I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 – Merchant’s District (1)


As Najin patted Roselin’s back, he quickly stepped back a few paces. Dieta, who had called out Roselin’s name, grimaced as if she had swallowed a bug.

The pinnacle of the City of Opportunity, Cambria.
One of the five White-tier adventurers in the city.

A few seconds passed that could severely damage her glittering reputation, evidenced by the aftermath of last night’s drunken frenzy. When the sounds ceased, Roselin wiped her mouth with a handkerchief and rinsed her mouth with water from a bottle.

“Ah, that’s better.”

Lifting her head, Roselin’s face seemed refreshingly cool. She patted her chest and repeatedly exhaled deeply.

“Hey, what’s this? The snake woman?”

Roselin tilted her head as she recognized Dieta, the girl who had called her name. Normally, they would pass each other without even a greeting, only clicking their tongues in disdain. It was, in a way, mutual loathing, influenced by their different affiliations.

Roselin’s mercenary group was supported by the ‘Garchea’ company, a top contender in Cambria alongside Dieta’s company. Naturally, the relations between the two companys weren’t amicable.

Roselin, supported by Garchea, understandably didn’t get along with Dieta, the head of Dieta’s company.

“Calling someone ‘snake woman’ to their face, which household’s manners are those? Didn’t receive proper etiquette education, red eyes?”
“Casually using a hate speech as if it’s nothing, you’re no better, missy.”

Dieta smiled behind her hand, while Roselin’s lips curled in a sneer. Then, Roselin noticed where Dieta’s gaze was directed.

“Ah, I see.”

Roselin chuckled.
Dieta’s gaze was fixed on Najin, standing a step away. The young man she had vouched for. It must have been strange for her to see him so close to Roselin.

“Hey, Ivan.”

As if to show off, Roselin stretched out her arm and put it around Najin’s shoulder. Najin’s expression crumpled rapidly, but he sighed and remained silent. He needed Roselin for reporting to the central guild.

“We had fun last night. How about another drink next time?”
“I’ll pass.”

Najin flatly refused.
He had learned last night that ‘one drink’ in Roselin’s terms wasn’t quite literal.

“Let’s get going. I want to report quickly and find a place for a hangover cure. I know a good restaurant nearby, want to join?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“The meat soup there is really tasty.”

Roselin, loudly enough for Dieta to hear, hastened her steps, heading into the central guild building with Najin. As they walked away, Roselin glanced back to see Dieta standing there, her eyes wide with fury.

Her yellow eyes seething with rage.

Roselin sneered, looking at those eyes. Although she didn’t say anything, Dieta could almost hear Roselin’s voice in her ears.

The adventurer you sponsored is awesome.


Dieta burst into laughter.
Her mouth smiled, but her eyes were far from amused. Watching Roselin, arm in arm with Najin, walking away, Dieta muttered to herself.

“Is this a challenge…?”

The moment they stepped into the guild.


The guild, bustling with adventurers and merchants, suddenly fell silent, as if cold water had been poured over it. Najin could feel the weight of numerous gazes on him.

Many eyes were fixed on him.

At first, he thought it was because he entered with Roselin, a White-tier mercenary. But soon, Najin realized that wasn’t the case. The stares were directed at him, not Roselin.

“That adventurer…”
“Black-tier badge, it seems right.”
“Dochzenberg Forest cleanup, the highest score ever…”

Whispers broke the silence.
The guild hall filled with murmurs of adventurers.

“The black-tier that took down the blood troll…”
“Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes.”
“That troll? He’s set for promotion then.”

Rumors of Najin’s feats in the Dochzenberg Forest cleanup had already spread throughout the guild. Naturally, the cleanup had earlier returnees whose tales likely fueled these rumors.

Typically, the Dochzenberg Forest cleanup is a significant quest for adventurers seeking to leap from Blue-tier and above.

It was natural for adventurers to focus their attention on him.

Especially when the highest score in Dochzenberg cleanup history was broken by a Black-tier adventurer.

“The stares are quite piercing.”
-That’s what it means to attract attention.

Merlin spoke calmly.

-That’s the weight you’ll have to bear as you aim for the top.

If he was prepared to stand at the pinnacle, the weight of these stares was something he had to endure.

“Is it really true?”

Naturally, not all voices were kind.
Those who hadn’t witnessed Najin’s feats doubted his achievements, trying to downplay and question his starting point. Despite the murmuring, Najin’s expression remained unchanged.

He had heard such words too often.

In the Underground City, Artman, not here.


Najin exhaled briefly and squared his shoulders.
There was no need to shrink away.

“That’s right, that’s it.”

Roselin, arm in arm with Najin, muttered softly, audible only to him.

“You don’t need to care or keep those voices in mind. There’s no need to look down, right?”

Roselin’s lips twisted into a smile.
Pleased with Najin’s confident demeanor, she patted his shoulder and led him to the guild’s VIP counter, reserved only for White-tier adventurers.

A counter where one can report directly to the highest levels of the central guild without waiting or taking a number.

“I’m Roselin, leader of the Red-Eyed Mercenaries.”

Her demeanor and attitude changed dramatically upon entering. No longer the drunken lady from the neighborhood, but Roselin Ascalo, leader of one of Cambria’s largest mercenary groups.

Najin observed her closely from the nearest position.

The report on the quest was quickly completed.

What took time was the discussion about Najin’s accomplishments in the Dochzenberg Forest cleanup and his role in subduing the blood troll. With the materials from the monsters brought in by the mercenaries early in the morning, the subjugation of the blood troll was accepted, but…

The adventurer who contributed the most.

The fact that Najin, essentially a solo contributor, was a “Black-tier” posed a problem. If true, his promotion was inevitable.

“If you can’t believe it, ask the other participating adventurers. They’ll all give similar answers.”

However, the supervisor’s hesitation didn’t last long.

“I vouch for him. I, Roselin Ascalo, acknowledge this guy’s abilities. What more do you need?”

Roselin, one of the city’s pinnacles, was vouching for Najin. Moreover, Najin had demonstrated his sword aura in front of the guild’s supervisor.

Najin’s sword aura was still incomplete.

However, even that was enough for the experienced guild supervisor to recognize Najin’s proximity to the Sword Expert realm.

“No need for a promotion test.”

The supervisor stated briefly.
Usually, promotions above Blue-tier were based on various factors, including past quests, satisfaction and ratings from clients, etc., decided by the supervisor.

But Najin’s case was exceptional.

A Black-tier adventurer scoring the highest in the Dochzenberg cleanup and subduing a Red-tier blood troll. It was an extraordinary case, so making an exception seemed right.

“Your badge.”

Najin handed his badge to the supervisor.
Returning with a Green-tier badge, the supervisor handed it to Najin.

Black, Purple, Blue, Green.

A three-tier jump from Black to Green.
This was the first such case since the three-tier promotion of ‘Kapman Theosis,’ a White-tier adventurer from the Techo Mountain Rangers. A truly exceptional promotion.

“I didn’t expect to be promoted so quickly.”

Najin looked bewilderedly at the badge in his hand. A Green-tier badge. A rank that truly made him an ‘upper-class adventurer’ in the city.

“Congratulations, young one.”

Roselin draped her arm around Najin’s neck.

“Looking at this rate, you’ll reach Red-tier soon enough, right? Considering your age, that would make you the youngest.”

Even with the false identity of being 28, becoming a Red-tier adventurer would set a record for the youngest. Roselin expressed this thought.

“It might take a while to reach White-tier… Well, even if you make it within ten years, you’d almost be the youngest. I reached White-tier when I was thirty-nine.”

Roselin was thirty-nine when she achieved Sword Seeker status and ascended to White-tier. Hearing this, Najin responded briefly.

“I don’t think it will take that long.”
“Look at this cheeky young one.”

Roselin chuckled.

“Well, good luck.”

Patted on the back by Roselin, Najin left the counter with her. He had entered the guild as a Black-tier, but now he was wearing a Green-tier badge around his neck.

The moment Najin stepped outside, and his badge was noticed, the adventurers’ eyes widened. The Black-tier adventurer had bypassed Purple and Blue, directly ascending to Green-tier. Najin, just a few days ago an unnoticed adventurer, was now a name known by all.

Through rumors, newspapers, and countless other means, the name of the Green-tier adventurer, Ivan, would spread throughout the city.

Najin’s goal of distinguishing himself had been practically achieved.

Several days had passed since Najin became a Green-tier adventurer, and he had been quite busy. He moved out of his cost-effective inn and relocated closer to the central guild.

The rent was several times more expensive, but it was well within his means. After all, he had more than enough money.

The funds from the quest given by Dieta were still substantial, plus the compensation from the Dochzenberg Forest cleanup and the bounty for subduing the blood troll. He wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while.

“Since I’ve earned some money…”

After completing his usual morning training, Najin thought as he showered with cold water.

“Should I go get some equipment?”
-Definitely a good idea to get some armor and a spare sword. Having potions and such wouldn’t hurt either.

Merlin agreed.
Busy as he had been, Najin hadn’t had the chance to leisurely shop for gear. But now he had the time and had raised his rank sufficiently.

Green-tier classified him as an upper-class adventurer.

He could now confidently enter the district of skilled artisans, previously inaccessible to a Black-tier adventurer. Dressed casually, Najin headed towards the artisans’ street.

“Alchemy shops, renowned blacksmiths, stores dealing in magical artifacts…”

Najin considered equipping himself on this visit. Not necessarily top-tier gear, but basic equipment was necessary. It wouldn’t hurt to have a weapon or two for emergencies.

“Come to think of it…”

Najin glanced at the sword at his waist.
Forged by Master Hogel, it had been his companion since his battles in the Underground City, through his duel with Ivan, and even against the blood troll.

He was aware he had been quite rough with it. It could break at any time, though it showed no noticeable flaws, as he oiled and checked it daily.

But there could still be unseen defects. If there were, he would need to get it repaired or buy a spare sword.

With that in mind, Najin first visited a renowned blacksmith’s forge in Cambria. Supported by Dieta’s company, his visit was facilitated by her recommendation.

Upon arriving and showing his sword, the blacksmith examined it closely, then called for someone else.

“I need to get Master Hughes for this.”

After a few minutes, an old man, known as Master Hughes, the city’s most skilled blacksmith, came with the blacksmith. Holding Najin’s longsword, he asked,

“Where did you get this sword?”
“A blacksmith I know made it for me.”
“Nonsense. You must have found or stolen it.”

Hughes frowned deeply.

“Who would make a sword supplied to the Atanga Knights for a young lad like you?”

As he ran his finger along the blade of the longsword, he continued,

“You can fool others, but not me. This is a master’s work. The work of a blacksmith skilled enough to forge swords for the Atanga Knights. Not just anyone can make this.”

A title given to only a few blacksmiths.

“If someone made it for you, tell me their name. Let’s see whose work this is.”

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