I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1100: Vampire Fraulein

Chapter 1100: Vampire Fraulein

After the short encounter, the last remaining vampire naturally had to take on the task of guiding the crowd and giving them information.

Of course, it could be clearly seen from the previous encounter that the vampires in this dimension were not very friendly to outsiders. Such a large number of vampires would rather be beaten to death than confess a word, so it would be difficult to force them to speak.

"Leave it to me."

It was Yubel who spoke. After the battle, she took the initiative to appear and floated out, appearing in front of the vampire.

The vampire showed a stunned expression.

"When they said you betrayed the Supreme King, I didn't quite believe it." He said angrily, "You are a shame to everyone."

"I didn't betray him, I just found the best arrangement for him… Of course, you won't understand these, and I have no obligation to explain to you."

As Yubel said, her heterochromatic eyes lit up red at the same time.

It was a soul-stirring and dangerous light, like two unstoppable swords that split through layers of obstacles and directly touched the deepest part of the other party's heart.

The vampire stopped struggling the moment he saw the strange light, his expression was dull and his eyes became empty. He stared at Yubel blankly, as if his soul had been taken away.

"Tell me," she began to ask, "We are going to leave this dimension and go to Supreme King's Castle. How do we get there?"

The vampire was stunned for a long while, then slowly turned around and raised his pale and weak finger to point in a certain direction.

"Keep going over there… Go to the bottom of the castle."

"Castle?" Yubel asked.

"Her Majesty's castle." He said.

"The entrance to the higher dimension is in the castle?"

"Yes." The vampire said, "That is the only entrance to the dimension where the Supreme King's Castle is located. Her Majesty the Queen is guarding it personally. If you want to go to that dimension, you must either get her consent or take down the entire castle."

Yubel and Yuei Vu looked at each other, and after getting a hint from her eyes, he turned around and asked again: "Is there no other entrance?"

"There is no other entrance in this dimension." The vampire said, "But maybe you can choose to take a detour to other dimensions. There may be roads leading to Supreme King's Castle in other dimensions."

Yubel looked at Yuei Vu again.

Yuei Vu thought about it and shook his head: "No need to take a detour. We are in a hurry, so we should save some trouble. Since the target is already in front of us, let's just kill it."

Isn't it just occupying a castle? It doesn't sound difficult.

The red light in Yubel's eyes went out, and the vampire collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

Yubel turned to Yuei Vu: "I understand and don't object to your decision, but I still have to remind you that the Little Miss is different from the weak here. Even in my memory back then, she was difficult to deal with…"

"Are you saying that I might not be able to win?" Yuei Vu asked.

"……I just said to be a little careful."

Yubel was helpless. She also wanted to exaggerate, saying that if he underestimated the enemy, he might fall over…

……But on second thought, she didn't believe it herself, so she just let it go.

However, by now, they had been in the other dimension for almost a whole day. They had been fighting non-stop in the dimension of the winged-beast tribe and had traveled so far to this new dimension and experienced another fierce battle (referring to completely destroying the opponent in ten minutes).

Of course, the screwball players had endless energy, but not all of them were like this. Especially some students who were not very good at physical fitness, they were already very tired at that moment.

Yuei Vu thought about it and made a decision quickly.

"Then let's rest here first." He said, looking at Yusei beside him, "Yusei and I will go to explore the situation nearby first."

In a new environment, it was essential to survey the geological terrain and confirm whether there were other sentries or ambushes.

The reason why he chose Yusei to go with him was also very simple because only the two of them had vehicles.

When they rushed into the gate of the other dimension, they rode their motorbikes, thus the D-Wheel naturally followed them. It's just that they didn't ride along with the big group all the way, and the D-Wheel was pushed behind by the screwball players.

It looked like hard labor, but in fact, this job was still a hot commodity. The screwballs rushed to it, like little brats who had never seen the world. One of them reacted particularly exaggeratedly. He jumped onto Yusei's D-Wheel and touched it twice, then immediately fell straight to the side, shouting something like "Ah, I have no regret"…

Yuei Vu and Yusei rode away on the D-Wheel together, and the rest of the people found a few buildings to rest on the spot.

Anyway, the whole town had been emptied, and the last thing they lacked was empty houses. It was quite easy to find a few houses to take a break.

However, those players with excess energy obviously couldn't really rest like this.

As soon as the group settled down, the screwballs also started to act immediately.

Everyone formed teams of three or two with their own acquaintances, quickly dispersed, and quickly launched a carpet sweep in the whole town.

It was called "exploring the map".

Even if there were vampires hiding in some corner of the town waiting for an opportunity to move, they would definitely not be able to escape their search.

The guild leader "Just a Sandbag" who was killed in the last dimension finally caught up with the zombies after running away for his life and also joined the map exploration team excitedly.

This time, he was on the same team as Native Noragami.

Although they did not belong to the same guild, they had been together for a long time on the island of the Duel Academy, and the personal relationship between the guild leader and Noragami was still quite good.

After all, it was always easy for the rich to find common ground.

The two chatted and wandered all the way, and they seemed to be getting farther and farther away from the main force without knowing it.

The sunlight that had just emerged from the other side of the horizon disappeared again for some reason. The sky seemed like a dark curtain, so dark that it made people breathless.

The streets were foggy. The thick fog suddenly appeared everywhere, and the visibility dropped to the level where you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

At first, the two of them didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. It was not until they walked for a while that the president of the sandbag suddenly asked: "By the way, I think we have been going in circles?"

"Huh?" Native Noragami looked at him strangely, "I thought you knew the way, I have been following you."

"What? I have been following you."

The two looked at each other and then realized that something was wrong.

They seemed to be lost.

"Damn, are you okay? You can't even recognize the way in such a small place?"

"Is it my fault? Don't you remember it yourself?"

"I didn't notice it because I thought you would remember it…"

"Hush, wait a minute," President Sandbag interrupted the meaningless argument, "There seems to be someone over there?"

The two of them fell silent and looked in that direction at the same time.

He was not wrong, there was indeed someone in that direction.

In a certain small area, the fog seemed to be gradually becoming thinner. A transparent shadow appeared from behind the thick fog. The small figure, holding a black umbrella, seemed like a flower symbolizing death.

She walked out slowly, her skin was unhealthily pale, her eyes were blood red, and there were traces of tears in the corners of her eyes.

The two card players were almost staring.

That was Vampire Fraulein.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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