giving him smacking kisses. He wanted to show his wife through his action that he is no longer angry about what happened in their last life.

"I'm not angry. Jing'er can keep being selfish. I like you that way. This way I could pamper you, spoil you endlessly and show you that I will love you no matter what. Just promise me never to hurt yourself anymore, okay?" said Meizhou with a doting gaze while looking at Xuebao.

Xuebao smiled at him sweetly. A true smile which can only be seen by Meizhou alone.

"Okay. I promise you!" said Xuebao as kissed Meizhou all over his face like an excited kid.

From the distance everyone else was looking at them with envious eyes. Even Laohu at this moment believes that only Meizhou is worthy of Xuebao. This is the first time he had seen Xuebao smile affectionately towards someone. He didn't even smile that way towards the tribe leader, his own father.

Laohu murmured sadly, "I guess... He is not really meant for me. It's time to give up." he stared at the smiling Xuebao with a lingering gaze but averted it the moment he decided to look for his own destined one.

"Laohu, what are you doing?"

"Help us with this. This beast is too large!"

"Wait. I'm coming over now." said Laohu.

This time there's a smile on his handsome face. It is no longer showing distress but his usual kindness and carefree feeling like he originally possessed.

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