I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 24: 1.23 First Small Star [Extra 2] – Horror Tale XI

Chapter 24: 1.23 First Small Star [Extra 2] – Horror Tale XI

Lin Xia heads to the library.

On the way to the building he seemingly remembered seeing the whole layout of the place and could somehow guess where the library was located. Upon seeing the door of the library emitting grey colored qi or ghost qi, he knew that he had found the right place. That ghost from the video recording must be residing in this place. When he held the door knob he felt the ghost qi preventing him from opening the door. He only squinted his eyes slightly as he used his own qi to fight off the ghost qi placed on the door and forcefully opened it.

The ghost qi was purified instantly by Lin Xia's qi. He pushed open the door and entered the weird portal inside the door.

"A portal to his own domain? Why is the protection so weak...?" murmured Lin Xia while looking at the weird looking water-like portal in front of him.

He didn't hesitate to enter the door, the other three students followed him inside after gathering enough courage not to be separated from this person who was able to save them. After passing through the door, they've only felt like they've dive into the water then felt what it is like to be drown and when they've finally couldn't hold their breath, they could only gasped for air to live. Their mind black out for few seconds but when they've opened their eyes what brought them surprised is that they are no longer in water but in a new place. What they've expected to see is a room full of books but what welcomes them is an old traditional room with a small table above the carpeted floor with few pillows surrounding it. On that table they've seen Xue Luli, Fu Lian and Ye Lou playing Go game board. The game board is an ancient type made of precious wood and the black-white stones were made in jade. It is a legit Weiqi gameboard from the ancient time.

The ones playing are Fu Lian and Ye Lou while Xue Luli and Xue Jing were watching the two play. Xue Luli is helping her boyfriend play while Xue Jing is helping the other brother, Ye Lou, plays. There's an expensive looking paper fan in Xue Jing's hands. He used it to fan himself like an elegant young master. There's an always mischievous smile on his lips though his silver eyes remain lifeless as he is already a ghost.

Before the play with weiqi, Xue Luli had tested the ghost king before them many times. She even scratched her fingers on purpose to test him if he wanted her blood. But Xue Jing just approached her and treated her wound nonchalantly. He even said that he doesn't like blood as he is a ghost not an evil spirit. Xue Jing even scolded her for hurting herself. Because of this, the three of them believe that this ghost king is indeed their little brother Xue Jing from before. He is silent but playful at the same time. Moreover he indeed cares for them like how they care for him.

Ye Lou who is on the losing side of the board said, "Little brother~ help me play. We are losing now~"

"Shut up! Jingjing had been telling you how to play properly but you didn't put your stones in the right place that's why you are losing!" scolded Xue Luli.

"I tried putting it in the right place! Though I counted it wrong just now!" retorted Ye Luo.

Fu Lian snorted at him and said, "Just accept that you don't know how to play. Who would count that weirdly as you do."

"Who would have thought that counting starting from your side would make me place my stone in the wrong place? Tsk! I should have counted it from my side then wouldn't you lose by then!" said Ye Lou.

Looking at the three humans bickering in front of him made Xue Jing feel he is alive even for a short moment. The souls of these three were specially pure that he couldn't help but want to protect them from that demon. This is the reason why he hides them in his own domain. Xue Jing was planning on hiding these three here until morning arrived. Once the sun had risen, those ghosts, evil spirit and that Demon would once again go to sleep. He only needs them to stay here for a few more hours to keep them safe. The three could vaguely see his plans and choose to believe him.

The moment Lin Xia and the other three had entered the place, instantly destroyed the domain Xue Jing had made. The Ancient looking room had twirled like an illusion disappearing like a smoke. Now what is in front of them is nothing but a ruined library with dusty bookshelves full of yellow colored page books, destroyed tables and chairs. There are even webs at every corner of the room. The space turned dark at that moment.

Xue Jing closed his opened paper fan with a sound, and suddenly the lights inside the library flickered. This is obviously a supernatural event. Xue Luli, Fu Lian and Ye Lou stood up while on guard upon seeing the handsome man before him who seems to be in his mid twenties. Looking a few years older than the Xue Jing before them. The two both possess beauty that is out of this world but gives a different feeling.

If Xue Jing is like a blooming poisonous poppy flower which seduces others unconsciously by its beauty despite of the venomous characteristics then this man before them emits coldness and aloofness. Like an emotionless person who radiates abstinence and ascetic aura who is unapproachable by anyone. They both contrast each other's personality but for some reason they both look together.

Fu Lian and Ye Lou stood in front of Xue Luli while the lady hid Xue Jing behind her. But despite their efforts the difference in height couldn't completely hide Xue Jing as he is taller than any of the three of them. These three were still students while Xue Jing is an adult man. His physique has been one of the greatest in his time. Only his husband who possesses a greater physique could tower him easily. Yes, like how Lin Xia would easily pass his height with half a head.

Ye Lou asked, "Who are you!?"

"How did you enter?" asked Fu Lian while frowning. He is giving Lin Xia a warning gaze.

The other three students standing behind Lin Xia had recognized them.

"President! Vice President!"

"You are still alive!"

"Hih! It's that ghost. It is really that ghost!!"

The three students reacted differently upon seeing Xue Luli and the rest.

In spite of the commotion made by the children, Lin Xia's eyes never left Xue Jing's being the moment he entered the room. As soon as he steps inside the door he pinpoints the source of that ghost qi that dares to block him. Which leads him to this ghost who emits strong grey qi but what surprises Lin Xia than instead of dark grey colored qi, this ghost king's qi is instead silvery with hints of gold.

This can only mean that this ghost king before he dies is a man full of good karma. A good person who is righteous and kind. His soul emits gold means that this ghost had never harmed any humans after his death and his merits were being built up slowly. If not for the barrier he erected in this place this ghost king would be welcomed unhindered during his reincarnation process. But he couldn't understand how a ghost with merits could become a Ghost King with such formidable strength.

Ye Lou whispered to Fu Lian, "Old Fu. That handsome man might be a Celestial Master. His job is to purify souls. He might be here for Jingjing." He informed his friend as soon as he noticed the insignia imprinted on the man's suit. A sun and moon crest, this is the Exorcist Organization's emblem.

Once Xue Luli and Fu Lian heard what Ye Lou had said. A serious expression had appeared on their faces. This time the two firmly held on Xue Jing as if afraid that the man in front of them would take him away.

Lin Xia ignored the couple's actions and said, "Let's talk. The rest... get out."

Lin Xia activated a teleportation formation instantly covering the whole building. In an instant all living humans were brought out of the barrier meeting the disciples and apprentices on guard. Those disciples had helped the survivors and erased their memories of everything that happened in that place. Despite that , Xue Luli and Fu Lian choose to remain. They've wished to wait outside for that man who forced them to get separated from Xue Jing. The disciples couldn't force this couple to leave nor could forcefully remove their memories as Xue Jing keeps his qi on them protecting them from all harm.

This is because even though he knew that Lin Xia is a human like the rest, he wasn't sure that they wouldn't harm his siblings at all. As for Ye Lou, it's better for him to have his memories of this night erased as he isn't that related to Xue Jing in the first place.

After the humans successfully got transported outside the barrier, Xue Jing finally concentrated on the man in front of him. He had been a ghost for a few hundreds of years and because of this his memories were almost gone. All he could remember is a promise he made with his soul. A vow that he could never forget.

'I will wait for the whole eternity as long as you remember to bring me home.'

A vow to wait for someone to come for him. He might not remember who that was and why he is waiting. This promise is the only thing that keeps his soul to this world.

Lin Xia observed the Ghost King before him. He was so focused that it even made Xue Jing uneased. He had no other choice but to open the conversation himself.

Xue Jing flicked open his fan and covered his mouth. Behind his fan is his usual playful smirk as his phoenix shaped eyes narrowed as if amused. In spite of his playful demeanor within those silver lifeless eyes were loneliness and fatigue no one could understand. This is what Lin Xia saw from within those argent orbs.

"Hm~ are you here for those toys (humans)?~ Dear Celestial Master~~" said Xue Jing. His voice had hints of seduction and playfulness while staring at Lin Xia with a taunting gaze.

Lin Xia silently watched the ghost king in front of him. There's confusion in his eyes as he keeps observing the ghost king before him. That familiar aureate hair as if every strand is made of gold made him remember the scene where his fingers could directly feel those silk like hair. Irises glowing in argent tint as if dyed with the color of the moon. Such color left him enchanted as he looked straight at it like it was allured to come closer and gently place a soft kiss over it. Such kind of memories continue to flow in his mind like a film playing endlessly but despite seeing it the features of that person in his memories remain vague.

He had been living his lives with vague memories like this. No matter how hard he concentrated he could no longer remember how his wife looked. He could only remember that his wife possessed the dazzling aureate hair as if the sun bestowed his light on it and those fascinating argent orbs which made him obsess thinking that he owned the moon brightly glowing within that evening sky.

Lin Xia's thoughts, 'That similar characteristics. A man that is like an embodiment of both the sun and the moon. Is he... my wife? I need to see it closer...'

He was brought back to the present when he heard a sultry voice that once again jog his memories. Now the memories in his head had voices that he could hear. One of them is his while the other one is the same as this ghost king.

He tried to remain calm and continued his duty as a Celestial Master. Lin Xia questioned the Ghost King before him, "A Ghost King. How many humans have you killed?" His tone turned sharp and cold at each word but one could notice his voice slightly trembles as well.

Xue Jing in front of him just stared at him nonchalantly. He flicked closed his fan revealing his curled lips in amusement.

"Hm~ But this king... don't remember~ Maybe~... a lot~~" replied Xue Jing. This time he gave Lin Xia a sweet smile. While in his mind: 'What do you mean killed? This King haven't killed a soul since I woke up!!'

'Liar. You haven't even harmed one and save some instead. You keep lying...' Thoughts of Lin Xia after hearing Xue Jing's reply.

That sweet smile plus Xue Jing's play tone made Lin Xia's frozen heart start beating. Lin Xia stared at the ghost king in front of him for a good long minute before his eyes widened in shock. When he saw this ghost king smile, everything in his memories shattered and repaired itself. This time it's clearer than before. He could see his wife's appearance mirroring the features of the ghost king before him. Because of this, Lin Xia's eternally deadpan face broke at this moment as if seeing something that shocked him at the same time was familiar.

Lin Xia didn't even notice his legs moving on its own, taking huge strides as he walked towards Xue Jing even though his poise remained elegant and dignified as if walking on air. He stood before Xue Jing and held his waist from behind, pulling him closer towards him. He started comparing the ghost king's features to his Jing'er's appearance. After he had seen it match up, his lips started trembling. He opens and closes it as if unable to utter even a single word. His eyes focused on Xue Jing's face in front of him even if the latter just stared at him with a bewildered expression even slightly tilting his head in ignorance.

"Jing'er, I finally... found you!" whispered Lin Xia.

All of the sudden Xue Jing felt warmness surrounding his body, all he knew is that this celestial master in front of him is hugging him. Human's temperature is warm, which makes Xue Jing sleepy and comfortable. Every time Xue Luli or Fu Lian hug him, Xue Jing remembers what is the difference between a living person and a dead one. A living person could possess such a temperature. Even the rhythm of their heart beats gave him solace. He was startled when he felt hot water droplets strolling down on his neck.

As a ghost king Xue Jing might be able to retreat to a temporary body which allowed others to touch him but it cost too much of his spiritual qi. After creating the body as little brother Xue Jing as well as protecting the three all this time, Xue Jing's abundant ghost qi got spent faster than the usual. He was about to hug back Lin Xia to closely feel that warmth which made him comfortable but he was startled when he felt that the other ruler of this land suddenly woke up.

Xue Jing pushed away Lin Xia and looked around in panic. Despite it the arms wrapped around his waist trapped him within Lin Xia's arms. Not letting him escape at all.

"Celestial Master~ I don't know who you are seeing in this king? But can you stop for a moment! That demon had woken up because those fools had gathered enough blood as sacrifice!" said Xue Jing.

After checking the qi in his surroundings Lin Xia felt that the red qi had gotten stronger, almost overwhelming the grey qi his Jing'er possessed.

"Jing'er who is the owner of that red qi?" asked Lin Xia.

Xue Jing upon hearing his name unconsciously replied, "It's the original owner of this evil land. It's a Demon God who is imprisoned in the deepest area of the abyss. Wait! How did you know this king's name!?" he asked.

The familiar reaction of Xue Jing in front of him made Lin Xia smile for the first time in a millennium. He looked at Xue Jing affectionately as if he found the cherished person in his life. He couldn't stop himself and gave Xue Jing's forehead a kiss.

The sudden kiss made Xue Jing nervous. "W-What are you doing!? Big Sister and Big Brother say only couples and... m-m-married people could k-kiss someone's face!!!" he complained and couldn't even stop his words from stuttering. For a memoryless ghost king like Xue Jing being kissed at this moment is equal to being kissed for the first time. He is no different from a virgin.

Seeing this adorable reaction Lin Xia couldn't stop himself from teasing his cute memoryless wife. He once again pulled him by his waist and watched him fidgets impatiently. He could even see Xue Jing pouting unconsciously. After playing the role of a young boy, Xue Jing was used to selling meng. Lin Xia couldn't hold back and lowered his head to kiss his wife's lips.

Xue Jing being kissed like this startled him. At first he wanted to struggle by hitting the man's chest in front of him but when he heard him groan, Xue Jing slightly stiffened instinctively. Seeing this Lin Xia tried prying his lips open once he was given an opportunity, Lin Xia did what he wanted to do and entangled his tongue with Xue Jing's. Xue Jing was lost in the kiss until he felt his tongue go numb but the person kissing him continued to do so. They kissed for a very long time.

[A/n: Xue Jing's physical body is made up of his spiritual qi. In short it is no difference with a normal living human body. But once he cancelled his qi, his physical body would disappear and only his soul would remain.]

weiqiGo, (Japanese), also called i-go, Chinese (Pinyin) weiqi or (Wade-Giles romanization) wei-ch'i, Korean baduk or pa-tok, board game for two players. Of East Asian origin, it is popular in China, Korea, and especially Japan, the country with which it is most closely identified.The word "meng" comes from Japanese animation, and is used to say something is very cute. Maimeng (literally, to sell meng), means someone is pretending to be cute.

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