I Pulled Out the Excalibur

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 – The Snake that Swallows Gold (4)

She had misjudged.

Inside the swaying carriage, Dieta looked out the window. The scenery whizzed by. Inside the carriage heading to the distant annex from the mansion, Dieta couldn’t help but let out a hollow laugh.

“I didn’t know it was this rotten.”

The reason Dieta obediently came this far.
It was because there was nothing to gain from going against the ducal family and because she trusted Osman. Of course, that trust differed from the trust one places in a colleague or companion they could rely on.

It was trust in a fellow.

Someone who shared the same eyes and could see the world from the same perspective… A trust in a fellow and a competitor. The Osman that Dieta knew was a cold politician and a merchant.

Dieta had judged that such an Osman would not cut open the goose that lays the golden eggs. In her eyes, the decision Osman had made now was utterly foolish.

“Marriage proposal? Valuing highly? Much to gain?”

It was laughable.
She thought he would know.

The growth of the Dieta Trading Company was still ongoing, and it was planning to expand beyond Cambria in the near future. By then, the value of Dieta herself and the trading company would be incomparable to now.

And at such a time, to change the head of the trading company?

Dieta trading company revolved around Dieta, centered on her. The moment she was removed, the trading company could not possibly run smoothly. Projects would be halted or frozen, and there would inevitably be discord.

“It’ll fall apart soon.”

Even if the ducal family poured in their funds, seeing any profit would take a long time. That means a loss. The Osman that Dieta knew was not someone who would do such a thing for immediate gains.

Had he grown old and senile?
Had those yellow eyes of his grown dim?

Dieta sighed deeply.
If she had known this would happen, she would have torn up the letter when it arrived and taken a stand. The trading company would have suffered a big hit, but… there would have been more options available than now.

“Did I overestimate Osman?”

With a sigh, Dieta looked out the window.
The carriage was slowing down. It meant they were almost at their destination. Dieta looked at her reflection in the window.

Tightly pursed lips. Cool eyes.

The mask was intact. She was still holding on to her reason. Although emotions were stirring, they were still manageable. So, let’s make a rational judgment. The situation had escalated to the worst… but.

“I wasn’t unprepared.”

There were still hidden moves.
There were ways out.
There were still means to use.

The only reason the trading company could be swallowed up like this was because Dieta bore the name “Arbenia”. If a normal trading company had been swallowed up by a ducal family in such a manner, there would naturally be backlash.

“Political criticism. Checks from hostile forces. And even under imperial law…”

Dieta pieced together the puzzle in her head.
Information about the Arbenia family, hostile forces, and the moves left to her started to fit together.

“It’s okay. Not yet.”

Preparing for the worst of the worst is a merchant’s virtue. Dieta took a deep breath. She needed to stay sharp from now on. There was still a chance to turn things around.


The carriage stopped, and the door opened. Knights were waiting outside for Dieta. Knights appointed by the duke under the guise of escorts. But Dieta knew they were merely watchers, not escorts.

Since her bodyguard Pasion was not here. The duke had first separated Pasion and her.

There were no trustworthy people, no allies. This was deep within enemy territory. Dieta stepped out of the carriage and raised her head. She looked at the poorly maintained family annex, her lips twitching.


The place where her mother had hung herself.
The memories of her childhood spent in this cold annex flashed through her mind. Suppressing the surging emotions, Dieta walked into the annex.

Agesio Arbenia.

A scion of the Arbenia ducal family, he knew how to handle people. At least, Agesio thought so. What is the way to handle people? Simple. Give them what they want.

The thing they desire the most.
The thing they cherish the most.

The balance will naturally even out when you place it on the opposite scale. Agesio had enough power and wealth to give what others wanted. The position of the first child of the Arbenia duke was not a light one.

“A knighting ceremony is certainly possible.”

Thus, Agesio Arbenia was confident.

“The knighthood of the master one serves does influence to some extent, so being a knight of the ducal family should be respectable anywhere, right?”

He believed the adventurer before him couldn’t refuse the offer. Didn’t this person aspire to be a knight? While the title of a knight wasn’t light, it was a trivial matter for Agesio, a scion of the ducal family.

“Of course, my offer isn’t anything grand.”

Agesio said, as if bestowing a favor.
He was in a position of advantage here. Starting with light demands and gradually shackling the limbs was Agesio’s specialty, hanging a sweet bait where the other party couldn’t refuse.

Once bitten, it’s over.

Agesio continued with a chuckle. The adventurer before him was outstanding in both reputation and skill in this city. He judged it wouldn’t hurt to swallow him up.

“Cooperate with me, and while I stay in this city, maintain a friendly relationship and occasionally…”

However, he made one mistake.
Not everyone in the world moves according to a few coins, powers, or titles. Even in a city full of gold-chasing adventurers, there are always exceptions.

And Najin was an exception among exceptions.

Honor, pride, and chasing stars, he was like an endangered species in an era where such things were fading away. The characteristic of such exceptions is that they often give answers beyond the other party’s imagination.

“I refuse.”

Najin cut off Agesio’s words.
An act of disrespect, interrupting a noble’s speech. If this were not Cambria, it might have been punishable by death. But Najin’s actions did not stop there.

Najin stood up.

Agesio’s gaze shifted upwards. The scene where a mere adventurer looked down on a noble, and a noble looked up at an adventurer, was created.

“I’ve said all I need to, so I’ll take my leave.”

Before Agesio could continue, Najin turned around. Despite not being granted permission by the noble, he walked away, showing his back. At this, Agesio let out a hollow laugh.

But the knight beside him couldn’t laugh.

Agesio’s escort knight, Phileon, glared. He hadn’t liked the adventurer who stood tall before his master from the start. He had endured several times because his master held him back, but this was clearly crossing the line.

Under imperial law, this was enough for execution. There’s a minimum level of respect that must be shown to nobles, even in Cambria.


Phileon took a step forward.
The heavy footsteps from his robust build shook the office. Agesio did not stop Phileon from advancing.

“A lowly, gold-hungry mercenary scum…”

He strode towards Najin.
The moment Najin turned to look back, Phileon reached out his hand swiftly.

“Intoxicated by your own reputation, have you forgotten your place? Does the Arbenia ducal family seem a joke to you?”

Phileon grabbed Najin by the collar.
Lifting him by the collar, Najin’s feet dangled in the air. Bang, and with that, Phileon pressed Najin against the wall, glaring at him.

As long as his master didn’t stop him, Phileon intended to teach this insolent brat a lesson. Sometimes a whip was the remedy for beasts too proud of themselves.

Watching this, Agesio let out a smirk. This should have subdued him. Just as Agesio was about to raise his hand to stop his knight…


Najin raised his hand.
He grasped the wrist of Phileon, who had grabbed his collar.

“Remember, you’re the one who struck first.”

The mercenary spoke rudely to the knight.
Before Phileon’s anger could erupt, Najin exerted force on the hand he was holding. Twisting Phileon’s wrist, Najin slipped out of the collar grab.


As Phileon moved to act, he realized too late that Najin’s foot was already on his armor. Pressed against the breastplate covering his abdomen.

…How did it happen so quickly?

In an instant, energy flowed through Najin’s body. A moment of physical enhancement. Wrapping his entire body with mana in an instant, Najin’s mana manipulation speed was not something even an Expert could keep up with.

Phileon belatedly tried to muster his mana, but it was already too late.


Najin extended his bent leg, kicking Phileon’s abdomen with full force. The robust Phileon was sent flying into the air. The unexpected blow, without any mana defense, was lethal.


Phileon, sent flying, wreaked havoc in the office as he rolled across the floor. Tables and chairs for guests were shattered, creating a loud noise.


Crashing into a cabinet, Phileon gasped for air. The breastplate, directly hit by Najin’s kick, was grotesquely deformed. Phileon slowly tried to get up, but the unexpected blow threw off his balance.

Agesio’s eyes widened as he saw Phileon, who had flown to his side and crashed. He was momentarily flustered.

Thump, thump thump…

Noticing the commotion, knights rushed up the stairs. The arriving knights forcefully opened the door and assessed the situation. Phileon, crumpled on the floor, and Najin, standing upright.


The knights aggressively drew their swords, aiming them at Najin. Amidst the swords pointed at him, Najin simply rested his hand on the hilt of his sword at his waist, ready to draw at any moment.

“The one who attacked first was that man.”

Najin said with an expressionless face.

“While I don’t mean to disrespect the authority of the Arbenia ducal family, this is the city of opportunities, Cambria.”

Showing a minimum level of courtesy to nobility.
That’s more of a recommendation than a legal obligation, it’s just advice from the Central Guild to avoid troublesome situations.

Of course, a lower-ranked adventurer would need to bow and show utmost respect in front of a noble, but…

Najin is a green-ranked adventurer, and his promotion to red rank is confirmed for tomorrow. He is a person whose identity is guaranteed by the Central Guild, and depending on the situation, he could receive protection from forces that respect Cambria’s laws and uniqueness.

A red-ranked adventurer is worth that much.

“I merely retaliated after being attacked.”

Even surrounded by knights, Najin didn’t shrink back in the slightest. His eyes, looking straight at Agesio, posed a question.

Are you going to continue?
I have no intention of backing down.

A truly audacious attitude. Watching him, Agesio couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Of course, Agesio could use the authority of the ducal family to punish Najin right here and now.

Trample him and force him to kneel in retribution.

But that would inevitably lead to backlash. If the word spread that the ducal family’s scion, who had suddenly arrived in the city, had used his authority to make a well-known high-ranking adventurer kneel, Agesio himself would be the one to suffer.

His standing in this city would become precarious.
And, undoubtedly, troublesome situations would arise.

Was this all calculated? If so, it’s indeed remarkable. Smiling, Agesio gestured to the knights. It was a signal to sheathe their swords.

“My overzealous knight has committed a discourtesy.”

Agesio said, looking straight at Najin.

“Consider my proposal positively. There’s still plenty of time.”

Najin didn’t respond.
Pushing past the knights blocking his path, Najin moved outside the building. Watching him, Agesio covered his eyes and burst into laughter.

Truly a madman.
A reckless adventurer who bites at everything, just like a rabid dog.

“He’s even more intriguing now.”

Agesio tapped the table with his fingers. The person was more interesting than he had anticipated. Above all, the level of force demonstrated was overwhelming even for Agesio, who was far from a warrior.

He coveted it.
He wanted to make it his own.

Thinking of a way to do so, Agesio narrowed his eyes. If the bait doesn’t work, there are other methods.

Having left the trading company’s building, Najin exhaled deeply. He wasn’t in the best of moods. The words spat out by that insufferable blond had irked Najin.

I can easily grant you a knighthood.
If you want, I can arrange a knighting ceremony.

Agesio’s attitude, casually offering it as if doing a favor, greatly displeased Najin. If it weren’t for Agesio being a scion of a ducal family, Najin would have thrown a chair and stormed out long ago.


Exhaling deeply, Najin was moving when he sensed someone approaching. Turning around, he saw Pasion, who seemed to have hurriedly followed him.

Dieta’s bodyguard knight.

Just as Najin was about to ask where Dieta had gone and why that unbearable blond was sitting there, Pasion handed him something.

“This is a gift from Lord Agesio. It’s a sign of goodwill; it would be wise to accept it.”

As Najin frowned and was about to refuse, Pasion whispered in a voice only Najin could hear.

“19:00. Eastern outskirts, sector 37.”

Najin narrowed his eyes and glanced at Pasion. Pasion, having delivered his message, patted Najin’s shoulder a couple of times and left.

At 19:00, as the sun set, Najin headed to the designated location. Pasion, wearing a hooded robe, was waiting for Najin there. Making sure no one was watching, Pasion led Najin deep into an alleyway.


Najin broke the silence.

“Why did you call me out here? And what happened to Lady Dieta of the trading company?”
“There’s something I need to tell you about that.”

Pasion took a deep breath and removed his robe.
In the dimly lit alleyway, under the flickering small lantern, Pasion began to speak.


Najin’s alias. Using that name, Pasion slowly lowered his posture. He bent his knees, bowed his waist, and lowered himself to the point where his bent knees touched the ground.

In an alleyway littered with trash.

Ignoring the filthy ground covered in refuse, Pasion willingly let his knees touch the ground. Even if his armor got dirty, he willingly knelt.

Pasion is no ordinary knight.
He does not kneel or bow to just anyone.

He understands honor. He knows pride. He considers it an honor to protect his master and would never betray someone he has sworn loyalty to. He volunteered to be Dieta’s guardian knight to repay the kindness he received from her mother.

Though he couldn’t protect her mother.
At least, he wanted to protect her daughter.

Honor, pride, and loyalty. Each knight values these three virtues differently. For Pasion, loyalty is the highest value. For loyalty, he could throw everything else aside.

That’s why he knelt.
That’s why he bowed his head to Najin.

“Lady Dieta has fallen into a trap.”

His master had a hidden move.
Knowing that, but forcibly sent to the adventurer city following Agesio, Pasion couldn’t hide his anxiety. Right before leaving the ducal family, he overheard Duke Osman murmuring orders to his subordinates.

Osman’s command to break and ruin Dieta. The order he gave to his subordinate afterward.

In the face of that, even the hidden move prepared by his master would become useless. Knowing this, Pasion wanted to act immediately, but he couldn’t leave the city. The family’s knights were watching him.

“I must inform her. That it’s all a trap.”

He said through gritted teeth.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you listen to my story?”

I will give my all.
Please, listen to my story.

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