I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 457

The surgeon who became angry (457):

He is called an abduction monster (2)

“Yes? You were a resident and then opened? No, then I can’t believe it… I can’t even be a specialist…”


“It is nonsense! How could such a monster not be a specialist?”

“I think the advisor of director Han was the younger brother of the director of Daehan University Hospital. Didn’t the doctor also get a fever watching the news a while ago?”

“Trash that ran away to a foreign country because the hospital problem is getting bigger? A disciple of such rubbish is such a powerful person?”

“I can’t believe it either. But you proved it with your skills. That it is a monster beyond our common sense. There really was a monster in the world who would learn ten, or twenty, if you taught him one thing.”

“If that’s true, then it’s a monster that can’t be said to be a genius. Perhaps, if he had met his master well, he would have gained worldwide fame later on…” ”

That’s right. However, since I was under a petty person, my skills were not evaluated, so I ran out of the hospital and opened it. If I hadn’t collaborated with Professor Ko, I would have been buried unnoticed by the world, but Professor Ko managed to save it. The director and vice president are already looking at recruiting. Oh, do you know that the vice president’s mother is having surgery for colon cancer next week?”


“The operation will be performed by Dr. Han Jin-soo.”

“yes? A doctor from another hospital operating on the vice president’s mother? Wasn’t Professor Ko Hyeon-jong supposed to have surgery?”

“that’s right. But Professor Ko gave in.”

“No matter how deputy director you are, how can you…”

“At first, everyone thought that.”

Professor Shim’s expression was relieved.

“By the way, I heard that Professor Ko spoke first. The deputy director just said thank you. I also want to entrust my mother to that monster when she is sick, but Professor Ko did that… Actually, I’m just grateful.”

Do Ji-hyun was unable to speak for a while after hearing Professor Shim’s words.

A fact that is too surprising takes time to accept as reality. After that time had passed, she hurriedly moved the mouse and brought the surgery screen to the front.

It was confirmed that Doctor Choi Il-woo was Professor Go’s first high school and Doctor Cha Hyeon-taek assisted Director Han as First.

Suddenly, I realized the reason why the two people’s skills suddenly increased.

It’s a ridiculous assumption, but the two took a leap in their skills after assisting director Han Jin-soo in surgery.

It’s obviously a ridiculous assumption, but other than that, there’s no other reason.

Do Ji-hyun asked without taking her eyes off the screen.

“Professor, then, the two seniors… the skill is getting better.

“Why don’t you check it out? There is already a ledger file…”

It was marked separately in blue.

Do Ji-hyun watched the operation led by Han Jin-soo without taking her eyes off the screen.

Professor Sim said.

“Watch how the two doctors change their hand movements.”

She focused more on the screen.


“How is it?”


You can feel it on the screen too.

During this time, the two’s skills were increasing minute by minute, no second by second. Rhythmically changing hand movements and sensuous movements, as well as changes in breathing. He was so good at it that he was confused to the point where he wondered if the people he knew were right.

“Are you too good at it?”

“yes. How the hell is this…”

“I mean. Last time I sneakily asked at a dinner party, he said he had nothing to say other than that he followed.”

“Followed? After following Director Han Jin-soo… did you say that your skills improved this much?”

“I think so.”

“Is that possible?”


As Professor Shim couldn’t answer and remained silent, Do Ji-hyeon’s eyes trembled.

“I can’t believe it. I can’t believe my skills have improved this much just by matching hands once.”

“I honestly can’t believe it either. But what can I do? The results are out there.”


Do Ji-hyun’s eyebrows furrowed.

“If that is true, Director Han Jin-soo must be a monster.”

“So that is it. Is it okay for a monster like this to suddenly pop out? Kuk-kuk….. This is so far away that I’m not jealous at all. You know what’s more amazing?”

At Professor Shim’s words, Do Ji-hyun had to prepare her mind.

What else is there to be surprised about?

“Every patient who has been operated on by that monster recovers extremely quickly.”

“Recovery? Of course, since the speed is so fast, the recovery should be quick, but… Did Dr. Han Jin-soo perform surgery on someone other than that child?”

“The director’s grandson also had surgery. Could it be that you didn’t know that?”

“yes? Are you the director’s grandson?”

Do Ji-hyun was startled and shouted.

“ah! Was that the doctor who collaborated with Professor Ko?”

“what? Didn’t the doctor know what most nurses knew?”

“I heard that Professor Ko collaborated with someone, but I didn’t know that person was Han Jin-soo, the director.”

“No matter how busy you are, you should have known that.”

“You may not know. I just thought that Professor Ko had a successful operation.”

“but. You can do that if you haven’t seen it. Anyway, take a look at that too. Maybe it will help.”

“All right.”

“Aren’t you going to work anyway? On a day like today, shouldn’t you go on a date with your boyfriend and then get married?”

“Go to work first. I need to see all of the director’s surgeries today. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep if I don’t see this.”

“You can see that later. To escape the old maid…”


“Hey, okay. I’ll go to work first. If you’re going to get married, have a temper…”

“Professor! Are you really going to do this?”

“Have you boiled and ate an Ike train firebox? I go first.”

When Professor Shim left, Do Ji-hyeon sniffed for a while, then poured the coffee, which was now only water, into a sip and looked for director Han Jin-soo’s files.

‘If I take the first assist of Director Han Jin-soo, will my skills improve like the two seniors?’

* * *

Do Ji-hyun looked at Han Jin-soo’s files over and over for two days.

and concluded There is only one way. You have to do what you have to do for that.

So, I finally found Professor Ko.

“Professor, I really want to see the fish poetry of director Han Jin-soo.”

Professor Go Hyeon-jong, who received Do Ji-hyeon’s request, felt embarrassed and a little absurd.

“Doctor is also a thoracic surgeon, right? And since Director Han Jin-soo isn’t even a doctor at our hospital, how can I freely choose a fish city?”

“I already know that seniors Cha Hyeon-taek and seniors Choi Il-woo stood by Director Han Jin-soo. Please give me a chance too.”

When Do Ji-hyun grabbed at least the crotch of his trousers and made an expression as if he was about to ejaculate, Professor Ko Hyeon-jong pondered for a while and sighed briefly.

“Eh~. Do you know how many people these days ask the same favor as Dr. Do?”

“yes? Do you have the same request as me?”

In an instant, Do Ji-hyun’s eyes widened.

“Yeah, about 10 minutes ago, Dr. Jin Hee-seon also asked me if he wanted to serve as director Han’s first assist.”

“Are you Ji-jin?”

“And about two hours ago, Dr. Oh Doo-hyun also went for the same reason. Even today, including the doctor, we are the third.”


“Everyone mistakenly believes that if they work hand in hand with Director Han Jin-soo, they will instantly improve their skills like Dr. Cha or Dr. Choi, but that’s not the case.”

“But even just once… I want to see fish poetry.”

“The problem is.”

Professor Ko also let out a sigh.

“Isn’t Director Han the one who upgrades our hospital fellows?”


As Do Ji-hyeon remained silent, Professor Ko laughed bitterly inwardly.

The words were good, but as a result, the two people’s skills were upgraded, so it was difficult to criticize anything more.

“Whoa~. In any case, the doctor’s words are warships to my one director. Many Fellows want to be First Assist, including the Doctor. There are no perks.”

Upon hearing Professor Go’s words, Do Ji-hyeon’s face slightly distorted.

It is unlikely that a director will use someone as First Assist, but even if he does, the chances of him becoming himself will be extremely low.

Professor Ko has to appeal to Han Jin-soo in a special way to increase the possibility, but I couldn’t think of such a suitable number.

You can’t just hold on to the crotch of your pants, can you?

Do Ji-hyun bowed her head and said hello.

“Please, please.”

and came out

‘I’ll have to ask Senior Choi or Senior Cha for a favor. Since the two of them have tried poetry… There must be a different connection with the professor.’

Do Ji-hyun went to the general surgery ward.


However, the steps that had been walking confidently had no choice but to falter.

In the distance, I could see Fellows like Oh Du-hyeon and Jin Hee-seon standing close to Choi Il-woo and Cha Hyeon-taek, begging.

I could guess what they were doing without even looking up close.

‘The seniors are full of people. Whoa~.’

If I got in between them and asked for the same request, I could have hatred for older seniors.

Do Ji-hyun shook her head and turned away.

‘Should I buy a box of drinks and go back to Dr. Han’s hospital?’

* * *

“That’s why many fellows want to see one director’s First Assist.”

Hearing Professor Ko’s words, Han Jin-soo put on a slightly bewildered expression.

“I’m sorry that I had to operate on the deputy director’s mother, but it’s even hurting the professor’s prestige.”

“No, that’s what I wanted. That’s right for the deputy director. To be honest, I’m indebted to the vice president with this, so isn’t that enough? ha ha ha! It’s not that I don’t understand the position of the disciples. I’ve already seen the case of Dr. Choi and Dr. Cha, so it’s shocking? Rather, it even looks pretty. How can you hate disciples who have such greed?”

Professor Ko added with a really happy expression.

“If only you came to our hospital, it would be perfect.”

Han Jin-soo hurriedly lifted the bottle and opened his mouth as he poured alcohol into his empty glass.

“It would be great if doctors could improve their skills and make patients suffer less.”

“Oh… you mean.”

Professor Ko looked at Han Jin-soo with a new look. Usually, if you put it up like this, you’ll pretend you can’t win, but you take it easy and think only of the patient, not this or that benefit.

“I thought that although my political sense was a little off, I still didn’t have it… I feel like a child when I’m in front of you. It makes you wonder what kind of life you’ve been living.”

Han Jin-su shyly scratched his head.

“I just lived hard. haha.”

“By the way, judging from how you’re making fun of it, it seems you’ve already decided who to be Eoshi.”

“Yes, there is one person in First who has a special heart.”

“huh? Are you particularly interested? Didn’t you hear only my name?”

“There is someone I met before I heard the name from the professor.”

“what? Has anyone already asked for favors directly?”

“It’s not a bastard, it’s a bitch.”

“year? If it’s a year, it must be one of five! Who the hell did something so bold?”

“Since ancient times, it has been said that courageous people win beautiful women, but rather than being bold, it must be courageous.”

“courage? It would be too much courage to go directly to a director and ask for an assessment. So, who is that courageous fellow?”

“Are you asking to scold me?”

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