I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 – The Demon Knight Verheigen (5)

Demon Knight Verheigen.
He belonged to the Schulhauser family, and the demon-containing artifact he was known to have stolen was also managed by the Schulhauser family for hundreds of years.

Information on the request form.
From the moment that information was confirmed,

Merlin understood everything about the demon Verheigen had contracted with. Its true name, the concept it governed. It was impossible not to know. The Schulhauser family existed even in the era when Merlin was active.

-A high-ranking demon.
-Governs the concepts of darkness, fear, and blindness.
-True name: Arkand.

A demon from ancient times, existing hundreds of years ago during the era when Merlin and Arthur were active. Sealed by a borderland hero known as Schulhauser at that time. Remembering this information about the demon, Merlin smiled.

Arkand is a powerful demon.
There’s no denying that fact.

Even if it weakened over the centuries of being sealed, Arkand’s power is not to be underestimated. From the moment he used his power, Najin had no chance of defeating Verheigen. Any attempt would only lead to a brutal death.

Within the barrier, Verheigen possesses a strength overwhelming even the upper echelons of Sword Seekers. In contrast, Najin’s body weakens, and his mana output decreases.

A barrier that weakens the opponent and strengthens oneself.

Within this barrier, Najin could never defeat Verheigen.

It’s an absolute disparity, a rule.

Yet, Merlin didn’t stop Najin because he chose to confront Verheigen alone…

-Arkand’s power is complete isolation from the outside.

That’s the nature of Arkand’s power.

-Creating a space that no one else can see into, that’s the ability of Arkand.

A space completely isolated from the outside.
No starlight, no sunlight, nothing can reach inside. In such a space, Paladins who swing swords with the blessing of stars lose their light, and magess who cast magic with the support of the mage tower become utterly powerless.

That’s why Arkand was infamous.

But for Najin, this barrier has a completely different meaning. Isolation means:

-No eyes are watching you.
-There’s a demon to be slain.

There was no need to hide his power anymore.

-Let that ancient demon know.

Merlin laughed.
Najin slowly sheathed his longsword.

-That their nemesis has returned.

Click, Najin sheathed his longsword. Then, he reached out towards the sky.

-After a thousand years, your nemesis, the one who brings eternal death to you, has returned.

His hand raised to the sky.
The constellation on his wrist shone.

……Again, it must be said.

Inside the barrier, Najin can’t defeat Verheigen. It’s an absolute gap, a rule of the barrier.

But Najin possesses something.

Something that exists above all rules. A tremendous variable that can overturn all disparities. A brilliant light that won’t be obscured by any darkness conjured by demons.


Najin clenched his raised hand.

Thirteen constellations floating in thin air.

Immediately after, starlight flooded the darkness.

Demon Knight Verheigen saw it.

Najin suddenly sheathing his sword. Sheathing his sword while the enemy approaches? Has he given up on resisting? No, looking at his eyes, it didn’t seem like giving up.

His eyes still yearned for victory.

Obsession with victory visible in his eyes. Even in the darkness, the platinum-colored eyes didn’t lose their light. Feeling uneasy the moment he saw Najin’s eyes change from sunset to platinum color, Verheigen was troubled.

Najin extended his hand towards the sky.

The moment thirteen stars on his wrist lit up, starlight flooded the darkness in an instant.


Even the darkness devouring light couldn’t obscure the starlight created by Najin. At this moment, the light Najin grasped couldn’t be obscured by anything.

The light shone even in the deepest depths below the earth untouched by starlight.
Even in the demon-infested realm.
Even in the land of Camlann, where stars fall.

In any place, it never lost its light, symbolizing a hero, illuminating humanity’s path, and symbolizing victory, it was that sword after all.


The moment Najin clenched his hand towards the sky, the overflowing starlight transformed into a sword. Burning away the surrounding darkness, the shining sword alone. It was impossible for Verheigen not to recognize it.

The Sword of the Stars, Excalibur.

A holy sword forgotten for hundreds of years, now brought into reality by the hand of a boy.
Verheigen’s eyes trembled.

The light created by the Sword of the Stars burned away all darkness. The barrier, trying to engulf the star risen from the darkness, rippled, but the light of Excalibur could not be obscured by anything.

Not even the witch of Camlann could obscure this light.
Nor could the dragons of the abyss swallow it.

A mere demon’s darkness couldn’t veil the light of Excalibur. The sight shook Verheigen’s vision wildly.


Why was that holy sword in his hands? Wasn’t Excalibur drawn by one of the three Swordmasters?

Imitation, fake, illusion, lie.

It was impossible to even consider such a possibility. Burning away the darkness created by a demon in this way was impossible even for the sanctified artifacts of the order. Cold sweat ran down Verheigen’s spine. His fingers gripping the sword trembled uncontrollably.

It was a fundamental fear.

The fear Verheigen feels is not his own, but that of the demon fused with his body. The ancient demon Arkand feels fear. It’s the fear etched into the very race of demons, a fear of their natural predator.

The Sword of the Stars, Excalibur.

This holy sword fractures the minds of demons. It burns the souls of demons. It makes the paradox of killing the immortal beings, the demons, possible.

“As long as I live.”
“There is no place for you on this land.”

Holding the sword that exists above all laws, Arthur, who swept away hundreds, thousands of demons, is remembered by Arkand.

“Fear this light.”
“Remember, this land is not yours.”

After centuries, Arthur has reappeared in this world. Arkand, trembling with fear, seeks to flee, but there is nowhere to run. Sealed in the artifact, Arkand can only escape through his contractor, Verheigen.

Arkand felt fear.
A demon, an immortal being, experienced the fear of death.

In this paradoxical situation, Verheigen faces Najin. In front of the brilliantly shining Sword of the Stars, the black sword aura enveloping Verheigen’s sword burns away. The omnipotence flooding his body also fades.


The darkness that weakened Najin’s body and bound his mana also burned away in the starlight. Exhaling deeply, Najin felt the blessing of the holy sword strengthening from the moment he summoned Excalibur.

The injuries sustained in the battle with Verheigen begin to heal instantaneously.

Wounds closed and new flesh grew. The upset stomach from overusing mana beyond its limit began to normalize. It’s a miraculous recovery power. The blessing now was incomparable to what it was in the underground city, astonishing even Najin.

-It’s because you’ve grown stronger since then.

Merlin smiled.
Since arriving in Cambria, Najin has grown. His body had developed, and his soul had matured. Excalibur testified to this growth.

-There’s no need to prolong the fight.
-How long this barrier can withstand Excalibur’s light is uncertain.

So, Merlin says,

-You know what I’m trying to say, right?

I understand.
Najin steadied his breath and takes his stance.

“End it with one strike, isn’t it?”
-Exactly that.

Ending a being who has contracted with an ancient demon and even wields its power with a single strike is something not even a Sword Seeker can achieve. But Najin calmly took his stance.


Excalibur was enveloped in sword aura.
Amplified several times, the pure white sword aura was crowned with platinum particles. The resulting platinum sword aura was something only Arthur in history could wield.

“You… who exactly are you?”

Verheigen stumbled backward.
Facing the fearful Verheigen, Najin exhaled. What came to mind now was the most powerful strike he could deliver.

There’s only one technique that came to mind.


Najin bends his knees and raises his sword. He speaks out because he now understands the significance of the technique he’s about to unleash.

“You have forsaken your honor. You have lost your pride.”

The sword technique of Atanga.
The sword shown by Ivan, the Knight Pursuing Stars.

“Therefore, you have sullied the name of a knight.”

A sword to punish those who have lost honor and pride.
Najin declared against Verheigen, who stood in stark contrast to the knight Najin envisioned in his mind.

“I am Najin. The squire of Ivan, a Knight of Atanga.”

Though not yet a knight.
Lacking in honor.
But now understanding what pride is.

“I will strike you down.”

That was enough.
Enough reason and justification to wield the sword of Atanga.
A declaration to strike down the false knight.

Najin, holding the Sword of the Stars, took the stance of Atanga, reciting its creed. It was the oldest rule, proclaimed by Arthur, once known as the King of Knights.

Cut down the demon.
Punish those who tarnish the name of a knight.

The rule declared by Arthur centuries ago was now spoken again by his successor. In front of that declaration, Verheigen realized that he could not escape.

There was no turning back.

Verheigen made his choice. Screaming, he charged at Najin. The demon-empowered body remained strong. With each step, the ground shook and the darkness rippled.


Slamming the ground, Verheigen swung his greatsword horizontally. His proudest and most symbolic technique. The most powerful strike he could deliver, capable of splitting even giant trolls in one blow.

The sword, wrapped in darkness, accelerated with the wind pressure.

Verheigen’s ultimate strike, encapsulating all his being. Najin doesn’t think of deflecting, avoiding, or interrupting it halfway.

He would break everything head-on.

Because it was Atanga’s sword, Ivan’s sword.

As Verheigen’s greatsword reached top speed, Najin moved. Verheigen couldn’t comprehend the movement. Najin’s sword, trailing starlight, made a swift advance.


The sound that resonated was a serene slicing.
Verheigen’s greatsword, reaching top speed, was easily split by Najin. The sword didn’t stop there, plunging into Verheigen’s flank.

The Star Sword cut through the darkness.
The Holy Sword slashed the demon.

The sword that pierced Verheigen’s left side cut across to his right shoulder and surged upward. The sword strike had no hesitation. The resistance of a demon’s body was meaningless before Excalibur.

A perfect Atanga sword technique that crushes the opponent’s technique and overwhelms them. Najin cleaves the demon in a single strike.

The trajectory of Excalibur’s cut released a burst of starlight. The light incinerated the soul and mind of the demon, eradicating its existence. The ancient demon Arkand, housed in Verheigen’s body, disintegrated into ashes.


Verheigen’s upper body tilted along the severed line. He met his death without a scream. Kwoong, his body fell to the ground. Beyond that, Najin saw.

The long sword scar on the ground.

The sword that split the greatsword and cut Verheigen didn’t stop there; it etched a lengthy mark on the land.

Observing the trace, Najin sheathed his sword.

With Verheigen’s death, the power-wielding barrier blurred and darkness began to fade. Najin, feeling a bit of regret, stored Excalibur. The starlight-turned Excalibur was sucked into the constellation on his wrist.


As Najin steadied his breath and collected the thrill of battle,

“Enter…! Enter!”

A clamorous voice is heard from outside the barrier. The barrier, dissipating with Verheigen’s death, crashes open from the outside. Someone breaks through the barrier and steps inside.

They were knights in armor.

Emblazoned on their armor was the emblem of Atanga. To save the brave young man battling the demon knight, they had leaped into the demon’s barrier.

“Protect the young man! Form ranks to pressure Verheigen…?”

The words of Argo, the Knight of Atanga leading the charge, remained unfinished. The sight of Verheigen’s bisected corpse and the unharmed Najin silenced him.


The barrier collapsed entirely, and sunlight poured through. Under the glaring sun, an awkward silence lingered.

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