I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 73: 4.11 Third Blue Star - Backlash

Chapter 73: 4.11 Third Blue Star - Backlash

After Xie Ye successfully missed the bad ending where he would suffer the whole day with his ears ringing as if an excavator was right beside his ears working on a huge damn road.

Because of his own mistake of not taking the medicine that will knock him out the whole day, he almost squeezed his head with an end result of him bashing his own head on the glass walk like the other subjects inside the room with them.

Thankfully, Xie Ye woke up on time thanks to Gui Lan.

While everything on the group's side is fine, Gui Lan's situation doesn't seem that optimistic. Just the fact his soul is injured for going against the divine laws which caused for his current vessel to weaken down to the point its already below a normal status.

He was the only one among the group that had his ability activated the whole time. If not for his system's help controlling his thoughts not to be passed to others that everyone on the other side of the link would have heard his screams just then.

Gui Lan was already standing by the edge of the cliff that gauged the control of his ability to tolerate pain. His weakened soul made his originally healthy body weaker.

His body's ability to naturally heal got even slower and because of blood's lacking, his head was dizzy the whole time. If not for his high tolerance of pain, he would have lost consciousness already.

Gui Lan's current location is the laboratory of sight.

His location is the farthest from where the rest is. Moreover as an individual subject, he is the only one inside the laboratory with just one scientist. It just happens that the scientist assigned to him today is sadly the lunatic dean of this psychopathic institute.

In the beginning things in Gui Lan's side are going well despite his weakened state. He was able to avoid getting punished for guessing the things before him multiple times.

He is an experimental subject for the experiment in sight. His head is covered in a helmet connected in wires. Both feet were bound on the chair, his eyes were blindfolded only his hands were free to move. He was having fun playing as a subject that even his system disapproved this kind of game where his host well being is on line.

[Host. Please stop playing like this! Your soul is badly injured. It's more than 50 percent damage! Your current vessel is too young for me to begin the upgrade process. Even if I begin it right now, it will take years not only because your soul is injured, you are even overexerting your body. Your body will collapse host!]

"Calm down, Yue. It won't collapse. I was circulating qi in my body to keep it barely usable at minimum." replied Gui Lan.

[In this state if the host used the Limit breaker skill card to fight your enemies then you can forget living for a half a century, living for more than a decade seems more plausible instead.]

Gui Lan sighed, "Yue I'm glad you don't have a crow mouth." Then suddenly he heard Xie Ye screams from his mental link of their group. He was in immense pain as one could hear the agony in his voice.

"Yue, what the hell is happening on his side?" asked Gui Lan worriedly.

[He didn't take the tablet that will knock him out at the exact moment it was needed to. Now he is currently suffering the experiment in hearing without protection because he was caught off guard.]

"What is wrong with him? To make such kind of mistake. What should I do now? Yue can an ability be used within an ability?"

[Are you trying to use Authority while your Telepathy Skill is activated. It can be done but you'll overexert your mental powers. There's even a heavy backlash after it. I suggest you do not do it, host. At your current state the damage percentage of your soul will just increase!]

Gui Lan never had hesitation when he made his decision. "Yue I remember that I still have three redemption tickets right? Use that to exchange things that will prevent my mind from breaking from the backlash. I will activate Authority in the group mental link to forcefully awaken A'Ye."

[Host this can only be done once or else. I will just execute you and get over with this failed mission! You haven't even completed even one task yet as the plot hadn't reached the beginning stages at all! You need to reach the age of 26 to start the plot!]

"You're becoming nagging lately Yue. Are you in menopausal age? You've start having a short temper." teased Gui Lan.

[Yue is a male. Why would I enter menopausal age?! Host!!!]

Gui Lan laughed at him in his mind, "Hahaha~ fine~ Let's begin."

For Xie Ye's sake, Gui Lan chose to overload his ability for the second time but this time not only one but two mental type abilities. His Telepathy and Authority skills were used at the fullest for short seconds.

It is normally impossible to use an ability inside an ability, especially mental types that can affect the person's mental state. But Gui Lan doesn't care, he didn't even think twice on whatever backlash he will get this time.

His vessel's current state is the lowest and weakest physique our main character had on his ongoing world hopping journey. Not only his injuries in his soul could not be cured inside this small star as it was a punishment dealt to him by the origin of rules, the Divine Laws.

Divine Laws are the rules made by the two ruler Gods of the highest state. These are the rules that even every deity and those above them must follow. Breaking the rules under this content will be immediately dealt upon by Origin's will. Even Immortal Gods couldn't escape this if they really went against it.

The heaviest punishment under this rule is obliteration. Meaning there will be nothing left of you. Not a piece of flesh. Not a drop of blood. Even not a wisp of soul. Your very existence will be completely erased. You will no longer exist. God cultivates to exist forever; this is the heaviest punishment they could receive.

Gui Lan successfully activated his two abilities and brought back Xie Ye in reality but at the cost of his body's breakdown. After making sure that Xie Ye had fallen asleep Gui Lan's telepathic link was instantly cut off as his vessel shut down.

In short he lost consciousness and the link in the body and soul was cut off. In his system's mind space, Gui Lan's soul form became pale and his fingers were a bit translucent.

[Host the damage percentage of your soul had reached 60%. The redemption tickets were all used up for buying 3 high level soul stabilizing stones. I've left it all in your soul domain. You need to enter deep sleep soon.]

"Yue how long can this body keep awake?" asked Gui Lan.

[5 days at most. Two days at least. But if you use the skill card in this state, after using it you'll enter deep sleep for a long few years. Even after waking up your body would only be able to last for at most 15 years. 5 years at the latest if you keep overusing your abilities. Unless you upgraded your body's physique.]

Gui Lan's expression remained smiling as usual. "Can you connect me to that world hopper whose vessel is called Sen, Yue?"

[Issuing connection to his system in progress. Connection approved. A short Telepathic message could be sent once. I've also put the dean into an illusion realm for this whole day.]

"Thank you, Yue." said Gui Lan.

(SOS Telepathic Message from Gui Lan)

Gui: {Sen come over to my location. Experimental Building. Sight Department room number 333. Hide my body for a bit. I overdid it. Don't inform the children but inform the agents.}

(End of SOS Telepathic Message from Gui Lan)

Professor Sen who suddenly received that kind of message from Gui Lan from his own system shocked him. He would never have expected that the Venerable Lord they just saw a few days ago would be in such a state.

Sen left the laboratory he is in by saying that the dean is summoning him. He knew that Dean's favorite lab in the Sight Department is the room 333 where that Venerable Lord was dragged to.

Just when the group link was suddenly cut off just now, he knew something bad happened.Following the message, he went straight to where the location is supposed to.

Upon arriving at the location and entering room 333, what welcomed Sen is a bloody mess. The Dean is moving around the laboratory while laughing. His figure is like a child chasing after a butterfly hovering around. At the center he saw Gui Lan's small body leaning lifeless on the chair. Blood flows out from his orifice, pale from lack of blood and he totally loses consciousness. He started panicking around when he saw this scene.

"What should I do?" asked Sen.

[System Exe 13 had tampered the recordings on the way back to your room. He also controlled the hallway and elevator security which will not allow you to bump into any other staff. He said to hide his host's body for a few hours while it was under treatment.]

Sen bewildered asked, "Treatment? I don't have Healing skills on me!?"

[The host doesn't need to worry. We are not asking you to do such an almost impossible thing for a clumsy human as yourself, my host.]

"You've been bullying me lately ever since your upgrade system!"

[Yes. What can you do about it?]

Sen was speechless in what his system just said.

"I only need to hide him in my room for a bit?" asked Sen.

[Changed location. Bring the Venerable Lord back to room 0373 instead.]

"Okay." replied Sen.

As Professor Sen approached the small blood figure laying on the chair chained. He saw the small body of a young child feeble and pale. Bleeding from his orifices: there are blood trails from the corner of his eyes, on his ears and nose. This child's features are still immature but one could see he will grow up into a flawless beauty given in time. But he looks so delicate as if he would take his last breath at any time.

"System, why is he... like this?"

[According to what the lord's temporary system said, it seems that lord had overdone himself this time. For some reason he received a punishment from the divine laws. Soul Injured at the extent his vessel weakened in such a state and then pushing his vessels to utmost limit by forcing another mental type skills within another skill. This kind of move usually leaves a bad backlash to the body. The fatigue his vessel could bear overloaded and he was forced to enter deep sleep. He should be able to wake up tomorrow if he forces himself to. The Venerable Lord said to not say a thing to the children.]

"There should be no reason for him to save those children. They are just part of the data of this world. Isn't that how most those on top treats mortals from the lower plane usually do? He is weird." murmured Sen. This time the one who answered this question is no longer his own system but someone else. It was Executioner 13 who knew the meaning of his host's actions.

[Never think of my host as kind. I haven't met someone else crueler and colder than he is. That night if your system didn't give my host the answers he wanted, you would be dead that day. {Yue}]

"..." Sen remained in silence as he reminisced of the scene that night he first met the lord. Eyes cold as ice. Detached and aloof as nothing could enter his sight. Everything is fleeting under his gaze as if he is the lone eternal in time. He can understand that every word that was said is true. The Venerable Lord is indeed a cruel and merciless person.

"Then why would he even put his current vessel in line for these original resident children. They had nothing to do with him or his mission at all." retorted Sen.

[I am fair warning. As long the villain of this world remains alive my host would not destroy this world. Remember. {Yue}]

Sen carefully lifted Gui Lan from the chair. Slowly, gently and carefully as if carrying an extremely delicate and fragile luxurious jewel shard. Afraid that a single heavy touch could ruin everything.



Room 0373

Sen placed Gui Lan on the nearest lower beds, he couldn't place him on his bed on the upper bunker in fear of inflicting more pain to the weakened vessel of the lord. He could see that the white sheets of the bed were slowly tainting with crimson blood and the figure lying on the bed had its eyes closed as if only sleeping.

"I only need to put him here?" asked Sen.

[Yes, host. System Exe 13 said that he would wake up on his own. You don't have to worry about it much. The Venerable Lord says that he would reward you when he woke up. Let's go, host.]

"...Okay." replied Sen before taking one last glance on the sleeping figure covered in blood on the bed as he took his leave.

Few moments after the pair of host and system left the room. System Yue made sure to lock the door from the inside until the other children returned. He also made sure that the bed and his host vessel remained clean without any speck of blood on them. Then he went back inside and continues to watch over his host's spiritual body in the mind space who is currently meditating to suppress his injuries in the soul. As the punishment he was bestowed upon for violating a rule under the Divine Laws could not be healed no matter what he does in this world, Gui Lan's current vessel's lifespan was greatly affected because of this. As for how much only his host knows how long he could live his life inside this star.

[The host is willing to injure even his soul just to protect the lord's soul fragment while the lord had fragmented his soul just so he could follow after the host. I really couldn't understand why these two choose such a risk method to take the other's attention. Isn't it better to just talk it through with each other instead?]Though the problem is, would these two be willing to lay out their honest feelings for each other despite of everything or anything that may affect them? Isn't it because they couldn't, that this situation is the result of their choices.

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