I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 638 - Origins (6)

Chapter 638: Origins (6)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Unknowingly, many years had passed.

In the silent universe, color suddenly appeared.

A blue planet was slowly rotating.

There was no psionic power or any other supernatural energy on this planet.

It was a very rare material world.

Out of a hundred universes, there might only be one such material world.

Every such world was covered and protected by the endless fog of time and space.

Although it was almost undetectable, things were quietly changing on it.

As a meteor streaked across the sky, it brought a soul from the future.

History entered a new branch, opening up a brand new world.

Thus, the protective shield of materialism exploded.

This world was like a lamb without protection, exposed to all predators.

When a golden door opened, a seraph flew out.

He looked at this world.

“Lord...” he prayed, “This is a brand-new ranch!”

“I will spread your faith to every corner of this world!”

Before he finished his sentence, a new tunnel opened up.

Maggots crawled all over the ferocious giant monster’s body. Countless rotten wounds flowed with deadly germs.

“All living things are rotten, and all things are indestructible!”

“The great pestilence father will offer this world to his most honorable father!”

Countless pestilence children surged out from behind the tunnel like a tide and instantly swallowed the six-winged angel that had just flown out.

As the Father of Pestilence let out a proud roar, the dark side of the world shook greatly.

The spiritual ocean that had been settled for thousands of years was revived.

Just then, the Father of Pestilence threw a pestilence spore that had been bestowed upon him by the honorable and undying loving father to the Azure Planet.

The landing point was the ruins of the shrine of the Great Ming God of in Osaka, Fusang.

When the spore landed, it instantly took root and sank into the ground.

It combined with the remnant souls in the shrine and created a new monster.

However, the pestilence father had no choice but to stop when he had just begun his invasion.

This was because his invasion had disturbed the waves of space-time and attracted the Guardians of a certain space-time.

A Great Wall of steel rose from the back of the world.

A bronze golem poked its head out from behind the Great Wall of steel.

Its bronze eyes were emitting the light of the formation.

“System self-check...”

“Time anchor confirmed...”

“Connecting to Xianqin Star Station...”

“Connection broken...”

“Calling the Xianqin Expeditionary Army...”

“No response...”

“Searching the surrounding space and time...”

“Enemy found!”

“Activating the celestial Qin Defense System!”

“Releasing the celestial Qin Terracotta Army!”

“Awakening the commander of the Army!”

“The commander has been awakened!”

“Fifth Doctor of Celestial Qin, captain of the expedition army, Meng Yi is online!”

Once the bronze golem immediately activated, the immortal Qin Cannons appeared on the Great Wall.

The terracotta army that had automatically awakened immediately entered the battle.

As for the Army of Nurgle, they had discovered their old enemy.

They were also extremely envious. Both sides were fighting fiercely on the dark side of this world.

The Immortal Qin golem and the terracotta army were not afraid of diseases and fungi.

The Father of Pestilence, Kukas, had cannon fodder and spores.

The battle was in a stalemate from the beginning.

At this moment, the six-winged angel, which had been swallowed by the father of diseases, slowly wriggled.

Then, a golden mechanical eye drilled out of its body.

“This is my world!”

God made his declaration.

Therefore, the gate of heaven, which had been closed, was all opened.

Groups of angels from heaven swarmed out.

Under the will of God, they rushed toward the father of the plague and the Great Wall of Xianqin like a tide.

The three-sided chaotic battle tore the dark side of the world apart.

The Dead Angels and the corpses of the soldiers of the plague piled together and sank into the depths of the ocean of vigor.

Threads of spirit aura overflowed from it.

The recovery of Spirit Aura began!

At the instant of the recovery of spirit aura, a terrifying door tore open a huge gap in the dark side of the world.

Gradually, the pyramid rose, and the Black Pharaoh sat upright on it.

Countless ravings echoed in the dark side of the world.

Whether it was the Immortal Qin expedition army, the Plague Legion, or the angels, they were all deprived of their senses and thinking abilities at this moment.

Time seemed to have stopped.

“This is the world that gave birth to its master!” declared the black pharaoh.

“This is the honor of this world!”

“It’s also its luck!”

At the same time, indescribable figures appeared behind Black Pharaoh.

The incarnations of the god of formlessness appeared here one by one.

They each had their own ulterior motives and acted according to their own wishes on the dark side of this world.

Tampering with cognition and altered memories, they dragged out the corpses of the dead gods from the gates of heaven and buried them in the dark side of the world.

Then, these incarnations roared.

The black pharaoh ignored them because as long as these guys did not destroy and affect the birth of the great master, then let them be!

Quietly, the black pharaoh threw the light and shadow of a kitten into the dark side of this world.


Ten years later, the recovery of spirit Aura had begun to truly affect the world.

Taoist priests, zombies, and ghosts from the east all began to appear.

There were also Holy Knights, vampires, werewolves, and witches in the west.

In the new Great Xia empire’s hinterland, the meteors landed on the mountain peak of Xiongshan.

That night, a peasant family surnamed Ling dreamed of the baby guardian god, Young Empress Ming.

From then on, the Ling family became the priest of young master Si Ming.

Another ten years passed, and the Ling family’s reputation rose.

The clan leader, Ling An, even became a guest of the Lucky Emperor of Great Xia, becoming the founding member of the original official transcendent being, the Blackguard.

At this moment, Ling An dreamed of the young master’s life.

The goddess ordered him to prepare a ritual.

In the following years, the Ling family did their best to prepare the ritual.

During the preparation process, the Ling clansmen began to dream and hear all sorts of strange and ominous ravings.

While some people began to go crazy, some people even became ominous after death.

At this moment, the Ling clansmen finally began to notice the abnormality.

However, Ling An suppressed all their opinions.

This Ling family patriarch had long been controlled by the unknown ravings.

He had become a puppet of a terrifying existence.

Another few years passed.

The ritual was finally completed. All that was left was to hold a ceremony to bring the goddess from the divine kingdom to the mortal world.

At this time, Ling An suddenly woke up.

He knew about the great mission that the Ling family shouldered.

Therefore, he went to the imperial capital to meet the emperor at that time, and left a memorial filled with taboos.

After doing all this, Ling An returned to the ancestral land.

Back here.

He opened the ritual track with his own hands.

However, what the ritual track attracted was not the goddess.

It was from an unknown messenger.

One after another, like trees, monsters with huge hooves and tentacles all over their bodies walked out from the ritual track.

Then, under the shocked expressions of the Ling clansmen, they committed suicide one by one.

The terrifying blood merged into the earth and soaked the ritual track.

Strength was soaked in it.

The sound of truth and wisdom echoed in the ears of every Ling clansman.

It made them know their great mission!

Willingly, they walked onto the sacrificial platform of the ritual track.

“Sacrifice your flesh and soul to the immortal God!”

As a mortal, with the strength of the ritual, they didn’t just bring in the power of the young master.

It also attracted the power of the Emperor Taiyi.

And on the ceremonial track, the terrifying apparition quietly appeared.

It inserted its tentacles into the light of the ritual track.

Seven generations from now, the strength of the gods will fade from the descendants of Ling.

And the seeds that were nurtured within would be born!

The great supreme-being would be born in this world.

With the body of a human, flesh and blood, the seven orifices would be chiseled open, giving birth to a truly independent personality and intelligence.


Ling Ping’an was like a bystander, witnessing everything.

Scenes flashed past.

The lives of the ancestors of the Ling clan were not easy.

His ancestors had migrated from Jingchu to Guangnan.

Each generation of ancestors could only give birth to their descendants with the emissaries sent by the mother God of darkness.

Each generation had a thin bloodline, weakening their divine power.

When his father was born, light shone brightly.

Taiyi’s divine power finally broke out from the young master’s divine power.

And at this moment, the strength on Xiongshan’s ceremonial track also split off and landed in Guangnan, appearing in the belly of a pregnant woman.

The child was born, and it was a cute little girl.

Her parents named her Sha Sha.

That was because before she was born, the little girl’s father dreamed of a cute little girl. In front of his bed, Sha Sha was babbling.

In Guangnan’s Jiangcheng City, the Little Boy’s parents also gave him a name.

That was a name they had been considering for a long time: Ling Qingyun!


Ling Ping’an let out a breath.

He looked up.

“So, after dad passed away, I never dreamed of him..

“It’s because he’s already dead...”

“His divine power, divine kingdom, and divine blood have all become a barrier for this body of mine!”

The world of the nine songs was in imminent danger.

In order to save the world, the God nurtured by the Sun sacrificed himself.

“I’m really powerful!” Ling Ping’an sighed.

For him, the gods of the world of the nine songs sacrificed themselves.

Not only did they use divine power, divine kingdom, and divine blood to build a barrier to protect him.

This was to prevent him from knowing and coming into contact with the real world too early.

He also had the human emperor of the mystical world, who split his own soul and used his spirituality as nourishment.

This gave birth to his embryonic form of personality.

He knew all of this.

Gradually, Ling Ping’an sat down.

He leaned against the stone wall of his ancestral residence and looked at the ritual track.

His humanity began to question himself.

“Who am I?”

Was he the god of blindness and foolishness?

Or the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?

Or the emperor of the mountain and Sea World?

Who was the one who created me?

He looked at the land of Qin on Earth.

The gods in the land of Qin in the north looked alive, but they were actually broken corpses.

Unquestionably, they were walking corpses.

At the same time, there were the Greek gods.

There was a shadow behind the king of angels in the Church of Bone.

That was the shadow of the god of formlessness.

These were all puppets and puppets.

They were just toys that had been molded, tampered with, and modified.

What about him?

Was he a toy too?

If he couldn’t figure this out...

Ling Ping’an knew that he would never have the courage to take that crucial step.

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