I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 22

Episode 22. Rediscovery of hemp leaves (1)

“Keuuuuuuu….. Now, it’s about to become a daily routine to greet the morning with a throbbing body. shit.”

The fireman got up from the bed and let out a small scream.

I learned how to use a sword from my older brother until dawn, and sparred until I collapsed.

‘No matter how great the difference is, in the end I couldn’t even hit one.’

However, only brushing his thighs and shoulders was the result of using the dragon until dawn.

I felt far away when this gap could be narrowed, but strangely, I wasn’t so impatient, and I felt refreshed as if my stress was alleviated.

“Obo will be waiting for you, so let’s go eat and go.”

The painter shook his head and hurriedly changed his clothes while overcoming the pain.

After breakfast, I walked diligently to the slums and went to Obo’s house.

However, there was no misinformation, only the five chapters.

So I went to the house I cleaned yesterday to see if there was any misinformation there either.

Upon examining the rat, the rat that ate two barley rice was also dead.

The painter went to Ojang and asked where Obo was.

“Bo went to see the owner of the field he worked on yesterday.”

“Did you go to work?”

“no. He told the owner of the field that he was going to work today, and that he was upset and that he would come after explaining the situation.”

“Oh, then I’ll be back soon.”

“yes. Oh, and Bo says that the mouse that ate two barley grains died at the beginning of the celebration.”

“If it was the beginning of the celebration… Hmm, I wish I hadn’t died. Anyway, it lasted quite a while. Oh, did Bo disinfect your legs in the morning?”

“Yes, I went.”

“I’ll take a look.”


The painter inspected the feet of the five intestines, confirmed that they were no longer filled with pus, and nodded.

‘I’m sure it’s disinfected with alcohol so there’s no inflammation.’

“uh! The Senator is here.”

As the painter was putting the bandage back on, Obo returned with a bunch of leaves in his hand.

“Yeah, come on. Did you tell the owner of the field that you are not going to work anymore?”


“But what is it?”

“This is a cedar leaf, don’t you know?”

“Cedar leaves!”

“Yes, they are the leaves of the cedar trees that are the material for the sackcloth we wear.”

“Bebe clothes! So, the clothes you are wearing are hemp cloths, right?”

In an instant, the fireman’s eyes widened.

“yes. But why are you like that?”

Obo tilted his head at the strangely changed expression of the fireman.

‘Bump! Cedar! why didn’t i think of that Hemp is hemp!’

Hemp leaves are also called cannabis.

Cannabis is classified as a drug and is an ingredient in psychotropic drugs.


It was like a small explosion had occurred in my head.

What I was looking for all along was drugs. Something I seemed to remember, but didn’t. That’s why I was looking for a poisonous weed, but I never thought I’d find it like this!

If you can make drugs, you can also make anesthetics.

Of course, we need to do various clinical trials, but the stages of the experiments have been drastically reduced.

If we succeed in making an anesthetic, the risk of operating on the mother will be much reduced.

“Why did you bring that?”

The painter stared intently at the cedar leaf in Obo’s hand to engrave in his head what it looked like.

“They say it’s good to boil this and drink the soup when your stomach hurts.”

“Is it good to boil and drink when your stomach hurts? Who is it?”

“The owner of the field.”

“Hmm~. Well, that could be the case, but there are many causes of stomach pain, so you need to get a medical examination first. By the way, does your stomach hurt?”

“no. I’m not sick right now, but sometimes I’m sick so I’ll use it then.”

‘Yes, it also acts as a pain reliever.’

The painter thought to himself about things related to cannabis.

‘It’ll serve as a bit of a pain reliever, but you shouldn’t boil it unconditionally.’

“People like us can’t easily get a doctor because we don’t have money.”

“I’m with you. You can take a look at me.”

“Don’t you see the doctor for free just because you’re a member of the National Assembly?”

The painter heard the words of the misinformation, thought for a while, and then opened his mouth after slightly smearing saliva on his lips.

“The examination will be free of charge. Acupuncture and prescriptions will be free for poor people like you and the people of this village.”



“thank you. Other lawmakers were paid a lot of money, so even if I was sick, I couldn’t rush to see a doctor.”

The painter felt a bit of remorse as he saw the delightful misinformation.

In fact, the reason he offered free acupuncture to the villagers was that he intended to conduct clinical trials on his new acupuncture technique.

Of course, I thought that it would be much more effective than the acupuncture used by clinicians in this era, but I didn’t know that until I tried acupuncture.

‘We have to do clinical trials on someone anyway, so let’s do it as carefully as possible. Instead, we can continue to provide free medicine to the poor in the future.’

Moderately comforting his pierced conscience, he continued.

“From now on, I will examine you, so you can’t just boil and eat cedar leaves just because your stomach hurts.”


“Tell the villagers that I will examine and do acupuncture for free.”


When Obo tried to go out, the fireman hurriedly stopped him.

“Not from today… but ten days from now.”

“Ten days later. All right.”

“Instead of that, I don’t have anything like medicinal herbs, so the only thing I can do is write a prescription.”

“all right. That alone is a huge help.”

“By the way, where is the cedar field?”


“I’m going to buy some of those cedar leaves.”

“I don’t need to pay money to buy this because it’s just thrown away.”

“It’s because I need a little bit more. I’m going to use it a lot, so I’ll give you a little bit of money.”

“How much do you need? I’ll go and just get it.”

“I need a lot. So much so that it is difficult to carry alone. So let’s go together.”

“is it so. Then follow me.”

When Obo took the line and went ahead, the fireman followed.

When I arrived at the cedar field, the cedar leaves were piled up like a mountain on one side of the field.

Before the fireman could find the owner, Obo ran to meet the owner of the field and told him he needed cedar leaves.

“Yes, take it. I will use it as manure anyway. You can take whatever you like.”

The fireman rushed over and said.

“Look, what did I say? They said you could just take it.”

“That’s right. But what kind of leaves do you have so many?”

“Because only the inner bark of cedar can be used as a hemp. Throw away everything else.”

“okay. haha.”

The fireman laughed.

‘It’s good for me, but cannabis is treated like manure.’

After a while, the painter returned with an armful of cedar leaves with Obo.

“What are you going to do with this, Senator?”

“First of all, you have to extract the juice, so you have to take it and squeeze it. Go get some clean burlap to squeeze the juice into and some vials to put it in.”


When the painter gave the money, Obo ran out excitedly.

“If you have any money left over, go get something to eat.”


Waiting for the false report to come, the painter put the cedar leaves in a mortar and began pounding them.

I put a fairly large amount in the mortar, but when I started shooting, the volume quickly decreased.

“Hmm, even if I take all of that, I won’t be able to get one bottle.”

You have to experiment with the extracted liquid, and you have to dry it and make it into powder to keep it well.

“This isn’t poison, so rats want to eat it?”

The painter took a mouse out of the basket, placed it in a jar, and poured about a third of the juice into a glass of water with a small spoon, mixed it with a little water, and placed it in front of the mouse.

After a while, as if the rat hadn’t eaten, it put its nose in the water and twitched a few times before eating.

After drinking about half of the water, the rat crouched down and looked at the fireman.

After a while, the rat started to stumble and fell over.

Chijik jjik jjik…..

‘Hoo~. It’s not that much, but it works. As long as the rat is this much, the human is…..’

As I was contemplating how much to feed the person, the rat that was squirming began to sag and gasp for breath.

“uh! I can’t breathe well. Do hallucinogens affect the lungs?”

The rat lay limp for a while panting.

“Fortunately, lung movement does not stop.”

The fireman put on a happy expression.

If we assume that a person will be fed this juice and undergo surgery, he will have to forcefully breathe when lung movement stops.

In order to do that, you’ll need to make airbags, and you’ll also need an assistant to squeeze them.


At that time, Obo came with a gourd, hemp cloth, and potatoes.

“uh! You came quickly.”

“You can get this much in town. Here is the change.”

“You take the change.”

The painter straightened his back and was surprised to see that the sun was rising in the middle of the sky.

‘uh! Is it lunch time already? I need to do this quickly and go to Bongga’s doctor’s office.’

“Why is the mouse like this?”

“Ah, I fed them with cedar juice and it turned out like this.”

“Did the mouse get sick to the stomach?”

“No, it’s an experiment. I can’t seem to come to my senses because I ate a little too much.”

“An experiment? It looks like it’s almost dying… Can I touch it with a branch?”

“huh. doesn’t care.”

After the painter gave permission, the flowerpot tapped the mouse with a twig.

The mouse poked itself with a branch, but it still languished and panted.

“Usually, if you poke it with a tree branch like this, you either avoid it or bite it…”

“That mouse is hallucinating right now. You probably won’t know if it hurts even if you stab it hard.”

“What is hallucination?”

“You just see empty eyes and hear strange sounds in your ears, and that’s what we call hallucinations.”

The fireman himself had never experienced hallucinations, so he explained in an understandable way.

“Ah, it looks like you’re in a similar state to when you starved for a few days. Can I poke you hard?”

“huh. Give it a try.”

This time, the painter was also curious, so I watched the amount of misinformation.


The mouse did not respond to the pointy part of the twig when poked quite hard, only flinching slightly.

“Sir, no matter how you look at it, it looks like he’s dying.”

“I don’t know if I will live or die. Because you’re experimenting. Leave the mouse alone and catch it.”


The painter put the crushed leaves on a burlap cloth and squeezed the juice into a bowl.

* * *

Pretty ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae a ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae ae …..

Seok-pil, a doctor on his way to the doctor’s office, tilted his head as the strange sound grew louder as the doctor’s room got closer.


“Yes, Senator.”

“Isn’t that the sound of a pig being kicked?”

“It seems so.”

“Is today a feast day? By the way, I think I heard that sound a long time ago… Does it take that long to pick a pig?”

“It’s better to kill quickly, so most of them end quickly… I guess the butcher is a beginner.”

“It’s because the room is so noisy. All patients will fall.”


“Go first and send a message that I have come.”

“Yes, Senator.”

As the servant called Yang hurried toward the medical room, Congressman Seok lightly untied his wrists and walked.

“CPR! You said you pressed your chest and blew into your nose.”

Congressman Seok made a virtual person in front of him and practiced pressing his chest and blowing air into his mouth.

“Keu-hum Come to think of it, it’s a very masculine thing to do to a man. But it’s not comfortable to do it to a woman!”

The thought of pressing down on her breasts and kissing her made him feel good for a moment, but if the woman’s family were around, it could be a big misunderstanding.

“If there are family members around, I need to fully explain.”

After a while, Congressman Seok entered the doctor’s room and tilted his head when he saw that there were no patients.

There may not be patients, but there were no servants or even doctors to greet them.

“No matter how much the party was held, the courtroom should not be empty like this, I don’t understand.”

I went to the back yard, where I could still hear the pig-picking, and saw several of the servants watching the bloody pigs and people.

The servant he sent was also mixed in with the servants.


“Yes, Senator.”

“I told you to put in a message. What are you doing?”

“Oh~. Congressman Bong said that he was in the middle of an operation to connect a pig’s blood vessel, so we shouldn’t disturb him.”

In an instant, Senator Seok’s eyes widened.

“what! What is Congressman Bong doing?”

“The pig’s blood vessels are cut and reconnected.”

“What nonsense…”

Congressman Seok denied it, but quickly passed the servants and went behind Congressman Bong to watch what he was doing.

Unbelievably, Congressman Bong was holding the pig’s blood vessels with something and sewing hard.

‘What kind of weird thing are you doing? Does the cut blood vessel lead to stitching like that?’

I had never heard of the idea of connecting broken blood vessels in the 30 years of my life as a doctor.

Rep. Seok was about to say something, but closed his mouth when he saw that a thick plug was put on Rep. Bong’s ear.

It didn’t take anyone to tell me that the thick stopper was due to the pig’s squeal.

‘Judging from the fact that the whole body of the pig is covered in blood, it seems that it keeps failing to connect the broken blood vessels… Why is it doing such a useless thing?’

It was impossible no matter how much I thought about stitching thin and fragile blood vessels.

‘Are you developing a new medical technique?’

While thinking that it was impossible, on the other hand, he thought that the reason Congressman Bong’s reputation was higher than his own was because of his challenging spirit.

‘I never thought of it, but wasting time and money and clinging to an impossible task… Is that why patients praise me?’

Suddenly, I even thought that I should imitate that spirit instead of laughing at it.

Pretty love…

The pig’s screams, which had been crying out for their throats to burst, had diminished to the point where it was not annoying to hear.


And the pig, which had been fussing for a while, eventually stopped breathing.

When the pig stopped breathing, another blood vessel was cut and the hands of Bong, who was sewing, also stopped.

“ha-. Damn why not?”

Congressman Bong quietly spat out a curse and stood up from his seat.

When he got up, servants came running and wiped the blood off his body.

“Mr. Seok has arrived.”

When one of the servants who was cleaning the blood announced Seok-pil’s visit, Congressman Bong turned his head away with a puzzled expression.

“uh! Senator Seok. What are you doing here?”

“I’m here because I have something to do. Say hello to me later, then go and wash up.”

“Ha ha yes. I’m sorry, but please wait. Hoya.”

“Yes, Senator.”

“Take Congressman Seok to the annex and serve him tea.”

“Yes, Senator Seok, please follow me.”

Congressman Seok nodded, and the servant went ahead, and Congressman Bong also went to wash.


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