I was bored so I made a secret organization

Chapter 274: Same but Different Dream 6

Chapter 274: Same but Different Dream 6

After doing her own training, Naomi lay on the grass, looking at the blue sky. It had been 2 hours since she talked with Anna, and the residents of the house began to wake up while Anna went to sleep, preparing to work as requested by Naomi this afternoon.

Dan-Bi and Julia went down to the base to help Rekka and Hyun-Woo. They were dressed in suits, which was an unusual sight. Maybe because they could leave the island freely now, their expressions were bright, bringing a smile to Naomis face too.

For her own training, it progressed rather smoothly.

I am close to what I want to be. I just need to test it a little with Melaine later to see if I can do what I try to do.

When she thought about that and raised her body, she saw Mischa walking toward her, holding two white cups in her hand. For some reason, Mischa only wore a baggy white robe, her pajamas. Maybe she felt at ease wearing those clothes, so Naomi didnt comment on anything, only appreciating Mischas beauty silently.

Good work, Naomi, Mischa said, smiling warmly at her lover and giving her one of the cups in her hand. The cup was still hot, filled with black liquid.

A coffee? Thank you.

Youre welcome.

Mischa answered as she sat beside Naomi, enjoying the lush grass and the morning wind that blew at them. Her hair was unruffled, dancing in the sky beside Naomis. It looked impossible, but the wind was strong enough to make their hair dance because they were on the flying island.

Enjoying the aroma of the coffee, Naomi smiled and sipped it slowly. The bitter taste, followed by the sweet sugary taste, filled her mouth, making her smile.

This is good, Mischa.

Thank god. I am glad you enjoyed it.


The atmosphere between them was calm. The young couple enjoyed their time together. How good would it be if the world wasnt in turmoil?

In the situation right now, the best thing Naomi could do was to prepare herself to fight Avos. She put the cup on the ground and took her holo phone, booting it.

Mischa glanced at Naomis holo phone, but she didnt say anything. Instead, she leaned closer to Naomi to see it better.

Naomi didnt mind Mischas advance. She opened her message, but there was no new one after Melaines last message with only the word Moon written on it. Melaine also didnt call her, so Naomi only thought that Melaine had sent a random message to her.

But it is strange that there is no follow-up message. Should I investigate it a little?

It is a bit strange. A murmur escaped her lips.

Strange? Is it about the last message from Melaine? Mischa asked curiously.

Yes. Naomi nodded. Melaine isnt someone who sends a joke message, unlike Hyun-Woo. So this one word, Moon, certainly meant something. But I dont know what it is.

Thats indeed strange. Should we ask her directly?

I plan to do that. But, Mischa. I think you need to dress up a little first. Naomi glanced at Mischas exposed cleavage as she said that. Its I dont want anyone to see you like that.

Eh? Mischa looked down at her clothes before turning to Naomi again, red-faced.

Seeing her expression, Naomi blinked a few times before asking, Could it be, you dont realize?

Uhhh Mischa let out a defeated sound as she buried her face in Naomis chest, trying to hide her body from her sight.

Naomi chuckled happily. Who knew that Mischa was unexpectedly a little airhead? Well, she knew about it since the incident on Avos Island, where she didnt even check her hotel room, but this was something new.

Now, now, change your clothes quickly. I am a girl too. You dont need to be embarrassed like that. Or do you want to see my body so we can call it even? Naomi pulled Mischa away and unbuttoned her shirt, showing her sexy black underwear to Mischa with a naughty smile. So? Are we even now?

You bully! Mischa shouted with a red face as she ran toward the house. It seemed like her lover was cuter than she thought.

Hahaha. Naomi laughed happily. She buttoned her shirt again as she used her Telekinesis to bring the empty cups back to the house. Then, she looked at the sky. The moon was visible even though the sun had already risen.

The moon, huh? What are you trying to tell me, Melaine?


Turning back the time a little.

It was last night when Naomi and Mischa had their amusement park date. Melaine and Mizuki went to England with the help of Hotaru. The location where they teleported to was near Buckingham Palace, where the Queen resided.

They were here because of a matter regarding Abel, someone that Her Majesty Queen of England asked them to find.

Their visit wasnt known to anyone else besides the Queen. Mizuki had contacted Her Majesty beforehand, and they agreed to meet at the garden of Buckingham Palace.

We just need to enter stealthily from here, right? Melaine asked Mizuki as she activated her ability, stopping the time around them. The only exception to her ability was Mizuki and Hotaru. They could still move in the stopped time due to Melaines precise control.

Indeed. Accompanying Her Majesty would be the Prime Minister, Paul, and the Chief of the Police, Philips. This is not a formal visit, so we can talk comfortably, or so she said. I dont know if I can do that, though. Mizuki replied with a wry smile. Talking comfortably to the Queen wasnt something she could do.

The only one who dared to do that was only Naomi. Even so, it made her heart beat faster when her daughter talked comfortably to the Queen at that meeting.

Then, lets get to the meeting place.

Mizuki and Hotaru nodded at Melaines words. They entered the palace area rather easily, unnoticeable by the royal guards. They went to the back of the palace where the garden was located. There, the Queen, the Prime Minister, and the Chief of Police were already waiting near a gazebo.

Melaine stopped right in front of them with Mizuki and Hotaru behind her. Slowly, she made the Queen and her escort to be able to move inside her stopped time. They would conduct the meeting secretly, so it was better for them to meet inside the stopped time so there would be no witnesses.

The Queen and her escorts were able to move in a few seconds. They appeared confused, and their eyes widened when they saw Melaine and the others.

Mizuki stepped forward and bowed, her hand on her chest to make them calm.

Greetings, Her Majesty. I am sorry for contacting you so suddenly. She said.

She was expecting the Queen to frown in displeasure, but on the contrary, the Queen smiled kindly.

Please, dont worry. Youve followed my selfish request and even brought the said person here. It is I that must be thankful to you, Miss Mizuki.

Eh? Mizuki let out a surprised sound at the Queens reply.

The said person?

Her Majesty the Queen was searching for Abel. And they also tried to find Abel because Mizuki and Melaine expected Abel to be the spy that they were searching for.

However, the Queen said that they brought the said person here. That meant

Mizuki immediately turned to look at Hotaru, and Melaine put her in place, stopping her time, only allowing her face to move.

Usually, Hotaru would be freaked out when Melaine did this. However, she appeared to be calm this time and only smiled a little.

The Queen approached them with a steady step, stopping in front of Hotaru.

Its been a long time, Abel. You cant fool my eyes, you know? Even if you change the air around you and have a different name, youre still a child that I found at that time.

Hehehe, I really cant beat you. As expected from you, Mother.

Mother?! Mizuki and Melaine shouted at the same time, surprised.

What an unruly kid. Always running around doing detective work. What should I do to you. The Queen put her hand on her cheek, sighing tiredly.

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