I Want To Lay the Very Best!

10 – Ugly Ducklett

10 – Ugly Ducklett

The day was clean and crisp as the trio walked back to Turrfield, but Brandy had a detour in mind and was desperately thankful when she got to it. Clothes piled and kept secure with her sturdy boots; Brandy swam out into the small lake they'd spied on their way in and tried her best to wash herself down. She'd had much more sex in the past two days than expected and not a single shower. It was long overdue.

Lathering up her hair with a tiny slither of soap, she tried to ignore the catcalls from the lake's side. Calcine was sat on the ground, coal skin shining in the sun, with Sparky draping herself over Calcine's back. The Joltiks' head was resting atop the solid rock Pokémon like the world's shortest totem pole. They were both watching Brandy wash with intense stares, and it was, well, it was making it a little tricky!

"She's so cute when she blushes," Sparky said, as Brandy tried to stop herself from doing just that. Splashing water on her face to cool off from all the staring.

"Easy to do, too. You just have to give her a firm look, and she gets all flustered."

Brandy stared at the pair with a look she put a little iron into. She would not be baited by them like some gullible Magikarp! Wait, was staring at all being baited?

She got a pair of twin smiles for her trouble, and it was hard to say who was looking smugger. It seemed she had a type, and Brandy wished she didn't. With a huff, she dipped her head under water to get the soap off, coming up and rubbing her hair vigorously until the spikes were a tangled mess. Some leftover glue from Sparky's webs. That's a job for a comb later to fix.

Her top was sweaty but had gone unmolested in all the sex so far, which Brandy wasn't surprised by one bit. She may be the daughter of a Volcarona, but she was yet to inherit much from her Mother except the red hair and tall height. The curves seemed to be stubbornly holding out on her. While Brandy didn't consider herself small in the chest, she wasn't in danger of breaking any shirts like Calcine was. Sparky, too, if she wasn't so petite. Brandy needed to get a Pokémon who was flat as a board next to make her feel better about herself. Still, cleaning didn't care about insecurities, so she rubbed herself up with soap and went to work.

"Yeah! Make them jiggle!" Sparky cackled from the side, "Give us a show!"

Brandy sunk into the water to hide her chest, glaring their way.

"Woo! Roll us those sexy shoulders. Let us see your back muscles!"

Brandy sunk lower.

"Woof, look at those ears. Get them wiggling for us!"

"That's not a thing!" Brandy yelled up to the bank. "You can at least help if you're going to ogle!"

Sparky snorted. "Calcine would sink like the rock she is, and me? Electric and Water? You get why that won't work, right? I'm not sure you're on the level of kinky needed enough to survive. You'll have to wait until you can take some shocks."

Brandy stood up in the water again, feet slipping on the wet stones she splashed about as she fumbled to hold on to the soap. Cursing it as it got away with a sad plink.

"Great. Just great. What do you mean until I can take some shocks? It's not like you can build a tolerance to that sort of thing."

Calcine and Sparky were looking at her like she'd just announced she was a Ditto and had tricked them into falling for her.

"What? I can't. Right?"

"I'm dating an idiot," Calcine groaned, leaning her head back onto Sparky's chest. "Did she learn anything at school?"

"Said she was too distracted thinking about sexy Pokémon. Story checks out. She leers after us all the time."

Sparky was lucky she wasn't in splashing distance right now. Brandy had to settle for crossing her arm and giving a stern look.

"I made up for it in the practical exams. School's boring. What did I miss?"

"Your bonds, doofus!" Sparky laughed, fussing with Calcine's hair as the Rock Pokémon got comfy against her. "They're not just fun red lights. Didn't you think it weird that all the Grass Trainers have green hair? Or all the Fighting Trainers are buff?"

"Okay, so it's a little weird, maybe. But people look like their Pokémon a bit, so what?"

"Uggghhhhh, it's not a coincidence, is what! You'll adapt to us, better able to take a shock. Or feel more comfortable pressing yourself up against rock-hard skin," Sparky says, rapping her fist on Calcine's forehead and making it ring.

"Don't do that," Calcine says calmly. "Or I'll throw you in the lake."

Sparky huffed on Calcine's forehead and rubbed it clean. Getting a playful slap on the cheek for it.

"I thought I was just going to express after my Mom?" Brandy said, moving on to the stickiest part of her job. Calcine hadn't pulled out, and it was a mess down there. She could really use the soap right now.

"Yeah, obviously, your mom's a big deal! You'll take after her the most until you settle down on your partners. But adapting to us is still part of the journey."

When they met her Poké-mom, they probably wouldn't believe that. Oh. Oh, wait, oh no. They were going to meet her mom, and all they did was tease her constantly. She needed to fix that before they met the true master at that game.

A few bubbles rose around Brandy, and the water shimmered. Head tilting to the side to see what was causing the effect, Brandy was totally unprepared for a figure to burst out of the water. Hands glided over her skin, and a woman with long flowing red hair pressed in on her, a single pure white horn rising out from it on her forehead.

She had long flowing frills sweeping out from her skin like a fancy cut-up dress, all a brilliant red that faded into pure white at the edges. It did not even surprise her to see she also had a set of massive tits because Brandy seemed destined to find nothing but beautiful Pokémon, who made her feel like they could use her as a spirit level.

"Hey, cute stuff," the new arrival said, her eyes a beautiful sea green with long lashes. Brandy was trying and failing real bad not to get lost in them. "You dropped this."

The Pokémon pressed a bar of soap into Brandy's hand and then cupped her hands together, bringing them up to kiss them.

"Two partners already. You must be quite the catch, and it'd be a shame to throw you back. How about you do your best," she said, leaning to lay a kiss on Brandy's neck that made the poor Trainer's aching body shiver with need. "And try to reel me in?"

"One second," Brandy said, "Ma'am. I mean, lady. I mean... hold on."

Brandy splashed about in the water for something by her feet, the Pokémon tilting her head to watch her with amusement.

She wasn't expecting it when Brandy came up with her Repel squirt bottle and gave her blast point blank.

"Ugh!" the Pokémon spat as the special liquid started working. "That went right in my mouth!"

Wiping her mouth, she looked at Brandy, and Brandy got to watch the desire fade out of those eyes, the Pokémon turning from her with a huff and diving back into the water.

"That was so mean!" Sparky gasped.

"Agreed, a little cruel," Calcine said, hand over her mouth to no doubt hide a laugh, just like Carkol did. "You could have used Water to round the team out."

"Fuck off. I'm still exhausted!" Brandy called to the shore as she put her Repel bottle back down by her feet. "You two are enough to handle, and I should be one big bruise."

"Well, keep dating me, and you'll toughen up," Calcine smiled. "And get quite the cut figure, too. There's even some fire in your blood when I finally evolve."

"And I'll make you shorter!" Sparky cackled.

"You... won't actually do that, right?" Brandy said. She enjoyed being tall, which was her only advantage over the prettier girls in her class.

"You don't know! You didn't pay attention in class! Ahaha!"

"Why did I pick you again? Calcine, slap her for me!"

There's a smack of rock on flesh, but Sparky turns it into a bubbly moan that makes Brandy blush all over again. These two were going to be the death of her.

Brandy finished cleaning herself off, and the pair had some fun toweling her down, Calcine being firm while Sparky spent more time rubbing up against her than actually doing anything helpful. She'd have been mad if she didn't find them both hot, the ultimate get-out card for causing trouble.

Cleaned up, Brandy pulled on Calcine's top and her always-useful travel cargo pants and fished her Pokédex out of her backpack. Waiting for the woman she'd sprayed to rise in the water and glare daggers her way.

"Mahi" the Goldeen
Height: 5’ 5” 
Type: Water
Failed Captures: 2
Moves Discovered:
Aqua Ring

Elegant Dancer, Goldeen's beauty disguises a surprising amount of muscle.  

Damn, she would have been nice to have and was awfully pretty, but Brandy wasn't sure she could take another tussle today. She needed proper food and a warm bed, and she did not doubt that the latter wouldn't be the peaceful rest she wanted with these two by her side.

Sorry, Mahi. Maybe one day.

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