I Want To Lay the Very Best!

20 – Post-Meltan Clarity

20 – Post-Meltan Clarity

Brandy didn’t know at what point she’d passed out, but she really felt it when she woke up. She had aches in places she didn’t even know could ache, soothed only by the warm, puffy feelings still tingling along her nerves. Even the flower petals felt rough against her sensitive skin, the pressure of her two partners against her soothing, but every slight movement made her squirm. She tried to move as little as she could. She’d just set herself off with embarrassing moans if she moved.

“You okay?” Calcine asked softly, kissing Brandy’s cheek as she cuddled the Trainer on the flowerbed.

“Yeah... yeah, I’m fine.” Brandy smiled weakly, eyes still closed. Her entire body felt like jelly, her limbs too heavy to move properly.

She felt another set of hands caressing her body, running across her breasts and trailing down her stomach. Opening her eyes, she saw Orchid smiling down at her, face flushed red from exertion. Brandy reached out and took hold of Orchid’s wrist, guiding her fingers along her stomach.

“You look pleased with yourself,” Brandy said.

Orchid giggled as she traced little circles around Brandy’s navel. “I enjoy making people happy.”

“Maybe a bit too literally,” Brandy said, flexing her stomach as she enjoyed the tapping feeling of Orchid’s smooth fingers.

“Oh, don’t be a sore loser. You asked for most of it and enjoyed the rest,” Orchid said, giving Brandy’s stomach a playful squeeze.

“I am sore!” Brandy groaned. “You two went at me like Galar would tip into the sea if I wasn’t moaning.”

“All your screaming made it sound pretty apocalyptic,” Orchid said with a head-down blush. “But as long as you enjoyed it, it was worth it.”

Hard to stay mad at a beautiful girl straddling your hips who’d done her best to make you orgasm your brains out of your ears. Orchid seemed sweet even if her moves were all pretty devious, so Brandy let it slide and enjoyed getting her hands on that deliciously plump butt instead. She was enjoying rolling that plump flesh between her fingers before Orchid’s words sunk in properly.

“Wait, lost?”

Brandy’s answer came in the form of a tackle hug. A blur of yellow bouncing onto her, thumping her head back into the flowerbed.

“Guess who’s back!”

“Sparky, get off!”

“No way, you had me fight a Dragon. You owe me a face sitting.” Sparky said, tightening her legs around Brandy’s head. Batting at her stomach with both fists just made her giggle.

“Let me breathe, at least!” Brandy yelled, her voice muffled by Joltik thighs.

Honeycrisp, the huge Grass/Dragon Type, saved her, picking up Sparky by the scruff of the neck and dangling her in the air. “She’s fun, this one, but we didn’t battle. Lea and I just taught her some tricks.”

“She’s underselling it,” Sparky said, legs kicking in the air. “Battle for the ages! Sky aflame! I fought for your honor!”

Doubtful, Honeycrisp’s maid dress looked unruffled, and Sparky wasn’t as flat as a pancake. Brandy took some deep breaths of air. The taste of Orchid and Calcine had mingled with Sparky’s thighs. It was a potent combination to have rolled around in your mouth when you’d just woken up.

“Anyone else going to strangle me with their thighs, or can I ask questions now?” Brandy said, a little frustration edging her words.

“Ooh, if you’re offering?” Calcine said, rubbing Brandy’s shoulders to calm her down. “I promise to stop before your head pops.”

Brandy punched Calcine’s arm and immediately regretted it. Stupid rock-hard Pokémon.

“Did I lose? I lost track there,” Brandy said, sucking on her knuckle, Calcine smugger than Purrlion beside her.

“You did well, Brandy” Lea was straightening out her long dress. The pencil-thin Gym Leader’s face was flushed, but she had a content smile.

“But I’m afraid you didn’t show the control we expect, so I am afraid you’ve failed this challenge.”

Brandy sighed. That was a big problem.

“Aw, don’t worry,” Honeycrisp said, putting Sparky on her shoulder. The Joltik settled down now that the Appletun had given her a chance to be towering tall. “You can try again soon! Most don’t pass the first time. We’re not pushovers.”

“Just really needed the Pokébucks,” Brandy said, already feeling a heel for saying it.

Lea waved the concern away with a flick of her slender hand. “You wouldn’t be the first Trainer who made do with little. Trust in your resourcefulness. You showed a lot of it today! Are you okay with us reviewing here, or do you want a shower first?”

“Now,” Brandy said right away. It’d eat at her until she heard where she’d gone wrong.

“Your solution to the trial was not really how most people solve it.”

Honeycrisp chuckled, pounding a colossal fist into her palm. “First to actually fight your way through the swarm, really impressive! It’s a shame we don’t get to fight. I feel you’d offer me a real challenge.”

Lea patted Honeycrisp’s arm. “Praise is always nice, dear, but let me finish! Here, it was a lot of extra work for you, Brandy. You’re a natural at fighting, but you need to use your other skills too if you want to be a top-tier trainer.”

“Pokémon, don’t listen to me, though!” Brandy groaned, tugging at her shirt. Her partners had scuffed it during the extended fuck session. Thankfully, they hadn’t snapped all the buttons off. She really should get one with toggles.

“And that’s why you failed today. You can give powerful commands, but being a Trainer isn’t about just imposing your will on your Pokémon. Understand them and then tailor your requests. Calcine and Sparky love fighting for you, but you need to consider what else they want.”

“Me?” Brandy ventured. Getting into her pants was the number one goal for those two.

Sparky laughed from atop Honeycrisp’s shoulder, “I do! But you’re a goof if you think that’s all I want!”

Brandy already felt ashamed at losing, but this was more shame on top of it, stacking to make her shoulders droop and her head hang.

Calcine took one of her hands and gave it a squeeze. “You’ve been doing this a few days. We don’t expect you to be perfect. I like you think quickly and learn even quicker.”

“And I like your fun!” Sparky grinned. “I’ll show you what Lea and Honeycrisp showed me later. You’ll love it.”


Still, they weren’t wrong. Reflecting on it now, the Wooloo battle had been pure chaos, and she’d somehow slipped by through it all. The manic style actually suited her. She really could think quicker than most on her feet. But was there another way trainers got through it all? How? Valerie seemed so overbearing. How do you beat a woman like that?

“Your bond with Calcine was strong enough to break out of my Aromatherapy and Petal Dance,” Orchid said, helping Brandy do her shirt back up as she sat on her legs. “Which is quite impressive, and forcing me to include Calcine was very sweet. You were quite close to a pass, I think.”

Orchid kissed Brandy on her lips after doing up the last button on her shirt. Soft and sweet, just like the Pokémon herself.

“But then, when you gave me permission to help, you wouldn’t accept my fantasies.” Orchid bit her lip. “And I really like those. You still thought of it as a fight despite the rule being no fighting. Even when you can battle, try to think about how you can make your partners happy. It’ll be worth it, I promise.”

It made sense. Brandy had been worried about falling under Orchid’s spell again, but Orchid had been a lot more assertive when she’d first gotten them to believe she was more than she appeared. If Orchid found comfort and confidence in her fantasies, forcing her out of them wasn’t exactly a kind thing to do. Still, it didn’t entirely sit right with Brandy. Orchid was wonderful, even without her skills puffing up her appearance.

“I like the real you,” Brandy said, giving Orchid’s cheek a tap. “Don’t think you have to be fake to make me happy. You did great.”

“Awww,” Sparky and Honeycrisp said in unison, Sparky kicking her legs against the giant Appletun’s arms. “Our idiot Trainer is such a sweetheart.”

“Maybe don’t let them get away with everything,” Lea laughed, "And if it had actually bothered you then, of course, I wouldn't hold that against you. Acceptance goes both ways, but I think you'd have enjoyed what Orchid offered."

Brandy couldn't fault her there. The unreally alluring Orchid had been very exciting. Could she have changed how she saw Calcine too? Questions for next time!

"It seems you’ve learned a lesson," Lea said, spotting Brandy's thoughtful expression. "I can’t stop you from repeating my Gym tests immediately, but you look like they fucked you into the ground. I’d hate to have you end up in a Poké-center bed because you bit off more than you could chew. You should spend a little more time learning about your partners. Sparky and I had a lovely talk while we helped her learn a few tricks for you."

Brandy felt she would only be told what those tricks were once they got used. Arming Sparky to cause trouble was certainly wise of Lea if she wanted to play to Sparky’s heart, but surely there was some kind of Gym Leader code about this sort of thing!

“You didn’t pass today, but there’s always next time,” Orchid said, getting up and rubbing herself down. “Goodness, I need a shower. You can take pride in your stamina, Brandy, for certain. I haven't had to push myself that hard in a while.”

Orchid looked up, then blushed as she saw everyone staring at her butt. Even Lea had her eyes locked on, trying to hide her gaze behind her long green hair.

“Still gonna deny you got a type, Lea?” Sparky said, grinning as she slid down Honeycrisp’s arm.

“Yes! These two are my partners because I love them. It’s nothing to do with... with... butts,” Lea huffed. Honeycrisp laughed as she ruffled Lea’s hair.

Brandy didn’t believe that one bit.

Still, it was nice to at least end this feeling good. Failing the challenge wasn’t the ideal outcome, and money issues would become a problem fast. But Brandy would rather she learned her lessons and become a better Trainer than coast through. She’d found that even her luck had an endpoint.

She had two Pokémon, and they would find a way together.

And when she came back? She’d smash the Gym Challenge so hard they’d have to buy new windows!

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