I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 86: 4.24 Third Blue Star - Reinforcement?

Chapter 86: 4.24 Third Blue Star - Reinforcement?

Same Evening.

At Psyche Institute.

Dean's Office.

Hei Lan informed Professor Sen and Yun Li about the plan. The details he told the two of them were just the same as what he told Yi Zheng and the rest. He was asking them to make the preparation while he was away.

"I wanted to go back home to make my own preparation as the enemies had the backer of the President. I will talk to my father about the aftermath procedures." said Gui Lan. After all in front of these two the appearance they are seeing is his real face as Gui Lan. Not as Hei Lan.

"Leave the preparation here to me. You can go ahead and focus on yours my lord." said Professor Sen.

"Do I have to return back to the clan with you, A'Lan?" asked Yun Li.

Gui Lan replied while enjoying his milk tea. "There is no need. I will go back alone. We should let the enemy know that we already knew their plans."

"Okay. I will stay here." answered Yun Li.

"You should go ahead and rest, A'Yun. I still have few things to talk with Sen." said Gui Lan.

Yun Li stood up and bowed his head once towards Gui Lan. "Have a pleasant evening Young Master."

Gui Lan nodded and smiled at him before Yun Li left the room to have his rest. After the latter left the smile on Gui Lan's face disappeared.

"Sen my real plan is different from theirs. I needed them to be all out of Metropolitan Headquarters. Make sure to talk to them and plan the schedule a week after. Talk to Ke Lou and Lin Ye about this. Tell them it's my orders." said Gui Lan.

"This... I don't mind. But will you be alright?" asked Sen as he knew the current state of Gui Lan's soul.

Despite sleeping for 15 years the injuries in his soul were only suppressed by not healed. Gui Lan is unable to heal the injuries on his souls as it was a penalty bestowed upon by the Divine Laws. As long he is inside this star where he received the punishment there is no way he could heal his injuries. All of Gui Lan's listed qualifications are done by him in a day. After using his special ability: Authority on them, all necessary papers were prepared for him.

Gui Lan didn't look at him. As the one injured he knew his current state more than anyone. This is also the reason why he didn't want Xie Ye to know that Hei Lan is Gui Lan. He was seriously wishing that Ye Xiajie's soul fragment in this world would remain asleep at least until he finished cleaning up the trash (destroyer) in this small star. Though he knew how angry that man would be when he learned about this and his current state.

"I know what state I'm in. Don't venture into my personal affairs." said Gui Lan.

"I'm sorry I've overstepped my boundaries." replied Sen.

All of the sudden two system prompts were heard in their heads.

[(Sen's System: Xiao Baize) The reinforcement from the God System had arrived.]

[(Yue): Host, a higher being from another system had arrived.]

With the room an immortal like man in silver white cultivation clothes appeared. There is a benign smile on his handsome face. Silvery grey layered long hair and greyish blue eyes. This person is a reinforcement that comes over who was said that will help in eliminating the destroyer of this world. As soon as he appeared he took over the authority over the two systems inside the room. This man looked at the white cat on Sen's shoulder and the invisible hovering moon around Gui Lan.

"Enforced command.

Authority from the Core Unit. God System.

System 1003 of God System, Baize & System Executioner 13th Ranked of Nether System, Yue.

Execute command.

Temporary Shut down." This kind looking mind said.

As soon as those words were said the two systems inside the room had entered sleep mode. With this the two systems' connection to their host was cut off. During this whole event only Sen was panicking like a headless chicken. He hugs his white kitten system in his arms with tears in his eyes.

"Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai!!? What happened? Xiao Bai!!" said Sen panicking.

Seeing his reaction Gui Lan almost rolled his eyes on him. On his hand is his little moon whose glow is now dull.

"Shut up. They are only asleep. They would be fine after this guy here took his leave." said Gui Lan to Sen who looked at him with confusion.

"Why did he?" asked Sen.

"Because I need to have a serious conversation with Sire here. Actually you should sleep as well. Slumber Host Liu Yan." Once the newly arrived man said this Sen started to feel sleepy until he had fallen asleep completely on his office table.

"Okay. Now that the disturbances are asleep. I guess we should begin." The man in the silvery white robe said as he smiled at Gui Lan who was looking at his sleeping system with calmness and tranquility in his eyes.

As always there is only indifference and coldness in his eyes unless he is looking at his family or Ye Xiajie, all others were just strangers to this Celestial God. The man in silvery white robes walked towards Gui Lan and stood in front of him. Then this man suddenly kneeled on one knee and saluted respectfully towards Gui Lan.

"God of Reincarnation, Cao Xinsheng. At your service Young Lord Hei Anjing."

Gui Lan finally looked at the man before him as his turquoise orbs slowly turned silver as he stared down at this so-called Reincarnation God. The color of silver is Hei Anjing's real eye color as a God. While azure is the original color of his eyes when he is in his real human form.

"You are already one of the Sovereign Gods of God System but you still act like you are a servant. Uncle Baojun had already accepted you as his direct disciple. There is no need for you to treat me with so much respect, Cao Xinsheng." said Hei Anjing.

"With all due respect as the most beloved nephew of Master Sire is in a higher position than this little one." responded Cao Xinsheng respectfully as before.

Hei Anjing averted his eyes and sighed. "Stand. Take your seat and we'll continue our talk. How about our surroundings?"

Cao Xinsheng followed what he was told and took a seat at the opposite couch to where Hei Anjing sat. "Young Lord has nothing to worry. I've isolated this whole room. We are now in a different space." he replied.

"I see. Good work." said Hei Anjing.

Cao Xinsheng observes his young lord in front of him and his smile disappears when he sees that his soul is badly injured.

"Young Lord, did you truly defy the Divine Law for a mere Nether God?" asked Cao Xinsheng.

For some reason Cao Xinsheng's question offended Hei Anjing as he glared at him. A simple glare for Hei Anjing is enough to injure Cao Xinsheng as suddenly coughs a bit of blood.

"Mere? You call my, Hei Anjing's, other half with the word 'mere'? Who do you think you are?"

There's an evident range within those silvery orbs and the separated space Cao Xinsheng is on the verge of breaking with just a single glare from this Youngest Celestial God of all realms.

Cao Xinsheng panicked when he saw blood trails from the corner of Hei Anjing's lips. Obviously he is overexerting his soul to show his anger.

"Please calm down. I apologize. I take back all the words I've said that offended the Young Lord. Please calm your anger. Your soul is already too badly injured." said Cao Xinsheng as he suddenly kneeled down once again.

Cao Xinsheng understands how important the other half means to those with Mo Bloodline. People of Mo Clan are extremely loyal towards their chosen partner. Aside from their family only the chosen other half of a Mo could incur that much of emotion from someone who has the bloodline of Mo. Someone from this bloodline could only love a person in their whole life. This love is eternal and nothing could change it. This is the reason why those of Mo Bloodline are extremely protective of their partners. Because becoming their other half means receiving everything from another person. I gave my everything to you, so your everything is my everything. You are mine and I am yours.

Hei Anjing calms his anger this time. This is the first time Cao Xinsheng had offended him. He is willing to forgive him this one time.

"Watch your mouth next time. The person I have chosen cannot be looked down upon." said Hei Anjing.

"My deepest apologizes. I vowed that it would never happen again." said Cao Xinsheng. "But Young Lord, the injury on your soul is too much. This is the reason the master had tasked me to descend here in this little star. Master wanted me to give you this."

Cao Xinsheng presented blood red and crystal white soul stones to Hei Anjing. With the help of these soul stones Hei Anjing would be able to heal his soul injuries and strengthen his other half's soul fragments. Seeing the stone Hei Anjing's silvery irises sparkle, he waves his hands and the stone floats towards him. A gentle smile appeared on his face. This is a true smile that can only be received by those of the same bloodline of him and his other half.

Hei Anjing smiled because he knew these divine ranked soul stones were a gift from his beloved uncle. His uncle and uncle-in-law had always doted on him even before they had their own children. His personal soul weapon, Death Scythe, is a personally refined weapon from his uncle. It is unbreakable and only him and his other half could wield it.

With another wave of his hand he hid the stones in his personal inventory space. A space that even his system had no authority on it.

"Tell uncle that I am very delighted with the gift and give a thanks in A'Xia's behalf." said Gui Lan.

Cao Xinsheng smiled when he heard that, "Master would be ecstatic to hear that from the Young Lord. Are there further orders?"

"Send a message personally to the current Deputy Lord God of Nether System. Tell him that my memories have returned and to act the same as always. There are too many eyes watching. He shouldn't let anyone else approach A'Xia's body while I gather his remaining fragments. If he failed to protect the vessel of A'Xie then I would kill him and return him to nothingness." said Hei Anjing.

"As for the problems of destroyers in this world you can leave it to me. It is just a mere ant that I've turned a blind eye on. I will execute him myself since he dared to target my other half's soul fragments. You may leave now."

"I shall follow your command."

Cao Xinsheng saluted for one last time. Before he left he returned back to normal and left the little star as he was ordered. He didn't really descend as small as the reinforcement. There is no need for that after all Hei Anjing is already in this world. Once the other person left the two systems who were forced to shut down and Liu Yan who was spellbound to force sleep had woken up. Hei Anjing's eyes return to aquamarine tint.

[(Yue): Host, that venerable one is... someone from the God System?]

"Yes. He is just an old man who couldn't get his vacation approved." replied Gui Lan.

[(Baize): Host. host. Stupid host! Wake up! You sleepyhead Liu Yan!!]

The white kitten suddenly scratched Professor Sen and forced him to wake up. When the latter opens his eyes his face feels so painful that tears strolls down from his eyes.

"Owie~ why did you scratch my face Xiao Baize!? Don't tell you've been jealous of my pretty face all along?"

[(Baize): Tsk! Yes, so let me scratch it a few more times. My stupid host!]

The white kitten gave him more scratched and more. Until his host couldn't even dare to touch his face anymore.

"It hurts~~ Eh? That person is gone." said Professor Sen as he couldn't find that man in robes from before.

Then he looked at Gui Lan who was enjoying his tea, "My lord did that person leave? I thought he came here as reinforcement." said Sen.

"I told him. I would be enough to clean up. Just follow the plan I told you to do so. Your rewards will be doubled when you finish your task in this world. Just focus on that." said Gui Lan as he stood up preparing to leave and rest for the night.

Bewildered Professor Sen responded. "Oh~ Okay!"

After that Gui Lan took his leave, the system and host pair were left alone in the room.

"Xiao Baize, why are you so silent?" asked Sen.

[I was wondering how thick is your skin that you are able to speak with the Venerable Lord like that without fear. I don't know if you are a heavenly genius or just a lucky idiot.]

"What do you mean?" asked Sen with ignorance painted on his face.

[Sigh~ I guess it was the latter.]

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