I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 295: Dark Elves ( 2 )

Chapter 295: Dark Elves ( 2 )

The Dark Elves weren't known for their physical strength but for their innate Arcane Magic which is close to hypnotism.

However, as far as they know, their hypnotism isn't that strong and at most, it would only give suggestions to the target. 

They shouldn't be capable of reaching the level of "Mind Control" unless they have a powerful Arcana with them

"These elves They seem to have started this Beast Wave. We have to eliminate the source of the problem, if that happened, this wave might be easier to handle than what we've thought"

Hendrick Ricarte, the Chaos Knight Commander glanced at the group of Dark Elves. They are confidently dealing with the Night Brigades at the moment and no one could tell who's at disadvantage

"Commander Look at those members of the Night Brigade The one holding the shield and the powerful sword, I think they're not included in the reports that we have."

"That's true They might've acquired them just recently. Anyway, they seem to be higher than Epic Rank, so we should have information about them if we ask the Arcanist Association."

Hendrick and his vice commander have access to high-level information about the Kingdom. Of course, it includes information about the existence of Arcana that reaches Epic Rank and above.

After all, the only Arcana Bestowal Ceremony in the country is done under the government's watch. All kinds of Arcana will be listed including their owners.

Unless they got this from another kingdom or passed it down from the earliest generation of Arcanists, they should have information about it.

"Well, I think I should still help them with the Dark Elves There are over a hundred of them."

Hendrick said as he no longer hesitated and joined the battle.

Diether and Rufus who were busy fighting the Iron-Clawed Bears and Phantom Wolves noticed the intensity of the battle against the Dark Elves.

They seem to be using Magic Weapons instead of Arcana as they fight against the members of the Night Brigade.

"Rufus, can you back them up? I think three members of the Night Brigade wouldn't be enough to deal with them."

Diether asked his friend after seeing the dark aura accumulating around the Dark Elves' bodies... 

Rufus nodded at this suggestion. He used his Vampiric Arrow on one of the Phantom Wolves to replenish his Spiritual Energy, but as soon as he was about to use his Arrow Storm again, his vision was blocked by the Treants that just started rampaging!

"What going on?!"

"Below you! Be careful!"

The soldiers started noticing that lumps coming from the ground they were standing on. It seems that the roots of the Treants started covering the whole battlefield!

"Aarragghh! Help!"

"Cut them up! Hurry! Don't get caught!"


Diether saw the roots of the Treant slithering everywhere restraining the soldier's limbs as they were pulled on the ground

About ten soldiers were quickly brought underground! It is difficult to save them!

They either have to cut the roots tying them or perhaps, kill the Treants hiding behind the Iron-Clawed Bears and together with the Dark Elves.

"Tsk Rufus, cover me, I'll deal with the Treants first!"

"Alright, be careful! Don't get entangled with their branches..."

Diether nodded at his words and used his Hazy Flash Step three times to arrive near Treants.

They have used their Sun Fire Essence for quite some time now so it has covered quite a huge area. It means that they could use their Hazy Flash Steps within the whole battlefield.

"Fire Wave"

Diether activated one of his Arcane Magic to deal with the Treants. At the very least, he knows that these living trees were weak against fire, especially with the Sun Fire Knight's Fiery Aura

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As Diether faced five Treants at the same time, he has to be careful and not get caught by their roots and branches.

Though he has the ability to still survive their entanglement, he wouldn't want to use that if possible as it would cost a lot of his Spiritual Energy.

"Hmm?" Diether just took down one of the Treant and noticed that most of them started moving in a different direction. 


As he looked around, he noticed that the members of the Night Brigade started dominating the fight against the Dark Elves!

It seems that the other Treants were about to help them!

It seems that the Commander of the Chaos Knights made his move and took on 10 Dark Elves alone!

Diether was impressed by his action. Though he can probably do the same, he was still unsure about the Arcane Magic of these Dark Elves so he was quite hesitant about facing them.

Because of Reiji, it became his habit to learn about his opponent first before facing them. Of course, if he really had no other choice but to fight, he would still act and battle with cautiousness.

'Those Dark Elves They seem to have Cursed Abilities However, they're in a bad position.'

Diether thought after observing the battle. 

Every time they cast their curse magic, the Sacred Sword in the hands of the Night Brigade would glow and cancel their magic.

As for the commander of the Chaos Knight, it appears that he was also prepared to fight the Dark Elves as he seemed to be immune from these Curses! It only affects him for a second or two!

The dark aura that would surround his body would just vanish like they were never there. The Dark Elves would continuously use their Magic but it doesn't seem to be staying in his body!

In the end, they had no choice but to fight with their swords and other weapons. 

However, against the weapons crafted by the best swordsmith in the kingdom, the Dark Elves' weapons couldn't even be compared.

They would just get destroyed after getting hit a few times!

Many of the soldiers were already noticing that the beast wave is starting to get lighter He managed to cut several Treants and the Night Brigade managed to stop the Dark Elves' advance. 

Unfortunately, the second wave of the beasts started coming and all of them are now flying beasts!

On the other hand, the Bhibra Village where Reiji and the others are had also experienced the same thing! 

After dealing with the wave of Harpies and Gryphons, the wyverns started coming to destroy them! 

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