I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 143: Rainbow Chameleon

Chapter 143: Rainbow Chameleon

It was funny how the tides had changed.

The monsters ended up attacking up players, and that was just after their skills left them to attack monke!

Momo knew what had happened, though.

Her succubus' charm was changing!

Although sheltered for the majority of her life, she knew about her race! She had been exposed to various events in the first leaf, and those events hastened her progress!

Had Momo not been sheltered by her father, she would've been at a much higher level!

Her body and soul weren't in harmony! But with the recent changes, Momo had been getting closer to what she wanted to be.

That was still a mystery for the monke, but he would soon know it very well!

For now, Momo's red eyes swept through the players whose chat messages had already reached their friends.

Michu focused on assassinating them, so he hadn't noticed it yet, "Master, I think they called help through black magic!"

Momo helped him here.

"That's true!" Michu nodded, then narrowed his eyes, "What else can they do?" He wanted to think of all possibilities so he wouldn't get surprised!

It was also like returning to the past.

But the difference between the old Lil Monke and the current one was big!

"Do you think they added each other to the party?" Michu thought. 

He noticed that more and more players abandoned their parties to form a proper line of defense against the Soul Trees.

They were also waiting for him!

Michu and Momo nodded at the same time, "We must be careful and attack together with the Soul Trees!"

Thanks to Momo, the Soul Trees didn't pay any attention to Michu! He could even work with them, but the one who excelled at this was Momo.

Her eyes dilated and flashed with a bright light that would be laser if she didn't have control over it!

The light from her eyes secretly crept its way toward one of the players! It was light that was hidden from the world!

[Momo has put 'Jealous Charm' on player FireJaw.]

This message appeared within Michu's system.

He glanced forward and spotted a player with his nickname pink. He had an aura of the same color around his body!

As per the contract with Momo, Michu could see it easily, but the rest of the world wasn't aware of Momo's ploy.

She whispered, "Throw this player into the sky, Master."

Michu did as she requested.

His staff extended, hurled up the man, then the show began!

All the Soul Trees aimed their roots, leaves, and even branches at this player! 

It was a joint attack that utterly destroyed him! His whole body got more holes than cheese, and blood fell on other players in buckets!

His red particles carried his shocked voice into the sky, "Charm? This damn... charm..."

Momo witnessed this scene and her body shivered with joy! She then abruptly closed her eyes and rubbed her face in Michu's hair! "My eyes hurt, Master..."

It was the first time she used this technique!

The target of her charm was not just one player, but the surrounding trees! It heavily depleted her mana and stamina, so Momo became a weak lady in Michu's embrace! She would soon regain her strength, but the first time was always kinda exhausting...

Michu decided to rest, "That was awesome skill, Momo! After we return, let's practice it on weaker monsters!"

And the monsters, the Soul Trees, were also high-level monsters, so Momo's burden was greater due to it!

With her master's happiness and encouragement, Momo smiled, "Alright!"

"But look how scared they are," Michu caressed his chin as he pointed at the group of players.

Due to the quick joint attack, a lot of blood had splattered on their faces! They were scared witless and stood in silence with trembling bodies.

Dying here would cost them a lot and no one liked to die anyway!

One of them suddenly shouted, "Lil Monke! I will remember that!"

"Fucking bastard! Share one of your techniques with us!"

"You got a hater!"

Michu shook his head, "For one fan, you get two haters!" Those weren't his words, but Michu got enlightened when he heard it for the first time!

Jealousy was in every industry!


"Is there a reason you gave up on the sword?" Rainbow May asked.

She had been supporting Venomous so far! Her skills were stronger if focused on one player and Michu didn't need that much help either.

Therefore, Venomous was the one who had the most bonuses and destroyed all surrounding enemies while testing her Blood Poison.

She smiled and replied, "Can't you tell why?"

Rainbow May was a little troubled with that question, but she whispered, "Class Change?" It was a sensitive question, however.

But since Venomous' level didn't go down, her class was at most EPIC! Because if the legendary class went down in level, the mythic class should follow suit! But there was no mythic class as of now...

Rainbow May's question was answered with a nod.

"I hope that we will become close enough to share a little of secrets," Rainbow May grinned, then added, "I also have more than a normal class."

"Didn't you just use common skills?" Yumi replied with inquisitive eyes.

"That's a cover!" She smiled and continued, "Haven't you heard about those high-level players hunting for low-level players who allegedly have unique classes? Even if there is just one hint, they will slowly gather information and hunt you down."

"I have heard about them. Rainbow Chameleon... Was it?" Yumi replied.

Rainbow May blinked and laughed, "It's just coincidence that we both have Rainbow in names!"

"I didn't say anything about your nickname, though." Yumi kept wearing her smile, but a faint suspiciousness sprouted within her heart.

Of course, these two could be freely talking like that due to their immense strength and high regeneration!

Both Yumi and Rainbow May were doing a great job as a duo!

"Your eyes were scary. I couldn't stop myself and explained."

"I hear it a lot."

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