I Screwed the Novel's Plot

Chapter 8 Ch. 8: Useless Magic [2]

I felt like a bird trapped in a golden cage. Even if I live a life of luxury, bathing in wealth, I was imprisoned. Just asked any bird, of course, this was just a touch of sarcasm.

I wasn't really asking you to question a bird because people would question your sanity. They preferred the fast sky over the golden cage and so did I. I also craved freedom rather than this kind of confinement.

I wanted to escape their eyes and be alone or roam freely in the plaza. Now that I mentioned the plaza, I wondered what Agatha; the capital city of Chrono was like because I never set foot outside the Aeon Castle before. Not only the plaza, but I also wished to go to Ardeen, the Elven Kingdom, and the Dwarf Kingdom, Hephaestus!

'Are they really beautiful? Do they really have pointy ears? Do they really have unusually small stature? Do they really have bulky muscles? Ah, I can't wait to leave this castle and travel around the world.'

"Today's schedule is attending Count Andreas' training at the training ground."

I nodded whilst drinking my milk. Chislon Andreas was the Count of Andreas' Family in the Malthe Region. The previous Count passed away due to a carriage accident.

As the only son, he inherited the Count title three years ago in his late twenties. There was a law in the Chrono Empire that you must prove your worth as the successor within 5 years before inheriting your father's title.

If there was no improvement in the estate, the Empire would seize the property. Even though he was young, he had proven himself his true worth in managing the estate. I heard the economy of his estate increased by 5% last year.

Not only did he excel as an entrepreneur, but he was also a Tier 6 Elementalist. He was the youngest head of the Arcanist Tower. That was why he became my Economic and Elementalist tutor. There were 10 Tiers upon mastered Elementals and above Tier 10 they are called transcends.

Wiped my mouth with a napkin, and headed to the bathroom. You know, it took me almost a year to convince them that I could shower myself.

Also, at first, I wanted to change my clothes alone but, after seeing how many accessories had to be put, I immediately changed my mind and let the maids do their job. There was no way I would do bothersome things.




Heading to the training ground. Oh, it looked like my tutor had arrived. A tall figure stood in the center of the training ground. His long braided blonde hair shone under the sun. Fair and flawless skin with beautiful deep green eyes that would remind you of lush woods.

With just one glance you could tell that he was the flower of society. The man smiled and lightly bent his back. I must say that he was the most handsome man that I had ever met.

"Greetings, Your Highness."

"Greetings, Count Andreas."

As we both straightened our backs, our eyes met.

"Are you ready for today's training, Your Highness?"

"I am."

He smiled kindly and made a thinking pose. Even though he had the appearance of an angel, please don't be fooled. The fact that he was able to secure a seat in the Arcanist Tower in the Elementalist Division, proved that he was not someone you could mess up with. For more chapters, please visit

But since he was personally chosen by my mother, I guess I could trust him. Not to mention that his position would rise, and become one of the 4 Elders in Arcanist Tower in the near future.

"Hmm... As Your Highness had a full understanding of controlling Mana, how about… Elementals Fusing?"

"Elementals Fusing?"

My brow furrowed. Wasn't it too early for me, who was six years old, to learn it? Even though I showed a lot of improvement in controlling mana each day in the past three years, I never thought that I would learn it at this young age.

Wouldn't that burden my Mana Core? I read that Elementals Fusing required a lot of Mana and focus because you had to cast two Elementals or more at the same time. However, the Count chuckled.

"There's no need to worry, Young Highness. What we were going to learn was simple Elementals Fusing. It wouldn't exhaust your Mana Core."

I stared at him for a few seconds.

'Don't tell me, he can read minds?'

His smile widened.

"I can not read other people's minds, Your Highness."

'No. No. No. I firmly believed that you can.'

"There are so many things we can make from fusing our Elementals. For example--"

A magic circle was formed on the ground near the Count. A handful of water soared out of the magic circle and danced on top of his palm. He extracted the water from the earth. The dancing water above his palm dissipated and turned into a thick vapor.

There were two methods for using Elementals, they were Conjuring and Manipulation. Conjuring was casting Elemental's magic, for example, you cast Fireball out of thin air. Manipulation was manipulating existing elementals (medium).

For example, just like Count Andreas did, he summoned water from the earth. However, Conjuring required more mana than Manipulation, because one had to cast Elemental out of thin air without a medium.

"So, tell me, what do you think of this magic?"

"It's useless."

What was the point of learning to make a vapor? I thought we were going to create something cool. Chislon chuckled at my blunt answer.

"Yeah, maybe this magic is useless. But, did you know that even useless magic like this can become lifesaver magic in life-and-death situations?"

'Well, now that's interesting.'

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