I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 124: I invite you to my wedding, Sword Mistress, Michu!

Chapter 124: I invite you to my wedding, Sword Mistress, Michu!

"It just ended this way," He replied to accusations in a not-so-convincing manner.

Everyone from the crowd felt like this guy was just a prime example of the worst 'harem' head!

He got harem in the game through luck with real players, then ended up plotting to increase the numbers of women!

Once he began getting more, he couldn't stop! His ego hadn't allowed him to stop!

The Sword Mistress looked down on him, "It just ended this way? Hmm?" She switched her legs and allured a lot of male players with her high-class acts. Even though these were just minuscule and most women did it, the beauty's charm stood out!

Michu also commented, "I know her! We talked a little during the game!" He glanced at his family, but they didn't even turn to look at him! With their eyes glued to the monitor, they were bluntly insulting the Sword Mistress' opponent.

"Plain and horny guy. I feel bad for women that fell for this bastard," Yumi said.

"They must be so charmed they fail to notice that he just hoards women around him..." Mom added.

"If he makes even one mistake and loses all, will they even support him? Will they be even able to accommodate everyone in a smaller house?" Nana thought out loud.

Michu glanced at them and pouted, "No reaction to my words?" His eyes retraced to the screen as he whispered, "Okay..."

The Sword Mistress continued, "We all know how women were treated during old times. In the past, they were just vases. And it didn't matter whether the woman was just beautiful or smart, or even both, her fate was to stay behind the man and be one of many vases. An item."

A wave of enraged woman's shouts shook the whole conference as those ladies agreed with The Sword Mistress!

The Harem Law was based on the old times where it had happened.

Of course, it was a highly debatable topic, but those fools had written in their law that it would be utterly different in their era.

But how was this man any different than people from the past?

"That's not how all harem went, Sword Mistress," Another woman parted her lips. "In the past, there were lands where harem was a battlefield. Women often fought against each other and that was what accelerated the growth of their culture. The man stepped in only if his vase was about to be utterly destroyed. Defeat and retribution... Some cases couldn't be stopped."

Ruo sighed, "A lot of women are naive these days. They don't understand harem and because the four-leaf world has had a mild harem so far, I think they think they all can be happy."

One could be the smartest person in the world, but love was a poison that would muddle even the smartest brain!

One also couldn't exclude women who were in a harem solely for their own profit.

That should be the case, in at least a few established harems, but Ruo's goal was to help the naive women who were just 'items' in man's hands.

The conversation looked like it was in favor of women and the Sword Mistress. 

Of course, the men behind the Harem Law had a lot of supporters and they had spoken to appease the opposing party.

But the Sword Mistress and another woman's words had left too strong a stamp!

It was then...

Music rang out. 

It was the calm sound of the violin that increased with sudden loud steps coming onto the stage! Pink roses mixed with red petals fell from the ceiling! Those danced and littered the ground...

And amidst those, a man with golden hair appeared, "I thought I would have proper support, but all of you are plain idiots." He entered the stage, pointed his index finger at men behind Harem Law, then glanced at the crowd, "Feng is my name."

Who was he? An unknown person! People made photos of his face and posted those on the search engine, but not even one result was given! This man was totally random, but he somehow summoned violin and petals!

Furthermore, the guards didn't dare to stop him.

It meant that he had some background, at least.

Feng flashed a smile at the Sword Mistress and began the conversation, "I am from the family that had a harem. Even before the game started, I was raised while surrounded by my mother and a lot of aunts. I also have a lot of brothers and sisters."

His words silenced the violin and the crowd.

"Was my family the sole one on Earth? Of course not!" Feng sneered, "I could have thousands if not more businessmen whose business' trips were their trips to one of their other families."

That was the beginning.

Feng wanted to say those words on the big screen for a long time, so he just went with the flow and began the real speech soon after, "The worst thing is that all of you made that Harem Law look the worst. For now, it seems like this is just a ticket for a man to legally 'own' some women."

"You know who to blame." Sword Mistress' ally, the second woman, sneered as she looked at the golden-haired Feng.

Feng smiled back, "He will face retribution without us doing anything." He loosened his tie and carried on, "The Harem Law has so many flaws I feel like all those men had written it with their small pee-pee. They did at least one good thing which is touting this law! For how many years I've been yearning to officially marry all my cute wives?! Therefore, I won't let this chance go!"

Feng proposed a few corrections.

The first correction: Both man and female can have harem - "Those idiots were really thinking with their small pee-pee, didn't they? How could they forget our beautiful gender?!"

The second correction: A man and female can establish a harem only if they have enough assets. - "If you are working in fast food, then you and your second lady should work hard to glean some wealth!"

And now it was time for some serious additions.

The first addition to the law: "A man can have the only harem with women. A female can only have a harem with men; Let me explain myself. This is so that we won't have some web of sex friends rather than true love. I believe it's fair to make one gender harem only, but it would be a disaster if we were allowed to create some dangerous web! It would make the whole harem out of control!"

The second addition to the law; "Upon a divorce, a woman or man takes 25% of your current wealth." This was so that people wouldn't mindlessly marry and take women or men into their harems!

One should be careful with who you marry! "Isn't that how it is in our world? You learn about your beloved family and then after careful thinking of your future and love, you make a decision! This will stop cases such as this trash." Feng pointed his finger at the man who had argued with the Sword Mistress.

This man's eyes dilated and he nearly threw himself at the golden-haired man! "Remember, ladies and gentlemen! If your partner promises you marriage but postpones it for a long time, then all this partner wants is your body!"

The third addition to the law; "Love..."

"..." The crowd was kinda shocked and silent. A lot of people hadn't processed all those laws and additions, but some paled when they heard they would lose 25% of their wealth with every divorce.

Feng glanced at the Sword Mistress, "You are a good woman. I invite you to my wedding!" Feng spun while flicking his fingers and sent more invitations, "Michu, Kyota, Lagren! My brothers! I also would love to see you at my wedding!" He left the stage with a triumphant smile on his face!

The Harem Law went live after all!

"Oh, I got an invitation..." Michu glanced at his family, but they had been discussing those laws from a female point of view!

Michu was excluded from such talks!

He pouted and looked in the opposite direction "Fine! I will go alone to Feng's wedding!"

Michu left the room and went to his room, "Let's buy some suits!" He went online and clicked around the black magic with much better accuracy than before!

One of the popular shop's websites spread before his eyes, "My height?" Michu caressed his chin... He didn't know!

He also didn't know whether he would buy the right clothes online!

The monke pondered and decided, "I will go to a small shop and buy clothes here. It's risky to buy online!" A small shop would be the best since Michu wouldn't be able to keep calm in the big shop with all those people around.

He smiled and closed the laptop!

"Harem Law sounds complicated..."

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