I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 59: 3.18 Second Small Star – Cao Junzis Plan

Chapter 59: 3.18 Second Small Star – Cao Junzi's Plan


A party will commence under Starlight Company.

It's a Christmas party the company scheduled before Christmas eve.

The party is hosted at a high-class hotel which Lin Xia and Ye Baiyu made preparations with. It's a formal party whose special guests range from elite clans to international famed figures. Of course the main attraction is none other than the power couple of Odin and Loki.

Most of the guests knew that the lazy Odin would never pay too much attention to them, which is why most of the guests were opening conversation with Mo Yijun, who is always by Meng Anya's side.

[Host. the protagonist gong planned to separate you from your husband after asking someone to drug you. After that he planned to rape you. The protagonist shou had just escaped from the protagonist gong's hidden villa after taking a gun from one of the guards that the protagonist gong left to watch over him. He seems to want to end everything with the protagonist gong.]

Meng Anya talking to his system in his mind. 'Good. Send an anonymous text to Meng Lan about the whole plan of Cao Junzi. Indicate the room and time. Make it so he will be able to get access to the room's card.'

[Understood, Host!]

The velvety dark of night air became cooler as the black carpet on the sky condense with looming thick dark clouds. Pure white snow slowly falls on earth dyeing the original color of the land with purity of whiteness. Within the highest building, lighted by numerous lights. A room full of varieties, food and drinks served by men wearing uniformed suits to formality.

The guests were enamored with elegant music as they enjoyed an evening banquet. Within the spacious hall, people were in groups enjoying alcoholic drinks accompanying them in their casual conversation. Only at the center of the largest group a familiar looking couple were surrounded by people of all walks of life. Politicians to businessmen. Celebrities to models. Scientist to Professors.

They all wanted to surround the couple. Only when they notice that the little beauty starts to look grumpy does the dangerous looking man beside him show a pampering action to calm him down. After that the latter pulled the rest of the guests to slightly distance themselves from the little beauty and gave him space he wanted. With Meng Anya freed from all the formal greetings and casual conversation, he let his husband move a distance to entertain their guests.

This eccentric behavior of his is already a trademark which most people who knew him know. Everyone knows that Odin hates the crowd of strangers surrounding him the most. A moment later a waiter approached him offering him some drinks, saying that a distinguished guest sent it for Meng Anya to enjoy.

Respectfully greeted Meng Anya, "Sire. A guest sends a surprise drink for the Sire to enjoy. Would you like to have it?" asked the waiter acting servile towards Meng Anya though he is someone who serves the Cao Family.

[Host. The drink is drugged with a dose of Aphrodisiac and sleeping pill. Would the Host like to redeem a cure in the Mall?]

Meng Anya said to his system. 'Humming* No need, Exe. Instead I will redeem myself as a mind stabilizing pill.'

[Host, Mind Stabilizing Pill will only soothe your mind and let you have control over your body.]

Meng Anya, "I know. As long as my mind isn't clouded, I can have full control of my body~~"

[Redeemed Mind Stabilizing Pill from the System Mall. Host is still able to redeem two more items for this world.]

Meng Anya smiled playfully as he accepted the served drink by the waiter and secretly took the pill together with the drink. After a while later he acted as if the drug acted and fake to lose consciousness. The fake waiter secretly carried him away from the hall without incurring the eyes of the people within the party which seems impossible.

It was Meng Anya who lent him help by using the hypnotizing ball and making it so the other people would not notice him taking Meng Anya away. The effects were shortened for 15 minutes before it stopped working which is why even Mo Yijun forgot about his wife for a moment of time. Meng Anya was brought to the room where Cao Junzi is waiting. He had his people place the half-conscious Anya on his bed.

With the effects of the drugs, Meng Anya's face was flushed red as he was feeling hot all over his body. The tingling sensation of his drugged body made him fidget listlessly while slightly panting from the effects of the aphrodisiac.

Seeing such a lustful Anya on his bed made Cao Junzi who was enjoying the scene feel aroused with eyes filled with desires. He was excitedly removing his clothes one by one as his eyes were on the fidgeting drugged crimson face of Anya on the bed.

On the other hand, within the hotel's party hall, Mo Yijun's eyes flickered with darkness as he felt something was used to hypnotize his consciousness. He looked around the hall looking for the unknown he felt something or someone is missing, only his clouded mind made him completely uneasy as if he was forgetting something extremely important to him.

Seeing the hall's entrance widely opened, a familiar figure of a missing man entered his line of sight. Wearing clothes dirtied with dry blood and dirt, unfamiliar blue irises but what caught Mo Yijun's attention is that extremely familiar dye of dark chocolate colored hair. As if he knew someone who owns the most beautiful shade of brown pair with an alluring pair of phoenix shaped crimson orbs, seeing a blurring face with it Mo Yijun felt a slight headache as he tried to remember who that person is.

Only when Ye Xiajie took control of his body for a few seconds, helped him be freed from his wife's little hypnotizing item that Mo Yijun completely freed himself from hypnotism.

A dark and dangerous expression appeared on his handsome face. Seeing such murderous expressions on Mo Yijun made the guests instinctively move away from him. Then they heard him shout.

"BAIYU! Contact the police. Have our people prevent others from leaving the hotel. Inform my father, father-in-law, and Big Uncle that Cao Junzi and Meng Lan are in the hotel. Lin Xia handles the guests!" commanded Mo Yijun before running out of the party hall to follow Meng Lan.

Using Galaxia on his phone he asked the system to show him his wife's current situation. Seeing the scene inside the room where Cao Junzi is about to jump on his wife, anger filled his mind like a berserk beast. His eyes reddened in fury and anyone who saw his face was frightened to death.

After seeing the change of expression on Mo Yijun's face after Ye Baiyu informed the old men about Cao Junzi and Meng Lan being in the hotel. They've checked the surveillance camera. When they saw a video of an unconscious Meng Anya being carried to the room where Cao Junzi reserved made the faces of these three old men turned dark in immense anger.

Meng Huang, "BASTARD! Someone get me this beast's family!"

Xue Ling, "Go grabbed the people under Cao Family. Anyone who dares to help them make sure they pay the prize!"

Minister, "GO! Get the special forces to join. I want this bastard's clan to not exist by morning!!"

Meanwhile inside Cao Junzi's room, half naked with only his pants unbuckled he approached the sleeping Meng Anya. He reached out for his flushed cheeks caressing it lovingly. Such a disgusting touch made Meng Anya unable to bear acting like he was completely intoxicated with aphrodisiac.

Much less for him who is only used to close skinship with his husband, Cao Junzi's touch made him feel nausea despite the effect of the medicine. Anya's glistening eyes, bright red lips and abnormal body temperature were the effect of the drug making him slightly weakened. Seeing such a seductive sight made Cao Junzi clenched his jaws, feeling a wave of courage as he noticed the softening of the beauty's actions.

Cao Junzi reached out and grabbed the other party's hand, pressing him down the other onto the bed, thoroughly overwhelming them. He felt that the soft body underneath him was very hot igniting his desire further. With a lustful smile on his face he looked at the glaring beauty man under him, the heat making him feel extremely strange and arousing. Meng Anya was unexpectedly silent which made the courageous Cao Junzi to make his move in his craving.

He started to unbutton Anya's suit little by little while licking his lips in yearning. When he slid in his hand within the messy suit of Anya, he felt burn from the hotness of the soft skin under his palms. Slightly wondering his hands to explore inside the clothes he suddenly heard soft muttering from those bright red lips.


Panting in excitement, "Anya~…" Cao Junzi lowered his face, wanting to see Meng Anya's lustful painted face in his imagination.

But he was rendered speechless, the face of Meng Anya was dazed.

Coldness and indifference were imprinted on those crimson colored eyes as his flushed face was calm with nothing but stillness as if he wasn't drugged at all. Then he was murmuring nonstop a single word.

"Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting."

Meng Anya's current expression and endless murmuring made Cao Junzi feel like he was done with a bucket of cold water returning his thoughts to normal in that instant. Such insane Anya is something he has never seen before. Within those crimson eyes shows endless feelings of destruction, death, and blood.

Seeing the depths of Anya's eyes glinting with sharp silver made even Cao Junzi shiver as he felt death looming over him. Once those dazed irises locked on him, he knew that something bad would happen. When he suddenly loosen his hands which held the other party's hands, Meng Anya's crimson eyes moved to look at him.

If it's before then Cao Junzi would be delighted as if he got the world in his hands but the eyes that landed on him were only filled with madness.

Meng Anya's usual playful tone turned to something extremely cold.

"Done already?" asked Meng Anya to Cao Junzi who instantly got off him wanting to escape from him.

The changes in Meng Anya was so great that even his system felt chills when he saw that his own host's playful demeanor suddenly disappeared and changed to something completely apathetic and emotionless.

[H-Host? Are you…okay?]

The system tried to talk to his host, but he got no response and felt that the aura surrounding his host changed to something extremely dangerous and extremely powerful.

Within his system space a warning of the heavenly laws taking notice of Meng Anya's changes were ringing in their heads. If one got out of the building they could see that the evening sky was forming cracks as if it was being fragmented to pieces like a broken mirror. The system couldn't help but tremble when he saw his host's emotionless gaze as if nothing was made to enter his eyes.

His usual mischievous aura changed to something that made even him a system, meant for execution, hard to approach his host. He was trembling out of something he couldn't understand why. but then the fear within made him stopped from talking as he continued to stare at his host.

Meanwhile, Cao Junzi was the most affected by Meng Anya's changes. He was backing away from him like he was seeing a monster. Cao Junzi watched as Meng Anya moved his body from the lying position to a seated one.

His emotionless crimson eyes now turned with rims of silver light currently locked on Cao Junzi's as if he was preyed on.

He heard Meng Anya say something. "Exe. Redeem an item that will regenerate his limbs and blood that will not allow him to die unless he burns himself alive." Said Anya to his system but he didn't say it in his mind but with his mouth which Cao Junzi heard with his own ears.

[Host… this is…]

Meng Anya, "It's not against the rules. He will not die by my hand and he will still die with his original lifespan but unless he burns himself alive he won't be able to take his own life."

[I've redeemed a Zerg Pill for Host. Upon intake, it will make the body endlessly regenerate like Zerg but still have a human's lifespan. Host can now redeem only more items from the system mall.]

Cao Junzi watched as a black pill appeared out of nowhere when a monotonous voice answered to Meng Anya request. Once he blinked his eyes once the seated Anya on the bed appeared before him, grabbed his jaws, and forced him to eat the black pill. Meng Anya waited for a few minutes for the pill to take effect.

Cao Junzi felt something was crawling inside his body but unable to point out what it was. All he knew that it was because of that pill Meng Anya fed him. When he looked up to see Anya he felt something hit his chin with enough force that bent his neck. He even heard a cracking sound of his bone as his line of slight tilted when his neck was broken by Anya's kick.

Immense pain hit his being as he screamed out his lungs, but Anya didn't give him time to rest as he was beaten up with strength enough to kill a human. He was punched, kicked and stomped to the point his bones were fractured but he also felt the after pain of his bone being cured at every minute it was broken.

Every time Anya broke all his bones on his body, twisting it in all unbelievable angles possible and waiting for a few minutes for his body to once again return to normal. In this cycle of being broken, Cao Junzi felt he was going insane in pain, fear, and despair. After all, before him Meng Anya is covered in his own blood with his emotionless face and his crimson eyes full of mirth as he gets beaten up and then regenerated at cycle. Within those eyes was madness that enjoyed his suffering and despair.

When the people arrived inside the room the bloody scene of Meng Anya covered in blood and a mashed body of Cao Junzi which is slowly returning to normal only to be beaten back to a mush by Anya rendered them speechless. Even the angered Meng Lan couldn't help, but let go of the gun in his hands when he saw this gore and unbelievable scene.

Just a few moments after his arrival, Mo Yijun arrived in the place as well. Once Meng Anya who is covered in blood from head to toes noticed their arrival, a beautiful smile appeared on his blood covered face. If not for the blood on his body and the beaten meat like body of Cao Junzi under his foot, they would think that Meng Anya is just a kind beautiful man.

A smiling Anya, "Ah~ You came! Lan I made it so that your love will not die even if his body was beaten to death." Said Meng Anya to his brother who suddenly ran to the corner to puke.

Pukes~ This is the sound of Meng Lan suddenly puking in the corner after seeing the scene before him

Meng Anya said with a smile, "Hubby~ you're too late~ this thing suddenly touched me, and it felt so disgusting. I made sure to beat him to death a few times to calm my anger~" When he noticed his husband's arrival, Anya happily shared his achievements.

The sweet and satisfied smile on his exquisite face made his look like an angel but the red blood that taints his face and soaked his clothes crimson made him look like a devil who just finished playing with his prey. A beauty that shows a contrasting figure.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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