I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 47

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 47

Returned, the world isn’t ruined -47-


Pew pew pew-

Heavy rain was pouring down.

An abandoned factory area filled with container boxes.

Two men holding two pistols each were facing each other.


Then, a sound of stepping on a puddle was heard.

As if it was a signal,


They dashed towards each other.

No guns were aimed.

It was confirmed that the suppressive firing from the previous battles did not apply to each other.

More importantly, it was about when to launch the first attack.


Tsuki was the first to strike.

Wolfgang VS Wolfgang in a mirror match.

Naturally, the speed of the rush and the distance covered were the same.

Tsuki had the opportunity as he had grasped all of that.

A sudden stop followed by a backdash, and then a forward dash again!

The seamless connection of techniques gave him the initiative.

But the opponent was none other than that [Hm-Gu-Jeong-Dung-Ga].

After suffering a perfect defeat in their previous encounter and finally getting more information about the opponent through the chat window, Tsuki met a master who had defeated all Ultimate Fighter professionals, including Dark Girl and Anatole, Beyond, Marionette, and Captain Q.

It was nothing short of a natural disaster appearing in the Ultimate Fighter.


True to his words, [Hm-Gu-Jeong-Dung-Ga], Ido Hyuk, easily evaded Tsuki’s attack.


However, without hesitating at the dodge, Tsuki launched a powerful roundhouse kick.

Seemingly expecting the opponent to dodge, the flow of movements was as smooth as water.

One, that doesn’t work either.

Lightly guarding, Idohyuk.

When the roundhouse kick was blocked, he twisted his body once more and delivered a high kick with the opposite foot.

Thump! Thump!

– Bang!

While disrupting Idohyuk’s stance with gunfire, he seized the opportunity to aim for a counterattack.

Tsuki, in the world of Volfgang, was a skilled practitioner who actively utilized the on-and-off of adjustments and non-adjustments.

High-level striking without even a hint of delay in each movement.

– sh*t! Thump! Thump!

While executing the same technique, he varied his speed, confusing his opponent by alternating between fast and slow movements.

Relentlessly targeting his opponent with swings of both arms and legs, Tsuki’s striking technique!

But it was in that moment.

As Tsuki’s attack, like a hammer, was blocked by Idohyuk’s guard,


In that split second of retraction, a gap appeared.


An attack aimed at that opening struck Tsuki’s chin.


For a moment, the movement ceased.

Not only Tsuki but also Idohyuk, and even the rain falling, all froze in mid-air.

Of course, time hadn’t stopped.

“Phew. Look. Does this make sense? Just once, Tsuki made a mistake, just this once?”

It was just a temporary pause in the replay of Tsuki and Idohyuk’s showdown by the dark girl.

“I explained about reducing delays with non-adjustments and skill cancels earlier, right? But just because they’re pros doesn’t mean they can do that with every skill and movement. Even pros are human, so naturally, there are movements that connect better, parts that don’t get familiar even with practice… That’s why a kind of pattern emerges, you know?”

– Yeah

– But if Tsuki is a Volfgang user, he must have more than one or two patterns, right?

– True, if you spar with the dark girl, there are dozens of patterns.

“So, it’s even more absurd. Me, Anatol, Beyond, Tsuki, all of us, this thing called a pattern, in reality, it’s handled by masters to the point where it could be said not to exist.”

– Hmm… Anatol, Beyond, Tsuki, does the dark girl only involve herself with them?

– Yeah lol

– Oh

– Exactly lol But you seem like you’re about to leave, goodbye

“Goodbye. You’re coming along too, holding hands.”


– Lol

– Oh.. Yeolsa-nim…

– True, no mercy

Chasing away the two viewers, the dark girl resumed her explanation.

Her ability to wield such unmatched power now was due to the uniqueness of her content.

[Starting now, HmmGoodDunGaga = Idohyuk Analysis Broadcast!]

It was her room now.

After winning all five matches against Tsuki, Ido-hyuk added another name to his list of sacrifices.

With continued wins, he had climbed to 5th place in the rankings, leaving a message that he would aim for the top spot in tomorrow’s broadcast before going offline.

[Where did that streamer go?]

-Coming tomorrow

-What a jerk, lol

-25,000 viewers, seriously

-For real, he’s like a pro, lol

[Hyung, I’m dying···]

Hurry back···

-??? : Regretting it? I learned that one should go offline when feeling regretful

Who taught you such nonsense?

Is it N-Blade? Damn

hahahaha, even if it’s not N-Blade, they’re explaining it during the broadcast

Suddenly, a mysterious expert appeared, who, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a streamer with an 18-hour time difference from Europe. This streamer, following Anatol, was now defeating formidable experts like Beyond and Tsuki in succession.

Thanks to this, Ido-hyuk’s viewership skyrocketed, easily surpassing 25,000 viewers at its peak.

With those 25,000 viewers behind him, Ido-hyuk went offline, declaring it was time, striking down like a knife.

Of course, there was a reason for him to go offline.

[Wanna go offline when the timing’s right;]

-Matchmaking seems easier when fewer people are online, lol

-Isn’t that because of the rematching settings?

-Even after turning that off midway, the queue was still low

[But wasn’t Ido-hyuk Sensei kind of challenging them?]

He’s only a few wins away from reaching the top spot. He called out the challengers before that, yeah

-Yeah, makes sense

-Beating Anatol, Beyond… MarioNet, Tsuki, it’s fun to beat the top players and reach first place, lol

After Tsuki, the quality of the celestial queue was gradually declining.

Even after turning off the option to avoid previous opponents, the lack of players online during the early hours resulted in a lower standard of the queue.

Hence, he decided to go offline, saying he would aim for the top spot during the same time tomorrow when Ultimate Fighter is running.

In any case, due to Ido-hyuk’s abrupt offline, around 25,000 lost souls were left in limbo.

-So when is Sensei Hyuk coming back?


-Is this Hyuk Sensei’s waiting room?

-Yeah, this is an official room approved up to the reply room

Among those lost souls, nearly half of the viewers came to the broadcast of the Dark Maiden as the next coordinates.

To watch the replays in Ultimate Fighter’s system, one needed to be added as a friend, but Ido-hyuk only had four friends: Dark Maiden, Anatol, Beyond, and Tsuki.

However, one of them, the Dark Maiden, managed to secure permission to watch his replay through a 1:1 chat just before his offline, and even started an analysis broadcast.

-hahahaha, I can’t believe Dark Maiden is hitting 10,000 viewers, lol

-This is insane

-But seriously, I haven’t seen her much, but she’s good at gaming;;

-Though not visible on the surface, Geomhee is quite the analytical type. ?

As a result, naturally, other viewers flocked to her broadcast.

“Focus, focus. So, where did we leave off? Ah, we were talking about patterns.”

The screen, playing back, rewound as Geomhee spoke.

Then, it jumped back to the moment before the clash.

“Shiit! Pow! Bang!”

“But look here. Tsuki’s attacks are all blocked, right? Some of it is reacting in the moment, but a lot of it is just Dohyuk anticipating and blocking. How so? Because he’s used that pattern before.”

Her explanation continued.

After memorizing a pattern once seen, witnessing Dohyuk blocking all attacks the next time, and even countering the opponent’s combo moves, how incredible is that play?

“Actually, the part that surprised me the most was when Beyond used the Ho Ken combo, but here, this part? But wasn’t Wolfgang a complete newbie? And this is only Tsuki and Wolfgang’s fifth match. Tsuki applied the grab cancel from the previous rounds to land a hit—”

-But wait… Is this the same broadcast that had Geomhee screaming in excitement?

– I feel weird…

– Dohyuk is driving everyone, even Geomhee, crazy.

– LOL ?

Suddenly, her broadcast had transformed from an analysis show to something closer to a praise show.

Initially granted permission for an analysis show, Geomhee had disguised it as such, but any slip-up resulted in her retaliating in a full-on teasing broadcast, a far cry from her initial intentions.


A similar viewpoint.

[Reasons why Master Dohyuk isn’t human]

Not only his gameplay, but his teasing skills are inhuman indeed.

“Teasing with this? Teasing with this?”

At this rate, I might actually dieee.

Dohyuk, monitoring his community’s reactions.

It had been several hours since he teased, but similar posts with the same tone were still flooding the community.

Posts suggesting it wasn’t too late to start the broadcast again.

“Was it better to keep going?”

For a moment, he pondered, but soon concluded that teasing was still the right decision.

The peak viewership recorded in today’s broadcast was 25,000.

However, towards the end, the viewers dropped to 16,000.

As the night wore on and the opponents’ skill levels decreased, the matches became predictable.

“Indeed, a bad game is a bad game.”

With his reputation spreading, several high-level players who had left Ultimate Fighter returned, but compared to their prime, it was only a handful.

Hence, even within the elite community, the gap in skill level felt remarkably stark.

Especially meeting opponents like Anatol, Beyond, and Tsuki too soon.

Not only against ordinary elite users but also against pro players below their level, the thrill was fading.

“Is Iron Fist different?”

The thought naturally arose.

If he were to secure the top rank in Ultimate Fighter, considering opting for Iron Fist as the next game wasn’t out of the question.

Given the enjoyment he found in Ultimate Fighter, he was curious about Iron Fist, a game that promised more.

Even Iron Fist was considered for broadcast content.

“Many advised against including Elpa in the broadcast, so I did it alone, and I had plans to include Iron Fist in the broadcast from the beginning…”

Various circumstances overlapped, leading Elpa to be the first to be broadcast.

And that’s precisely when a problem arose.

[But we didn’t end up playing Valor today…]

– Seriously?

– Elpa is so much fun, hahahaha.

But isn’t Valor more entertaining?

[Sigh… Am I the only one itching for Valor?]

– Exactly.

– Pay attention;

– Seriously, that Valor game is so boring; I can’t stand it.

– No way, Elpa is awesome.

This led to disputes among viewers.

On one side, viewers suggested, “Elpa is fun, so let’s keep playing Elpa and then move on to Iron Fist,” while on the other side, viewers demanded, “Wasn’t Valor supposed to be played today?” and “When will Valor be played?”.

Moreover, not stopping there, they even began to argue and criticize each other, not only in Ido Hyuk’s personal community but also in the chat during the broadcast.

In fact, this was one of the reasons Ido Hyuk opted for rapid game changes.

Playing only Ultimate Fighter without any organization led to conflicts among viewers who wanted different games to be played.

“Well, Ultimate Fighter might end soon…”

Of course, Ido Hyuk realized that using Elpa as broadcast content wouldn’t last long.

Due to his account, [HmmRanker], being involved in too much “massacre(?)” due to criticism, his ranking rose too quickly.

After reaching the top rank, viewer interest would inevitably decline.

“Instead, I could switch directly to Iron Fist.”

Both Ultimate Fighter and Iron Fist are similar types of fighting games.

The user base enjoying these games naturally overlaps.

Therefore, it was possible to guide viewers who came to watch his Elpa play towards Iron Fist.

“But I can’t neglect Valor either.”

However, since there was a promise with viewers to continue playing Valor, he had to finish it.

In essence, what troubled Ido Hyuk now was which one to prioritize.

In terms of time, it would be right to prioritize Valor, but there were quite a few viewers who were interested in fighting games as well.


At that moment, a message came from Black Oak.

[Black Oak: Ultimately, it seems to be a matter of what to focus on]

[Black Oak: It’s a simple issue]

Ido Hyuk asked Black Oak about which game to choose next after the previous broadcast.

[Black Oak: For a streamer of fighting games, the most important thing to consider in game selection is viewers’ opinions!]

Black Oak’s advice was to consider viewers’ opinions.

It was a fundamental but closest-to-correct solution.

[Black Oak: If it were me, I would choose Ultimate Fighter, and then Iron Fist to continue the current momentum]

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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