I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 232: Above the Cloud 7

Chapter 232: Above the Cloud 7

The Military Base was a bit away from Akasa Inc.s building, so Naomi was thinking of using a car to get to the Military Base.

Fortunately, the Bugatti that she used when she first visited was available in the parking lot. She quickly opened the lock with her Master Key and entered the car.

The employees of Akasa Inc. who saw Naomi enter the car were confused. They didnt know why she suddenly used a car instead of flying like usual.

But Naomi didnt know what they thought. She started the car engine and skillfully drove it out of the parking lot, leaving the employees who looked at her behind.

Two men employees looked at each other before saying.

Somehow, she looks cool. The first man said, to which the second man replied with a nod.

Yeah. Thats our CEOs daughter, no? Akasa Naomi, the newly appointed Lieutenant General and the one known as Mugetsu, the worst Esper.

Indeed, she is. The first man answered. However, shes not as scary as the rumor said. She even returned our greeting if we greeted her first.

But, where is she going? She even took a car with her instead of flying like usual. The second man wondered.

Maybe she just went for a walk?

Thats possible.


On her way to the Military base, Naomi smiled while looking at the road in front of her as well as the building that became a blur due to her fast speed.

Because she didnt know the direction to the Military Base, she used the GPS installed in the car to show her the path.

[200 meters, then turn to the left.]

The GPS feminine voice rang, and Naomi followed the direction without any question. She drove the car through the streets of Berlin, going to the Military Base located near Spandau Citadel.

As expected. Driving a car has a different feeling than flying. I should take Mischa for a drive someday. She shouted happily as she controlled her car to pass the others.

Some people that she passed by swore loudly, but she didnt know what had happened. However, she found out the reason shortly after turning to the left at the intersection.

The street she was in had a speed limit of 50km/h, but she drove her car past the speed limit without care all this time, without knowing about it.

Oh. I broke the speed limit. Naomi thought as she hit the brake to slow her car down.

After seeing the speed limit, she kept the speed under the limit.

Have to follow the law. I have an official position now.


After driving for a few minutes, Naomi arrived at a big Military base near Spandau Citadel. The Military Base was bigger than an airport. It was around 2x3 KM in size and was surrounded by a 3 meters wall and three different entrances.

Naomi stopped at the front entrance, guarded by a dozen military men with guns in their hands. She found out that all of them were Esper because they had Esper pressure coming from them.

Seeing that the gate was opened, Naomi drove her car inside but was stopped by the military that guarded the entrance.

Two military men stood in front of her car to stop it while one man approached the left of the car, on the side where Naomi sat.

Please stop. This is the first Military Base in Germany. No one without business inside is allowed to enter. The man said with a serious expression.

The military man didnt know who was inside the car because of the tinted window. It was his job to stop anyone from entering the base without permission, so he put on a serious expression that fit with his dark green military uniform.

Naomi didnt mind as they only did their job. She lowered the car window to show them her face and said.

I have some business inside. Move. She said in a commanding tone.

Usually, the people that she talked to with that tone would shrink in fear and move away as fast as they could. However, for some reason, the military man frowned and asked.

And, who are you, lady? Whats your business on the Military Base? Please tell me, so I can ask my superior. He said jokingly. He didnt appear to take Naomi seriously.

Huh? Naomi was confused.

She never got herself into a situation like this. Then, she remembered that her face had changed greatly in the last few days, and her hair had become longer too.

If you have no business in our base, please turn back and leave, lady. Currently, we are a bit busy in this base. The man said as he stared at Naomi.

Could it be that he doesn't recognize me? She asked herself.

Considering that almost everyone knew her, it was a fresh situation that had never happened before. She grinned and leaned against the car window, looking at the man with an amused look.

Whats your name and position, sir? In my homeland, its just polite to introduce yourself before asking another persons name. She said.

The other men looked at the situation with amused looks. Some of them even giggled while trying to hide it with their hands.

They must be bored. Standing guards all day without anything happening must make them bored. Naomi understood their pains, as she had always been bored in the past.

The man in front of Naomi appeared to be pissed a little. His veins appeared in his temple as he said.

My name is Louis Springer. I am a Sergeant, the captain of those who guarded the first entrance of the first Military Base. The man, Louis, introduced himself forcefully while trying to hold his anger.

From what he saw, the girl inside the car appeared to be from a wealthy family. He knew what those girls from wealthy families thought. They thought they could get anything they wanted by using their parents money.

He also wanted to take his job seriously because it was a crucial time. The Military all over Germany had been ordered on stand by because the Esper Association had declared War against the Moon of Akasha.

Why doesn't she just screw off from the base and make my job easier? He thought.

However, he never expected the girl to be so persistent that she asked for his name. He was bad with a type like her, so he wanted to make her turn around and leave the entrance.

But, the surprise didnt end there. The girl grinned and said.

I see. A Sergeant, huh? She asked. And yet, you dont recognize me?

Unfortunately, I am not. Please tell me your name, and if you dont have any business inside the Military Base, please turn around. As I said earlier, we are busy.

Hearing Louis words, Naomi chuckled in amusement.

I see. Thats my bad. My name is Akasa Naomi, and my position is Lieutenant General. So Sergeant Louis. Why dont you be a nice gentleman and order your subordinates to move away from my way? I have business inside the Military Base. Is that clear? Naomi raised her voice to imitate soldiers from a movie.

Louis froze in his place when he heard the name. His eyes widened, and he was lost in thought.

So, Sergeant. How many times do I need to repeat it? Move!

The men in front of Naomis car looked at Louis in confusion. Louis looked back at them and nodded slightly before turning to Naomi again.

P-please do forgive me for not recognizing you, Lieutenant-General. He apologized as sweat dripped from his forehead.

He made a terrible mistake. He stopped Akasa Naomi, the newly appointed Lieutenant-General, from entering the Military Base.

His men quickly moved away as they heard the title that the person inside the car held.

Umu. Good work. Next time, remember my face. I will visit the base a lot. Naomi said as she closed the car window again without waiting for Louis answer.

Yes. Lieutenant-General. Louis answered as he saluted.

Naomi then drove her car, entering the Military Base while the men looked at her car dumbfoundedly.

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