I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 273

Episode 273 [Item Creator (2)]

Hill near Nami Island dock.

A monster resembling a hedgehog had collapsed in the center, studded with thorns as big as forearms.

These were all thorns shot out by this monster. The building had many holes and all the trees were broken.

There was no place to escape, but Kyung-hoon, who was standing next to the monster, could not see any scratches.

It wasn’t even blocked with a shield. He dodged all the thorns that poured down on him.

After dodging the thorns, Gyeong-hoon swung his sword at the monster’s body.

Because of the thorns, the bare skin was exposed, and Gyeong-hoon cut off more than half of the monster’s thick neck.

It was not a monster with good recovery.

The moment more than half of its head was cut off, the monster lost its fighting power.

After that, it was almost like cleaning up.

Kyung-hoon placed his hand on the fallen monster’s body.

Mana flowed from his hands and seeped into the monster’s body.

When it became clear that the monster was dead, people slowly approached.

As NIS agents in this world, they had a lot of practical experience, but it was not easy to approach these high-level monsters.

The agent holding the camera muttered with an embarrassed expression.

“It was so fast that I couldn’t even get a few shots. No matter how you look at it, this is a mess…”

The screen shook thanks to the thorns that were fired all the way to the dock where they were, and although they managed to keep the screen in line, they couldn’t even capture Kyung-hoon’s movements on the screen.

Something flashed and the monster collapsed.

The other agents also had ambiguous expressions.

“A one-shot cut to an A-class awakened person. “I thought he was at the level of a captain… I guess he was at the level of a knight.”

“Isn’t it true that the A-class awakened person is stronger than expected?”

Surprisingly, the agents who came here seemed to be field workers. It was not easy to understand the situation without seeing it on site.

“But you didn’t even use monster weapons.”

“Oh right. “You used a counterfeit sword made by an item maker, right?”

“But it looks like you were drawing manazine on the weapon yourself earlier…”

The agents all looked at Kyung-hoon.

Kyung-hoon, who had been putting his hand on the monster, was now looking around at the monster.

The senior agent said to Kyung-hoon,

“Ah . You don’t have to worry about the mana stones. If you contact us now, the dismantlers will come later to dismantle the monster and find the mana stones.”

A monster dismantler. This world was developing in a different direction than Kyung-hoon’s world.

But there was no need to wait for a dismantler. I just drained the mana and checked the location of the mana stone once again.

It was no different from the position I felt during the fight.



Kyung-hoon flipped the large monster over. Although it weighed more than several tons, he was able to flip it over easily. He

then stabbed the shiny sword into the lower abdomen of the overturned monster.


The flesh was cut off like a gun. It was in the stomach. A hole was opened and a thick intestine was exposed.

Kyung-hoon pushed his hand into the side of the intestine and pulled out a mana stone.

“This mana stone belongs to me, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The agent nodded with a horrified expression.

The agents’ eyes lit up when they saw the mana stone. It was a large, brilliant mana stone. Until

recently, it was a mana stone that was only used as a kind of gem and amulet.

But now, mana stones can be developed. As a result, the price was skyrocketing.

Awakened guilds’ main profit now comes from selling mana stones rather than dealing with monsters and selling corpses. It

was clear that a mana stone of that level would be expensive.

But Gyeong-hoon said that the mana stone was expensive. He roughly stuffed it into his pants pocket.

The senior agent who confirmed that he had taken the Mana Stone explained the follow-up process.

“After the dismantler confirms, we will deposit the processing fee and the proceeds from the sale of the body that we initially mentioned into your account.”

He glanced at the fallen monster and shook his head.

“From now on, you will have to join a guild or have a separate agent. It seems difficult to handle this alone. And…”

He tried to continue explaining, but Kyung-hoon He raised his hand and covered the agent’s mouth.

Kyung-hoon was looking at the spot where the monster was lying.

Perhaps because it was where the monster was standing, the dirt floor looked fine.

The thorns did not turn the ground over like in other places, and there were no traces of depressions.

Perhaps that was why a cloudy trace remained on the dirt floor.

There was no dye left and it didn’t look like a proper pattern, but there was mana left in the trace.

It was definitely Manajine.

And this manajine resembled the pattern for dimensional travel.

Kyunghoon opened his mouth.

“You said a monster suddenly appeared?”

“yes? ah. yes. So I thought it was a mutant-type monster that suddenly appeared, but now that I look at it, it doesn’t seem like that.”

Although the senior agent was surprised by the sudden question, he nodded at Kyung-hoon’s words.

It was full of thorns like a hedgehog, but other than that, it looked completely different from a hedgehog.

It seemed like it was everyone’s first time seeing a monster.

I don’t know the details since they were not battle awakened, but it was clearly a rare monster.

People couldn’t recognize the traces left on the floor.

If you couldn’t see the mana, it was just a meaningless mark.

But for Kyung-Hoon, it was a completely different mark. It was an opportunity to open a blocked characteristic and a clue to return home.

There was nothing that could be done with just the traces left here, but it was clear that there was a intact pattern somewhere.

There was now a reason to be busy hunting.

“What happened?”

“no. “I saw it wrong.”

Kyunghoon shook his head. It wasn’t time to reveal it yet.

The hunt that day ended with several controversies.

There was no problem in confirming Kyung-hoon’s skills.

However, his better-than-expected skills and the item weapons he created on site were bound to cause controversy in various ways.

Fortunately, it was all positive controversy.

“If it leaks again this time, I will find it myself and put a bullet in your mouth! Stay absolutely secure!”

After having the agents join the raid, Deputy Director Eom began to think again about how to use the new information.

While he was having pleasant thoughts, Kyung-hoon was sitting in the living room, looking at the item maker.

After Kyung-hoon drew a pattern on the sword, he closed his mouth tightly and continued to glare at the sword.

Even when Kyung-hoon fights, he takes the mana stone out of the monster and returns home.

He followed Kyung-hoon like a person possessed by something.

It was so different from his usual appearance that Kyung-hoon felt scared.

It was still the same now. He was sitting in the center of the living room, staring at Kyung-hoon.

Kyunghoon shook his head.

“I like women.”

He barely opened his mouth at Kyung-hoon’s words.

“How did you do it?”

It was meaningless, but Kyung-hoon knew what it meant.

In the center of the two people was a sword made by Ahn Hyeong-min and modified by Gyeong-hoon.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before. Where did you learn it? Wasn’t it an item crafter? Is it possible to get to Grade A?” As soon as

I started talking, questions poured out like a waterfall.

It was inevitable.

I saw an item weapon that had failed for several years being made right in front of my eyes.

The shock was no joke. The reason

I didn’t say anything until now was because I was so shocked. “The pattern originally drawn

was similar to the weapon the monster carried.”

Kyung-hoon was suspicious when he saw the strange lines drawn on the sword. It was completely different from the pattern he knew.

But today, when he saw the ax that the monster had, he found out. The pattern created by Ahn Hyeong-min was an imitation of the monster’s pattern.

“That’s it .” Is this wrong? Are the awakened mana and the monster mana different? But the weapons used by the monsters could also be used by the awakened.”

Gyeonghoon shook his head.

Different mana was not the problem.

“That was the problem, but the material the weapon was made from was the problem. The pattern had to be different depending on the material and proportion. I saw it earlier, and it was an ax made by pouring bronze at a blacksmith shop. It is similar to modern carbon steel. “It can’t work if you apply the pattern the same way.”

Hyeong-min gaped at Kyung-hoon’s words.

It’s not that he didn’t think about the material. But even though they were old weapons, they couldn’t be recreated in the same way. The

weapons the monster brought were ancient weapons made with technology that humans had lost.

” “Oh my God, but how do you know that? Have you ever seen a weapon like that? Where did you see it?”

“I can not remember.”

Hearing Kyung-hoon’s words, Hyeong-min looked dejected.

“Oh, that’s right. That’s what it was, right?”

He had a face of absolute disbelief.

But he soon became bright. Anyway, the correct pattern came out.

He asked Kyung-hoon carefully.

“Are you going to make more items? Are you willing to teach it to others?” “

It would be a big deal if he said he would only use it.

“I have no intention of using it alone. I will teach others how to make it as well.”

Hyeongmin’s face brightened. He hurriedly continued,

“If you want to tell others, you must first register a patent. Countries like Russia and China, which conscripted the Awakened, do not recognize patents, but most countries do.”

Items were not industrial products, but closer to handicrafts or works of art.

They varied greatly depending on the skill of the item maker, and often failed to be made if the skill was insufficient.

However, if you learned how to make basic items, you could easily duplicate them.

And to prevent such duplication , There was a patent.

“If you patent it, you will be sitting on a cushion of money in no time.”

Hyeong-min, who had said that far, bowed his head to Kyung-hoon,

“And even if you pay a lot of patent royalties, please do not monopolize it to a large company or a specific guild. Please.”

Many item makers wanted to make proper items. It was clear that they would make items even if they suffered a loss in patent royalties.

Kyung-hoon looked at Hyeong-min, who lowered his head.

“If we make a lot of items, the awakened people will be able to catch a lot of monsters.” “We can. Then the world will be safer.”

Hyeongmin nodded furiously.

“That’s right. If possible, if we reduce the patent royalties a little, more people will be able to make products.”

Kyung-hoon chuckled at his words.

“Then if we solve it without a patent, we can make it all and it will be cheaper.”


“Wouldn’t it be difficult to have a patent to unlock item weapons for all awakened people?”


“We are talking about solving the problem without a patent.”

Hyeongmin opened his mouth.

“But then it’s such a waste… If you’re an A-level awakened person, you’ll earn a lot, but it’s even more. How much of a difference is it?”

Something seemed unfathomable.

“Oh my god. Everyone will like it. No, I don’t just like it. You’re so amazing. I can’t believe you gave up that kind of money.”

Hyeong-min’s eyes sparkled as he looked at Kyung-hoon. It was like a fan watching a star he admired or a believer watching a saint.

Money was not unimportant to Kyung-hoon either. But there was something more important than that.

The skills of item creators had to be improved.

It was to give all the awakened people weapons, but more than that, it was necessary to improve the manufacturing skills of this world’s manazine patterns.

I found traces of a portal today while hunting monsters, but I couldn’t blindly trust them.

I was planning to try every possible way to return to my hometown. I planned

to recover, follow the traces of the portal, and

finally recreate the portal.

To do this, we had to increase our emblem technology and develop mana engineering.

For that, I needed money.

However, there was no need to make money through patents.

It was difficult to make the money Kyung-hoon wanted by hunting, but there was another way.

“Do you know of any black market mana stones?”

As long as mana stones were money and taxes were high, there was no way there wouldn’t be black traders.

“yes? However, the mana stones obtained this time are difficult to sell on the black market. Although the taxes are high, the mana stones obtained through official hunting retain records, so it is difficult to distribute them on the black market.”

Gyeong-hoon also planned to sell the mana stones he obtained through such hunting to the right place.

However, Kyung-hoon had a mana stone that he had unofficially.

Kyung-hoon touched the ring.

In the subspace of the ring, a huge amount of mana stones that he had captured were sleeping.

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