I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1165: Duel Domain Expansion

Chapter 1165: Duel Domain Expansion

After winning the duel, Yusei accelerated to get rid of Ushio Tetsu and continued to rush out with full throttle. Before long, all the law enforcement officers were left behind by him.

This was a little different from the pursuit in the original work. In the original animation, Yusei was once arrested and imprisoned, and the mark used to track prisoners was engraved on his face during his imprisonment.

Because of the mark, no matter where Yusei escaped, the law enforcement officers could easily locate him and chase him all the way.

Now that there was no mark on his face for positioning, it was not so easy for the law enforcement bureau to catch Yusei.

But now Yusei was facing a more realistic problem.

That was: He had nowhere to go.

Yusei was a lower-class citizen living in the Satellite area. This duel city called "New Domino" was not a place for people like him to come.

He escaped the arrest of the sheriff and sneaked into the city just to play cards with his old friend Jack.

Now this status card is obviously not available for the time being, and he may have been wanted by the whole city. In addition, as a resident of the Satellite area, he obviously had no place to live in the city.

He had no ID and was also penniless. The only option seemed to be to sleep on the street.

But when he discussed what they should do next to Yuei Vu, Yusei didn't seem to care about it.

According to him, there were worse times when he lived in the Satellite area. Sleeping on the street was common. Just find a remote place, an abandoned school, church, factory, etc., in short, find a place with a roof to spend the night.

After listening to Yusei's plan, Yuei Vu couldn't help but sigh sincerely: Among protagonists of all generations, you might be the poorest…

Yuei Vu wanted to try his luck at the place where his former residence was, but he soon found that it was unrealistic.

Because although this place was in the same geographical location as the Domino City where he used to live, strictly speaking, it was not the same city at all.

The "Zero Reverse" incident completely changed Domino. That accident was the source of the entire 5DS plot – the out-of-control perpetual motion machine No. 1 caused the entire city to fall apart, and Domino was torn into two halves, one half was the current "Neo Domino City", and the other half was the Satellite area that has become a slum.

The two areas that used to be the same city were now divided into two parts by a big river, one side was heaven and the other side was hell.

Temporarily getting rid of the entanglement of the Public Security Bureau, Yusei successfully found an abandoned school as a resting place.

Yuei Vu wanted to say that if this kind of place was replaced by a film set, it would definitely be a perfect stage for a horror movie. Of course, considering that in this world everyone must play cards, and ghosts were no exception, he didn't say anything in the end.

After finding a shabby old classroom and sitting down, Yusei finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

For him, today may indeed be a long night. In this short night, he first experienced a thrilling chase with the sheriff and then rushed out of the Satellite area along the garbage disposal pipe at the critical moment.

After leaving the Satellite area, he immediately found his old friend Jack to play cards, but some strange events happened halfway through the game that they could not explain – the energy of the two people's Riding Duel summoned the ancient beast "Crimson Dragon", and the duel damage of both sides was transformed into a physical impact. Just the aftermath of the Crimson Dragon's energy blew up the roof of the entire duel venue.

Then came the arrest by the Public Security Bureau. At the critical moment when Yusei was about to be arrested, he met Yuei Vu, who seemed to play the role of a spirit partner. Then there was a city-wide wanted blockade, and by the way, there was another battle with Ushio who came from the Satellite area…

So much happened that night, it felt like a century had passed.

However, perhaps because he was in a state of high tension all night, or because he was easily excited after playing cards too much, Yusei was not tired at all after running around for most of the night, and he didn't want to rest at all.

His eyes fell on the ghostly "spirit partner" floating beside him.

To be honest, he was more curious about the legendary duel king beside him than sleeping. His story, his deck and strength, and the reason why he was called a legend by later generations.

Yuei Vu was also studying his current situation.

As mentioned before, he had no entity now, and no one except Yusei could even see him.

So Yuei Vu was thinking that he might have to let Yusei act as his tool during the 5DS. Wherever he wanted to go, what he wanted to do, even if he wanted to play cards with others, he had to let Yusei do it for him.

But he soon found that it didn't seem to be entirely true.

At least if he wanted to find someone to play cards with, there was still a way to do it.

He found the Duel Challenge option in the Duel Link system, which was currently in matching mode. He tried to click this button and found that the duel disk immediately automatically marked the opponents in front of him, and he could choose a specific opponent to duel.

For example, now, the only duelist within his selection range was Yusei.

Yuei Vu thought about it and decided to test this function. He selected Yusei and directly clicked the option to start the duel.

"Opponent locked." The Duel Link system gave a prompt, "About to enter the battle mode.

3……2……1……Battle mode started."

Yuei Vu's duel disk unfolded, and the deck loaded in it was automatically scanned and then shuffled rapidly.

Transparent ripples spread out like ripples on the water with Yuei Vu as the center, and countless light blue data streams spread in the real space, as if forming a water-blue field, quickly enclosing the two of them.

The rolling data stream supported a transparent space, and the surrounding environment looked like it was covered with an unreal filter. The dilapidated classroom, abandoned desks and chairs seemed to have been cleared to the edge of the scene, and a duel stage that seemed to be made of data was vacated in the center.

Yusei stood up and looked at the changes in the environment in surprise: "This is…"

Then he noticed Yuei Vu across from him.

"Mr. Yuei Vu, your body!"

After getting his hint, Yuei Vu lowered his head and realized that his ghostly transparent body seemed to have become a physical body.

"So that's it, can I only get a physical body in this duel domain…"

It feels just like a Shadow Game.

Yuei Vu felt more and more that the Duel Link system developed by President Kaiba was an incredible thing.

He couldn't help but think of Z-ONE and his companions from the end of time. In that era, they had mastered the special duel domain that was completely summoned by technology with the same effect as the dark game.

For example, the domain of Paradox "Malefic World", once activated, would trap all players in the field, and the duel damage they receive was real damage, and the loser would be wiped out.

It's exactly the same as the traditional Shadow Game.

Now he began to think that maybe Z-ONE's technology in this area was borrowed from the Duel Link developed by President Kaiba in his early years.

"Mr. Yuei Vu?" Yusei asked tentatively.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just doing some tests."

Yuei Vu smiled, then glanced at the duel domain unfolding around him, and his mind moved.

"By the way, since the duel domain has been activated, why not let me give it a try, Yusei… your current strength as a duelist."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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