I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 246: Above The Cloud 21

Chapter 246: Above The Cloud 21

The meeting room of the First Military Base was big.

Six rows of tables were in the room with chairs behind them. All those seats were facing forward to the big wooden desk with five chairs behind it, with the chair in the middle a step higher than the rest.

Five microphones sat right in front of each chair, and some speakers were installed on the ceiling.

The meeting room was already bustling with officers with a rank higher than Second Lieutenant. They were called for an emergency meeting by the General just this morning, and some of them were even in another country when they were called.

However, as the General implied that this meeting was an emergency and needed direct attention, they flew back to Germany to attend this meeting using private jets.

If this is an emergency, then is it related to that? One of the officers who sat in the last asked his colleague beside him.

About the plan to attack the Esper Association and destroy them once and for all, huh? The colleague asked seriously as he narrowed his eyes.

Must be it. The officer nodded.

So that means this is a War Council instead of a normal meeting? Seeing that there are only officers here. Another officer joined the conversation. He was the officer sitting on the table's second row and looked back.

The last and the second last rows were filled with Second-Lieutenant and First-Lieutenant officers, and they mostly came from the same training camp. So almost all of them knew each other and had a rather good relationship.

I also think thats the case. The first officer that started the conversation nodded.

Are you talking about the content of the meeting? Another officer that sat beside the first officer asked. I think you guys are correct. I met the Lieutenant-General in this base. If shes here, then the content of this meeting must be about the Esper Association. Because you know shes the worst opponent of the Esper Association.

The Lieutenant-General?! The three officers shouted at the same time, gaining the attention of the others that caused a chain of murmur among the participants of the meeting.

A-Are you sure that Akasa Naomi is here? The first officer asked the one who sat beside him.

I am sure. She even greeted all the people in the main building earlier. I have to say that shes a polite girl and doesnt really appear like the higher-up in the military. The man smiled, remembering his encounter with Naomi.

He was one of the few people from the second floor of the main building that had a chance to greet Akasa Naomi. He met her when he was walking to the meeting room, and she went to the second floor.

Are you telling the truth? Because the Akasa Naomi that I know is dignified and has the aura of a leader. Though I only saw her through the news of the press conference at that time.

I am telling the truth. The man said seriously. I think she can differentiate between private life and professional life. Anyway, shes not someone that you can judge with common sense. You will be blown away if you think of her like any regular person.

I see I will keep that in mind. More importantly, lets continue the topic earlier

As the officers discussed the possibility of the meeting in the meeting room, the important people, Naomi and Nicholas, were still talking in the hallway.

Before entering the meeting room, Nicholas briefed Naomi slightly about the meeting this time. And Naomi got surprised by what Nicholas had said. It was not an everyday thing that she got surprised about, but the news really got her.

So the Esper Association made a move? And they actively kidnap, or rather, catch some troublemaker Espers and give them two options. Either they will help the Esper Association in their war or rot in prison? Is that it? Naomi asked with a cold tone.

Yes. Thats the gist of it. And the meeting this time is not really a meeting. Its like a war council to prepare for the battle with the Esper Association. Nicholas answered with a nod.

She was a bit angry because she remembered the little girl that she saw with Mischa in Japan.

So that girl is just a victim like Mischa had thought. This is rather troublesome. I had promised not to drag some innocent in the war as much as I could, but the Esper Association forcefully armed the civilians to fight against us. Isnt Avos too hasty with his decision? Or does he not care about the civilians? Talk about making an organization to protect the civilians.

Naomi chuckled dangerously, causing the three people near her to feel a shiver down their spines. Eveline especially made the most obvious reaction; she took a step back from Naomi out of Fear. The General smiled wryly at the sight of Naomi.

Shes really something. He thought.

Tetsuma was the least affected, maybe because he had the utmost trust of his daughter.

Naomi. Her father put his hand on her shoulder, causing her to stop chuckling and look at him. Dont worry. We will save those Espers.

Naomi blinked a few times at his words before letting out a sound. Oh.

It seemed like his father misunderstood her anger. She was only angry because even when she tried not to do something, the other party did what she promised not to do. She felt like her idea had been trampled, and so she was angry.

But her father seemed to think that she was angry because she wanted to save those Espers. Really, her life was filled with misunderstandings.

However, as those misunderstandings worked to her advantage, she didnt really need to correct them.

Yes. She smiled at her father. You dont need to tell me that.

Alright. You already know the content of the meeting, right? I hope you can help me with something later. Lets enter for now. Nicholas said, walking to the door of the meeting room.

Eveline hurriedly ran toward the door too. It was her job to open it for Nicholas and the others. She opened the double door wide and stood on the side, holding it so it wouldnt close when the three people entered the room.

She also glared at the other officers to stop them from talking, and the busy and loud meeting room suddenly went quiet.

Nicholas entered the room shortly, followed by Tetsuma and Naomi.

Once the officers saw the sight of Naomi, some exclamations escaped their mouths. Some who only saw Naomi on the news were surprised by her transformation. She wasnt far from the ideal image of a female officer; only her clothes didnt really scream that she was part of the military.

Some strict officers wanted to tell her that she was disrespectful for not wearing a uniform, but they kept quiet as the strictest person in the room, The General, didnt say anything to her.

From that, they understood that even The General didnt have the power to tell her off. Or he didnt really mind with Lieutenant-General Akasa Naomi not wearing any uniform.

The General, Nicholas, sat on the middle seat that was a step higher from the others. Naomi sat on his right, and Tetsuma sat on the rightmost seat beside Naomi, while Eveline stood on the side of the table. It was an arrangement that they had prepared beforehand and told Naomi about.

As everyone was in their respective position, Nicholas coughed a little to clear his throat and said.

Lets begin the War Meeting. This time, we will talk about how to deal with the Esper Association.

With his words, the atmosphere of the room flipped one-eighty, becoming more serious.

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