I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 187: Prelude to War 3

Chapter 187: Prelude to War 3

Anna and Dan-Bi were confused.

After Naomi said they were in a war against the Esper Association, their brains stopped working.

Mischa had recovered first; then she looked worriedly at Anna and Dan-Bi, who stopped moving right after Naomi went upstairs with Julia.

Umm, are you okay? She asked worriedly.

They recovered from their shock when they heard Mischas worried voice.

Ah! Anna exclaimed, Im okay. But, umm, where is Princess? I seem to hear something absurd just now. She looked around only to see that Naomi was not there.

She only saw Dan-Bi's tired expression on her face as she looked at her, Anna take the reality. Princess said that the Esper Association had declared War on us.

Anna looked sad right after Dan-Bi said that.

So that really happens? Are we really going to War? muttered Anna.

I guess so. The sign has been there for a while now. I believe Princess was going to bed at this time because shes tired from all the things that happened. Said Dan-Bi.

It was rare for her to speak a long sentence. Anna knew that the situation was that serious, but she couldnt help but be sad about the situation.

Mischa felt left out from the conversation. She had only met the two of them today. Not only that, when she thought about it, they didnt even talk with each other.

They look just a bit older than me. I should try to become closer to them.

She made small guts pose as she decided it.

When she looked at their sad expression, she remembered the children that were admitted to the training facility alongside her.

They always had the same sad and worried expression on their faces.

At first, Mischa couldnt understand what had happened to them, but now she understood it.

She didnt know what happened to those children because she was moved when she was 12. So she only knew that some of them had died from the harsh training and experiments that were conducted in that training facility.

I hope the rest of them manage to survive.

Umm, I think you dont need to worry about that. Naomi will certainly think something.

Anna and Dan-Bi looked at Mischa. They hadnt expected that Mischa would try to cheer them up.

Maybe she didnt know what happened to them two years ago, but they appreciated her worry. Finally, Anna realized that she wasnt even trying to talk to Mischa.

Huh? Its strange. I usually talk to people easily, but why is she different? She wondered. Is it because shes from the Esper Association?

She was confused, Ah, Im sorry to make you worried about us. But she felt like she should apologize.

No, you dont need to apologize to me. Because well Actually, I was a bit worried about War as well. But... Mischa paused a little and smiled at Anna and Dan-Bi. I believe we will be okay.

Huh? Anna and Dan-Bi were confused.

Why did she be so confident that things would be okay? They didnt even know why the War happened yet.

All they knew was Naomi was now tired because of it.

Their Princess, who was invincible for them, was tired.

Why are you so calm? Asked Dan-Bi.

She was concerned about War.

She didnt want any kind of violence. But she knew that sometimes violence was needed to protect something.

Like what Naomi did.

She was ready to fight the world when she saved them.

Are you not afraid? Asked Dan-Bi with a concerned tone.

Mischa smiled wryly at her question.

I am afraid. She answered.

Then why? Why are you able to keep your calm? Asked Dan-Bi again.

She had always been a coward. She was afraid to use her ability.

She was afraid that she would injure other people if she used her ability.

Although Anna had used her ability to suppress hers, she was still afraid to use it.

Why are you able to smile like that even when Princess told us that the Esper Associations leader declared war on us?

Each sentence from her mouth brought her to the edge of tears. Finally, tears began to fall from her face, dripping through her cheek, and they dropped to the ground from her chin.

Sob, I I just wanted to live peacefully. Away from all kinds of violence. Like my life in the last two years.

Dan-Bi muttered Anna, clearly concerned with Dan-Bi.

She knew how hard life was in that lab.

She was fortunate enough that Naomi saved her. She was also lucky enough to have a friend to share her sorrow.

My life was hell before Princess saved me. She gave us a peaceful life. Yet why why did they want to take it away from us again?! Dan-Bi shouted at Mischa.

I know Mischa muttered. She was looking straight at Dan-Bi.

Dan-Bi's appearance now reminded her of herself. It reminded her of when she cried in front of Naomi.

She remembered that Naomi was frowning when she saw her crying.

I know about that. I, too, want a peaceful life. Said Mischa. She was smiling; she tried to give Dan-Bi her best smile.

Anna was watching. She knew that it was not her time to interfere.

Although I dont know why the Esper Associations leader, Avos, declared war against Naomi, I know one thing for sure. She looked at Dan-Bi seriously, Naomi will not allow anyone to get hurt. Not only that, I had decided.

Mischa paused a little. She took a deep breath then gave Dan-Bi a reassuring smile, I will fight beside Naomi in this fight. So please dont worry about it. Even if the enemy is the Esper Association, just remember that Naomi has a lot of reliable friends and comrades. So you dont have to fight; live your life however you want to.

Mischas happy smile turned into a sad one.

Because you are free. You are free to choose.

Dan-Bi stopped crying. She wiped her tears off her face and looked at Mischa.

Umm Im sorry. She apologized, Im sorry for my words earlier I-I didnt mean anything bad.

Yes, dont worry about it. I understand. Answered Mischa.

Both of them then smiled at each other.

Seeing the situation had turned better, Anna smiled too. She then remembered that they had not introduced themselves to each other.

Ah! She clapped her hands and took Mischas hands. My name is Homuhara Anna! Rekkas little sister. Nice to meet you!

Ah! Dan-Bi made a surprised sound as she covered her mouth with her hand. She also noticed that she had yet to introduce herself to Mischa, Umm, my name is Lee Dan-Bi. Nice to meet you. She looked embarrassed because she had forgotten to introduce herself to Mischa.

Mischa smiled and nodded her head, Yes, its nice to meet you. My name is Mischa Belyaeva. I hope we can get along in the future.

The three girls then quickly became friends. They talked about what they like, their favorite foods, and other things.

They didnt realize two people were peeking at them from the stairs.

They have gotten along well, arent they, Princess? Julia asked Naomi who was worried about the relationship between the three of them.

She wanted Mischa to make other friends, but when she entered the house and saw the three of them, she noticed an awkward atmosphere around them.

That was why she went upstairs and secretly pulled Julias clothes, gesturing to follow her upstairs.

Yeah. I can rest assured of that. Naomi then walked upstairs. There was a slight smile on her face.

Please leave both of them here with me, Princess. I will protect them. Julia bowed her head a little.

Nah, dont worry about that. They are strong enough to protect themselves. Naomi waved her hand at Julia. She then stopped in front of her room in the base and opened the door. If I am not inside my room by tomorrow, you can throw all my clothes away.

She then entered her room and closed the door behind her.

Julia was surprised by what Naomi said. But, as a maid of the house, she only bowed her head and followed Naomis instruction, Certainly.

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