I Regressed to My Ruined Family

Chapter 325

I Regressed To My Ruined Family Chapter 325

#When I returned, my family was ruined (last episode)

One year.

It was a time when the body and mind were perfectly adapted to the new state of being an absolute being.

As if that wasn’t enough, the power was raised to another level through potions made from the dragon lord and the demon dragon. There was no more hesitation.

When I said I would keep my promise.

Lorotia nodded calmly. Now she was sure. If we team up with the Duke, we will be able to deal with the other three spirit lords. If we had to deal with all three of them together, that wouldn’t happen as they each had separate areas to rule over. Moreover, the relationship between the spirit lords was not close enough to move in coordination with each other.

Since she was also a monarch, she had full knowledge of their physiology.

These are monarchs who have lived their entire lives as absolute rulers. His pride and arrogance were incomparable to anyone else. The way to hunt these guys was simple. Dealing with them one by one.

It was not that difficult to deal with the three monarchs if they had a power greater than that of each individual. It was only a problem because there was no such thing until now. Isera also understood that fact thanks to Lorotia’s calm explanation. That’s how the three’s journey began.

water, earth and wind.

The widely known superiority/inferiority relationship of attributes was as follows.

Water catches fire.

Fire catches the wind.

The wind grabs the earth.

The earth also absorbs water.

Since ancient times, hunting has been a process of catching and eating the weakest animals one by one. Lord of the Winds. In order to hunt him, he opened a path to the Land of Wind and destroyed everything as soon as he entered.

The lower spirits had no means to withstand the might of the Absolute. When about three lands managed by top spirits were destroyed.

The monarch appeared with a storm-like wind.

‘You’re strong.’

The power of the monarch who had consumed the power of Lorotia for a long time was considerable. If he had tried alone, his chances of winning would have been slim. Even though I wouldn’t have died, I wouldn’t have won. It would have been best to run away. However, with Lorotia’s help, the story would be different. Ethan was also an absolute being, and Lorotia, who entered the spirit world, was also able to use her power to its maximum.

A joint attack by two absolutes. The monarch, who looked at the two with a sneer at first, began to become impatient as time passed.

He realized that his enemy was not a clumsy novice. But that realization was too late. A battle that lasted for three days.

At the last moment, when I swung my sword horizontally for a long time.

The new form of the Wind Lord began to fade. The monarch, who was looking at Ethan with bitter eyes, was eventually blown away by the wind.

Some of the wind that had been scattered began to enter Ethan’s body.

“This is…”

[It’s the energy of the wind. The monarch dispersed and some of its energy went to you.]

“I see.”

My body became much lighter. It wasn’t a bad utility.

“One is finished. “Is there anything else to see here?”

[No, this is enough.]

The monarch’s position was to be filled again when it became vacant. The vacancy will not be filled immediately, but a new successor will emerge in about a hundred years. That was enough time for her to gain the upper hand.

“Are you not planning on stealing power like you did?”

[Because I know from experience how shitty that is. I don’t really want to repeat that again.]

Lorotia’s purpose was simple.

After killing and extinguishing the parties to the contract, the contract is completely canceled and a moderate relationship is established with the new monarchs who will appear in the future. It is unknown whether the new monarchs will be friendly or hostile to him.

At least by then, his strength will surpass them. Power was one of the universal tools. A tool that can make even your enemies smile brightly.

At least Lorotia had no intention of repeating this tragedy.

“is it.”

Ethan was easily convinced.

Since it was Lorotia who started this expedition in the first place, it was right to do as she wanted.

“Next will be Earth.”


Ethan dealing with white flames.

Lord of Fire.

The most disadvantageous attribute for both of them was water. The strongest prey is dealt with last. It was a natural principle of action.

Three months.

This was the time it took to hunt the three monarchs. Ethan looked at his body.

Now he can utilize the properties of water, wind, and earth whenever he wants. This was because it absorbed the fragments of the monarch. It was quite effective.

In particular, when hunting the water lord, the earth’s abilities were used quite usefully. It was an ability that was not only helpful in battle, but could also be useful in everyday life.

[…It’s over.]

Lorotia, who came out of the land of water, said quietly. Dealing with the three monarchs was her lifelong wish.

A goal that seemed impossible to achieve. It has been achieved. I was happy but a little disappointed. Isn’t that what a sense of accomplishment is?


Sera Lee offered her sincere congratulations. There was a time when we couldn’t kill each other, but now it was different.

Hunting the dragonlord was the duke’s greatest achievement and his lifelong dream. If there was no monarch in front of me, I would have had to walk a much deeper path of thorns.

That’s why I was willing to help with this matter. Because Eunwon has to be certain.

[Yes, thank you.]

Ethan said to Lorotia, who nodded calmly.

“I kept my promise.”

[Yes, he protected me very well.]

I looked at the human in front of me. It started with curiosity. An affinity for fire that is strong enough to call upon itself. It was the first ability shown among Ardan’s children. That’s how we met, worked together, and eventually revealed our true feelings.

There was a big change in her way of thinking, which had been thinking of humans as a level below, like some kind of animal.

At least it was nice to think that Ethan was on the same level as himself.

How can you instill such thoughts in an arrogant monarch? He was definitely a great human being.

[What are you going to do next?]

The question asked when the dragonlord was killed.

Lorothia asked that question again. It was also something I asked myself. Because I was able to achieve my lifelong dream. And that too, so quickly at such a young age.

Sera Lee’s ears also perked up.

Because it was a very interesting question. The duke she had seen was a person who ran in a straight line if he had a goal. Without even glancing to the side. So, if you have a goal…

unrequited love is bound to last forever.

Spirits and spirits.

Their eyes began to stare at the Duke. The last time I asked this question, Ethan seemed to be thinking deeply. It was worth it. His feelings would not have been much different from how he feels now. But it was different now.

“I try to live for myself.”

[…For you? I guess it wasn’t until now?]

“It was like that. Almost all of my actions… were motivated by protecting my family.”

Lorotia nodded as if she understood. There was definitely that aspect to it. It had no choice but to be like that. When I first saw him, his situation was the worst of the worst.

The descendants of a heroic family were living in a dilapidated house with disloyal minions.

Moreover, it must have been the first sight I saw after waking up in 9 years.

The man named Ethan was a man made up of noble blood down to his bones.

So, you probably couldn’t understand this situation. That absurdity would have been a strong motivation for the Duke.

‘Not anymore, though.’

Because I achieved my purpose.

Ardan was prospering.

Bigger and faster than any other family.

Lorotia said after thinking for a while.

[You said you would live for me… That’s okay.]

“I’m glad you said that.”

[You were definitely a person who valued family.]


[That feeling will not change anytime soon.]

“Living for myself doesn’t mean I won’t love my family.”

[Then it’s fortunate.]

“What do you mean fortunate?”

[I thought you might like my gift.]

“…A gift?”

[Even if you become absolute… the nature of being human does not change. So, you probably live less than me, right?]

“I guess so.”

Ethan nodded calmly. Just because he was absolute didn’t mean he couldn’t die. I’ll probably live for over a hundred years. However, compared to a monarch who continues to live a life that can be called semi-eternal, it was an extremely short life.

It would be unavoidable if the human body were to be thrown away. And Ethan had no intention of throwing away human life.

[I will give the later Ardan one chance.]


[If Ardan falls one day.]

[So if you need help.]

[I will do my best to help you until your family is once again placed on the rock.]

[In the name of Lorotia.]

Spirit It’s the monarch’s help.

“It’s definitely a good gift.”

No matter how great a country is, it was bound to collapse at some point. This was the case for many empires that existed long ago. Destruction and new creation. It disappears again and a new one arises. The present, through repetition of such processes, is the present-day Western Continent.

Ardan is probably no different. It wouldn’t be surprising if a crisis came sometime after he closed his eyes. It was a fact that could be accepted calmly.

However, in such a case, if there was one help promised by the monarch, future generations might be able to catch their breath.

Either materially or mentally.

For Ethan, who was close to perfection, a gift for himself didn’t mean much. That’s why I was satisfied with Lorotia’s gift.

“If possible, I hope to provide help to future generations who can save the family.”

[Choose it as a useful tool?]


If the future generations are full of idiots, it would be virtually meaningless.

[What if there are no useful children?]

“…Well, then, I guess it would be natural for it to decline.”

[Then you might not be able to keep your promise?]

“Unless the family is completely destroyed, useful talent will appear again someday. “It’s okay to help at that time.”

Of course, the Ardan family might disappear by then… but

that was okay.

Because it was better than having our name tarnished by unqualified people.


Lorotia then glanced at Ysera and said with a grin.

[I guess I’ll just go in and check out the uninvited guests. Okay then.]

In an instant, Lorotia disappeared. The only ones left were Ethan and Ysera. A strange silence followed.

“…That duke. Now… you said you were buying it for yourself, right?”

“…It did.”

“…Then do you plan on going on adventures in the future?”

It’s an adventure.

“I don’t know. To be honest, it just means I’m going to do what I want to do.”

“…What is it… that you want to do?”

I looked at Ysera. I knew that my crush on her was deep. This was a fact worth knowing even if you were a lover of love. It’s just that I didn’t intentionally turn my eyes toward that heart.

Because there was so much to do.

But now?

Everything that could be called an obligation has been accomplished. And a situation where I even pledged to live for myself.

Now, wouldn’t it be okay to have a relationship…


Isera was a perfect match for her. With her skills, she was worthy of being ranked above the duke wherever she went. Unlike when I first saw him, his heart has become kinder. Even if it is limited to just you. And crucially.

“It’s beautiful.”


“You have a pretty face.”


Her face heated up. It was the first time the duke had shown such ‘proactive’ words and actions.

“Thank you.”

I could see him stamping his feet.

‘…What do you do in times like this?’

I thought about the love stories of some knights I heard on the battlefield. Did you say that you have to hold your hand tightly and powerfully? The worry was short-lived. He said while holding Ysera’s hand.

“If you like it, I’d like to date you…”

“Me! great! very!”

Ysera hastily answered. It was a situation that had been practiced hundreds and thousands of times. The only thing that has changed is that it is he who makes the confession, not the duke.

That’s why it was easy to answer.

It was quite cute to see him nodding his head hastily without even being able to answer.

“…Then please take care of me.”

“…me too. “Duke.”

The two returned to the estate without letting go of their tight hands. The knights’ eyes widened when they saw the scene. Ysera and the Duke.

The sight of the two of them walking together seemed all too familiar. That’s why I was able to recognize it at a glance.

The atmosphere flowing between the two is completely different from the past. The rumor began to spread quickly as if it had wings. And not even ten minutes later, there was someone who stood in the way between the two…

That was Ilya.

Ethan’s body flinched

at the sight of his eyes turning red and full of anger .

Because there was no sting.

There were quite a few women who expressed interest in him, but among them, only two were the most active and honest.

Ysera and Ilya.

“Peacock! Was everything you said to me a lie? how! “How could anyone other than me…!”

“What are you doing now?”

Before Ilya could finish speaking, a voice as sharp as frost cut in. Before I knew it, Ysera was blocking Ethan’s path.

“hey! “You… such a thief cat!”

“joy! Losers talk a lot.”

Due to the momentum of the two, the surrounding objects began to be swept in all directions. Ethan stepped forward in an atmosphere where we could be attacked at any moment.

“Stop both of you. “First of all, I have something to say to you.”

“…What is it!”

“I have decided that from now on I will live for myself.”

“Is that… is that why you abandoned me?”



Tears poured out endlessly.

bad guy! Damn you! How can you do this when you obviously know my love…! How could you and that thief…!

“Are you throwing it away?”

“If it’s not thrown away, what is it?”

“Didn’t you hear me? “Living for myself means doing whatever I want.”


“…I was thinking about you too from the time I asked Ysera for a relationship.”


“You both like me and I have good feelings about you both. “If you choose one person, the other person will definitely be deeply hurt.”

“Knowing that…! No way…!”

“Yes, I have no intention of abandoning you. “No, throwing it away is a bit strange, but… Anyway… I have no intention of ignoring your heart.”



The two women suddenly fell silent, as if they were greatly shocked. But Ethan just showed a calm expression.

It was not unusual for even high-ranking nobles to have multiple wives. What if you have achievements?

The people will naturally understand that fact.

Even nobles and kings.

“Isera. “Can you give me permission?”

What if I don’t allow it?

The duke might choose Ilya. Only then did Ysera realize what Ethan was asking.

Using the word ‘permission’.

This means that he will accept himself as his ‘true wife’ and ‘main wife.’

No matter what happens, the woman who comes after that will inevitably be the second one.

Here, it was time to show tolerance. Although I had to share the duke’s love, it was a thousand times better choice than disappearing.

“Of course.”

“Can you accept Ilya?”


Ilya nodded. Until just now, I thought Ethan had abandoned me forever. I was so glad to know that wasn’t the case. Unless Ethan chose Ysera ‘only’. If you choose it yourself.

“Good… good.”

“Then please take care of me from now on.”

I got two girlfriends. It seems like she will definitely become a wife, but…

she vows to live for me.

It was as if the first step of that oath had been taken.

‘I travel here and there, see famous places, and then…’

It was quite enjoyable just to list the things I wanted to do. As I have more days left to live than I have lived, I will be able to keep this vow in the future.

He let go of his sense of duty and smiled.


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