I Was Mistaken as a Monstrous Genius Actor

Chapter 6: Concept (2)

Chapter 6: Concept (2)

Translator: Dreamscribe

Kang Woojin recalled Song Manwoo PD, whom he met yesterday on ‘Super Actor’ and who was currently on the phone.

‘There wasn’t anything particularly memorable about him, was there?’

The only thing that was somewhat clear was the fact that he had a beard? And that he was a big shot PD. Of course, the source of this part was his friend, Kim Daeyoung. Anyway, there were few reasons for big shot PD Song Manwoo to call Woojin.

No, it was okay to say there were none. But why did he call?



Something brushed past in Woojin’s mind for a moment. Is this a request to appear in the second round of ‘Super Actor’? He didn’t know the internal affairs of the variety show, but since Song Manwoo was a judge, there was a possibility.

‘It’s bothersome.’

The good thing was that Kang Woojin wasn’t currently feeling the embarrassment from yesterday. Because he knew that his acting was not trash. Soon, Woojin, who was slowly scratching his chin, cleared his throat softly.

‘First of all, it’s better to keep up the act.’

Then an extremely dry tone of voice popped out.

“I think you should tell me why first.”

PD Song Manwoo’s response on the other side of the phone was heard immediately.

“Ah, right.”

“I told you that I won’t appear in ‘Super Actor’. I told the main PD.”

“No, no, that’s different. Totally different.”

“Then what is it?”

“Hmm- it’s a little difficult to do over the phone. I’d prefer to do it face to face with you, Woojin. Would that be difficult?”

Wow, it’s a bit burdensome. As Kang Woojin murmured inwardly, PD Song Manwoo spoke again.

“You said you’re a designer, right? What time do you usually finish work? I imagine you have a lot of overtime because it’s the design field.”

“No, I recently quit my job.”

“······As expected.”

As expected? Why is he saying ‘as expected’ here? The answer to that also came from PD Song Manwoo.

“You’ve made up your mind, haven’t you?”

The meaning behind Song Manwoo PD’s words was whether he had decided to show his presence, but Kang Woojin was momentarily dumbfounded.

‘What resolution? What is this guy talking about by himself?’

He just couldn’t understand. It was thanks to the clear difference in positions, and Woojin maintained a dignified silence for the time being.


“So if you’ve quit your job, it wouldn’t be a problem to meet today, right?”

Correct answer. Kang Woojin is currently unemployed. He has time.


‘It would seem a little uncool if I just accepted so readily.’

Kang Woojin casually maintained his persona.

“I’m only available at 4pm.”

On the other side of the phone, PD Song Manwoo eagerly answered.

“Okay! 4pm! The place, I’m sorry, but there are a few others besides me. Could you come if I send you the address?”

“Who else will be there?”

“Oh, a few other related people.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Thank you, then I’ll send you the address, let’s meet at 4 o’clock.”


– Click.

And so, the call with PD Song Man-Woo ended. At the same time, Kang Woo-Jin checked the time. It was around 8:30 AM. There was plenty of time until 4 PM, and Woo-Jin murmured to himself while looking at the screen of his phone.

“But how famous is this PD Song Man-Woo?”

He had heard from Kim Dae-Young that he was a big shot. However, since Woo-Jin, who had little interest in the entertainment industry, couldn’t gauge it.


He searched for Song Man-Woo PD on a search engine. The search results were swift, and Kang Woo-Jin was quick to be surprised.

『[Entertainment Issue] Top actors line up for the of SBC’s Top PD, Song Man-Woo/Picture』

『Stars met! Netizens are excited at the news that PD Song Man-Woo and writer Park Eun-Mi have teamed up』




Even if he roughly checked the contents of tens of pages of articles, his popularity was tremendous. Thanks to this, Kang Woo-Jin, with his mouth open, mumbled softly.

“…Did this kind of person ask to meet me?”

Why? Why did he call me? Then Kang Woo-Jin’s interest rapidly cooled down. It’s meaningless to think about it.

“I’ll find out when I go.”

Then, Woo-Jin, who casually put aside thoughts of PD Song Man-Woo.


He put down his phone and picked up a script. There was plenty of time until the meeting, so he planned to read the script. As of yesterday, Woojin had finished reading ‘Elegant Daughter’, and now he was in the middle of reading ‘Gangster Prosecutor’. He had already passed halfway.

-Flip, flip.

It was, shall we say, strange.

“This is… kind of fun.”

Kang Woo-Jin, lying down, found reading scripts quite enjoyable. This was clearly strange. Normally, Woojin didn’t watch TV much. He had no interest in dramas or movies or other such content.

Even if he watched something, he usually stopped in the middle.

But reading scripts was different. His focus was considerable. The speed was fast. He was tens of times more entertained than when watching videos.

“Have I always been suited to reading?”

Or it could be due to that bizarre empty void that suddenly appeared. Whatever it was, Kang Woo-Jin sped up reading scripts. So, around 1 PM, Woo-Jin had read all the scripts and scenarios he received.

Of course, he couldn’t remember every detail of the works’ contents, but he grasped a suitable context. In that state, Kang Woo-Jin.


With his arms crossed, he picked a role from the works he read that he remembered well.

Then after.


He poked the black square and entered the empty space. By now, this process was quite natural.

“Let’s see.”

In the endless dark void, Woojin moved in front of the four white squares. What he chose was the second square.

-[2/Script (Title: Elegant Daughter Part 1), E grade]

-[*This is a drama script with a very high degree of completion. 100% reading is possible.]

It was the failed work, ‘Elegant Daughter’. Soon, new lines appeared under the white square. The feeling was similar to when he touched the script earlier.

However, there was one difference.

-[You have chosen Script (Title: Elegant Daughter, Part 1).]

-[List of characters available for reading (experience).]

-[A: Shim Hyung-woo, B: Jang Tae-san, C: Choi Gi-seop, D: Ko Doo-seok ….]

There were many characters available for reading. It seemed to be more than eight. It was expected. It was a full script, so there would be more than a partial script. Here, Woojin realized one thing.

“Only males characters are available.”

The genders had to match. Well, Woojin accepted this point. Just as sudden death was declined, so was becoming a female.



Woojin touched one of the listed characters he had already decided on. It was at the very end. Then suddenly a female voice echoed throughout the empty space.

A static, robotic voice.

[“‘J: Cafe Male Waiter’ reading preparation in progress…”]

The reason for the selection was simple. The role would be very short. After all, it was just for the experiment.

Anyway, Woojin waited in silence and


It didn’t take long for the woman’s voice to be heard again.

[“…Preparation complete. This is a highly completed script or scenario. Implementation is 100%. Reading will begin.”]

Just like that, Woojin was sucked into the large gray space.


Woojin, who had been in the empty space, returned to his one-room apartment.


With a sigh, he brushed back his short hair. There was no tension or surprise in his demeanor. Plus, there was no dazed expression or his mind was not blurred. Brain activity was normal.

Unlike when he was dealing with the partial script, everything was clear. Because he had already adapted.

“Why was I so dazed in the beginning?”

Woojin crossed his arms and tilted his head. After all, whether it was on the other side of the empty space or in this one-room apartment, it was the same reality. Both sides were directly experienced by Woojin. Then why did he react that way yesterday? Around this point, Woojin roughly found the answer.

“Well, it must have been my body rejecting it because it was the first time.”

He slowly analyzed his current state. From his brain to his heart, every nook and cranny. Soon he could feel it. Since he had experienced it directly, it was natural to remember vividly.

“I remember every single line of the ‘Cafe Male Waiter’.”

Even a few lines of dialogue were perfectly remembered. Like words that had been memorized thousands of times. It could be said to be engraving. This wasn’t just a matter of remembering because it was short.

Of course, the situation was similar on the other side.

From the character’s senses to emotions, thoughts, mood, etc., everything about the ‘Cafe Male Waiter’ that Woojin chose had seeped in. This was also the same as the partial script. There was no digestion process, he just adapted and accepted it.

Like a successful organ transplant without rejection.

So, the “Cafe Male Waiter” was transplanted into Kang Woo-jin. It was more like being possessed by a character rather than acting. It was practically equivalent to acting the role through possession rather than acting.


“…Wow- shit.”

Kang Woo-jin once again admired the capabilities of the void space. Well, being an actor is one thing, but just the experience of doing anything in the void space was worthwhile.

Isn’t it obvious?

He would have to keep using it to know, but if there were no conditions, he could really experience anything. Depending on the script or scenario, he could fly in the sky, and he could even use magic.

‘Of course, it’s temporary and brief depending on the role. And while I’m at it, I might as well become an actor. Should I aim to be a top star while I’m at it?’

At this moment, in Woo-jin’s mind,

‘Let’s live a completely different life once, no matter what it is. It’ll be really fun.’

His mind started to be filled with things he had never imagined before, like becoming an actor or acting. In that state, Kang Woo-jin picked up the short scenario ‘Exorcism’.

“But I have to check this ‘B-grade’ anyway-”

Kang Woo-jin who mumbled glanced at his watch. It was about time for his appointment.

“Let’s wash up first.”

A few hours later, around 4 p.m.

Kang Woojin arrived in front of a large building near Samseong Station. His outfit was the same as yesterday. Padded jacket and jeans. He looked up at the towering building.

“It’s really tall. Did he say it’s on the 5th floor?”

Woo-jin, who entered the building lobby, checked the information sign near the entrance. Floors 5 to 7 were occupied by the production company ‘C-Blue Studio’.

This was Kang Woo-jin’s destination.

When he had searched earlier, C-Blue Studio was a large production company in Korea.

“Well, whether it’s big or small, it doesn’t really matter to me.”

Woo-jin who casually mumbled to himself cleared his throat a little. To lower the tone of his voice. He then called Song Man-woo PD, on his phone. He picked up quickly.

“Oh, Mr. Woo-jin. Have you arrived?”

“Yes, I’m on the first floor.”

“I’ll send someone right away.”

A few minutes later, a woman who looked young approached Kang Woo-jin.

“You are Mr. Kang Woo-jin, right?”

She was an assistant director. Soon, Kang Woo-jin arrived at the C-Blue Studio on the 5th floor, following the assistant director.


“The PD is inside.”

The assistant director, who led Woo-jin to the door of a meeting room, gestured. It meant to go inside. Thanks to this, Woo-jin, reminding himself to get in the Concept, confidently opened the door.


The interior of the meeting room was quite spacious. In the center was a ‘ㄷ’-shaped desk and about six people were sitting there. All of them looked at Kang Woo-jin who had just entered.

Of course, among them was,

“Mr. Kang Woo-jin, nice to see you again.”

Song Man-woo PD with a goatee was there too. He was warmly welcoming Kang Woo-jin with a smile. True to his reputation as a heavyweight PD, his seat was in the middle among the six people.

At this time.


Kang Woo-jin was startled inside.

‘Oh my god! Hong Hye-yeon?!’

Because he saw the top actress angel,

Hong Hye-yeon. What’s this? Hong Hye-yeon is here? Woo-jin was dying to rub his eyes. He wanted to ask for a handshake. Like, “It’s good to see you again?” But he held back. He really desperately held back.

Because there was no place for awe in the concept that he had taken up.

Thanks to this, even though he made eye contact with Hong Hye-yeon, Kang Woo-jin was able to maintain a nonchalant face. Song Man-woo PD’s voice was heard next.

“I’m sure it’s a bit overwhelming with all these people around?”

Oh, you don’t say. If Hong Hye-yeon is here, you should’ve said so from the beginning. Although Kang Woo-jin complained inside, he responded casually on the outside. As if he didn’t care at all.

“There must be a reason.”

After that, Kang Woo-jin continued in a dry tone.


He pulled out a chair nearby and sat down. I guess it’s better to cross my legs, right? Woo-jin, who was trying hard to act calm, glanced at the people on the other side. Since he was nervous, he skipped Hong Hye-yeon, his eyes fell upon a middle-aged woman with long permed hair and various other men who were all staring intensely at him.

It was a bit uncomfortable.

Around then,

“Um- Mr. Woo-jin.”

Song Man-woo PD from across Kang Woo-jin leaned his body slightly forward. His expression was serious.

“I know this is all of a sudden, but I’m really curious. The others are too. You should have at least one or two monologues prepared, right? We want to see your lines. Because yesterday was not centered around lines.”

A monologue is when an actor delivers lines without a counterpart. They are usually longer. Therefore, aspiring actors usually memorize a monologue for auditions.

However, there was no way Kang Woo-jin would have such a thing prepared.

‘Monologue? What the hell is that?’

It was just yesterday when he first encountered acting.

‘For now······I should keep my mouth shut here.’

Thanks to that, Woo-jin’s choice was silence. Then, Song Man-woo PD proceeded with the matter on his own.

“Or, you can look at this and do it. You can interpret it however you want.”


Song Man-woo PD, who had finished speaking, slowly pushed a black tablet in front of Kang Woo-jin. On the tablet screen, there were characters that looked like they exceeded about 10 lines.

It was the lines for a monologue.

Whatever it was, they were asking Kang Woo-jin to act now. Perhaps this was the moment of the first step as an actor. Understanding that, Woo-jin’s face was expressionless. However, his inside was full of shock as he stared down at the tablet.

‘Damn, it looks like it doesn’t appear.’

Unlike the script or the scenario, there was no black rectangle popping up next to the tablet. It’s a passage to the void. This was a big problem.


“You can start when you’re ready.”

PD Song Man-woo, speaking seriously. On the contrary, Woo-jin’s hidden anxiety intensified.

‘Ah- I’m doomed?’

If only he could enter the void space, he could prepare anything. But there was no black square next to the tablet and there were no scripts or scenarios nearby.

In other words, everything was about to fall apart.

Kang Woo-jin contemplated for a moment. Suddenly, he lost his motivation. Well, there might be a way if he looked for it.

“Do I need to go that far?”

There was no need to stake his life on the concept. The world was wide. Right, it was okay to go to Australia for work. Soon, Kang Woo-jin looked down at the tablet and murmured to himself.

“I don’t know, let’s just screw this and go home.”

Kang Woo-jin opened his mouth.

“Today, as I was walking down the street, a cat suddenly attacked me. I didn’t do anything. From the cat’s point of view, there must have been a reason…”

At this moment.




Everyone who had been watching Woo-jin calmly spit out his lines furrowed their brows. This included Song Man-woo PD and Hong Hye-yeon, and all six of them.

The reason was simple.

Because the acting Kang Woo-jin was showing now was garbage. They couldn’t help but be flustered.


“What, what is this?”

Song Man-woo PD, who was watching Kang Woo-jin straight on, had his eyes filled with bewilderment.

He was thrown into chaos.

“It’s worse than an aspiring actor… It’s 180 degrees different from yesterday??”

It was extremely negative, not positive. The level of acting was too embarrassing to even call it acting. More awkward than reading a Korean textbook? If this were a formal audition, he would have been cut off in less than 5 seconds.

Even at this moment, Kang Woo-jin was nonchalantly delivering his lines.

“So, I caught that thing. It resisted like crazy. But still……”

It was outrageously brazen.

But Kang Woo-jin continued his trash acting without any change in his expression. As he did so, the confusion of Song Man-woo PD was multiplied by tens. How? Why? What am I watching? Is that guy the one I saw yesterday?

At this point.


The gaze of Kang Woo-jin, who was reading his lines, reached Song Man-woo PD on the opposite side. There was discontent in his eyes.

‘Didn’t I already mess up? Just let me go already.’



Song Man-woo PD, who had made eye contact with Woo-jin, suddenly opened his eyes wide. Heavyweight Song Man-woo PD realized something on his own from Kang Woo-jin’s gaze.

‘That’s right… So, he’s acting like he can’t act right now.’

It was a serious misperception. Or a delusion.

Soon, Song Man-woo PD raised his hand and interrupted Woo-jin’s acting. Then, he cautiously asked.

“Mr. Woo-jin, may I ask why you are showing us acting that you can’t act?”

Then Kang Woo-jin, who paused for a moment, stared at Song Man-woo PD for a good 10 seconds. Then Woo-jin replied with a blank expression. It was a low and cool tone.

“Because you told me to act abruptly without any explanation.”

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