I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 27

Episode 27 [Eve (1)]

As always, the living room in the original world and Seoul were no different from before.

Thanks to this, I was able to maintain a sense of reality, but it also made the world on the other side feel unrealistic.

Especially, I felt that way after seeing an AI that speaks and thinks like a human.

After taking off his equipment, he put his cell phone down on the desk.

Cell phones were now only at 1%. It seemed like the update would take a long time.


Updates continued the next day.

Kyung-hoon first visited the factory where the repair was done. The factory had already been neatly repaired.

It looked very strange to see a clean factory alone in a deserted factory complex, but Kyung-Hoon paid the balance with a satisfied face. The construction contractor looked like he wanted to say something, but seeing Kyung-hoon satisfied, he just sighed and left.

The factory was still empty. A few tables and chairs. And, the stairs leading to the basement.

I had to fill it in from now on.

I felt sick because I was paying more taxes than I expected, but Kyung-Hoon now has his own factory.

Kyung-hoon first poured the items he had hidden at home and in his backpack into the basement of the factory.

Various junk, explosives, military supplies and camping equipment.

First, I put the items that shouldn’t be seen back in my backpack and then started looking at the junk with patterns on it.

I’m still not sure what it is, but it’s clear that if I research it further, I’ll be able to create something here.


On the outside, the world wasn’t that different from before. People shuttled between work and home as usual.

Mutant monsters and people were something that only appeared on TV or on the Internet.

It was the same with the Internet.

The Internet was still noisy with various stories, but now stories about mutations were losing importance compared to other issues. Occasionally, people would post mutant videos or articles on the Internet, but they did not receive as much attention as when they first appeared.

Maybe that’s why I didn’t attach much significance to the words and videos disappearing without a sound.

Kyung-hoon, who was looking at the monitor, tilted his head back and sighed.

I knew very well that it would take time for the shackles on the awakened to be lifted, but I couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

Kyung-hoon focused his attention on the mana stone cell phone on the desk.

99%, after two days it is finally time for the update to be completed.

Kyunghoon threw away his frustration and his eyes sparkled.

After a while, the number changed to 100, and the update was completed.

Four stars appeared on the screen, and soon numerous patterns covered the screen.

The dazzling screen made me sick to the point of motion sickness.

Kyung-hoon closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, his phone was back to the screen he was looking at before.

1. Help

2. Awakened Guide

3. User Information

4. Monster Encyclopedia

5. Phone Settings

6. Awakened Support Program

7. General Program

8. Helper

9. Game

Menus have changed slightly.

The menu that had the phrase “download” has all disappeared from the phrase.

Now, I could open all menus.

And a new menu called ‘Helper’ was added.

Although it was a very Korean word, I knew right away what this menu meant.

Kyunghoon was curious about all the menus he had never opened before.

But of course the first thing to check now was the ‘assistant’ button.

Kyunghoon pressed the ‘assistant’ button.

A circular pattern spread gently across the screen, as if a stone had been thrown into the ripples.

-hello. Mana Core network control AI. Greetings.

An emotionless voice that seemed to be made through a cell phone speaker was heard.

It was definitely a voice I heard from the other world, but it sounded completely different.


-I didn’t understand what you meant. Did you by any chance call my name? Your name has not been registered yet. If the name is correct, please call me again.

When I copied it to my phone, I thought I knew what they meant when they said it was an early version. But the name hasn’t been decided….

‘It’s definitely not a tin can AI, right?’

Still, it was different from the artificial intelligence assistants that many IT companies boast about these days.

After thinking for a moment, Kyung-hoon answered the artificial intelligence’s question.

“Eve your name is Eve.”

Kyung-hoon did not yet know that Eve from the other world had disappeared.

However, he knew that her life would soon end, and the artificial intelligence contained in this phone was her last clone.

Kyung-hoon thought it would be best to carry on her name. –

I registered it. From now on, when you call me, you can call me by the registered name.

“Do you know what the situation is now?”

– The basic information was registered when it was copied. My original has reached the end of its useful life, and in an emergency, I It was copied to my phone. And I even recognized that this world was different from the one I was in.

Fortunately, I knew important information.

‘Is it because it is AI after all?’

The new Eve had no doubts about being in a cell phone or being in a different world. The

more we talked, the more the new Eve felt different from the original Eve. Unfortunately, it seemed like it would be difficult to communicate comfortably with the AI in the cell phone like the original Eve. “

Then . ,Eve. What can you do?”

Kyung-hoon asked the AI directly.

-I am an AI developed to support mana communication. It has an automatic translation function to smooth coordination of mana communication and assist awakeners who use various languages. And, it has several functions. There was one, but I understand

it was removed in order to be installed in this awakened person’s cellular phone. “Is that really all she can do? Eve used to operate CCTV, conduct deductions, and manage databases?”

-Such features may be included among the removed features, or they may be features acquired over time. Sorry for not being of help.

“This is so…”

Kyung-hoon was clearly disappointed.

I had already heard that it was missing features and that it would grow over time, but I didn’t expect it to be this useless right away.

“If the translation quality is good, should I get a part-time job as a translator? Or something like simultaneous interpretation over the phone…”

Perhaps because of my disappointment, useless thoughts kept coming to mind.

“Wouldn’t it be impossible to hack into an electronic bank or break into the U.S. Department of Defense like in the movies?”

-hmm. The Wi-Fi standards are no different. Can I connect to the internet for a moment to check?

Well, there seemed to be no reason to doubt AI anymore. Kyung-hoon granted Eve’s request.

The Wi-Fi mark blinked at the top of the phone.

-Internet configuration is not much different. However, we see more advanced protocols. It seems difficult to break security.

I had high hopes, but the reality was harsh.

“If it’s artificial intelligence, doesn’t it have to be something incredibly smart?”

-I am a Mana artificial intelligence implemented through Mana programming. I can have complex thoughts close to intelligence, but my simple calculation performance is not much different from a super computer. Eve explained it calmly, but it was not a very

touching explanation.

Of course, this It was incredibly surprising that a small cell phone contained supercomputer-level artificial intelligence, but Kyung-hoon had not yet realized how amazing it was. Kyung-hoon

asked Eve in a resigned voice.

“Is it possible to find someone like a hacker on the Internet? ”

-What kind of hacker are you talking about?

“A hacker who posts untraceable posts or secretly creates a bulletin board that only a few people can use.”

I tried posting using my cannon phone, but I couldn’t completely avoid tracking that way.

Moreover, it was not possible to leave messages in other countries or find awakened people using cannon phones.

Although it doesn’t have any great features, I already have a computer that understands speech well and is good at foreign languages, so I thought it would be worth looking into.

-You are looking for crackers.

“Call it cracker? Anyway, can I find someone who can do something like that?”

To be honest, I wasn’t expecting much, but I was planning on giving it a try as long as I could.

However, Eve gave an unexpected answer

– Do you really have to find a cracker? I’m not sure about that either. It’s possible.

Kyung-hoon looked at his phone with a puzzled face.

“What are you talking about?”

-I am an AI created to control mana communication. Communication disruption and communication tracking are my areas of expertise. The protocols are a little different, but I can do it well. I felt like I was a little proud through my stiff tone. After a while. At



. Behind Kyung-hoon, who was sitting and writing, the TV was playing alone.

The TV was showing images of soldiers hunting mutants. A

huge water buffalo the size of a one-ton truck was knocked down by heavy fire from machine guns and grenade launchers, and soldiers were standing around the fallen bull. They were standing around cheering.


The subtitles and announcer’s comments continued to praise the soldiers’ performance.

Nowhere did it appear how much firepower was put into defeating just one mutant buffalo. The

commentator continued . came out and talked about the mutant humans who had been arrested.

Many countries were now quarantining mutant humans as a contagious disease. Korea was no exception.

The narrator explained the conditions in the places where mutant humans were quarantined and tried to put people at ease. He was making an effort.

It was a government promotional broadcast packaged as planned news.

When he finished writing, Kyung-hoon turned off the TV.

Then, he began to read what he had written.

“What the governments of each country announced about mutant humans is The placenta is a lie. Mutations are not contagious, and mutant humans are not contagious.

Incomplete mutant humans come from eating mutant monsters, and naturally awakened humans have no mental problems. Therefore…

Kyung-hoon’s words continued for a long time.

“…I hope that all people who have naturally awakened will hide their abilities and wait. The power of the monsters is getting stronger. Soon there will come a time when ordinary people will not be able to handle the mutant monsters.

Until then, please hide your strength and wait. And please continue to wait for news. -EV-”

As soon as Kyung-hoon finished speaking, Eve’s voice came from the phone.

-I transcribed everything. First, we translated it into a total of 20 languages, starting with English. Ready to send.

“You can never trace it, right?”

-yes. Dozens of routes were bypassed and intermediate router information and IP information were also disrupted. It is impossible to find the source.

“Okay, register.”

-All right. From now on, various internet broadcasters and portals. Start registering on the bulletin board.

The Wi-Fi mark on the cell phone blinked quickly, and Kyung-hoon’s message spread across the Internet around the world.

And the Internet and the world, which had been quiet, were turned upside down once again.

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