I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 151: 6.12 Third Green Star - Countdown: 40 days

Chapter 151: 6.12 Third Green Star - Countdown: 40 days


Head State Palace.

A special house in which the highest person resides. It's a white modern mansion which is bigger than a normal mansion. It is something that is fully protected from all angles because the person who lives in his place is the person who has the highest authority in the whole country.

Currently but the emergency summons few special personnel were called in.

This includes the Prime Minister and General Cao, who had the second highest position in the whole country. For some reason Major Shi Moye was summoned to the palace as well.

They are now in the Head State office. Only four people had gathered inside the room. An old man with white hair sat at the honor's seat while the other three sat at the couches near him. On the right is the Prime Minister and General Cao while on the left is Major Shi Moye. Knowing that his position is the lowest the protagonist gong didn't know why he was summoned to the palace. He was frightened when he saw the summons from the Head State himself this morning. No question asked, he drove for endless hours to reach the capital by car.

The head state person looked at the small group with squinted eyes, the wrinkles on his face turned deeper when he saw that someone was missing. He looked at the person who was said to be the last one to be with that missing person.

"Junye! Where's Xueya!?" asked the Head State old man.

Cao Junye's expression turned dark when he was asked about Xueya, he still hadn't gotten over with the letter that was left for him.

"Gone. We had a bad quarrel last night. When I wake up this morning... Xueya and Chino had disappeared. There are no traces of them leaving the mansion or the subdivision. They... suddenly disappeared in thin air."

Cao Junye's words were slightly trembling when he explained the reason why Ximen Xueya didn't come with him for the summons. Major Shi Moye on the other hand had shown a weird expression when he heard General Cao's explanation about Ximen Xueya's disappearance.

Shi Moye's thoughts: 'Disappeared in thin air? This is... a bit like those I heard from before. Space element is it?'

He fell deep in his thoughts that Major Shi didn't notice that two pairs of eyes were silently observing his reactions secretly. There is an obvious reason for why he was called him but only the Head State and Minister knew why. These two old men had decided to isolate the room as planned. Only the four of them were allowed to stay in the office.

General Cao and Major Shi as people from the military already knew how serious these two highest authorities are right now. The moment no other sound movements were heard outside the room, they knew that the office is completely isolated from the outside world. Their faces turned extremely serious at this moment.

General Cao asked, "Sirs, what is happening?"

"Snort* It's because you didn't listen to Xueya's last night that you know nothing! Your clear view as authoritarian failed you this time." said the minister.

"What do you mean minister?" asked Cao Junye as his face turned even darker when Xueya was mentioned.

"Junye! Would you believe me if I told you that the world is about to end?" asked the head of state.

General Cao Junye and Major Shi Moye were both surprised with what the state head had said. But their reactions were different. General Cao showed an obvious reaction of disbelief and doubt but Major Shi Moye showed only shock as if he heard something unbelievable. His expression shows he believes the old man's words and he didn't refute it like the General does.

"What is this nonsense!?" exclaimed General Cao.

Major Shi yelled, "How did you...!!!" he instantly cut off his words and covered his mouth but it was too late.

Three pairs of piercing eyes landed on his body, making felt the heavy pressure and tension in his surroundings and from their gazes.

The State head even hit his hand on his knees and said, "Hah! Just as Xueya said! You knew about this Apocalypse disaster thing!!"

"Boy~ there is no need to keep things secret. Tell us old men what is about to happen and what preparations need to be done as soon as possible. Truth to be told the information Xueya had sent to us last night is too frightening. Please explain it to us. What in the world is about to happen?" said the Minister.

Major Shi Moye finally understood that it was Ximen Xueya who sold him to the government. But for some reason the state head and the minister are willing to listen to him as if they believe him. Only General Cao Junye was in a state of disbelief but no one else was willing to explain this to him. Only then did he remember the phone Xueya had left for him as a gift.

Looking through the data in the phone he was shocked to see countless international classified information from international governments all over the world. The languages of the people speaking in the video were varying from different countries but the scene is the same.

A scene of carnage, undead and blood. It was a virus from a meteorite that fell from outer space. When he got to the point where looked through the NASSA folder, he found out that a calamity was scheduled to fall on earth. The date is scheduled to fall on the 25th of December, midnight. That is only a month or so days before it happens.

Only did he remember the hesitation and fear on Xueya's face that night. For some reason he could somewhat guess that Xueya was trying to tell him about this but he turned a deaf ear to him. Now not only has he lost contact with him, this impending disaster is upon them. He could now understand the meaning of Xueya's words that he would be busy enough that he would not even have free time to look for him.

Cao Junye whispered, "Is this the reason why you told me not to look for you, Xueya?"


After a long silence Shi Moye finally decided to tell everything he knew about the apocalypse. If he wanted to survive longer and protect his loved ones, then he could only bow his head down to the government. This is an opportunity Ximen Xueya had given him. He might not have the highest authority during the apocalypse but he could at least be included to be one of them.

'I don't remember the State Head and Minister surviving the Red Moon but... General Cao is a different story. He is the one who possesses the highest position during the world's end. He might be... sigh~ let's gamble.'

Major Shi Moye told the three what he knew about the apocalypse. He didn't tell him how he knew, his excuse was the same as Ximen Xueya saying that he heard it from his brokers. He told them about the Red Moon that will cause the meteorites to fall on earth and all over the world.

Then the human would have to be lucky to undergo one night of painful trial. If they were successful then they would wake up with special abilities. If unlucky they would wake up as undead.

State head spoke, "Lucky, is it? But Xueya told me that it would be based on human's antibodies instead. He said that as long as your body's natural antibodies could fight off the virus you could survive. He warned us to not forget to eat vitamins, fruits and tons of vegetables before the Red Moon."

"He really said this...!? If he did then it must be true but... this is something I don't know. Which means Master Ximen knew more about the apocalypse than I do. Sir, could you share the information you've received from Master Ximen in exchange? I will tell you some events that may happen in the future." said Shi Moye as he tried to bargain with them.

The Minister replied as he passed the pile of information he hid on his chair as if they've expected this soldier to bargain with them. "Sure enough, Xueya is right. Here is the information."

"Sir, why aren't you asking someone to apprehend Ximen Xueya so you could ask him about these things with him. Clearly, he knew more about the apocalypse instead of me." said Shi Moye.

Once this question was asked a dangerous glare had come from General Cao. Major Shi Moye felt like the man wanted to kill him at this moment but he couldn't understand which of his words had offended this God.

"Do you want to die?" asked Cao Junye as he glared at Shi Moye. The moment he heard he wanted Xueya to be apprehended against his will made his fury explode. He almost couldn't stop himself from wringing out this man's neck.

Shi Moye's thoughts: 'W-What did I do?! I've just asked why they are not catching Ximen Xueya to interrogate him according to laws...'

"General Cao, hold down your anger!" scolded the State Head.

Only then Cao Junye averted his dangerous gaze from Shi Moye.

State Head explained the reason why instead, "It's not that we don't want to ask Xueya's help. But after sending us the information in your hand, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. That address of that newly bought Ximen mountain from before was a wrong one. I already sent someone to check it but the place is different from the records. His mansion in S District was left abandoned as well. After leaving General Cao's place, Xueya and his son had disappeared without a trace. No one can find where he had gone. His last message to this old man is to seek you instead. This is the reason why we summoned you here."

Knowing that their connection to Ximen Xueya was cut off, they could only look for Shi Moye whom Xueya had suggested to look for. After meeting this Major at this moment only then they realized that this man indeed knew about the incoming disaster. They had to bargain with him to receive information in exchange.

Their time is running out. They only have 40 plus days to make hastened preparations. No one questioned Ximen Xueya why he didn't inform them ahead of time. As they themselves still don't believe an apocalypse is coming. The government tried to send few news about the apocalypse in secret but they didn't try telling it in a direct way lest the others say that the government had gotten crazy.

In secret the government and military had hoarded resources from food to basic necessities. They've used up all their savings just to gather enough. This especially true with regards to the General Mansion. But the money of General Cao was used up into two things. First is resources and second is used to buy information about the missing Ximen Family.

At the General's Mansion except for Uncle Wu most of the servants were sent home. Cai Junye had only kept those with close relationships with him since childhood by his side. His unit remains with him as well. The government and military had worked together and chose a desolated district to secretly build a base they would use as a hideout during the end of the world. They've left Major Shi Moye to control the people at the base. Of course! They were forbidden to come to that place until 25th of December had passed.

It's been two weeks since the Ximen Family had gone missing. General Cao returned home only to be slapped by a crying Lou Lan. It took him half a month before he heard that his friend had gone missing. Clearly it was Cao Junye who forced Wang Lei not to tell him anything. If he didn't notice that Xueya and Chino's missing presence ever since these few days he wouldn't have ordered the guards to hear that Ximen Xueya and his son had suddenly disappeared after getting in a fight with Cao Junye.


Wang Lei held back his lover who suddenly hit his boss, "Lan'er! What are you doing!?"

Lou Lan glared at his own lover and at the General in front of him then he sarcastically said, "You like him you said? You will protect them, you said?! In the end they still left. LIAR!!!"

"Xueya wouldn't just leave unless you upset him enough that he would lose his heart! He rarely trusts someone and it just happens that he chose to trust you because you had saved them before! What's with this end result right now!? What the hell did you say to Xueya that he left your side without hesitation!?"

"Trash! Liar!! The apocalypse is coming but THEY ARE STILL OUT THERE!!! You should just die!!! JUST DIE!!"

Lou Lan's breakdown was so much that he spouted hurtful words without hesitation. As a family member of someone in higher ranks in the military, he is informed about the incoming disaster. At first Lou Lan was relieved that his only friend and his nephew were staying with the general. This is the reason he visits them in the General mansion most of the time.

He should have noticed it early. When the guards prevent him from visiting the mansion countless times. That dodgy reaction of his lover when he asked about the Ximen Family and the General.

The stress Lou Lan had suffered is too much that he suddenly fainted about shouting at the General. Wang Lei had to carry his lover in his arms carefully tucking him in his embrace. Seeing this gesture the stern face of the General slightly twitched.

Wang Lei apologized to his boss, "Boss please forgive Lan'er. It's just that the news of the apocalypse has been stressing him lately and... Ximen Xueya happened to be his only friend."

"I know... that's why I let him slap me. It was indeed my fault. Go home and take a rest. After these two weeks, the peace would end."

"Uncle Wu escorts them out. I don't want visitors for a few days." said Cao Junye before walking up to his office.

The old butler replied, "As you wish, sir."

Once the General disappeared from their line of sight, Wang Lei asked the old butler about his boss' situation.

Wang Lei asked, "Uncle Wu any news about the Ximen Family?"

The Old man shook his head in reply. This means there is still no news about the Ximen father and son ever since they've left the General's Mansion.

"We had contacted all kinds of brokers and information dealers just to find any news about the Ximen Family. But as if they don't exist at all everything related to them has disappeared. All trusted personnel of the Ximen Family except for the young butler named Yun Suisen had all disappeared without a trace as well. Clearly someone is hiding the information."

"This is clearly the work of the Ximen Family. They wanted to have no connection to the rest and was quietly waiting for the end of the world to arrive. The Ximen Family under the orders of Ximen Xueya had been hoarding resources for half a year. The preparations made by their side is obviously more than we could in this last month. We could not find them unless the apocalypse began and waited for them to make their move." said Wang Lei.

The Old Butler Wu replied, "The Master understood this and took back all orders about finding them. But he chose to bury himself to work lately. After all, the way they've parted is not good. Child be careful. Our time is running out fast."

Wang Lei could remember the Christmas decorations placed all over the city. They were all preparing for a big vacation without them knowing the world is ending. He could silently take his leave with his lover. He might have thought that the other people were pitiful to spend the rest of their days without knowing the incoming disaster. But thinking that he had only enough strength to protect his loved ones, Wang Lei chose to turn a blind eye to everything else except his lover and unit.

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