I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 2: 1.1 First Small Star – The Beginning

Chapter 2: 1.1 First Small Star – The Beginning

In the System Space of Executioner 13.

[Host, you have chosen the first star. Please choose one skill before entering. I have listed the following available skills.

Skill List:




Art of Seduction

Please choose one skill, host.]

After seeing the list Anjing chuckles, "Haha! There's even seduction skill there! This list has weird things included inside. Anyway, I choose the Acting skill for convenience." replied Anjing who received the skill set and learned it through training in a separate space had to spend few decades to master acting.

[Host, please prepare for transfer in 10….9….5….2….1

Transfer Complete!]

Hei Anjing who was holding a small star in his hand was sucked inside upon his system transfer process. It only took a moment for his soul to get transferred from his system space to the body he will have in that chosen star. Once his soul had completely synced with the body of that world's resident, Hei Anjing took control of his current body.

He tried opening his eyes but did it in a languid manner. He is no longer in his soul form but in someone else's body. What welcomes him when he opens his eyes is a man in a suit who seems to be mad. The grumpy man was trying to wake him up. Taking notice of the things inside the room, Anjing realized that they were inside some kind of luxurious hotel room.

"Ying… Xia Ying! Wake up!" A man's voice called to Hei Anjing. One could hear his irritation just by listening to the tone of the man's voice.

Hei Anjing's current vessel's silvery irises were revealed as if the moon was finally showing itself after being covered in clouds. He just opened his eyes this what welcomed him. Currently, arranging his clothes in preparation to leave is the grumpy man who was calling his vessel's name. It's obvious from his gesture that he is not willing to wait for him. Hei Anjing decides to take his time as he observes the man before him.

Tall and lean body structure. Slightly handsome appearance and refined features. A face that could be spotted within a crowd. He emits an arrogance of being on top and confidence to bring himself up to the audience. Clearly, this man is a person from Entertainment Industry.

A person suitable to be called a male god. If not for that frown on his face as he looks at Hei Anjing, his appearance would be almost perfect. Everything is perfect except for those sapphire eyes showing hints of aversion and remorse while looking down on Hei Anjing who just woke up and is now seating quietly on the bed. Hei Anjing's face showed no emotion on his face even when he saw that the man regards with contempt as if he is some kind of bug. He acted like he just woke up but didn't say anything. Remaining silent as he stares back at the man looking at him with annoyance in his eyes.

"Exe, who is this person…?" asked Anjing to his system through his mind.

[Host, this person is this star's Protagonist Gong. The current Film Emperor, Lu Ziyun. We are beyond the time frame where the Protagonist Gong had a conversation with Xia Ying wanting to end their relationship. Before Host's soul entered the body, the original Xia Ying accepted the break up without question but the original Xia Ying asked for one last night to roll in the sheet despite the Protagonist Gong's dislike. Which is why the Protagonist Gong is looking at Xia Ying with such disgust and regret.]

"What a bastard! He's the one who ate and still has the face to regret. Fuck! No wonder this body aches all over. Tsk! Give me this body's memories, Exe." Ordered Hei Anjing.

[(World Plot) Xia Ying. Protagonist Shou, Xia Yang's older twin brother. He is called the Moon Twin who is the opposite of the Protagonist Shou, the Sun Twin. These twins were born with different personalities. One is bright while the other one is gloomy. They are both actors who were quite popular because of their contradictory personality but the Protagonist Shou is more likable by the fans and people of the industry than Xia Ying who is often misunderstood for being rude for his silent temperament, thinking that he is some emotionless cold hearted person.

Xia Yang, the protagonist shou, is not really talented in acting. His acting is only second rate while his twin brother has greater talent than him. Because of his bright demeanor most people side with him though his acting skills are secondary. Meanwhile Xia Ying is the opposite. He is usually quiet, and his demeanor is silent and often misunderstood by others. So, even if he is talented, the others don't like him that much. Even the current Film Emperor, Lu Ziyun is in love with Xia Yang. Afraid of destroying his career he took Xia Ying as his substitute.

Xia Ying originally believe that he was loved by this person, not knowing he is only a substitute until this Film Emperor asked him to take a scandal for his brother who was found drinking in a gay bar. Believing that the film emperor is there to protect him, Xia Ying accepted the scandal and now hides himself in Lu Ziyun's secret condo, but this person added up another scandal of seducing the film emperor which whole destroyed his career and him ending up taking his own life.]

"This body is Xia Ying? At what event are we…?" Asked Hei Anjing. There conversation is continued in Anjing's mind.

[Host, you are currently about to be in scandal of seducing the Film Emperor. But the truth is that you were called into this place by the Protagonist Gong to break up with you. You agreed in exchange of one last night with him. The original died in his sleep due to extreme depression. Warning to the host. This place will be crowded with reporters in half an hour. Your task is to fulfill the original host's dream to become the Film Emperor.]

"That's all? To become the Film Emperor…"

[Yes, Host. That's the only task for this star. Since this star is almost dead. Completing the task will give the Host the world's energy to strengthen one's soul as compensation.]

Upon hearing what his system said, Hei Anjing just smiled. At this moment Hei Anjing will be called Xia Ying. The Film Emperor looks at Xia Ying with a frown when he sees him with a smile out of nowhere. Deep inside his heart, he was stunned. This smile is something he had never seen before, because the person in front of him is well-known for being cold as ice. A robot in human form. So, when Lu Ziyun saw his smile for the first time, Lu Ziyun couldn't stop his heart from beating fast.

Thump. Thump! THUMP!

Even though it was just a small smile full of fatigue as thought he was just accepting some kind of fate that is not meant for him. That rare but beautiful expression on Xia Ying's face caused the Film Emperor's heart to beat beyond his control. Lu Ziyun was startled when he saw that smile fade away and turn to pain instead. Then he heard a silent sobbing coming from the man whose one smile took his heart. This cool beauty before him cries for the first time in his presence. His negative affection towards this person couldn't help but to melt. Worry and concern were something he felt towards this person for the first time.

A muffled, adorable voice spoke, "I…I… sorry… I only like Brother Lu… so much. sobs~ so… so I... I will… do what… U-he wants… I will stop…sniff… pestering… B-Brother Lu can… focus on liking A'Yang… instead… I…"

Xia Ying with tears strolling down endlessly from those silver eyes made his cold demeanor melt to something akin to a delicate crying beauty. He looks so fragile and innocent that anyone who sees his current state makes them feel that they are bullying this little gorgeous fairy before them. Lu Ziyun as expected couldn't stop himself from approaching this lovable person.

Instantly pulling him into a hug, trying his best to coax him. While doing so, he felt pain within his chest and his heart beating so fast when he saw Xia Ying's crying figure. He looks so weak and fragile as if being oppressed. The former's cold demeanor faded, revealing innocence of someone who was bullied to the point of tears. For the first time, he lamented that he made this person unhappy.

"Xia… Ying'er… d-don't cry. It was brother's fault. I…I… only..." replied Lu Ziyun, who doesn't know what he wishes to say as he couldn't understand why he feels remorseful seeing the person in his embrace cry.

"L-Let go, Brother Lu! Sobs~ I…I… don't want this… anymore… You love A'Yang. I cannot… take anymore blame… in his instead. I only love Brother Lu so much… that…. I'll do… anything for you but…I can't… do it… anymore… Let's stop this okay? After all, you broke up with me already." replied Xia Ying with tears in his eyes as he struggles to break free from those arms wrapped on him.

Frightfully tightened his hug on Xia Ying, Lu Ziyun wished to stop the latter's struggles only for that person to cry with so much pain in his arms and he doesn't know what to do at that moment.

"S-Stop crying… Brother's at fault. I…I will correct everything. Stop crying Ying'er…"

It was at that moment that the reports trespassed the room barging inside and taking pictures at the two of them. Which startled the two.

The reports asked:

"Film emperor, what do you mean by correcting everything!? Is that scandal of finding Actor Xia Ying at that bar not Actor Xia Ying!?"

"Are you using Xia Ying to cover up Xia Yang's scandals all this time?"

"Are you gay Film Emperor!?"

But the film emperor couldn't even answer any of their questions, he is hesitating whether to answer with truth or not. He loves Xia Yang so much that he couldn't destroy that person because of a simple mistake but at the same time he couldn't say anything to push Xia Ying in front to bear sins he never did for the second time. At least this time he doesn't want to do anything to harm Xia Ying anymore. This person is adorably na?ve, and his cold exterior is nothing but a mask. He couldn't decide which one he truly wished to protect and his heart started to waver.

Before he could doubt his feelings, someone else made a decision instead. It was by then that he felt that Xia Ying grabbed his clothes which made him look at him. This beautiful fairy smiled at him bitterly as if accepting his fate, that painful smile stabbed his heart with immense pain. Lu Ziyun was stunned and dazed at that moment. Then he can only watch Xia Ying leave his arms and whisper a few words only he can hear.

'Brother Lu this will be the last time. I can help you…' That soft, gentle voice whispered to his ears like a gentle whisper.

Lu Ziyun could only watch Xia Ying walk towards the reporters accepting all the criticism he had never should have. All those criticisms are caused by Xia Yang, but he chose to let Xia Ying take all the blame. All because of him. Because he wanted to protect Xia Yang, Xia Ying who loves him with all his heart decided to protect the person he loves in exchange of his own reputation. With an aggrieved but exquisite smile on his face, Xia Ying faces the reporters.


There is a sudden silence in his presence as if respecting him, but the truth is they are all under trance. This infamous ice prince of the industry is now before them with a smile they had seen for the first time. There are traces of redness in the corner of his eyes. The space under his eyes were swollen from constant crying. His voice muffled and hoarse but gentle to their ears. Then that smile they are seeing though it was extremely beautiful, they can only feel vast sorrow and agony in it.

Xia Ying said, "I… I was really that one in that bar. (bite his lower lips until it bleeds…) That scandal… it was… really me and not Xia Yang. Lu Ziyun is not gay. It was me who forced him to like me. I am gay so. I… I'm sorry…" he bowed his head in front of the cameras then looked at the cameramen once more before he took his leave.

A single drop of tear fell from his eyes, but that single droplet made everyone feel how much suffering he was enduring. He accepted all condemnation with his mouth, but his eyes betrayed him. His eyes show the determination to protect those he cares for even if in exchange of it, is his own destruction.

Those silvery eyes show the truth, but this adorable and na?ve beautiful fairy thought no one will notice. The reporters realized, the audience knows, anyone who sees his current expression ended up with only one conclusion. This person is lying, and he is lying because he wanted to protect someone.

Seeing Xia Ying's back getting farther from his line of sight, this man couldn't stop himself from calling that departing figure's name.


Lu Ziyun called but that person never turned his back. He only saw him flinched once before trembling but never turned his head back to look at him. The figure of his back shows his disappointment and sorrow as well as his resolution. He even disregards this man whom he used to love the most, endearingly calls for his name.

Asked with a slight trembling voice to the people blocking his way, "I-I'm sorry but please… can you let me pass?" Xia Ying left the place under everyone's gentle gaze. They can only let him go because the expression Xia Ying's face is extremely torturing even for them to see.

They could only watch as Xia Ying took his leave. Once he disappeared from the venue the reporters all barge into interviewing Lu Ziyun, the film emperor with ugly expression on their faces. The media aren't fools. The fans aren't blind. They can see that Xia Ying is lying to them to protect someone. If Xia Ying wanted to protect someone from that drug bar scandal, there can only be two people. They already have people in mind and one of them is just before them. The Film Emperor.

Without looking back as he leaves, Xia Ying's sorrowful expression immediately disappeared when he got out of the room. That expression that stunned everyone speechless is nothing but an act. That figure of his as a weak little fragile beauty who modeled a person who is victimized and allowed himself to be used is no more. Xia Ying wanted to control the media and film the emperor's contempt towards him.

He tried to cover them up by accepting the film emperor's request to protect Xia Yang from the media but with his acting he could let the people know the truth and clear his reputation indirectly as well. The expression on Xia Ying's face changes from a delicate crying fairy to a detached gaze, alluring smile, and playful expression.

His whole being is covered in indifference and desolation. His atmosphere was cold and emotionless though his eyes were filled with mirth, the depth of his eyes only showed disdain as if looking down upon the world. Untainted by worldly possession.

"Well~ isn't that's easy? To think the film emperor is only at this level~ Heh~" Xia Ying murmured as he showed his real personality hidden to anyone.

This is Hei Anjing's real personality. A playful, little devil. Only he didn't expect that in the corner of that corridor someone else saw his real face and thought of him having a two-faced personality. The tall man was tremendously captivating wearing a domineering aura as if a coat. Like a king that rules a nation. His expressions were apathetic, and his grey eyes were observing the figure of Xia Ying with curiosity and glee. This man is none other than the famed Emperor who owns the Empire. The largest Entertainment Company in the country. Huangdi, Wang Tian.

Although he didn't intended to hide his presence, this man had witnessed the whole scene from the distance thou accidentally. He just left his reserved suite in the same hotel and didn't expect his company's Film Emperor, Lu Ziyun and Ice Prince, Xia Ying's scandal happening before him.

"To think that the young man who was deemed as the Ice Prince our industry to be a Little Devil in disguise. His acting talent is even above Lu Ziyun. Is he playing around?" said Secretary Yi who witnessed the whole thing as he came to do his duty as the president's confidant.

"You know him?" the cold looking faced president asked.

A male secretary wearing a silly smile replied, "Well he is an artist under your Empire, sir."

"Is that so? Interesting." said the president as he walked away after giving the direction where Xia Ying left with one glance. Before leaving as if what they had witnessed is a normal occurrence. Xia Ying had no knowledge about him acquiring the interest of someone.

That night the film emperor, Lu Ziyun, after fleeing from the flocks of reporters headed home. To the place he bought for Xia Ying. A condominium that is supposed to be their secret place but before this event he rarely goes to this place.

Only Xia Ying used to live here under his order. Urgency can be felt from his fast paced footsteps and the strength he used to open the door is also not that weak. But once he entered the condominium, Lu Ziyun was only welcomed by an empty room.

Lu Ziyun, "Ying'er. Ying'er? Are you home, Ying'er?!" He calls but no one replies.

The lights inside were all off. There aren't traces of someone living here, instead few traces of someone who left in the hurry was left behind. Like a fallen towel on the carpeted floor, or that piece of homely cardigan hanging by the coat stand near the hallway. He runs around the place, checking every room of the condo only to notice that the traces of that person are completely gone.

The cup and utensils he used were thrown away. His clothes on the wardrobe are all gone. Even the personal fashion magazines which feature him as the film emperor were left behind. Seeing this empty place, Lu Ziyun tiredly sat on the cold couch within the living room. For the first time he felt that this house was a place that a human cannot live in.

Solitude and loneliness can be felt through the silence and emptiness of the place. It's like no one used to live here.

Falling deeply in his thoughts, Lu Ziyun remembers the scene from this morning. That person's crying face. A na?ve but pure smile. His beauty used to be hidden behind that cold demeanor. Only when the ice cracked that Lu Ziyun was able to see that such a silent and cold person was someone who had a warm heart. Loyal to his love and will do anything for his love.

But in the end, he was so blind. He used Xia Ying's love for him to protect him. Hurting him countless times until he is completely broken. But it was already too late when he noticed. After all the kind little fairy had enough and decided to leave him. This scum man who used him as a substitute for another.

While wallowing in his sorrow he heard something fall. The sounds of a glass breaking were heard, looking through the darkness he only turn on the lights in the living room looking for the thing that had fallen. Only then he saw that a picture frame fell from the shelf which was almost empty. Fragments of broken glass were scattered on the floor. Picking it up, he saw that it was his and Xia Ying's photo.

A photo Xia Ying begged him to take. He is wearing a cold and annoyed look on the picture but he could see that on the photo that Xia Ying was looking at him affectionately as if he was the lone person he loves in the world and the smile he wears is doting as if he didn't even mind that Lu Ziyun is angry on the photo. Seeing such a photo, Lu Ziyun remembered this scene. At that time it was supposed to be Xia Ying's birthday, but at the same time that day is also Xia Yang's birthday as well.

Xia Ying begged him to take one photo with him before he could leave to spend Xia Yang's birthday together. Even forgetting the fact that on that day is also Xia Ying's birthday. Xia Ying didn't stop him from leaving to go to where Xia Yang is. His only wish is to take one photo with him as his birthday gift.

Lu Ziyun annoyedly agreed and let him take one photo. But Lu Ziyun remembered that he left right away after that one photo. There is not even a retake, but he remembered, that one photo made Xia Ying happy, but he was so preoccupied with Xia Yang's on his mind and left Xia Ying without a second thought.

Now that he recalls that he had never spend birthdays with Xia Ying as he was twins with Xia Yang his moonlight, he always spends birthday with the sun twin. Completely forgetting about this moon twin who stayed by his side because he loves him the most.

Looking back at this, Lu Ziyun felt his heart ache in regret and guilt. Only when that one person who used to revolves on you alone suddenly disappeared. Will be the only time you will know what you have lost. Humans tend to overlook things that are closer to them than those which are away from them. They will only realize its importance once it is completely gone.

Lu Ziyun hugged that photo close to his chest as he tried to control his tears from falling, "Ying'er, I'm sorry."

He murmured but no one else but him could hear it.

For the first in his life, this Film Emperor felt what it was like to be alone for the first time.

On the other hand Xia Ying got his system, Executioner 13, to prepare him a new place to live. All his requests were fulfilled including the fact his house security is even stronger than those used by the government of this world.

He lives alone which is why he brought a simple by high technology to this world to fulfill his needs. He wanted to have a housekeeper since he is lazy, but he is not willing to let strangers inside his house which is why he asked his system to let him bring over a technology from a futuristic world.

An automated housekeeper and cleaner. Of course all materials were bought through his system. He doesn't want others to be shocked by such technology and he needed another legit way to use his money from his own wallet. Which is why he ordered his system to buy a failing company and used it as a cover to where his almost endless money comes from. He was watching the scene inside the condominium of the film emperor through the system's special access. Everything was within his control.

He even asked his system to let that picture frame fall to let the Protagonist Gong realized what kind of person the original Xia Ying is. Xia Ying is a blind man. He blinded himself just to filter what his sight could perceive. He can only see the times when Lu Ziyun gives his love to him as a substitute. He turned a blind eye for everything else. He loved Lu Ziyun like a madman but despite that he is not willing to harm his love.

He let the other person use him in exchange for his time and fake affection. That's how desperate this Xia Ying is for someone to love him. Xia Ying was a timid man in love. He loves the person but didn't dare to show his love openly. He just gave away his love in secret but in the end even if he tried to only see the good side of love, the clearer the ugly side is to his eyes.

He fell into depression and anxiety struck his heart at every second. Lu Ziyun suddenly breaking up with him is the last straw that broke his sanity. He died in his sleep and Hei Anjing was able to take over his vessel.

Looking at the monitor only to see the scum protagonist gong's guilt ridden self. Xia Ying's eyes remained unsympathetic and detached. Only that smirk by the corner of his lips showed his emotions though whether that is true is not, no one else knows.

"Truly~ a slag man."

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