I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 234 – To Pack or Not to Pack

Chapter 234 – To Pack or Not to Pack

After walking a short distance from the settlement, we make a brief stop during which the Oreads slip into the mansion. We won’t need their assistance for this part so they can relax in the comfort of our mobile home. Ianthe loves the baths, spending literal hours soaking in the hot water. Thanks to her nature, her skin is unaffected, allowing her to ignore the usual side effects of such actions.

Quite a few ladies envy her.

Biding a temporary farewell with the stone ladies, not without a bunch of deep kisses, I hoist the suitcase onto my back and we get on the road. Codae has offered us a pack animal or a few, but we politely refused. Carrying weight and volume isn’t an issue. And as for travelling on foot, while it would be better to have some mounts, we can still run faster than most horses if needed, not to mention our enhanced stamina.

Lilia and Lilie get extremely clingy the moment it’s just me, Sirgia, and them. Each flowery girl takes one of my arms and nuzzles her cheek into my neck from the side. They do so in perfect harmony, fitting for their characteristics. It’s as eerie as it’s intriguing. Also, it’s a bit harder to move but my Dwarf wife shows no intention of prying them off me.

Seriously, you could be a little more jealous, you know?

At first, we follow a path that’s been an old route, the ancient traces still visible in the ground. Nothing dares to bother us, clearly thanks to the Lilies. Some of my divinity might be leaking too as I’m practising my control whenever possible. Unfortunately, that also means most of the less dangerous fauna avoid the general area like fire, making our trip almost completely silent if not for the noise of the wind.

A few hours later, we step off the beaten path. Our guides take us through the thick of it and we start putting some more effort into cutting the obtrusive foliage ahead of us. According to them, we should reach the other mountain range before it gets dark if we keep our current pace. They are the experts in this jungle so we leave leading to them.

The good thing about that is the fact that they actually need to put a bit more work into their task, which means my sides are finally free. That state doesn’t last long as Sirgia wastes no time in making use of such an opportunity and takes their place. Though, she doesn’t hang off me like they did, simply entwining our fingers together and sending me timid smiles. She’s always so sweet and understanding. 

If not for the load I’m carrying on my back, I would gladly give her a ride. I still can take her onto my shoulders, but the trees and bushes are too chaotic, unfortunately. She wouldn’t have a good time being so high and brushing against multiple branches. So, this is pretty much all we can do. Not that I’m going to complain.

The deeper we move into the exotic forest, the bolder the fauna becomes. The Lilies are more than happy to handle any creatures silly enough to get close, bringing back their kills to proudly display before us, expecting praise. They receive it, naturally, in the form of headpats they are starting to grow fond of.

I would say that it becomes a competition between them of who takes down more and stronger opponents, but that’s not completely right. They are still one single entity in two bodies. No matter which half wins the round, they both experience the reward. And boy, when they tie, it gets quite intensive. It did happen in the past to me, but still, seeing them almost climax just from having their hair stroked affectionately is something else.

Only Sirgia’s scolding stops them from jumping on my dick in the middle of everything.

Well, at least for a little while.

It’s technically my fault they get like this so we make a quick stop to provide the pent-up Liliraune some good dicking. My amazing mate willingly takes the watch while I take responsibility for my actions. After I’m done planting my seeds in those colourful flowers, I offer her an equal opportunity, but she settles on some loving kisses and cleaning me up with her skilful tongue.

She enjoys looking up at me from down there way too much.

Delayed a tiny bit, we resume our journey, the two plant girls gaining a springy bounce to their step. We make a good time, though, since they no longer drag every kill back to buy more pats from me. The sun is slowly descending towards the horizon, yet we still have some distance to cover. Our guides assure us that we will get there before dark, even with the recreational break we have taken.

And they are right. Sirgia spots the familiar tiles announcing the ancient craft of Dwarves maintaining this sector in the long past. From there, we simply follow the decrepit road and soon find ourselves before another massive gate on an impressive cliff. Same as the last time, it showcases depictions of multiple scenes. I kind of hoped that they would be the same as before, but this passage must have a different password.

Not like we will fail to figure it out with my genius wife with us.

As we are admiring the fine craftsmanship, I feel a knocking on my back and realise that it comes from the suitcase. Setting it down, I lift the lid and help Ianthe step onto the ground, getting rewarded with a delicate peck on the cheek. Three of her subordinates follow, subscribing to the same custom.

“I see we have arrived,” she comments with a gentle smile.

“Yep!” Lilie beams at us, setting her fists on her hips. “As promised, before night!”

“Thank you.” Sirgia comes up to them and both girls lean forward to let her pat them. “You did a good job.”

“For the next part, you might want to switch with the Oreads,” I suggest. “Or you can stay in the jungle until we come out on the other side. I bet it will be uncomfortable for you to move through all that stone without your flower being able to accompany you even if I shall be by your side all the time.”

“We can return to the village for now, Master,” Lilia replies while her other half nods. “We can feel how deeply our bond with us runs, so it should be no problem moving over this much of a distance. Call for us whenever you need our help with anything.”

“Will do.” I nod back at them and take a glance at our pale friends. “Do you maybe know the answer to this riddle? Was this passage under your care too?”

Ianthe shakes her head. “We have made an agreement with Lady Sirgia’s family, who controlled the other location. I’m afraid I don’t know much about this one. But, since it feels like it has been constructed with the same principle, we can simply phase through the walls.”

“You can?” Sirgia raises a curious brow at her.

“Naturally.” The Oread lets out a ladylike giggle. “Inversicate doesn’t impede our natural abilities. We have moved through it back in the first underground pass.”

“I guess you are a direct counter for this type of defence.” I chuckle lightly. “No wonder the Dwarves decided to befriend you. Otherwise, who knows what could have happened in the future. If someone else managed to gain your favour, the rulers of these mountains would be powerless against such an alliance.”

“And now such power is in your hands, Den Master.” She bows and her companions follow. “We shall aid you to the best of our abilities.”

“I’m certainly not planning to abuse your trust and devotion.” I bring them up and look at each stone woman warmly. “If one day we do end up going against Dwarves or other races, I apologise for dragging you into it.”

“We will crush all your enemies, Den Master,” one of the ladies announces with a resolute expression.

“And gladly help resolve your post-battle needs,” another added, sporting a fair blush on her exquisite cheeks, her gaze skipping to the obvious region.

Ianthe rolls her eyes at the lustful remark of her subordinate. “We are yours to command, Den Master.”

“Alright.” I step back. “Then my command is simple. Get us—”

My gaze snaps to the back as multiple presences make themselves known. Sirgia reacts just as quickly, readying her hammer for the monsters that have somehow snuck up on us without anyone noticing. It’s fairly late now so shadows surround the thick greenery, but my eyesight is more than enough to discern huge shapes peering through the trees and bushes.

A sea of purplish points appears throughout the jungle and I ready myself for a fight. One pair of such violet spots moves closer and becomes more recognizable as thick darkness wafts off the hulking frame, revealing its owner. A big bad wolf steps into the clearing in front of the gate, and immediately, all the tension disappears.

“Good gods, Diana, don’t sneak up on us like that.” I sigh lightly and chuckle. “I guess I should have been paying more attention to our connection. But, you should have given us a heads up if you were on the way already.”

The proud lupine saunters up to me and I notice some scars that weren’t present on her body before, the most notable one running over her right eye. It doesn’t look like her sight is impaired, but whatever she’s been up to, it wasn’t a walk in the park. I kind of regret not going with her. She wouldn’t have been left with a scar if I healed her instantly.

Actually, borrowing some magic, I should still be able to take care of it.

Diana nudges my hand and slips her snout underneath it, prompting me to caress it affectionately. Her deep gaze finds mine and it conveys the message clearly. She appreciates the thought, but those scars are a matter of honour. They are her marks of victory, elevating her position in the pack.

And, on the mention of the pack, the rest of the glowing spots parade into the open space too. Lupus Voidis, all of them. Beasts of various sizes and ages, from what I can tell. Some look fresh and inexperienced while some bear even fiercer wounds of old, even missing part of their ear or tail. Diana’s thoughts reveal that there are fifteen of them following her. 

The wolves are staring at our group curiously, sniffing the air and ground. They don’t look like they are going to cause trouble, but I can feel the uncertainty hanging in the air between us. My dear friend brought them here, and they listen to her, but they have some doubts. I signal at the ladies and relax so that things become a bit more comfortable.

“Well, first of all, welcome home, girl.” I fluff Diana’s ears while resting my forehead against hers and she greets me with a few dainty licks. “It looks like your search was successful. Is this your new family?”

She closes her eyes and a mental tug touches my mind. Allowing her to pull me in, I connect with her deeply and images start flashing through my head.

The story starts from the moment Diana left us. She delved into the mines mentioned by the Oreads with courage, determination, and hope. On her way, she explored numerous chambers, passages, and caverns. The first level was rather boring for her so she quickly moved on to the second one.

Turns out, the leftover crystals didn’t just sit idle for decades of negligence from the miners, who obviously are not with us anymore. They grew into clusters and expanded, so the mines are brimming with energy which is waiting to be harvested. That speaks well of our future endeavours. Reactivating that excavation will be crucial to the development of the new checkpoint.

But, this news isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately. Left unattended, the crystals not only multiplied but also affected their surroundings. Therefore, Diana had quite some work to do dealing with various monsters born from the overflowing energies. Since rock and stone were the most common minerals available around, the majority of entities could be grouped into that specific category of affinity. And fighting against different types of Golems isn’t easy.

My wolf companion was at a disadvantage there but didn’t waver even once. She used her wits to best the less intelligent creatures, luring them into traps of their own or separating them so that she could take them down one by one. Our bond definitely strengthened her, helping out in the process significantly. Combined with her innate abilities and skills, it allowed her to put up a decent fight even head-on.

The deeper she descended, the tougher opponents she faced. At one time, something looking like a chaotic Gargoyle ambushed her. It was Diana’s first real hurdle and she struggled with taking down the enemy. But, utilising her movement ability, she did outmanoeuvre the bastard, ripping it into shreds. Her fangs have suffered a bit so I make a mental note to take care of them.

First traces of any entities made of living flesh were found after five days of exploration. It seemed that Diana was able to absorb nourishing energy from the crystals, keeping herself healthy and sated. She missed actual meat greatly, but it was a minor inconvenience. And the thought of disappointing me kept her focused.

This girl. She still feels like she owes me a huge one for saving her and giving her a new purpose in life.

Nevertheless, Diana launched herself after the traces and tracked a few different beasts throughout the tunnels, finally able to sink her fangs into something with blood. The taste resulted in her getting into a slight killing spree, about which she still felt a tad embarrassed while showing me this. A full day of hunting followed as she satisfied her cravings.

I reassure the gorgeous wolf that she has nothing to be worried about.

Full of vigour once more, it didn’t take her long to identify tracks of other members of her kind. She became ecstatic at once. Pushing her excitement down, she found the pack’s lair and approached carefully, understanding the matters of territory much better than any of us. Her stalking got her into a bit of trouble, though.

The guards engaged her without giving out a warning, surprising my furry comrade greatly. It seemed like something her kind didn’t usually do. But, being the strong and capable woman that she is, Diana showed them who is the boss, who was the Alpha in that encounter. Without suffering any wounds, she pacified the two wardens, who turned out to both be female.

Not sure how, so I’ll count it as the same species communication method, they talked it out afterwards. It helped that Diana showed her strength to them. The pair was willing to introduce her to their Alpha and the rest of the family, hoping that she might join them if their leader approved. Of course, she had no intentions of doing that, but she conveniently didn’t bring it up.

Their lair wasn’t much, but it was home. I note that there have been more wolves inside than how many are standing before us now. Something must have happened, but that much should be obvious from the beginning. Otherwise, Diana wouldn’t be here with a bunch of subordinates.

The Alpha of the pack was bigger than her and looked meaner, also slightly different from the other wolves. It had something like cracks running over its body, a purplish glow peeking through them. Its paws were alight but in a different colour. They shimmered like a rainbow which seemed to creep up its legs. 

According to Diana’s assessment, something was wrong with that male.

She was introduced by the guards and the leader tried scaring her away right from the bat, not liking the prospect of an outsider in his lair. But, Diana stood her ground while the others conveyed that she was strong and would benefit the pack. Mulling it over, the Alpha issued a challenge to hunt some kind of a monster and assigned one of the protectors to observe.

Fast forward to finding that beast, Diana had to fight against something looking like a stone ant from hell, over double her size. It proved to be a difficult opponent, and the marks it bore over its carapace made it clear that it was familiar with the local pack of wolves, knowing what to expect.

I’m anxious watching the battle unfold, already knowing its result.

But, suffering only minor bruises and a few cuts, Diana emerged victorious, gaining further approval from the female accompanying her. The pair tore off the ant’s head to bring as proof and walked back. During the trip, Diana learned more about the pack since the other wolf felt like she was guaranteed a place now, sharing a lot.

And it unsettled my proud companion.

If I understand it correctly, the Alpha was extremely controlling. He wanted every female for himself. While it’s nothing uncommon in such communities for Alphas to have the privilege to breed with any female, making some strong pups together, completely monopolising them is wrong. He kept other males at bay.

Easy to figure out, that was super unhealthy for the group. But, any opposition was thwarted, nipped in the bud. Part of the reason why there were so few of the males around. Additionally, the Alpha seemed to dislike other men and often killed off his offspring if the pups weren’t female. Not every time, but that still made Diana really angry.

I don’t blame her. For someone who lost her kids and family to poachers, this was bound to make her furious. She’s always felt like a caring caretaker. And so, I can already imagine what happened next.

As expected, after coming back to the lair, Diana immediately challenged the Alpha. It surprised the leader, almost as much as her coming alive with a trophy. Now that everyone was aware of her capabilities, he couldn’t simply scoff at her and be done with it. Quite unhappy, he rose to the provocation.

Their duel was legendary. 

She used everything at her disposal to kill the fucker, utilizing her shadows and void attacks. In the beginning, she had the upper hand, and it looked like she would overcome this trial easily. But then, something happened and the Alpha started throwing spells at her which created crystal spears, spikes, and other shapes. At that point, she understood that he had been infected by the crystals in the mine.

That’s where she gained all those scars from and almost lost her eye. Yet she still was able to push him back, fueled by fury and the need to enact vengeance for the poor children. The shameless bitch of an Alpha felt threatened and called for reinforcements. A few of his most loyal slaves jumped in, making it five-on-one.


But, Diana was surprisingly helped by the guard she spent some time with, who found courage to stand up against this tyranny. It wasn’t much, but it helped. They worked decently well together, though the other female couldn’t use the abilities characteristic for their species for some reason. Thankfully, the other side seemed to have the same problem, so only she and the Alpha were the major players in that match.

Knowing that the female decided to harass her former comrades, giving my amazing girl enough space to face the fucker alone. Within a few minutes, she won, tearing the male’s throat into shreds.

But at what cost?

Her ally had been mutilated to death in the meantime, sacrificing herself for the betterment of the pack. That triggered something in Diana and tendrils of darkness shot out from her shadow. They grasped the killers and ripped them into pieces. It was a gruesome display. But it earned her respect and fear.

What followed was lots of recovering while familiarising herself with her new pack, becoming its rightful Alpha. All the remaining supporters of the previous one were kicked out, cutting down their numbers to what I have seen outside of her memories. Only two normal males stayed after the screening.

Another fast-forward, and we are here. Convincing the pack that a better life awaits them outside, singing praises of my person, Diana has led the group out of the mines and then the passage. It’s actually been a while, but her new subjects were so excited by the sight of the jungle and the abundance of prey that she had to let them be free for a moment.

As my mind swirls, it returns to the present. I’m greeted with the slightly melancholic muzzle of my lupine friend. Smiling softly, I pull Diana closer to rest her head against my chest and brush her smooth fur.

“You did great, girl. I’m so proud to be your friend. We will do whatever we can to show your new pack what it truly means to live under an Alpha. You’ll fit right in, I tell you.” I whisper to her tenderly, receiving a few gentle whines in response.

Sirgia joins us and caresses the big proud wolf too. We shower our friend in a lot of rubs before stepping away.

“You have great timing, that’s for sure.” I smirk amusedly. “What are your current plans? Do you want to play in this jungle until we finish our business? Come with us to the Dwarves?”

Diana gazes into my eyes for a moment before looking back at her pack members, the meaning behind the gesture becomes clear in my mind. We are getting better and better and exchanging thoughts.

“You want me to bond with your people?” My brows rise in surprise. “No, it’s different. You want me to bond with them through you, but how?”

As I stroke my chin ponderingly, a window pops up in front of my face, making me jump a little.

“A Pack Bond?” I read out the offer presented to me by Diana. “Well, if you are sure then I see no reason to decline. Is everyone on board, though?”

She nods her head confidently.

I drag my gaze over the furry faces of her subordinates, and it seems that seeing the affection between the two of us, they have gotten rid of their suspicions. Some have even moved closer, their tails starting to wag a tiny bit.

Someone is starved for some rubs, aren’t they?

No wonder, they most likely have never experienced a humanoid’s hand.

“Okay, I accept.” I express my agreement to her gift.

A faint pulse travels from me and causes their fur to shimmer. Diana raises her head and howls into the sky, her peers joining the group activity. As they do, I feel the bond settle, and even notice the ethereal tendrils of purplish energy extend from me to her, and then spread to the others. Since Sirgia and the Lilies say nothing about it, I’m fairly sure only I can witness it, perhaps thanks to my divinity.

Additionally, I can feel the rest of the pack joining the bond, their connection settling in. But, it’s not exactly the same as between me and Diana. I can kind of access them through a proxy and I have no doubt that they are going to benefit from it too. Already, it seems like we can understand each other better.

I’m glad this doesn’t mess up the usual pack dynamics. It would have sucked to fuck it up for Diana shortly after she found some new friends. But, I can tell that while they might be nice to me and listen, she is still their boss and leader. And since she considers me as her master, my words are going to carry some meaning and authority.

If things go right, we might have just secured our merc girls their new companions.

As they finish howling, an eerie silence descends upon the clearing. Every set of purplish eyes lands on me. It would have been a scary sight, over a dozen big and bulky shadow wolves staring you down with their fierce expressions, if not for the fact that I’m now able to know what truly hides underneath that cold exterior.

Snorting quietly, I spread my arms to the sides. “Okay, no need to be shy, just come at me.”

Not a second later, the entire pack charges at me, their tongues lolling out of their jaws. I let out a winded oomph when these magnificent creatures slam into me and get me surrounded. Multiple snouts poke me as they start sniffing every inch of my clothes, my hands already working overtime by scratching their ears and necks.

Sirgia and the plant girls join in and we spend a few long minutes getting acquainted with the lupine family. It involves a lot of petting, sweet-talking, play-biting, and so on. Diana just watches us handle her new crew with what has to be a smile on her face. I swear she winks at me when I glance at her, making me chuckle.

The two boys are a bit more hesitant at first so I approach them with more respect and start slowly. As tough as they try to act, their tails are already swishing over the road as they sit in front of me. In the end, they submit to the caresses too, and I can even feel them starting to approve of me as they test my strength during our interactions.

I’ll have to schedule a mock duel with Diana. That might help them become more comfortable with my position.

As we begin wrapping it up, I notice some of the wolves jumping through the shadows as they play hunter and prey with Sirgia, something akin to a game of tag. Watching the scene from the sidelines, I stop by Diana, fluffing her fur lovingly.

“How come they can do this now?” I wonder out loud.

The answer comes quickly, understanding filling my head. That bastard was using his authority over the Pack Bond to seal their abilities, making them weaker, and thus unable to fight back. She has returned what’s rightfully theirs immediately after taking over. Thanks to that, they could reach us so fast. Her subordinates are currently a bit out of shape in terms of using their skills, but it won’t last long.

Plus, she conveys to me that our own bond enhances them greatly. Diana plans on using whatever I allow her to strengthen and develop the pack. She knows of my designs for them and wishes to raise these individuals into formidable war mounts and fierce hunters. So, if she needs my divinity or anything else to do that, I’m happy to oblige, glad that she isn’t afraid of sharing with her subordinates.

A good leader knows how to manage their people without the need for fear.

“Alright.” I clap my hands a few times to gather everyone’s attention. “I think we should camp out before going in. Both parties must be at least a bit tired. We’ll pick up where we left off in the morning.”

No one raises any objections and we start the camp. With so many wolves with us, Sirgia decides not to use the suitcase for tonight and I wholeheartedly agree. The two of us bring out the spacious tent and set everything up while the doggos watch curiously. Diana sends a few of them to hunt for dinner and they bring us a deer, a boar, and what looks like a snake with wings.

All the Oreads join us on the surface as we prepare the food. Then, we feast on the meat and veggies together before going to sleep. The wolves practically inhale their portions, definitely appreciating the juicy meals. I have a feeling that they are going to develop an appetite for grilled dishes. Lucky bastards will eat like kings and queens with my ladies.

No funny business descends upon us as we sleep, thanks to the dutiful watch of our lupine friends. The camp is packed up in a flash, the ladies excited to continue our journey. We stand before the gate, examining it in the light of the early morning.

“Let’s get right into it.” I rub my hands together. “I guess we’ll see you in a bit, Lilia, Lilie. You can hang out with our new friends if you want since only Diana is coming with us for this part. Don’t spook the villagers too much if you decide to bring them there.”

“Of course, Master!” they answer in unison. “Good luck and have lots of fun!”

Having their own fun petting the wolves, they grin at us widely. I chuckle and turn to Ianthe.

“We are ready whenever you are.” I nod at the Den Mother and Sirgia mirrors the motion.

She takes my hand first, pulling me into a sensual kiss as her leg hooks over my side. As our tongues dance wildly, she tugs us to the back and we fall onto the ground, phasing through it. That doesn’t stop the sly woman from pursuing my mouth and rubbing herself all over my thigh. Completely unnecessarily, might I add. None of this is necessary for the transfer.

We show up on the other side. Getting enough, she giggles softly and merges with the floor again, making me snort. Before I fully get up, Ianthe is back with Sirgia by her side. Making one more trip to fetch Diana, she reappears with a mischievous smile. I spank her fine ass, making her yelp in surprise, as a little payback. Though, she ends up enjoying it. Of course.

We find ourselves in an equally dusty and abandoned hallway with an incredibly tall ceiling. The power is out, obviously. We would need to repeat what we have done in the previous location to re-enable it, most likely. If the people who build this haven’t used different schematics and designs.

Not that it matters. This time, we decide to postpone the exploration and jump onto Diana’s back, her harness ready to fit us in the saddle once more. In a flash, we are speeding through the corridors, jumping from shadow to shadow. The layout is fairly similar to what we know so our driver picks almost all the correct turns. No monsters interrupt our sprint, and soon, we find ourselves on the other end of the forgotten crossing.

Ianthe emerges from the floor, already licking her lips.

“Does it really have to be like that?” I roll my eyes at her. “Don’t make me do it myself.”

“Yes.” She nibbles on her bottom lip. “Transportation fee.” 

Sirgia snickers and pats my lower back. “In my honest opinion, a kiss is a fair price. At least she doesn’t demand half of your gold like some Trolls in the legends.”

Squinting at the dazzling Oread, I smile at her wolfishly. “Fine. I’ll pay your damn fee. With interest.”

She gasps playfully as I grab her wrist and pin her to the gate, her back smacking against the cold metal. My other hand moves to her smooth side and grazes over that exquisite skin as I go after her lips roughly. Ianthe shudders when my fingers brush against the sides of her tender peaks but don’t do anything else. Whimpers of satisfaction and the need for more escape her sealed mouth as I push her harder into the wall.

Unable to ignore my reminder, she phases us down the floor more, and we land in the same position, just outside the gate. I explore her body for a moment longer before drawing back with a smirk. Ianthe’s cheeks are flushed prettily and she knows she might have bitten more than she can chew. Judging by the heated gaze she directs at me, she is considering upping her price after delivering the service, perhaps hoping for some punishment.

But then, we both freeze at the same time, our surroundings finally pushing into the small world we have surrounded ourselves with. Her eyes widen to the brim and I take a peek over my shoulder, spotting not just buildings but also people, who are staring at us with pure shock and consternation. A glance to one side and the other makes it clear that this particular gate is located… at the edge of a Dwarven town. And we have just popped out of an ancient and forgotten ruin like it’s nothing.

Uh oh.

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