I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 24

Episode 24. If there are no teeth, gums (1)

Congressmen Bong and Seok ran to the soldier who was calling them anxiously.

In fact, just being able to scream is a good thing. Those whose lives were on the verge of extinction had already lost their minds or could not scream and only let out a shallow groan.

The two lawmakers turned away from such people.

‘It’s better to save those who can be saved than to waste time on those who can’t be saved anyway.’

During the time it takes to treat one overly critical person, three or four more can be saved by treating a lesser one.

While the two lawmakers were treating the screaming patients, the fireman went to the place where the most critical people were gathered.

Thirteen patients were lying on a mat with a shade over them.

They were very serious patients, but only three soldiers were taking action.

The three of them didn’t do treatment either, and all they did was clumsily going back and forth and sorting out their belongings. It was a very different atmosphere from the crowds of people in the barracks at the back, where patients with stab wounds or those with cut wounds and falls who didn’t look too serious.

It was bustling with soldiers and officers as well as some members of the legislative assembly. The fireman looked at them again.

A wild thought.

‘You must have given up.’

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have deployed only three soldiers who were clumsy at dressing bandages.

‘Whoa…. It’s cool, but it’s a wise decision.’

Didn’t you also have a similar experience in the last bandit case? I lost the heat while saving one…..

Medicine with an infinitely insufficient manpower.

They know that too, so it must be that this situation is repeated.

After grasping the situation at a glance, the fireman realized that this was where he should be.

On the other side, Congressman Bong or Congressman Seok is enough.

‘Now, where should I start?’

The fireman looked around.

‘First of all, the most critical person… There is no one who is not critical. Let’s just start from this side, it seems like there’s a lot of bleeding.’

The fireman crouched down in front of the patient, who was lying with a bandage wrapped around his abdomen.

The bed beneath the patient’s back, who was barely breathing as if he had already lost consciousness, was stained dark red.

‘Let’s look at the pupils first.’

The painter lifted his closed eyelids and moved his fingers left and right. There was no reaction. I checked the pupil reflection by covering the light with my palm, but the reaction was clear.

The fireman put his fingertips to his nose again and counted his breath.


A sigh of relief came out.

A final check of the carotid artery made it clear.

‘I don’t have to go until the end.’

If it was fine up to this point, you should have checked the anal sphincter. If your sphincter loosens and you poop, it’s better to give up quickly and see another patient.

Didn’t you experience it last time?

You can’t waste too much time trying to save one.

‘Vitals are shaking quite a bit, but treatment is possible.’

If left unattended, it will die within twenty-four hours. If treated instead, the chance of survival is more than half.

‘It’s okay as a first patient.’

The fireman thought so.

‘Let’s try to live.’

The painter took out a set of surgical knives and first cut and undone the knots in the bandage wrapped around the patient’s abdomen.

‘uh? There are no wounds on the stomach. What happened?’

The fireman hurriedly rolled the patient’s body.

“Stupid bastards. It was also your back. Why did you let such a person lie down?’

The unconscious patient rolled over easily, and blood was soon revealed on his back. After roughly wiping the affected area with a bandage, I saw a long vertical cut in the flesh.

‘It looks like some of the arteries have been cut… Is it fortunate that the aorta is intact?’

If the aorta is severed, the situation is over.

The painter looked at the flowing blood and on the other hand thought that it was fortunate. The fact that there is a lot of blood is a sign that the heart is still beating well.

Of course, the greater the blood flow, the higher the risk, so it’s a double-edged sword, but the painter thought it was as positive as possible.

‘Now, I don’t need anesthesia…’

The moment I looked at the affected area, I could roughly predict which blood vessels would have been cut.

I hurriedly took out the gwiju and sterilized the saliva and knife needles.

Acupuncture was then placed to cause the muscles around the arteries to dilate.

After a while, the amount of gushing blood decreased markedly, but there were still many severed arteries and visibility was not secured.

Since arteries are like rubber, they have the property of shrinking when they are cut off, and you have to pull the shrunken place to connect it to the cut off point.

I hurriedly put the silk thread through the eye of the needle and checked the path of the artery.

Since silk thread is a raw material for silk and is obtained from silkworms, it can be used to seal blood vessels as long as it is not twisted.

Fortunately, the painter was able to obtain untwisted silk thread thanks to the noblewoman.

‘It looks like it’s somewhere… but there’s too much blood, so I can’t find it.’

I took out the cloth I was carrying and wiped off the blood, but there was too much blood.

‘I’d like someone to press the upper stem of this artery.’

The fireman called three soldiers nearby.



But somehow the soldiers did not answer the fireman’s call.


called a little louder.

Only then did the three soldiers look at the fireman with slightly disapproving eyes.


“I know you are busy, but please help me for a moment.”

“If you think you’re busy, find someone else. They say they don’t even have enough hands!”

One of the soldiers gave an annoyed look and turned his head away. The other two also stopped caring about the fireman and resumed their work.

‘What the hell…’

The fireman barely held back from cursing.

There was nothing good about fighting because you were angry.

“Hey man, I’m really in a hurry, so please help me.”

“Are we too busy? I don’t know why they’re trying to play a joke here, but if you can, leave those dead guys and go over there to help the other members of Congress.”


“No matter how noble he may be, he was our colleague just a little while ago. What are you doing with him now? What are you asking for help there? Oh, it’s too much to do.”

“Ah, you guys must be misunderstanding something, but I’m trying to save this person. So please help me.”

“yes? Are you alive?”

For a moment, the soldiers made absurd expressions.

One of the soldiers let out a long sigh and opened his mouth.

“Haa~ Gongja-nim. I’m so sorry for that guy of mine, but he’s done already. Don’t you know why the talented legislators over there don’t come this way? Because these guys can’t be saved anymore. This means that they cannot come here because they cannot be saved. So, don’t involve us in Confucius’s gimmick, and go over there.”

The soldiers saw the fireman as a doctor, not a doctor. He was also an immature nobleman who had just learned medical science at a young age.

The fireman no longer wanted to ask for help.

“All right.”

‘I don’t have time to fight with them. Let’s do something alone.’

The fireman felt with his hand the areas where the arteries were presumed to have been rolled up. It wasn’t as easy to find as I thought.

After a little delay, I started to feel nervous, angry, and regretful.

‘Damn it, if someone comes and presses on the veins, you can easily find it, but you can’t see it because of the blood, so it’s crazy. Should I just give up and go to another patient?’

There was a conflict in my heart for a moment, but I still managed to gather my mind and cut the flesh with a knife to find the location where the artery would have been dried.

As long as you touched it, you changed your mind. The patient could not be abandoned.

Chow ah …..

the amount of blood flowing at the moment increased.

My vision was filled with only blood.

‘I can’t possibly find arteries with my eyes.’

The fireman gritted his teeth.

Just in case, I tried to strain my eyes in the hope that the clairvoyance ability would appear, as in the case of the previous operation on the legs of the five organs, but unfortunately, such ability did not appear when it was needed.

‘If they don’t have teeth, they chew with their gums.’

My head was spinning like a spinning top.

‘The human body map. Yes, let’s substitute a map of the human body.’

Whoa ah.

The painter imaginatively unfolded the map of the human body in his head in front of his eyes and adjusted the size to fit the patient’s body.

‘I don’t need anything else, the most urgent thing right now is the artery.’

After removing muscles, bones, and nerves from the human body map, only intact arteries remained.

In such a state, the patient’s artery was examined, and the location limit line where the artery was rolled was expected.

‘That place, bruised and swollen like blue! That’s it.’

The painter plunged the surgical knife a little deeper and boldly.


Blood splattered as the knife cut deep into his flesh.

And between the splashing blood, I could see the coiled arteries.

The blood quickly filled up and covered his vision again, but it didn’t matter because he had confirmed his location.

‘Got it!’

The fireman pulled the artery caught in his fingertip.

Even though it was slippery, I pulled it boldly using my fingernails.

‘I can save them now!’

The tip of the pulled artery was in a slightly tattered state.

‘I guess I’ll have to cut the ends off.’

The painter laid the severed artery on the artery that was to be connected, and stabbed it with a needle to fix it.

Originally, an anastomosis operation had to be performed immediately, but it was difficult to maintain the human body map for a long time because it was created and spread out in the imagination of the head.

I was already getting a headache.

‘Find the remaining blood vessels, fix them with needles, and then connect them.’

The second blood vessel was surprisingly easy to find because it was not very involved.

Then, three arteries and four veins were found and needles were inserted.

After finding all the blood vessels and inserting needles, the map of the human body was erased, and the headache caused by the overload subsided.

“Phew~ Now all that remains is to sew.”

The painter poured gwiju, disinfected the wound once more, and tied all the blood vessels with silk thread first.

‘Vascular anastomosis is fast, bold and precise!’

Suddenly, the words of the professor who taught him in the past came to mind.

‘First of all, cut the end of the tattered artery …..’

As soon as the cut section came out neatly, the anastomosis started.

* * *

While treating the patients, Congressman Bong suddenly realized that there was no painter next to him.

‘uh? Where the hell have you been? At times like this, it would be very helpful if I could help by the side…’

Soldiers and servants were helping, but there was a limit to what they did not know about medicine.

Rep. Bong raised his head and looked in that direction, concerned that the fireman had gone to Rep. Seok.


However, there were soldiers and servants next to Congressman Seok, just like himself, but no fireman.

Just in case, I looked around the other lawmakers, but I couldn’t find the burner.

‘Where have you been?’

I straightened my back and got up to look for the fireman, and I saw him in the distance where the seriously injured were gathered.

‘uh? Are you sure you’re getting treatment over there? It must be a place where only people who are too serious to be treated are gathered…’

Having already made several visits like this, I was well aware of how the officers classify patients.

The dead are covered with a mat and gathered in a corner, and then those judged to be unable to be revived are gathered in another place like that.

Only if it is done like that, the lawmakers think that they will not waste time clinging to the person who is about to die.

And finally, those who can be saved are distributed under the shade of trees like this so that the traffic lines of the lawmakers do not overlap.

Dying people may say they are ruthless, but this is a battlefield, and efficiency is important on the battlefield. That’s why most battlefields treated patients this way.

‘No, because a painter already has a medical technique that is beyond my common sense…’

Congressman Bong had already removed all prejudice against a painter.


Suddenly, I wondered what kind of medicine the painter was treating people with.

‘Maybe an anastomosis and CPR aren’t everything.’


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