I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 65: 4.3 Third Blue Star - Supernatural Abilities

Chapter 65: 4.3 Third Blue Star - Supernatural Abilities


Institute Dormitory

Gui Lan was awakened by the noise in his surroundings. He could hear the clattering childish voices of children.

"Why do they sleep together?"

"Are they that close? Looks comfortable to me."

"W-What are you looking at for A'Zhe?"

"A'Xing let's sleep together as well. It's so cold at night and the blanket is so thin. Please~"

"N-No too crowded."

"It's fine. I'll give you half the space. If we hug like them we will fit as well. It's almost winter. It's too freezing."

"...hmm~ fine! If you dare squash me. I'll kick you off the bed!"

"Hehe~ Don't worry A'Xing I won't squish you I promise."

The last voice had the tone of being angry and annoyed.

"Noisy. If you woke up Lan'er I'll beat you both up."

"B-But It's almost time for breakfast, we need to prepare."

"Shss~ Shss... A'Xing Shss. I don't want to get beat up."

Then silence once again filled the room. Gui Lan took his time to sleep but he still woke up after 15 minutes of extended sleeping time. Opening his eyes he saw that he was still hugging Xie Ye. As he looked up their eyes met and just gave Xie Ye a smile with a greeting.

"Good Morning! A'Ye."

Sweeping the stray strand of hair on Gui Lan's face, "Morning, Lan'er. Wash your face and take a bath. I'll take mine after yours." said Xie Ye.

"Hm, let's take a bath together. It's almost time for breakfast. No more time to spare." replied Gui Lan as he prepares to head to the bathroom while pulling Xie Ye together with him.

Xie Ye let himself get pulled by the former as they ignore the bystanders in the corner who are watching them in silence.

"Have they been this close?" said Little Yi Zheng.

"It's better if they are close. Though they used to be both detached at least they are a bit approachable now than before. Moreover we need their help if we really plan to escape." explained Little Li Xing.

Bewildered Little Yi Zheng, "What do you mean A'Xing?" He asked with confusion in his mind.

Little Li Xing spoke, "Obviously they are both smarter than I do. But they both took a different approach to gather information. Xie Ye chose to put himself to spot light and gather data upfront while Gui Lan took a silent stance while observing everything and remembering anything. If I am not wrong A'Lan is the smartest among all three of us. He changed. He used to be timid and cowardly. A'Lan used to be scared of Xie Ye but now..."

"But now what?" asked Little Yi Zheng.

Little Li Xing looked at Little Yi Zheng's innocent face and could only sigh.

[(Thoughts of Li Xing): But now they unconsciously treat each other like a family. but in a different kind of feeling. In a much more intimate way than familial love.]

"I'm talking nonsense. Forget about it. On today's exams make sure to limit yourself to middle school level okay?" said Li Xing.

Little Yi Zheng didn't understand the meaning of Li Xing's words and just agreed without question when the latter changed the topic of their conversation.

"Okay. I will." replied Little Yi Zheng.

Little Li Xing stared at the closed door of the bathroom. His eyes show confusion and disbelief, but there are also hints of anticipation and hope.

Their group had been taking regular lessons on math and science for a week. They were getting used to it until their little group of four was finally mentioned to undergo practical training which in real meaning, experimental modifications or human experiments. The experiments were separated by categories of seeing, hearing, touching and smell.

In experimentation of sight, upon entering the room the subject will be given a certain amount of time to look around the room, this includes looking through the things inside the place. Then the subject will be blind folded with a black cloth while chained at a chair. On his head is a helmet like thing with wires connected to it. The scientists will be letting him touch one thing for a few seconds and the subject will have imagined what kind of object that is. This thing is taken from among the other objects placed in the room from the start. He needs to tell them the object's characteristics. Color, size, texture, and what kind of object it was. There will be at least ten objects and the subject needs to be able to guess at least three to be freed. If he guesses wrong an electric current will pass through his head, numbing his nerves and brain cells as a significance of failure.

Experimentation of hearing, the subjects of each group representatives were caged in a pure white room. Inside the room there is nothing. The walls were made of glass. No window and only a single door. Within the only brick walls are stereo speakers which frequency sounds. It was a glass cage. The lights will be turned off according to the schedule to begin. As the lights turned off levels of frequency beyond human hearing will be played inside the room. The subjects were subjected to listen to the sound for a whole day. Even if they covered their ears the sounds can still be heard. They could only suffer from feeling as if someone was digging directly in their ears. Subjects were only free to return the next day. That's if they are still alive by then.

Experimentation of smell. A subject is tasked to put a fiber like collar on their necks. Eyes blindfolded; the head of the subject is put inside a glass box. The glass box is split two halves by a glass wall with numerous small holes. At the first box is the subject's head while the other box is where the object they will need to guess by scent will be placed. Not all things placed within the second box are normal. Some of it can cause nauseating feelings, dizziness and sometimes suffocation. Most of it is chemical or compound things. If the subject got it wrong the collar on their neck tightens preventing them to breathe properly.

Lastly, experimentation of touch. This is another group experiment. Subjects were tied up on a chair blind folded and even their ears were covered. That helmet thing is placed on their heads as well. The subjects can only sense things through touch. This type of experiment is the cruelest among all the experiments. Subjects were tasked to hold hands. Then electricity will be felt from the chair they were chained to. They were not allowed to let go of each other's hands. If they are going to let go, it must be done as a group. Else if it's just one or two, the minority will feel electric shock not only in their whole body, but even in their heads. Subjects will have to bear it until the electricity is cut off. Failure in this experiment means only death.

Today, their group was told that their batch will enter a trial run. Together with the other groups they were told to choose individually what kind of room they would like to experience. The adults spoke as if they were tasked to participate in field activities when it is only at the pretense of field exercise that those experiments were called as. It is a trial run. There is no fear of failure yet. The time will be limited to an hour or few minutes. As if giving the children some heads up of what they will be experiencing. Afterwards, a few days later their group will have to undergo a full experiment as one. They had no other choice but to accept the reality by then.

After lunch, the children scheduled for the experiments were gathered in a huge gym like room. The place is empty except for a stage at the center, a projector screen. The children were huddled up in teams of fours to six. A small group of children with lifeless eyes were looking at the larger group with a mixture of emotions. Envy, rage, guilt, and sympathy. They were observing the groups at the center in silence. This smaller group only has 10 members. Some of them stood in pairs, some were alone. Among these children a pair were obviously observing the larger group with unknown intent hidden within those eyes.

Meanwhile within the larger crowd, a small group of 4 huddle in a desolated corner with the surveillance camera's dead angle, holding their partners hand. Xie Ye is holding Gui Lan whom he tried his best to hide behind him. Standing beside him is Yi Zheng with a listless expression on his chubby face while gripping the hands of Li Xing. Of course, he copied Xie Ye as he hid the small figure of Li Xing behind his back as well. Yi Zheng have been copying Xie Ye's actions lately. Not only Li Xing noticed it, but even Xie Ye and Gui Lan did too. Li Xing asked him the reason once and the answer Yi Zheng gave startled the rest of the group.

A short conversation at a certain evening.

Li Xing asked, "A'Zhe, why do you copy Xie Ye's actions?"

The bewildered innocent bun, Little A'Zhe replied, "Because I saw that Xie-dage's is a resolute person. There is always a meaning in his every actions."

His answer startled the other three especially Xie Ye who felt that he is being seen through by this na?ve boy. A frown appeared on his little face beside him. Gui Lan is smiling as if understanding what Yi Zheng's words meant.

"He is aloof, but not totally. He is especially different towards A'Lan. His characteristics are that he has an unwavering will, decisive and kind at certain people like us and A'Lan. His presence is overwhelming, but even though it is there one couldn't perceive it. The kind of feeling as if something is missing. No more like, Incomplete?" explained Yi Zheng, but they can obviously see that this guy wears a confused expression on his face. It is like the words he just said are something he felt through his instincts instead of using his brain to think through it.

As if he had some realization, Li Xing pointed at himself and said, "A'Zhe how do you see me? Explain it like how you did with Xie-dage."

"A'Xing is... I can see that you are smart and cautious. A silent and traceless investigation, but still remains as a bystander. You like to observe people and for some unknown reason you can see their connections to each other instantly even without knowing them personally. Like how you told me that Xie-dage and A'Lan despite being strangers at first to be somewhat connected with something but unable to see through it which is weird. Thought all in all you have a kind heart and soothing presence."

Little Li Xing's adorable face slightly reddened when he heard how Yi Zheng concludes his characteristics.

Gui Lan asked with a mischievous smile on his face, "How about me? Zheng-ge how do you see me as?"

Yi Zheng flinched when he heard Gui Lan asking him despite the question not being different from what Li Xing had asked. There is a short silence between them. Obviously everyone can see that Yi Zheng is hesitating on how he should explain Gui Lan's characteristics. He is especially giving Xie Ye some glance as if gauging his reactions. As if he instinctively knew that once he spoke some words wrongly about Gui Lan that Xie Ye would definitely beat him up for it.

Xie Ye spoke, "Just explain. Even if you speak nonsense I won't get angry."

"Don't worry Zheng-ge I won't let A'Ye beat you up. I promise." said Gui Lan.

"You promise, okay?" said Yi Zheng, who only took a deep breath to calm himself once he saw Gui Lan nod his head.

"A'Lan is like a broken mirror. Everyone can see his reflection, but not his whole figure. He is like a fragment glass with different shapes? None of it was true, but none of it was false either. It reflects what you want to see, but it never shows the real truth. But within that falsehood is a bit of truth. That truth is thorny and beyond the others. Even I couldn't see through it completely."

Yi Zheng was staring at Gui Lan with a perplexing mixture of expression on his face. All of the sudden he moved his gaze from Gui Lan to Xie Ye alternately with an even more muddled expression on his face.

"Only... only when A'Lan is with Xie-dage that I was able to see it in a very short moment. Just a flicker."

Xie Ye spoke, "What did you see?"

"A never ending darkness full of beautiful sparkling things. Like an illusion that plays tricks at me. But at the center of everything is a person's figure... this figure gives the same feeling as..." Yi Zheng didn't complete his word but he stared at Xie Ye.

Everyone can see that the figure Yi Zheng saw through Gui Lan is without doubt Xie Ye. His explanation only had two meanings. Gui Lan is unreadable and that his truth revolves only around Xie Ye. Hearing this explanation, Gui Lan just smiles then pats Yi Zheng and Li Xing's shoulders.

"Not bad. Your abilities are very useful. You were born with it like I and A'Ye. But don't let anyone in this institute learn about it or else everyone of us will be dragged down to hell. I want to take a shower A'Ye explain it to them." said Gui Lan who left preparing to take a shower before going to bed.

The pair of two who were left there speechless by Gui Lan's words looked at the person who was told to stay and do the explanation instead, Xie Ye.

"First question: How did you get to this place?" asked Xie Ye.

Yi Zheng, "Adopted. I'm from the orphanage."

Li Xing, "Sold off by my parents. How about you and A'Lan?"

"I'm the same as Yi Zheng. But Lan'er's situation is different, he was kidnapped. He came from a well-known family. He said that he was here because of internal conflict within his clan. Enough of this since Lan'er choose to accept you then I would as well. I will begin the explanation. Before that do you know where we are?" said Xie Ye.

Yi Zheng answered him with a shaking head but Xie Ye never expected a useful answer from this boy. Among their group of four, they knew that even though Yi Zheng's IQ is above average and his physique is tough, he is the type that knows nothing and notices nothing about the things around him. His only advantage is that he is adaptable.

"Some kind of hidden place where they gather children for human experiments." said Li Xing.

"What!?" exclaimed by the shocked innocent bun Yi Zheng.

"Not bad. As expected of someone who was born with photographic deduction. Your ability to figure out connections in whatever you are investigating and processing them extraordinarily fast is indeed a very useful mental ability." said Xie Ye.

Then he looked at Yi Zheng then clicked his tongue, "While this fool had the ability called Mortality Viewing. Though it seems currently useless for his type."

"Mortality Viewing? What kind of ability is it?" asked Li Xing.

"An ability to peer into a person's inner self to determine character. His ability is amazing but dangerous for a loud mouthed person like him. You should train him not to speak things he shouldn't say." said Xie Ye.

"I will." replied Li Xing beside him innocent bun Yi Zheng couldn't understand the exchange of his friends before him wearing a bewildered foolish expression on the sidelines. Seeing his expression, Li Xing and Xie Ye could only let out a helpless sigh.

In the end choose to ignore the latter. Xie Ye decided to ignore Yi Zheng and explained everything to Li Xing. He even told them his ability to read minds which startled the two. But when they've asked what Gui Lan's ability is, Xie Ye only answered that they will know in the future.

Xie Ye also told them his and Gui Lan's plans to escape which leads to the other two in helping with gathering information secretly. Only Li Xing thought Yi Zheng was ignored for this part.

They haven't completely gathered the information they needed when they were suddenly called in the gym which now leads to the current situation. Ignoring the sweating hands which grips his own, Li Xing looked at the one beside him. Obviously the one who makes the decision in their small group is the youngest and smartest among them which is Gui Lan.

Li Xing whispered, "What's happening, A'Lan?" he asked.

As he whispered that question even Xie Ye and Yi Zheng who were standing in front of them heard it. When Yi Zheng was about to turn around and asked as well that he heard Xie Ye's stern voice.

Xie Ye, "Stand straight. Don't turn around. Just use your ears to listen." he said to Yi Zheng who was standing beside him. Yi Zheng immediately stood up, continuing his duties as a firm and tall wall.

Xie Ye and Yi Zheng stood in front of the smallest pair from the other's eyes. This will allow the two to look around without the others noticing.

"A'Xing don't let go of Zhe-ge's hands. I'll create a link in your minds don't reject it." whispered back by Gui Lan.

Once Xie Ye heard this a frown ascended on his face as he squeezed Gui Lan's held hand with his. He's reaction signifies rejection of Gui Lan's plan. Gui Lan knew why the former squeezed his hand, Xie Ye doesn't want Gui Lan to have intimate and closer interaction with the two like what he did to him that night.

(Telepathic Conversation of Xie Ye and Gui Lan.)

Gui: {Calm down. It is only a temporary connection. Yours is permanent which is why I needed an intimate distance. For a temporary one, only a short touch is required.}

Xie: {Touch above the clothes. No skin contact.}

Gui: {Pfft! Yes sir!}

(End of Telepathic Conversation of Xie Ye and Gui Lan.)

Gui Lan using his free hand grabbed Li Xing's arm covered by his sleeves and activated his psychic ability, he created a temporary connection in their brains, making a group connection within their minds. This will allow them to converse using their thoughts.

Li Xing and Yi Zheng only felt something invading their mind with a short span of prickling pain in their brains followed by a slight numbing feeling. It took them a while to sense the others' thoughts as a group. Li Xing understood immediately what kind of ability Gui Lan possessed.

(Telepathic Conversation of people from room 0373.)

Li: {This is!?}

Yi: "Wh---!!" His mouth was covered by Xie Ye's hand in reality as he almost exclaimed loudly in shock.

Xie: {Speak in your mind! Not with your mouth you fool!} After removing his hand to Yi Zheng's mouth, he used the same hand to hit the fool on his head.

Yi: {Owiee~ (┬┬﹏┬┬)}

Li: {A'Lan your ability is Telepathy. This is amazing. How long will it last?}

Gui: {This one lasts for a day. Starting now if you need to say anything use this link. I'll keep it open but this one is set as a group. Keep in mind that everyone can hear what you wish to say.}

Xie: {Lan'er what do you think about those guys observing by the side?}

Gui: {Judging from their expressions. They are the remaining children from the batch before ours.}

Yi: {Batch before ours?}

Li: {Only 10 remains from 200 children. This is bad then.}

Gui: {Not really. According to the information I had gathered. We are already the third batch. No survivors for the first batch. Only 3 for the second batch. If there's already 10 survivors for the first screening then... there's a higher chance of survival to this batch.}

Xie: {This still doesn't mean that the experiment is humane.}

Yi: {T-They... Do they take us as their guinea pigs or something!?}

Gui: {No. Guinea pigs are those from the first batch. We are already called experimental subjects.}

[A/n: What Gui Lan means is that the first batch is treated as animals. The scientist treats them as guinea pigs and there was no need to worry about their lives. As they see those children from the first batch as lab rats. In short they are just lab animals with no human life to care. While Gui Lan calls their batch experimental subjects because scientists will treat them as precious subjects while trying to make sure they can live at least. Incidents during the experiments are called failure. Failed experiment means death of the children.]

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