I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 134: The Wedding

Chapter 134: The Wedding

After three days of having fun with his new friends, Michu woke up on the wedding's day!

He instantly stood up, went to the toilet, and prepared himself as best as he could. The mourning routine was first, then he added some gel and other cosmetics to his hair!

Michu liked his new hairstyle and he was getting used to taking care of it.

"I look like a celebrity," He whispered and stood up with a gleeful smile on his face.

Continuing with his routine, Michu ate something light and went outside to meet with Masayuki.

Both of them were together here and Zerze's cold eyes and fame hadn't helped him yet with making new friends.

Besides, this man was focused on the game even outside of it.

"Yuki, why don't you put your phone away for a second?" Michu asked as he approached his friend.

On the phone screen, everyone would be able to see the Four Leaf World's forum. Zerze's eyes were focused and colder while reading the information about another ice land and its inhabitants.

It was probably information gathering for his quest, but Michu didn't like that!

It made Zerze look scarier than he usually was! If this man closed his eyes or just smiled a little, he would be able to show off more of himself and get many friends! 

A lot of people were curious about Michu and Zerze's friendship after all.

Due to the monkey's cheerful personality, people believed that Zerze was a good guy inside. But this man was constantly surrounded by his cold aura and no one could even approach and speak with him.

Michu wanted the best, so he asked to put the phone away.

Zerze hid it in his pocket and glanced at him, "What now?"

"Now, we speak about today! What present did you buy for the couple?" Michu smiled and sat down happily. He took out a small present that could rest on his palm! Those were earrings for Feng's fiance.

Feng also would get a present from Michu. It would be a clock!

For these presents, Michu decided to spend more money. He believed it was appropriate as it was a special occasion.

In normal cases, it would indeed be a special occasion. "Yumi told me to be cheaper with Feng because he will have more weddings anyway." And thus, Feng's clock was rather cheap and most of Michu's money went to the lady's earrings.

Masayuki nodded with approval, "Good woman."

"Hehe! What about you?" Michu was happy about Yumi's praise, then he asked about Masayuki's presents for the couple.

Zerze's eyes shifted to monke, then he blankly stared at him, "You thought I would buy something for this guy?"

Lil Monke's lips parted and he looked so shocked it was hard to describe!

Michu snapped out of his stupor, then whispered, "You must buy something! Let's go! We have some time!"

Thus, the two rising stars went on a small shopping trip.


It was finally this day!

Feng was already in the church with the priest looking at him with narrowed and not so pleasant eyes. It felt like a thousand prickles were stinging his face, but Feng's smile remained broad and relieved!

He finally could marry his women!

Even this damn priest who didn't like polygamy at all had to accept the new law!

His eyes swept through his women and each smiled at him despite all this scenario being totally out of this world!

But people who changed the world were the coolest!

And he did it with his genuine feelings and love!

Feng's eyes went to his friends, then he smiled at them widely!

At some point, the organ began to play and Feng's eyes spotted his first woman being led by his father to the altar!

Feng's heart swelled with pride and happiness, then he nodded at his father.

"We have gathered here to... connect these two hearts..." The priest's lips parted, then he glanced at Feng and added, "And make some doors in this guy's heart too."

Feng's eyes turned from his beautiful wife, glared at the priest, then he kicked his leg with everything he got!

It was not a sneaky or silent kick; Feng allowed everyone gathered here to see his kick!

His wife glanced at him with big eyes, then shook her head, "What did I smoke to believe it would go normally?" She whispered to herself, then waited for the situation to progress.

And it progressed in a flash, "What doors? You dog priest! Do you think that the organ we have in our bodies is 'the heart' that fuels our love and feelings?! My wife has my whole heart! And the same goes for my other women! All of them have my hearts, exclusive to just them! Let me repeat, what doors?! No one can just claim this Feng and make some doors in his heart!"

The priest's grimace didn't disappear, but he did his best to part his lips, "Forgive this... lowly priest... The couple's hearts shall be connected!"

He urgently continued with the ceremony while inwardly cursing, 'Hefty pay is not worth this show I have to go through! I am never going to conduct harem marriages! Ungrateful bastards who go against god's will!'

For a priest, he had a lot of curses coursing through his mind while conducting that ceremony! After the first problem got cleared and the pain on his leg disappeared, another problem popped out.

It was when the lady swore her heart to her beloved, "I swear to only love him."

What should he say to this harem bastard? The priest thought... then slowly said, "And you, Feng, swear only..." He coughed... "Do you swear to love your wife?" This cough was so taunting that Feng's eyes narrowed again.

He glared at the priest and his target's face paled with each second. Drops of sweat tumbled down his face and the priest felt like he would get kicked again! He lowered his gaze and urged to put the ring on his wife's finger.

Feng turned his eyes to his wife, then rested his eyes on her face. At the same time, he grasped the ring and put it on her finger in silence. "I love you... How many times did I utter these words? When I didn't want to go to the shop and asked you to go instead of me, I uttered these words."

A silence spread in the church.

"When I didn't want to wash dishes, I said these words and ran away to the game. When I didn't want to drive a car, I uttered these words and pushed you to the driver's seat... There were so many of such moments, right?" He smiled, "But I think I said those words more when I felt my heart jumping with love after you smiled at me."

Feng wrapped his arms around his wife and went for a deep kiss that brought a wave of applause! He held her tightly and kissed her for quite some time!

After their lips parted, Feng eyed his wife's beautiful and blushed face, "I think that's the time when I take you into my arms and you throw a bouquet to our beautiful guests... But I want to do it differently."

"Everything is so different... What do you want me to do, Feng?" His wife asked!

"Give me those flowers..." Feng reached out for the bouquet, then with his wife still glued to him, he raised those flowers and slapped the priest's face! "Learn how to conduct fucking ceremony, you cheap priest!" How could this guy mention his other soon-to-be wives in this ceremony if it was his wife's special day?!

"You... fickle and horny-" The priest couldn't end his words.

Feng's eyes dilated and another slap landed on the priest's face.

Altar boys rushed to help the fallen priest, but Feng was too much for them!

Only after Feng's father rushed to the scene did Feng stop his show! He took his wife into his arms and left the church while inviting everyone for a good party!


The party was where Michu gave his gift to the new couple!

He wished the couple the best! "You two looked very beautiful! Hehe! I didn't expect the wedding to be this fun, but I think it's because the priest was too rude too!"

"That's so true, Michu! I think I did well by slapping this guy's face! If not me, then his god would've slapped him!" Feng spread his arms and hugged his friend.

Michu then glanced at Feng's wife, "Feng is lucky to have such a cute wife with big melons!"

"Thank you very much," Feng's wife bowed and she even felt happy inside.

It was cute how this Lil Monke honestly shared his thoughts and even if she didn't know about his personality, she wouldn't have gotten offended by his words!

His smile was that pleasant!

"Would you like to dance with me?" Michu asked.

The new couple had danced already and Feng danced with other guests as well. His wife was the same, so Michu wanted to increase his experience! He danced with other ladies, but in this crowded place, the married couple hadn't seen him dance yet!

Feng's wife nodded with her beautiful smile and stood up. "With pleasure."

The crowd glanced at two of them and said, "Yes! Lil Monke is finally dancing again!"

"Ah, she is so lucky!"

"We are about to see the handsome Lil Monke!"

"What's up with those reactions?" Feng raised his eyes and carefully examined Michu and his wife together.

They faced each other, then grasped each other's hands.

Everything seemed normal, but when the monke began his lead...

"You can't be serious..." Feng had seen his wife's body countless times. He was a man who saw her naked and had more views than any man!

That was just normal, but when his eyes looked over that dance, he couldn't recognize his wife. He felt like a goddess suddenly descended into his wife's body! Each of her moves was somewhat emphasized by an otherworldly aura!

And in a stalemate, his wife looked into Lil Monke's eyes! She was absentmindedly staring at her reflection while seeking an answer!

Was she... the goddess?

"No!" Feng stood up abruptly.

His chair toppled down and he rushed to his wife's side, "We say 'NO!' to Netorare!" Feng wrapped his arms around his wife's body, then pulled her away from Michu!

Michu was confused, but he was thankful for a valuable experience! "Thank you for dancing with me!"

"..." Feng's wife stared vacantly.

"Oh, Michu, Michu! Go dance with my sister!" Feng shouted, then took his wife back to their table.

He asked, "Was he that good?"

"He has so much talent... in this area... I couldn't even recognize myself... It felt so good in his embrace too..." Feng's wife honestly shared this view.

Of course, Michu didn't have any other thoughts and he genuinely did his best! It was not his fault that he had that talent here, but Feng was jealous indeed.

"Better than me, huh..." He mumbled out, then laughed, "I guess I have become one of those husbands! Haha!"

"What if I sneak out to dance with Lil Monke?" Feng's wife teased.

"That would be cheating."

"Dancing is not cheating."

"Dancing with Lil Monke is."

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