I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 256: Dolls 7

Chapter 256: Dolls 7

Naomi, Mischa, and Rekka went to Akasa Inc.s main building to meet the Queen.

That building had almost all it needed to greet someone at the standing of the Queen, as the company was the biggest weapon manufacturer. Naturally, a lot of important people had visited before, so the reception was smooth.

On her way to the reception room, Naomi was briefed slightly by Rekka. He informed her the Prime Minister and the Police Chief were also present, accompanying the Queen on her visit.

From Germany, the Marshal herself was the one who greeted the Queen, while Mizuki represented Akasa Inc. to welcome Queen Elizabeth. Both countries had a good relationship, so naturally, both leaders also got along well.

However, there was still one thing that Naomi needed to look out for. And that was the Queens goal. No one knew why she suddenly visited Germany and why the meeting place was specifically set in the building of Akasa Inc. instead of the Marshal office in the main Military base.

From that, the Queens goal of visiting could be guessed. Whatever her goal was, it was related to Naomi or Akasa Inc.

Arriving in front of the reception room, Mischa fidgeted nervously beside Naomi while Rekka was standing behind them like an attendant.

Naomi noticed it. Then she smiled warmly at her friend to reassure her.

Dont worry about it, Mischa. Just think of the Queen as the kind lady that we met in the Opera last night.

Mischa smiled wryly at Naomis words. While Naomi tried her best to reassure, it worked the other way. It made her more nervous, thinking about how she acted in front of the Queen of England in that Opera house.

Only you can say that, Naomi. But thanks for calming me down. Mischa said, returning Naomis smile.

You dont look like you calmed down, though. Naomi doubted. Well, anyway. Just leave everything to Rekka and me. You dont need to say anything unless you are asked.

It is as Pri- Lady Naomi said, Mischa. Just leave everything to us. Rekka added. He almost called Naomi Princess out of habit, but her glare managed to stop him and made him change the way he called her.

Yes. Thank you. Mischa chuckled lightly.

Well then, lets enter. Rekka.


Rekka walked first and opened the door for Naomi. It was something that she learned while reading some books about manners. Boss wouldnt open the door themselves; they let their subordinates open it for them.

As soon as the door was opened, the atmosphere changed considerably. It became heavier and tense. It was like a War, but it was peaceful enough that some people were laughing inside.

Especially the three women in the room. They laughed as if they were best friends. The two men looked uncomfortable, sitting beside the middle-aged lady.

When Naomi entered, the two mens faces beamed. Finally, the last person that they had been waiting for arrived.

Oho? I see. So its really you, young couple. One of the men, the person that Naomi and Mischa met in the Opera house, smiled warmly when he noticed Mischa walking beside Naomi.

The women stopped talking, too, shifting their attention to Naomi.

Youre finally here, Mizuki said. Youre quite late. We have talked about almost everything.

I am sorry. I spent too much time preparing myself. Naomi apologized, walking to the empty chair beside Ingrid and sitting on it.

Mischa quietly sat beside Naomi, and Rekka stood between them without uttering a single word.

Fufufu, we cant blame the young Naomi, cant we? I know shes busy preparing her organization for the imminent War that is about to happen. Germanys Marshal, Ingrid, jested. She grinned from ear to ear, like the head of the military she was.

However, Marshal Queen Elizabeth has personally visited us to talk about some matters

Please, Lady Mizuki. I dont mind. Surely, Miss Naomi has something important to do. Its my fault for visiting so suddenly. Queen Elizabeth assured. Her smile was so calm and serene, unlike the warm smile she had shown Naomi and Mischa when they met her.

I guess shes also a leader of a country. She has two faces. Personal and Work face. Naomi mused, praising the Queen.

The woman before him was an experienced leader, much more like Ingrid. Even if Naomi was also a leader like them, her experience was nothing compared to theirs. In a way, she was at a disadvantage.

However, she also held an advantage because it seemed like they were specifically waiting for her to talk about something of importance. This meant they required her input and opinion regarding the matter and couldnt proceed without her.

Every time something had to involve her in the fray, then that something must be something dangerous that no one else could solve. Maybe something related to a meteor fall? Or maybe even the moon had been pulled to Earth by some Espers, so they needed her to solve the problem?

She doubted it. It shouldnt be something that idiotic. In that case, the Esper Association would create some news and blame those things on Naomi. For the record, she had a history of pulling a meteor to Earth to destroy a building in the past.

And, what is this thing that the Queen needs me for? I will be happy to help as long as the others allow it. She asked curiously, looking around the room before stopping her gaze at Queen Elizabeth.

Its this. Unexpectedly, the one who answered her question was the man with white hair. He was the Police Chief of England, Philips.

The Chief handed Naomi a piece of paper, something rather unusual in her opinion. Even she stopped handling some papers after she stopped handling documents.

She took the paper and read what was written on it. Her expression changed rather quickly as she read it slowly. Curiosity, then excitement, then disappointment.

Naomi didnt expect that her enemy would resort to this. She had heard about the Queen from Rekka. While she understood that the existence of another SSS-Ranked Esper could be dangerous for the Esper Association, giving the warning to the Queen would create the opposite effect.

Her opinion of Avos plummeted, but then, the man was smart. That Avos wouldnt do something like this.

So Naomi said, This is not from the Esper Association. They would never do this.

Mischa, who secretly read the content of the paper beside Naomi, nodded. She agreed with Naomi that no one in the Esper Association would be this stupid to send a warning to a country. It made their reputation look bad.

I think so too. Queen Elizabeth nodded. Thats why I want to borrow. No, meet someone. I would like to have him investigate something. She continued.

Someone? Naomi asked, putting her head on her hands. Who might it be?

A person named Abel. I want to meet that person and ask him to help us investigate this matter. The Queen said.

Naomi squinted her eyes. She looked at the Queens serious gaze and thought, Who is that? Who is Abel?

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