I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 – The Youngest Sword Seeker (4)

According to the Arhebts Special Law, the information of a self-reported Sword Seeker is disclosed throughout the Empire. This serves as both a check and a form of publicity for the individual.

“I wield such and such arms.”

“I possess such and such skills.”

Announcing this acts as a form of advertisement. A Sword Seeker is a top-tier asset eagerly sought by all sorts of groups, with no place where they are not utilized. The mere disclosure of their information brings letters flying in from all quarters, begging them to join.

Of course, quite obviously, such things do not happen overnight. There are no individuals who reach the realm of a Sword Seeker in a single day. It is typical for rumors of someone nearing the realm of a Sword Seeker to spread far and wide, and even after those rumors disperse, it usually takes several months for one to actually ascend to that level.

During those months, various groups, noble houses, and orders prepare to scout the individual.

They conduct thorough background checks to present an offer appealing enough to satisfy the subject. Thus, when the list of powerful Sword Seekers is updated, groups present their prepared offers, thinking, ‘Ah, has that person finally ascended?’

But this time was different.

An unexpectedly updated list. And the individual listed—a person who was somewhat known through rumors but had not been significantly noticed because it was considered too early to make contact, given they were known to be at Expert level and had started their activities less than six months ago.

Suddenly a Sword Seeker?

Had they been hiding their true skills?

Information about this individual was scarce.

It was unclear what could be offered. Occasionally, hidden masters would emerge in this manner, but this was not a common occurrence. Each group reviewed the information with a sense of disbelief…

『Real Name – Najin.』

『Former Activity Name – Ivan.』

『Area of Activity – Cambria.』

『Realm – Sword Seeker』

At the moment they read the last piece of information,

『Age – 18 years old.』

The entire Empire was turned upside down.

Those gifted with the sword and who received ample support.

On average, the age range for Sword Experts is late twenties to early thirties. The average age for Sword Seekers has been measured to be in the late fifties. This has been common knowledge for over a millennium since the foundation of the Empire.

Of course, occasionally geniuses appear who rewrite the records, but they do not change by a large margin.

This is natural. Ascending realms is akin to elevating one’s soul’s status. It takes a long time to refine oneself, to cleanse and sublimate the soul— regardless of talent, it takes a long time to elevate one’s realm.

———Thus, Sword Saint Karan was an anomaly.

He ascended realms far too quickly. He advanced without hindrance, obliterating all previous youngest records as he raced forward. Initially met with jealousy, suspicion, and doubt, by the time Karan reached the realm of a Master, those looks had turned into admiration and envy.

A once-in-a-millennium genius.

A genius that would not appear again for a thousand years.

It had not even been a decade since Karan received such praises. Amidst this, the Empire was once again shaken by a startling event.

『Ascended to Sword Seeker at the age of eighteen.』

『Adventurer of Cambria, Najin.』

A boy had appeared who ascended to Sword Seeker at just eighteen. He had cut down Karan’s record by a staggering twelve years and shortened the average by nearly forty years.

“It’s impossible!”

“Something is wrong!”

Many raised their voices.

Among them, the loudest were the historians of the Empire, those who had also raised their voices during the Sword Saint’s time, those who believed they were the living history of the Empire.

“It’s time to revise the history books again. Just like during the Sword Saint’s era, it’s maddening for them to have to rewrite numerous histories again.”

“The results are erroneous. This goes against reason, it’s an aberration!”

“The influence of heresy should be suspected.”

“The examination was flawed. A re-examination is necessary…”

Although their expressions were somewhat harsh, their opinions resonated with the public. Logically, it made no sense to update records in such a manner.

“Even that Sword Saint, even the once-in-a-millennium genius grew with the support of the Order of the Sword. He had a solid foundation. But this boy? He has no foundation. He appeared out of nowhere. Even his place of origin is unclear!”

“It’s all too suspicious!”

“He’s only been active for half a year. Could he be a homunculus created by a Magic Tower?”

Many claimed something was wrong.

As the public outcry grew, the Empire disclosed the details of the examination and the information of those responsible. Those who had raised their voices applauded, ready to attack the supervisors, but…

『Cipria Gachevskaya.』

Upon seeing the name of the supervisor, everyone had to shut their mouths. Those who had doubted and questioned the skills of the supervisors turned pale, an added bonus.

The great Archmage of the Empire.

The Empire’s Fourth Pillar.

Cipria Gachevskaya, the Eternal Radiance.

No one was unaware of what it meant to doubt her skills. That if she expressed displeasure, even a significant group could be vaporized. Consequently, the Empire was enveloped in silence.

Then was it all true without a single lie?

Really, had someone ascended to the realm of a Sword Seeker at just eighteen? Was such a thing even plausible?

As confusion reigned, the decisive blow fell. The Emperor had summoned the Sword Masters. It was a pretext to commemorate a historic moment. From the moment the Emperor personally intervened, everything became true.

…Najin was summoned to the royal court.

No further details could be known until the royal court released new information. Countless waited with bated breath for the news to come. Meanwhile, the news quickly spread throughout the Empire.

To announce the arrival of the youngest Sword Seeker.

Master of the Trebache,

Count Edelmar stood up and applauded as soon as he saw the words ‘Youngest Sword Seeker, Najin’ emblazoned on the letter.

“Bravo, bravo!”

See? The young man I had my eye on. Weren’t my eyes accurate! Didn’t I say he was a young man who would make a big splash! Shouting so, the Count guzzled down a bottle of wine he had been saving and ordered the troupes he sponsored.

Make a play out of this immediately.

Produce a play about the tale of Najin and Dieta.

This was an opportunity for Trebache to step forward as a tourist destination.

This time, even his knights could not stop the Count.

In reality, the House of Trebache was the noble family that had first made contact with Najin, now receiving all the attention. It was an opportunity for Count Edelmar to earn a reputation as a genius investor.

Sword Seeker, Roselin Ascalo.

She already knew Najin had ascended to the realm of a Sword Seeker, so she wore a relaxed expression amidst the noisy adventurer city.

“Sister, did you see that?”

“Yeah, kid, I know. I could tell just by looking. Didn’t I say that guy was going to cause a big stir?”

“Did you foresee all this from that time?”

“Of course, dude. Is being a leader something anyone can do?”

“That Ivan guy… even his age, eighteen?”

“Of course… what? Wait, what?”

Roselin snatched the newspaper her subordinate was reading. Then, seeing the words ‘Ascended to Sword Seeker at the age of eighteen…’ emblazoned there, she widened her eyes.

Eighteen? Eighteen?

I thought he’d be at least in his mid-twenties?

Roselin blinked in stupefaction. Amidst her confusion, the adventurer city awaited Najin’s return, spending a noisy time.

The Snake that Swallows Gold.

Dieta, the head of the Dieta Trading Company, hummed a tune as she entered the meeting room. She couldn’t help but be joyful. Her company’s stock prices were soaring in real-time.

It was well known that Najin and Dieta had a very close relationship, both publicly and privately. Thanks to this, not only within the adventurer city but also from outside, people came seeking information from her.

She was a merchant, and she well understood that sometimes intangible information could also hold immense value. Thanks to the gold coins she pocketed, a smile never left her lips.

‘Well, that’s that.’

Just the fact that the man she had marked was doing well was enough to please her. Seeing the attention pouring in from all directions was a bit painful, but what of it?

‘The first spot is mine.’

The first investor and the first friend.

Wherever you go, the value of being first is tremendous. And she planned to take other first spots as well. With these thoughts, Dieta spread the newspaper she brought across the desk in her office.

Thinking about it, he never did tell me his age, did he?

Now was the time to check. With a fluttering heart, Dieta checked the newspaper…


She gasped for breath.

After a few coughs, she thumped her chest and checked the newspaper again.

Eighteen. The number hadn’t changed.

Dieta was twenty years old. That meant Najin was two years younger than her.

“He was younger? Really?”

Dieta widened her eyes, and the knight Pasion standing beside her did the same. For two reasons. One was Najin’s age, and the other was that his mistress’s eyes could be so wide.

Both stared wide-eyed at the newspaper.

Sword of the Order, Sword Saint Karan.

He straightened his attire for the first time in a long while, donning the formal uniform of the Order. Normally, he preferred loose robes and often disappeared on a whim, but given the occasion, such casualness wouldn’t do.

The Emperor had issued a summoning order for the Sword Masters.

While Sword Masters immersed in the Starbattle or the Demon Realm were exceptions, those like Karan, active within the mainland, had to respond to the summons. Of course, even without obligation, he would have gladly attended.

“That lad’s name was Najin, huh.”

Karan chuckled.

To be a Sword Seeker at eighteen; he had expected the youth to be young, but this was beyond imagination. Karan burst into laughter at the fact that his record had been shattered.

In a way, he was an unofficial mentor.

He ought to celebrate his disciple’s debut.

“Going empty-handed won’t do.”

With a flick of his fingers, Karan summoned the Grand Priest, who brought a sword. This year’s masterpiece forged by a master of the Order of the Sword. This would be suitable as a gift.

Inquisitor General of the Starblood Sect, Yuel Razian.

She, who had once stormed into a hideout of demon contractors alone, smiled as she read the hastily delivered telegram.

“It has finally come.”

Yuel was already aware of Najin’s age and realm. Even back then, he was close to becoming a Sword Seeker, and now, in just one month, he had ascended. “Impressive,” she murmured, swinging her sword.

With every swing of her blade, blood splattered. The meticulously crafted spells of the demon contractors tore like paper, and their bodies were finely dissected.

She sent a carrier pigeon with a reply stating she would comply with the summons, then tipped a bottle to her lips. Enjoying the drunken buzz, she gripped her sword anew. Slicing through heretics was enjoyable, but meeting that boy seemed even more so.

The screams of the demon contractors echoed.

Amidst the echoing screams, Yuel’s sword flashed brilliantly.

The Empire’s First Sword, Gerd.

After dispatching letters to the Sword Masters as instructed by the Emperor, he returned to his personal meadow and swung his sword. Even as the Empire was turned upside down, the old man’s routine remained unchanged.

The old man simply swung his sword.

As he always had, silently.

Najin was blindfolded and led somewhere. The blindfold was inscribed with various magical sigils, and though he blinked inside it, the surroundings appeared only as blurred shapes.

“It seems like I can see…”

If he strained his eyes, the scenery became clearer, but the sigils on the blindfold made a loud ‘Chiiiiik!’ noise, so Najin just closed his eyes.

How long had they walked?

The leading Royal Guard stopped.

Then, with a deep, sonorous sound, a door opened. As they stepped inside, the Royal Guard removed Najin’s blindfold. Najin blinked several times to adjust to the dazzling lights.

Once his eyes opened, Najin looked around.

The space seemed part courtroom, part duel arena. Standing in the center of the circular area, Najin raised his head to see those looking down at him.

The Sword Saint, Karan.

The Executioner, Yuel Razian.

The Empire’s First Sword, Gerd.

The three Sword Masters came into view. Karan shrugged his shoulders at Najin, and Yuel, quite openly, waved at him, although her face remained expressionless, making it a somewhat awkward gesture.

And then, Gerd.

The elder of the Empire’s First Pillar narrowed his eyes as he watched Najin. Even more devoid of emotion than Yuel’s gaze.

“So then…”

Najin raised his head further to look at the person seated above the Sword Masters. A man with hair like starlight. There was no need to ask who he was. Only one person could sit above the Sword Masters in the Empire.

“I see the Sun of the Empire.”

Najin knelt and bowed his head. Just as he was about to bow deeper, a voice rang out, “That will be sufficient.” Only after receiving permission to raise his head did Najin look up.

“You know why you have been summoned.”

The Emperor smiled.

“You have proven with the quality of your soul that you have ascended in realm. However, you are a pathfinder of the sword, a swordsman.”

He waved his arm.

His robes fluttered, scattering beams of light.

“A swordsman, is one who uses the sword as a brush to narrate oneself. One who proves oneself with the blade.”

The scattered beams of light shone on Najin.

“Show your proof before the proud Sword Masters of the Empire.”

In essence, he was asked to demonstrate the proof of being a Sword Seeker.

Was this why they hadn’t confiscated his sword even during an audience with the Emperor? Najin straightened up from his kneeled position and stood.


Najin drew his sword.

Under the watchful eyes of the three Sword Masters, Najin focused more than ever on each movement. The tip of his raised sword traced a clean trajectory toward the ceiling. A sword aligned vertically with the sky.

With the sword, Najin covered half his face.

The Sword Courtesy taught by Ivan.

With his eyes closed, Najin focused inwardly.

He depicted a star with the tip of his blade. A star dreamed of in a place where no stars could be seen. As Najin opened his eyes and lightly swung his sword,


A stream of gold and white light followed the tip. The gold light gathered into a small circle, and the white formed lines connecting the circles. What resulted was a constellation made of white and gold.

The beams that had illuminated Najin were now obscured by the light he had created. Only the light from Najin’s Sword Aura filled the space.

And then.

The sight had the three Sword Masters and the Emperor widening their eyes. They could do nothing else.

White and Gold.

Two colors coexisted to form a constellation.

The form of the constellation resembled by sword aura.

While the two colors did not mix to form platinum, what the young man had drawn was a sword aura infinitely close to starlight. No one present was ignorant of what that meant. Likely, no one in the Empire would be.

The young man’s sword aura… resembled that of King Arthur’s sword aura.

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