I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 239: Above the Cloud 14

Chapter 239: Above the Cloud 14

After Naomi left, Tetsuma also walked away from the training ground, not before giving the trainees the training menu left for the day.

He needed to change his plan for the day as his daughter unexpectedly came to visit the Military Base.

This meeting will become rather messy. Tetsuma thought.

However, his lips were curled into a smile, knowing that his reliable daughter was on the Military Base.

As much as he wanted to keep Naomi out of the war, he knew that they needed her power. Furthermore, Avos himself had personally declared War in front of Naomi.

While the Germany Military didnt get directly involved in the War, Moon of Akasha was still a part of their organization.

Not to mention, the German Military had some beef to settle with the Esper Association too. So Ingrid decided to involve the Military to aid Moon of Akasha in the War against the biggest Esper organization that extended its influence all over the world.

The Esper Association was essentially an organization with power spread all over the world, and the number of people affiliated with the Association could easily pass the total of Germanys citizens.

That meant every power was necessary. Even so, the power of an Esper who could easily beat SSS-Ranked Esper without any effort. Naomis power.

Its sad, really. I wanted her to live in peace, but I never thought she was the one who came out of my hard-built peace herself.

Tetsuma sighed as he entered the biggest building on the Military Base. It was located near the Training Ground, just a 5 minute walk from it.

The building was white in color, and it was the place where only Senior Officers or someone with a rank above Major was allowed to enter.

He was a Major as well as a Senior Officer, so he got a face pass when he entered the building.

Four soldiers that were guarding in front of the building saluted at the same time when they saw Tetsuma.

Good afternoon, Major Tetsuma! One of the soldiers, the captain of the guard, greeted Tetsuma out of courtesy.

Good work, Tetsuma answered lightly before entering the building. The building was big, around 100x100 meters, and it had a high ceiling.

The building itself only had three floors, with the first floor being the reception and for working on a document.

The second floor was for the Senior Officers office, while the third floor had a big meeting room that could fit all Officers and the office of the General and Lieutenant-General. The General was someone with Ingrids full trust and the one who held the second highest position in Germany.

He spent most of his time inside his office in this first Military Base on Ingrids order, while Ingrid mostly spent most of her time in the main office a bit away from the first Military Base.

Also, the Lieutenant-General office had been neglected for a long time because no one had that rank before Naomi, but now it had been re-furnished in case Naomi needed to work in the office.

Tetsuma was a bit famous among the soldiers, as most of them had actually undergone his training. So when the people inside the building saw Tetsuma walking inside, they greeted him with a smile.

Of course, Tetsuma answered them. However, he didnt stop his feet as he climbed the stairs to the third floor. The building had no elevator for some safety reason, so the stairs were the only way to get to the higher floor.

Only a few people were on the third floor, such as the Generals secretary and some bodyguards composed of a few S-Ranked Espers.

The secretary walked out of the General room, bringing some stack of documents in hand, and walked past Tetsuma. The secretary was a girl with brown hair, appearing in her mid-twenties. She wore a dark green military uniform with a short skirt and black pantyhose.

When the secretary saw Tetsuma, who stood in front of the room, she turned to him and called out. Major Tetsuma, its rare to see you in this building.

Oh, Eveline. I have something to talk about with the General about the meeting later.

I see. The General is in his room. Please just enter. He has finished his work for today. The secretary, Eveline, smiled sweetly and stepped to the left before gesturing to Tetsuma to enter the room.

Thank you, Tetsuma said, returning the smile.

Youre welcome. Well then, Major Tetsuma. I will excuse myself as I still have some work to do. Eveline saluted for a second before turning around and walking away toward the downstairs.

Tetsuma watched Eveline leave. Surely, he only appreciated the girl who hadnt hit her thirties yet working hard in the harsh Military environment as the Generals secretary.

Furthermore, she was the one who chose to work in this Base; no one forced her to do it. Of course, that didnt mean she was able to become the Generals secretary just by working hard. Her family had something to do with it, but no one really hated her because she had the ability to do her job.

But, looking at her, Tetsuma had a thought.

Her situation may be more similar to Naomi's. Shes also installed as a Lieutenant-General because of me and Melaines position, but No one opposed her because of what she is capable of.

Once again, Tetsuma felt a bit down, seeing that his daughter got caught in all this mess because of his and Mizukis decision. He admitted that he made a mistake, leaving Naomi alone in Japan while they were trying to build strength and protect Naomi from the shadow.

If only they were with their daughter all the time, would things become different?

He shook his head to clear his mind. Overthinking what had happened was useless. The most important thing was that his daughter appeared to be happy.

He turned toward the door of the Generals office and knocked on it three times.

General, this is Major Akasa Tetsuma, seeking a meeting. He said.

Enter, Tetsuma. Be at ease. A voice belonging to a man answered from beyond the door.

Yes. Tetsuma answered and opened the door before closing it as soon as he entered the room.

The Generals office room was not too big. It looked like a normal office with a working desk, two couches for guests, and two bookshelves on the side of the wall.

The General himself was sitting behind the working desk, smiling toward Tetsuma, as if he saw an old friend. He looked like a man in his fifties, wearing a dark green military uniform with six silver medals on his chest.

His hair had turned gray on some parts, and he put his hands together on top of the table.

I wonder what my friend needs right before the meeting? Please dont hold back and tell me what you need, my friend. The General said with a friendly tone.

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