I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 223: Prelude to War 39

Chapter 223: Prelude to War 39

As Mischa and Naomi decided to go to Tokyo to find another Ramen shop, the situation in the base in Germany was rather tense.

The important members of the Moon of Akasha, such as Rekka, Chi, Hyun-Woo, Mizuki, even Melaine, and unsurprisingly, the hostage, Angella, gathered in the meeting room. Bel was also here because she wanted to know the truth directly from Melaines mouth.

There was only one reason why they gathered in the meeting room. It was due to Melaine and Angellas conversation that they seemed to have another plan without anyones knowledge. Melaine even took Angella out of his cell and requested the meeting herself to tell the others the truth of her plan.

For that reason, Melaine and Angella sat between the tables, surrounded by five pairs of eyes who looked at them suspiciously.

I have no reason to doubt you, considering what you did for us. But, Melaine I will ask this. Rekka started the conversation as he sat on the chair at the end of the table, looking straight at Melaines eyes. What had truly happened?

He was not a fool. He could roughly guess what had happened from the conversation between Melaine and Angella in the cell.

It went something like Naomis body couldnt handle her strength or something. Hence, Melaine asked Angella to use whatever his ability was to help Naomi. As a side-effect of Angellas ability, Naomi was turned into a boy, which was turned back again by using the extracted ability in the form of the ring.

This was where Rekka was confused. Why did Melaine go through the effort to create the Ring if Angella is working together with her in the first place?

Melaine couldve asked Angella to turn Naomi back to normal, but she didnt do that. Instead, she hastened the research about extracting Espers ability to create the Ring.

The others were also curious, but they still wanted to believe in Melaine, who had been together with them for two years.

Even though suspicious gazes were surrounding Melaine, she was not nervous. Instead, she looked straight at Rekkas eyes, as he was the one who held most authority now that Naomi was still out, and answered his question.

First of all, let me tell you about SSS-Ranked Esper. Scratch that; let me tell you about Avos first, as hes the source of all Esper, the one who brought the change to this world.

Rekka narrowed his eyes when he heard Melaine. He was genuinely curious about why Esper could appear in this world. There was no one who knew the origin of Espers appearance. They only knew that the first Esper in the world was found in 2110; it was a guy from India.

But, the guys identity wasnt clear, and the description of his power was lost after a few decades. Only a few scientists or researchers remembered his power.

However, Melaine said that Avos was the one who brought change to this world.

Lets hear it. I will tell Princess about your story later. Rekka said as he leaned his hands against the table, interested in the detail about Avos.

Alright. But you dont need to bother yourself. I bet Lady Naomi had known the truth since she met me two years ago. Melaine nodded and smiled. The others, including Angella, who already seemed to know the story, focused on Melaine.

Melaine was one of the first generations of Esper; surely, she knew the reason how Esper could appear in this world. So she started her story.

As youve known, Avos, Angella, and I have lived for a long time. More than 90 years to be exact, and I was married to Avos for more than 20 years before I finally left him due to... some complicated problems.

They knew more or less about Melaines age due to her telling almost everyone about it. As such, hearing her real age was not too surprising.

Everyone mustve thought. Where did the first Esper come from? Asked Melaine. Unsurprisingly, there are many theories, such as that humans mutated due to material from meteors. Or there is an Alien who experimented on humans, and Espers Ability was the result of that Experiment. There were also those who blamed a Virus as the origin of Espers ability.

I have read about those theories. Chi chimed. Amongst the ones in this room, she was the most knowledgeable about Espers ability as she was one of the leading researchers in the Moon of Akasha alongside Jorden. The most famous theory is about the virus. It said that the Espers brain is different from normal people because the virus changed the Espers brain.

Melaine looked at Chi and nodded her head. Your explanation is correct. That theory is the correct one.

Chi shook her head. Really? I thought that was only a theory, so I never thought about it too deeply. However it was real, huh?

However, that left a question. Where did the virus come from? Mizuki asked as she crossed her legs. Even with our information gathering techniques, we never found out what caused humans to mutate into Esper.

Its not strange that no one could even find where the virus that mutated humans into Esper came from. To explain it, I will explain about Avos first. Melaine glanced at Angella, and he somehow nodded his head.

Rekka had prepared his ability in case he wanted to do something, but no. Angella only took out a chip from his mouth and handed it to Melaine. The chip was a data storage that could be connected to the Holo Phone.

Melaine took the chip and connected it to her Holo Phone before sharing the screen with the big screen in the room. On the screen, a picture of a young man with white hair and red eyes appeared alongside his data that was written on the side.

Everyone in the room looked at the screen, and Melaine said, Avos has an ability to control Space. He could open a portal connecting two-place like Luna, but he was more than that. He can open a portal to a different space too.

Mizuki, Chi, and Rekka noticed what Melaine meant instantly. They looked at Melaine in disbelief but were greeted with a wry smile.

Dont tell me Mizuki muttered, to which Melaine answered with a nod.

Yes. The virus came from a different space. Maybe a different space was hard to understand, so I will make it simple. Avos and the Virus came from a different world than this one. Thats what I found out before I parted ways with Avos.

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