I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 78: 4.16 Third Blue Star - Supernatural Investigation Department

Chapter 78: 4.16 Third Blue Star - Supernatural Investigation Department

Fifteen years had passed in a blink of an eye.

A casual evening of a normal day.

The sky is black like an endless carpet of darkness. The winds howls which echoes within the quiet modern city. In some suburbs, a big breast woman in an explicit red dress runs for her life. Her skin had scratched all over on her arms and legs. These are obvious traces of cuts from something sharp. Obviously someone is after her, but the woman had no intention to call out for help. Even if she is in such an obscure place there is no way someone can hear her.

Pants. Pants. Pants.

A huge force hit her back making her fall on her face. Now even her face is full of blood as it landed firmly on the sharp stones on the group. The woman could help but screamed in pain.

"AHH! My face!" She exclaimed with a bloody and now distorted appearance. During her fall she unfortunately twisted her ankle. There's an unbearable pain on her legs.

Behind her a foot step slowly comes over in her direction. Hearing the sound behind her, the woman wanted to crawl away. She knew that if that person caught her, then her ending wouldn't need to be mentioned. She would be gone for good.

"No. no. no. I don't want to die. Please don't kill me!" The woman pleads but no one listens.

But before she could crawl away she felt that she lost his feeling on both her hands and feet. There's a warm droplet splashing on her face. When she looked down she saw that her hands and feet were cleanly cut off from her wrists and legs. Then she felt an immense pain that overtook her mind. She could only scream in agony.

AAAAHHHH!!! The shrieking of the lady echoes endlessly in the quiet city but as if no one can hear it. No came for her. With her knowing the footsteps behind her had finally stopped. Apparently the person chasing her had reached her position. Standing just a short distance away from her. With ugly distorted face tainted with both of her blood and tears she looked at the person who cut off her hands and feet. She could see knives hovering around the man. He is obviously like her. An esper with a special ability.

But her ability is weaker in combat. She could only control liquid matter to create a diversion or make an ambush attack. There is no other liquid matter around her except for her blood. The lady could only use whatever is available and created a water blade made from her blood. Thus, a blood blade was created to attack the man in pure black clothes.

"Die for this old lady!" She screamed as her blade made of blood flew towards the man targeting his neck.

The lady watched as her blade was about to reach her enemy's neck but before she could rejoice she felt a cold object pass through her neck and then her line of sight tilted.

With her eyes widened in shock, "How?" asked the lady as the last thing she saw before her life ends are those pairs of crimson orbs glinting with unknown madness and coldness. Obviously this person doesn't look at him as a human being.

Because the ability user had died, the blood blade had fallen like a puddle of water before it could reach the crimson eyed man. The controller is dead and so the ability is cancelled on its own. Obviously this man is cruel and merciless. He used his ability to control things like knives and such. He silently and slowly cut off limbs by limbs of the woman without any emotion on his handsome face. The moon that was hidden behind the clouds had bestowed a dimmed light on the man revealing his features.

Long charcoal hair tied up with a simple single colored rubber band. Sharp jaws and features. Tall nose and downturned shaped eyes. Crimson irises as if it was dyed with blood. There is no apparent emotion imprinted on his handsome face and his temperament is even colder than glaciers. But he has such an overbearing presence that gives out a feeling of facing death. This man is obviously a killer by nature.

The man just gave the dead woman a one glance before peering at the darkness made of shadow not far from him.

Within the still silence of the empty place his icy voice was heard, "Clean up the rest of her group. Just leave her corpse here. Leave traces of the syndicate, those people of that department will handle the rest." said the crimson eyed man.

A voice replied from the shadow, "As you've ordered, boss." then the shadows move as if leaving the location to move in another place.

Once his subordinate left, this crimson eyed man looked at the moon with longing for a distant figure. There's a melancholy deep within those blood colored irises.

"Where are you now my Lan?" this man whispered before walking away. His tall structure had a feeling of loneliness on it. He continues to walk deeper in the abyss looking for someone from within his daydreams.



Central City.

Countless of tall buildings with tinted windows and glass doors. A smooth cemented car highway and patterned position light posts at both sides thought current turned off as it is morning. The bustle crowd of people surrounded a certain position but was blocked by the encirclement of metropolitan police. At the center of the restricted circle is a dismembering and bloody broken figure of a woman. There are obvious traces of fight in the area but the traces left were not made by an ordinary human doing.

A huge commotion had gathered and was done in the middle of the city. The crowd was controlled by the metropolitan police before a chaos was made. There's a bustle murmuring within the spectators by the side.

"Someone died again?"

"I heard the killer was an esper."

"No Shit! Those espers are really dangerous! Why do they even exit!?"

"Sshss! Watch your tongue! There are rumors that those killed were espers as well."

"Are you having an internal conflict?"

"This is crazy. Most of the criminals these days are those psychopathic espers!"

"They should all die!"

"Shut up! Do you want to get killed!? Those people are coming!"

"Those people? Who are they?"

The spectator watched as a tall and muscular man wearing a suit came over. This man had a height of at least 1.8 meters. He had a blowout haircut appearing a bit wind-blown and a little wild. The look is characterized by a full-volume top, which is styled tall, and short or faded sides. Looking around with gimlet eyes, there's a serious expression on his attractive face. Following behind him is a few heads shorter than the tall man, wearing a white gown worn by doctors. Medium length two-block hairstyle paired With an extended fringe while the same hue of those cherry blossom and doe shaped pink irises. There's a kind smile on his gorgeous face. His aura shows his gentle temperament.

One the metropolitan police noticed these two's arrival, they immediately saluted towards the tall man.

"Chief Yi! Welcome!" The police captain said.

This tall is the mature version of Yi Zheng. He is now the Chief of SID, Supernatural Investigation Department Unit. The SID unit handles crimes that were done by special ability users such as espers or psychics. Nowadays the existence of special humans called ability users and espers are already well-known. This started after a certain institute was said to have exploded due to a bomb. The media spoke otherwise. They've arrived at the scene before the officials seal it off and the information about the ability users and espers were stolen. The video recording of some children and people using supernatural abilities had been spread.

The officials tried to control the news but the cover up of the government had arrived late. By the time things had gotten controlled everyone had already heard about the existence of psychic and espers. Few years later, crimes done using special abilities had started sprouting out. Theft and murder of ordinary human become common. Most criminals were espers who were ambitious and had thoughts of taking over the control of authority. These kinds of cases increase as years pass by and the prime minister had no other choice but to make counter measures. He gathers psychics and ability users who wish to serve the country and created a special department for them in the Metropolitan police headquarters.

SID, Supernatural Investigation Department Unit. This a special unit made up of both ability users and ordinary people. They worked on cases that had connection with espers and psychics. There is also a special prison built where ability users who had done a crime were thrown to. The leaders of these special departments were special rank agents and despite being an ordinary person the unit had respected them. These two were Ke Lou and Lin Ye.

There's even a special institute for young ability users where they were taught how to control their abilities. Teaching them the right way to use their abilities and how to stop it from going berserk. The dean of this institute is a friend of the two leaders of SID. He is the former scientist that worked for the syndicate but betrayed his organization because he couldn't bear its cruelty. Psyche Institute Dean, Lan Sen. Most graduates of this institute work for the SID. Only after giving away a pleasing passing mark that ability users of this institute were allowed to leave the place. This is within the ground of the government laws to protect the rights of ability users.

Yi Zheng accepted the greeting and entered the crime scene with a forensic doctor following behind him. This forensic doctor is called Li Guang. An ordinary person but he had a surprising ability that wouldn't pale much in comparison to supernatural abilities. Photographic Memory, an ability to remember things as photos in his mind as memories. Every single detail to its appearance, color, size, everything. An exact and perfect copy of the thing's details were stored in his mind as long as he saw it.

Yi Zheng with a serious expression on his face said, "Report."

"Name is Shana. An elemental type esper. The deceased is recorded in the top wanted list of espers in the world. She is ranked 100th. Her former targets were children. She kills them for their blood and uses it as her weapon. Her ability is to turn liquid matter to solid and use it to attack her target. We had found traces of fighting and electromagnetic energy in the area. Her killer is..."

"Her killer is an ESP Type ability user. It's Telekinesis. It's the usual serial killer. Li Guang secured the information left in the crime scene. As for the deceased record, we are going to the institute!" said Yi Zheng as he tasked the rest of his team to clean up the scene.

"Okay. Chief, I won't take long." said Li Guang with a dazzling smile on his face.

But Yi Zheng's expression remains serious as if he saw nothing. He just nodded his head and issued the remaining orders.

"Go. The rest clear the crowd." said Yi Zheng.

Li Guang started working on his tasks while sneaking a peek on Yi Zheng. It is obvious that he is highly interested in the chief of SID. But the rest of the team knew that his attempts were just a stone thrown in a sea. In short it's meaningless. Everyone knows that their chief already has a sweetheart. This person is an esteemed personnel from the Psyche Institute. An ability user like Yi Zheng. They've been together for years and have been together since high school. Li Guang had no gaps to insert himself to. Li Guang is a newly joined member of their department so he wasn't informed about Professor Li's relationship with their chief. Everyone in their unit knew that their chief was a henpecked lover.

After clearing up the crime scene, Yi Zheng together with Li Guang and another ordinary member of SID went to Psyche Institute as planned. They wanted to ask special assistance from some high ranked ability users working in the institute. To do that they need to meet their chief's lover, Li Xing, for confirmation.


Institute's Library.

In a hidden corner of the institute's huge library, a man wearing glasses was looking through some book records with glasses on his face. He is looking around seriously as if he couldn't find what he wanted. This man is one of the professors of the institute. He is someone who teaches knowledge about mental abilities with regards to control, restriction and intuition. This is an adult Yun Li. Within the shadows created by the bookshelves, Yun Li glances at the sound waves created by some movements in the area. This is his special ability, Rhythm Intuition. The knowledge/ intuition of the rhythm and fluctuation of the soundwaves.

From the shadows of the bookshelf at the exact location Yun Li is staring, a human figure appeared. Slowly the shadows retreated and revealed the appearance of the man within the shadows. This man had a hairstyle that is attributed to the immense layering through his dull brown hair on top. The bangs are maintained long, covering the entire forehead and skimming the eyebrows. His almond shaped eyes show his languid and gloomy personality, even the color of his irises is dull blue as if a fading sapphire gem. This person was Yun Li's partner before. He is Xu Lun. Xu Lun works for Gui Clan like Xie Ye. They don't frequently show themselves to the mass as they live a life like secret agents. If the rest of the group work under the light, they work behind the scenes in darkness. They're job is more of cleaning up instead.

Yun Li stared at Xu Lun with his casual gaze as usual but there's an obvious annoyance hidden within his gaze. "If you're here because your boss is asking if I know where the young master is. Then scram! How many times do I need to tell you? Like you both are uninformed, I don't have any news about cousin's whereabout. Why don't you pester Uncle instead?" said Yun Lin with a grim expression.

Xu Lun replied, "If the Prime Minister knew where his son is, then the boss wouldn't need to look blindly. Moreover I am not here because of the boss's orders, I just want to tell you that the fool will be visiting here soon."

"You're talking about Yi Zheng? Is there a cold case again? Our institute is not a charity!" said Yun Li.

Xu Lun moved silently to stand behind Yun Li and hugged him. "I know. Who let him be the lover of your institute Vice-dean. Li Xing spoils him too much." said Xu Lun while spending time with his lover in his free time.

"Sigh~ I'm sure that Yi Zheng would definitely come to me to ask the same question about my cousin. Let's go home early today." said Yun Li who took a few books from the shelves and passed to Xu Lun to hold.

"You're bringing to many past records again. Are the traces we've gathered not enough?" asked Xu Lun.

"Not enough. Yi Zheng doesn't even think that those traces you've intentionally left are for us but instead a trap left by the syndicate instead." said Yun Li.

Xu Lun' s expression turned darker, "Yi Zheng is still stupid as before. But the boss doesn't wish to work with them because he needs more time to look for Gui Lan." said Xu Lun.

"If my cousin doesn't want to show himself. How could Xie Ye find him? Leave them be. They'll meet if fate allows them too."


A month ago.

In the Dean's office.

Professor Sen is serving milk tea to his guest. This guest is a young man with elegant and noble forbearance. The features were similar from before but more refined and perfected. A wanderlust blue green phoenix shaped eyes which excludes elegance and iciness of a frozen mountain peak. A grown out layered straight cut hair with the same hue similar to that of the sea. He had puffy lips which upturned to a playful smile. They were kiss-inspiring and satin soft. This person is truly captivating. His appearance is heavenly enough to think that he is from the elven race instead of being a human.

Professor Sen treated this person with a servile attitude and treated him as some from above his rank. This person seems to have made some requirements and talked with Professor Sen.

"I will make the necessary preparation for you, lord." said Sen.

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