I Shall Devour Everything

Chapter 5: Who Am I?

Chapter 5: Who Am I?

In a lush green land without any buildings around, a frail boy aged sixteen years was looking at the bright and beautiful blue sky with a solemn gaze.

The golden sun was bathing the boy with its resplendent rays while he enjoyed the chirping of the small birds nearby.

His bright black eyes would make one feel an air of innocence around him, but most people will grimace while the rest would shake their heads when they see him as a whole.

All because he was sitting in a wheelchair since half of his body was basically in a paralyzed state. His face looked thin and weak, just as his whole body, making him look unattractive as a whole.

However, a small innocent smile hung on his lips as if the hardships and difficulties he faced weren't enough to completely break him.

There was a stream right in front of him, and he lost himself in his thoughts as he kept looking at the ever-flowing water.

But his eyes suddenly looked up upon hearing the screeching noise of the air above. His eyes widened when he saw a person plummeting towards the river as they continued to fall from the sky.

He wanted to call out for help, but there was nobody beside him, and nor could anyone he knew save a person that just suddenly appeared to fall from the skies.

As the person got closer and closer towards the stream of the river, the boy saw that it was an unconscious youngster who looked no older than him.

But what was strange was he was covered in blood with severe injuries on his body. No matter how shocking it was for him, the boy stopped thinking about where the youngster came from or why he was in a bloodied state.

All he wanted was to save the poor youngster somehow falling from the skies. How could he watch someone fall to death right before him? Even though he had no idea if the youngster was still alive, he wished he could help him.

He pushed the wheels of his wheelchair to move forward towards the river, but right at that time, the person crashed into the river, letting out waves and waves of water to pour outside, and even the ground seemed to shake a bit.

The boy, along with his wheelchair, was swept away as he fell down with the water drenching his whole body. Not only that, but he also felt pain all over his body and felt as if he got hit by the force of a flood.

"Ughh" He groaned in pain as he crawled towards his wheelchair to sit back up. Thankfully, he was still some distance away from the stream. Otherwise, he might have broken a bone here or there.

After all, his frail body could only handle so much force.

However, just as he got close to his wheelchair, he saw the youngster lying on the shore of the stream with half of his body still inside the water.

He was shocked to see that his body was still intact even after falling from such a height and wondered if he had already died since he fell from such a high height.

Still, he wanted to make sure if there was at least a breath of life in his body and crawled towards him while bringing along the wheelchair with him by lodging one of its wheels within his arms.

He strained his arms as his fingernails dug into the ground while trying to get closer to the bloodied youngster before him.

After two minutes of crawling, he somehow reached near him and saw that there were bloodied cuts on his limbs and his body seemed to be in quite a pitiful state.

However, his eyebrows raised when he felt his feeble breathing upon placing his finger under his nose.

He used up all his strength to somehow pull out his body, which seemed quite heavy for him despite how slim the youngster seemed.

Since the youngster was still breathing despite falling from such a height, the boy felt that he would live somehow.

He wondered if he should go back home and get his sister's help since he was worried if something would happen to the boy in the meanwhile.

He tried shaking the youngster's arms slightly as he tried to wake him up, "Hey...can you open your eyes? Don't worry. You are safe for now. I don't know if you can hear me, but please stay here while I go get some help."

"Gasp!" The bloodied figure suddenly opened their eyes with a gasp, frightening the boy and making him shrink his head backward.

But the youngster grabbed one of his arms and stared at him with a hostile gaze and killing intent.

The boy almost pissed his pants upon feeling his burning gaze and stammered, "P-Please relax, I-I am trying to help you. Y-You are hurt."

The boy felt as if the youngster would crush his fragile bones with his iron grip, and indeed he felt as if it got really fractured. But fortunately, after hearing his words, the youngster's eyes took a quick look at his surroundings and himself.

The youngster suddenly grimaced as if the pain from his injuries started acting up again. He loosened his hold as the muscles all over his body convulsed with pain, making him cough out some blood.

Despite being scared, the boy didn't try to crawl away from the youngster and said in a shaky tone, "Look...I will try to get help. Please don't move around too much. I will be back fast, okay?"

Hearing his words, the youngster narrowed his eyes as if scrutinizing him with a wary gaze but seeing how harmless the boy was. He nodded since he had no other choice.

The boy felt relieved and somehow climbed onto his wheelchair and turned around to rush towards his home.

However, his hands stopped rolling his wheels when he suddenly felt a stinging sensation in his mind.

"Aaarghhhh!" The excruciating pain in his head even made him let out a roar of pain as he clutched his head.

Suddenly, his howl ceased, and his head drooped as if he became dead. However, after a few moments, his head seemed to move slightly while his eyes kept on squinting, trying to open his eyes.

He stroked his forehead as he groggily opened his eyes with a mutter, "Huh..I am alive? Did someone save me?...What just happened...where am I...who am I"

As his eyes fully opened, his eyes seemed to shine with a different light, as if he was no longer the same person but something more.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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